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Dark Assassin



Very Rare A simple dagger with a far more sinister purpose then it gives. The dagger is almost indistinguishable from other dwarven daggers except for the thin black chain that circles the hilt. This dagger was used by assassins who didn't believe they should kill with flair. They believed that killing someone in the dark is shameful, and one should not take pleasure from it.

This dagger has 3 charges of invisibility, and it regains 1d4 expended charges daily. If you expand the daggers last charge roll a d20. On a roll 10 or less the dagger turns into a normal dagger. On a 1 the creature wielding the dagger turns invisible for 1d4 months and the dagger is destroyed.

Type Damage Damage Range
Simple Melee 1d4 Piercing 20/60

Weight: 1

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Statblock Type

