Bakery Shop list | Generic, Table | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Bakery Shop list

Barley Loaf (16ounces)1 loaf6 copper coins
Muffin1 muffin2 copper coins
Bryndon1 cake1 silver coin
Oatcake (8 ounces)1 cake5 copper coins
Custard Tart1 tart4 copper coins
Payn Puff1 pastry8 copper coins
Daryols (2 pound pie)1 pie12 copper coins
Porridge1 bowl2 copper coins
Fruit Pie (2 to 3 pounds)1 pie7 copper coins
Rye Bun (3 to 4 ounces)1 bun2 copper coins
Fruit Pie Slice1 slice1 copper coin
Rye Loaf (16 ounces)1 loaf5 copper coins
Gyngerbrede (6 ounces)1 serving6 copper coins
Scone1 scone2 copper coins
Hard Biscuit (4 ounce slab)1 slab2 copper coins
Seed Cake (4 ounces)1 cake4 copper coins
Meat Pie (2 to 4 pounds)1 pie1 silver coin
Weat Loaf (16 ounces)1 loaf15 copper coins
Meat Pie Slice1 slice2 copper coins
Wheat Bun (3 to 4 ounces)1 bun7 copper coins

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Statblock Type

Generic, Table
