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Huge aberration, chaotic neutral
Armor Class: 18
Hit Points: 387 (25d12 + 225)
Speed: 40 ft , swim: 25 ft , climb: 25 ft


26 +8


10 +0


28 +9


7 -2


12 +1


8 -1

  • Perception +7
Damage Resistances: Fire, Non-magical bluedgeoning slashing or piercing damage
Damage Immunities: Cold
Condition Immunities: Blind, Deaf, Frightened
  • Darkvision 120"
  • Tremorsense 60"
Languages: Elder Thing

  • Can fit through any area more than 3" wide (counts as difficult terrain if not as large as the Shoggoth
  • Anaerobic; doesn’t need oxygen to live;
  • Hideous Piping; The fluting noises made by a shoggoth are otherworldly and mind-shattering. A creature that can hear this cacophony at the start of its turn and is within 120" of a shoggoth must succeed on a Wisdom Save DC 15 or be confused (as the spell confusion) for 1d4 rounds.
  • Rolling Charge. If the shoggoth moves at least 40" straight toward a creature and hits it with a slam attack on the same turn, that creature must succeed on a Dexterity Save DC 20or be knocked prone. If the creature is knocked prone, the shoggoth immediately moves into the creature’s space as a bonus action and crushes the creature beneath its bulk. The crushed creature can’t breathe, is restrained, and takes 11 (2d10) bludgeoning damage at the start of each of the shoggoth’s turns. A crushed creature remains in its space and does not move with the shoggoth. A crushed creature can escape by using an action and making a successful DC 19 Acrobatics check. On a success, the creature crawls into an empty space within 5" of the shoggoth.



  • 1d4 + 1 slam attacks. Reroll the number of attacks at the start of each of the shoggoth’s turns.
  • Slam +14 to hit, reach 15" 4d10 + 8 bludgeoning damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 18) and restrained. The shoggoth can grapple any number of creatures simultaneously, and this has no effect on its number of attacks.

Created by

Holocene Witches.

Statblock Type

