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The weaves of fate are a subtle force that ties the world together, influencing the personalities, actions, and destinies of mortals. A lesser known effect of fate is that of minute details: the way the wind blows, the exact method a stone crumbles, the desperate success of a fighter on a battlefield. These are all things that the Fateweaver has studied, and learned to harness with years of discipline. Fateweavers are typically attentive, disciplined, and most importantly, adaptable to the ever shifting tides of fate.   Fateweavers are individuals who have studied the many aspects of fate that govern the world. These individuals differentiate themselves from typical fortune tellers by being gifted the ability to harness the mystical aspects of fate through magical expression. Talented Fateweavers are potentially skilled diviners and potent combatants using their powers.   Note: Currently undergoing very early evaluation and testing. Considering a feature that allows the Fateweaver to see the next card in the deck.
hit dice: 1d8
hit points at 1st level: 8 + your constitution modifier
hit points at higher levels: 1d8 (5) + your constitution modifier per level after 1st
armor proficiencies: light armor
weapon proficiencies: simple weapons,
tools: none
saving throws: intelligence, dexterity
skills: choose two from arcana, insight, investigation, perception, acrobatics, deception
starting equipment:
You start with the following:

  • (a) 10 darts or (b) sling

  • Any simple melee weapon

  • leather armor and a dagger

  • (a) Explorers pack or (b) Scholars pack


Fate Points

Active effects and Essence of Destiny cost fate points to use. The number of fate points available is indicated by the level up chart. Fate points are replenished every short rest.  

Manifesting Fate:

As an extension of themselves and their divining abilities, fateweavers have developed a technique to manifest the forces of fate into weapons and energy. The fateweaver’s magic manifests depending on their personal technique, often taking physical forms of weapons or arcane evocation energy. When making your fateweaver, consider their technique and how each of these cards appear when used.   The fateweaver’s weapons are represented by cards. The fateweaver must have at least 5 cards in their deck, two of which are in their hand and the rest are face down in an ordered pile. When a weapon is used during a turn of combat, it lasts for the remainder of the turn before it dissipates and the card is discarded to the bottom of the deck and the top card is drawn into your hand. Each card has weapon stats, potential passive effects, and an active effect.   The essence of fate may be used at any time. In times of low stakes or out of combat, all cards may be held in your hand. In times of high stakes (marked by the rolling of initiative), the deck is shuffled and the top two are drawn into your hand.   The available weapons may be switched between each other freely, but using your hands on another object requires an interaction to dispel the weapons.   The Fateweaver may use a number of cards equal to their class level, but the Fateweaver must use at least five cards at a time. Simple Bolts may be used to fill the deck as desired. The cards in the deck may be swapped every long rest.   All cards and abilities have: Attack bonus = int modifier + prof bonus, and Spell DC = int modifier + prof bonus + 8 Unless otherwise specified, using an active ability takes an entire action.   The cards can be found here: The Cards of Fate
class features:

Essence of Destiny

You have learned to bend the energies of fate surrounding you, effecting the luck of events around you. As a bonus action, the Fateweaver may use Fate Points to give advantage or disadvantage to d20 rolls by the Fateweaver or any other creature within line of sight. Cannot be used if the roll had disadvantage or advantage. Costs three fate points per use.  

Predictable Movements

Starting at level 3, Twice per long rest, the Fateweaver targets a creature within 100 ft. A projection of where the target will move in the next 6 seconds is shown to the Fateweaver and their allies in that instant, lingering in the spot until the creature matches its position. This ability forces the projected movement to take place unless the target is physically halted, or the target takes damage during its turn, at which point the ability ends. Gain another two uses at levels 8 and 16.  

Extra attack

At levels 5, 11, and 17, gain an extra attack.  

Shuffling fate

Starting at level 7, twice per long rest, the two cards in your hand may be put at the bottom of the deck, and two more are drawn into the hand. At level 13, gain 2 more uses.  

Looming Threats

At level 9, the Fateweaver may spend 30 minutes with a willing creature to divine the danger they are currently in. This danger is a result of factors or individuals beyond the target’s control, or choices that have already been made by the target. This danger is evaluated at the moment of the ritual, and actions made by the individual or others may avoid this danger. The danger in question will manifest within a week's time. Looming Threats may only be used once a week.   The ritual involves the lighting of four candles and frequent close contact with the target, such as palm reading or group meditation. At the end of the ritual, a certain number of candles will snuff themselves out, indicating how much danger the individual is in.   No candles: Danger undetectable or not present. Current predictions indicate a quiet future 1 candle: Minor danger, typically economic loss, minor social ridicule, or physical injury. Can include the loss of savings, a loss of a friend, or a bad workplace accident. Most of these futures are recoverable to some degree. 2 candles: Moderate danger. Debilitating injury, significant loss of influence, loss of important property/possessions. 3 candles: Dangers related to the threat of death. The loss of your own life, the death of family 4 candles: Dangers that transcend the threat of death. Eternal torment, a terrible curse, the destruction of the individual’s legacy. These are the fates only deserved by the truly wicked.  

Danger Sense

Starting at level 13, you have discovered how to predict when combat will arise. You have advantage on initiative rolls and cannot be surprised  

Mystical Seer

Starting at level 15, you can sense the presence of hostile creatures within ¼ mile of your location. This ability does not indicate the type and location, but does indicate the number of creatures up to ten (at which point the number is undetectable). Hostile creatures are defined as creatures that wish to harm or hinder the party at the current time. Creatures who would be immediately hostile upon discovering the party trigger this ability.  


