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Dread Sentinel

Large dread, chaotic evil
Armor Class: AC 21 (Nat +10, Dex +1)
Hit Points: 150
Speed: 30 ft , fly: 40 ft


22 +6


12 +1


16 +3


8 -1


18 +4


8 -1

Skills: Perception +12
Alert: +5 initiative
Alert: Cannot be surprised
Alert: Other creatures do not gain advantage due to being hidden from Dread Sentinel
Damage Resistances: All energy damage types, non-magical piercing, bludgeoning or slashing damage
Damage Immunities: Force, Phantom Energy
Senses: See Invisible
Darkvision 360”
Telepathic link with Dread Lords on same plane of existence

  • Magic Resistance: advantage on all saves vs magic
  • No retaliation: does not provoke attacks of opportunity


Multiattack (x2)

  • Dread Slam reach +10 hit 3d12+6 damage (magical bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing) + all with 5” d12+6 phantom energy damage
  • Strength save DC18 when hit or knocked back 10”, speed reduced to 0” + prone
  • Critical 19-20 and creatures automatically knocked back 10”, speed reduced to 0” + prone
  • Molasses cone attack range 180” DC 16 wisdom save or affected by slow spell and reduce all stats by 2 (5-6 on d6 recharge)

Created by

Holocene Witches.

Statblock Type

