Poor Meals | Generic, Table | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Poor Meals

The food and drink available at taverns
is as varied as the establishments
themselves. These two pages presents
lists of suitable food and drink divided
by the quality of the establishment.
The table immediately below also
presents the average cost of food and
drink for sale in taverns.

Ale (gallon)2 sp
Ale (mug)4 cp
Wine (common; pitcher)2 sp
Wine (fine; bottle)10 gp

Poor1 sp
Common3 sp
Good2 gp

1Carrot and acorn soup with bread
2Vegetable stew
3Pease pudding
4Chickpea stew with kale
5Beans and greens soup with rye bread
6Pea and carrot soup with oatcakes
7Vegetable soup with bread
8Pea soup on baked potato
9Potato soup with mixed greens
10Pea and beet stew
11Acorn cakes with beet soup
12Oat gruel with turnips
13Bean soup with onion
14Cheesy millet balls with carrot
15Beet soup with bread
16Mixed greens pottage with potato
17Carrot soup with ground chickpeas
18Fried beet and potato cake
19Potato and acorn stew with bread
20Baked potato with onions and bread

1Water (cold)
4Mint tea
5Nettle tea
6Dandelion coffee
7Small ale
8Small beer
9Sour wine
10Sage tea
11Chamomile tea
12Plain barley water
13Lavender verbena tea
14Water (hot)
15Rosemary tea
16Watered cider
17Watered perry
18Fennel tea
19Raspberry leaf tea
20Birch sap tea

1Rolled seaweed stuffed with rice and vegetables
2Fishcakes with cabbage
3Black pudding with turnip and bread
4Marrow stuffed with barley and herbs
5Spiced beets with onion and potato
6Roast chickpeas with laver bread
7Mushroom porridge
8Turnip and pea pie
9Onion flan
10Bean stew with onion bread
11Cracked wheat pilaf
12Turnip stew
13Mixed root stew with kale
14Bean and barley pottage
15Homity pie
16Chicken soup with bread
17Fish soup with rice and beans
18Beet stew
19Umble pie with cabbage
20Cabbage soup with beets

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Statblock Type

Generic, Table