Starting at level 18, The Fateweaver locks eyes with an individual and attempts to read their fate. The target must make a DC (10+int+prof) wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the Fateweaver receives a condensed snapshot of the individual’s life for the 10 minutes in the future. These ten minutes are not predetermined and may be influenced by the actions of the party. If the target succeeds, the vision is cut to only 1 minute, and the individual feels the sensation that the Fateweaver read their mind. This ability may be used once per long rest  

Threat Analysis

At 20th level, once per long rest, as a bonus action, you can secretly mark a target which you can see. This mark lasts for 10 minutes as long as the target is within a 200ft radius of you, at which point, the effect ends. While the target is marked, the Fateweaver is informed of any dedicated action (such as attacks, spells cast, or other actions) 6 seconds (one turn) prior to the action being taken. The Fateweaver also has access to seeing and hearing as if the target is the origin to the clairvoyance spell, which ends after 10 minutes.
subclass options:

Discipline of Constellations

  Taking inspiration from druidic arts, some Fateweavers look to the stars to gather omens and interpret the forces of fate. Even fewer of these Fateweavers have learned to directly harness the powers of the stars, learning to manifest their effect on the world as new abilities. Following the Discipline of Constellations takes long periods of study, and most of all, requires an adaptable and quick thinking individual, because fate pays no mind to what you desire  


At 2nd level, you have learned to harness the power of the stars, adapting to the ever shifting sky. As the nights pass by, clusters of stars shift positions, changing their effect on our plane of existence and their effects on the weave of fate. Every night at midnight, roll a d4 to determine which constellation is strongest in the sky. The dominant constellation gives you access to different abilities, as described in the constellation table.
  • Archer - You may activate your constellation ability as a free action, and by activating this ability, you are empowered by the power of the stars for 1 minute, or until you are incapacitated. You may use a bonus action to make a ranged spell attack, firing a spectral bolt at a target within 120 ft of you, dealing 1d8 force damage on a hit. You may use this feature a number of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus.
  • Dragon - As a reaction, you can choose to fire seeking bolts at all targets you have hit during your turn, dealing 1d6 force damage. You may use this feature a number of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus.
  • Fountain - As a bonus action, you may heal a willing creature within 30ft of you for 1d8. You may use this feature a number of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus.
  • Bear - As a reaction, you can increase the AC of yourself or an ally by 2 for 1 minute, or until dispelled. Only one creature may be affected at a time. You may use this feature a number of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus.

Further Knowledge

Starting at 6th level, your ability to harness the power of the stars strengthens. You gain the following extra abilities based on your constellation:
  • Archer - While affected by The Archer, all ranges of attacks, spells, and features are extended by 40ft.
  • Dragon - You may choose to change the damage you deal from spells and attacks to a damage type of your choosing until the start of your next turn. You may use this feature a number of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus.
  • Fountain - Whenever a creature receives healing while within 60ft of you, you may increase the amount of healing by your intelligence modifier.
  • Bear - If a creature, including yourself, rolls a strength, dexterity, or constitution saving throw, you may choose to give the roll advantage after the result is known. You may use this feature a number of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus.

Disciplined Attunement

Starting at level 10, you gain the ability to roll for the constellation twice, choosing the option you prefer. The abilities from the constellations also increase in power.
  • Archer - damage increases by 1d8
  • Dragon - damage increases by 1d6
  • Fountain - healing increases by 1d8
  • Bear - AC increase changes to +4

Developed Observation

Starting at level 14, your ability to harness the power of the stars has reached new levels. You gain the following extra abilities based on your constellation:
  • Archer - After your attack hits a target, you may choose to consider the hit as a critical. You may use this feature a number of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus.
  • Dragon - The resistances of creatures hit by your attacks are ignored when calculating damage. Only applies to damage dealt by the Fateweaver.
  • Fountain - Every time a fate point is used, all creatures of your choosing within 30ft of you are healed for 1d4 times the number of points expended.
  • Bear - You have resistance to bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage.

Discipline of Fortune

blah blah info  

Tokens of Fortune

Starting at level 2, your abilities to predict the future have reached a point of applying directly to the daily lives of those you work with. Each party member, including the Fateweaver, has 3 fortune tokens. These tokens may be assigned by the Fateweaver to either skill checks or saving throws. The token may be consumed by the party member to gain advantage on the roll it is assigned to at any time. Tokens are replenished, assigned, and redistributed during a rest. Tokens may be stacked on the same ability multiple times.  

Fortune's sense

Starting at level 6, you can cast Zone of Truth or Clairvoyance a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier.  

Gathering Fortune

Starting at level 10, you have learned to take advantage of the fortune and misfortune of those around you. When a creature that you can see rolls with disadvantage or advantage, you may choose to acquire the unused result of the d20. You can replace any attack roll, saving throw, or ability check made by you or a creature that you can see with one of these rolls, expending the acquired result. Two rolls may be gathered and used per long rest. All gathered results expire during a long rest.  

Teller's Seeing

At 14th level, you gain the ability to, as a bonus action, lock eyes with an individual: They must succeed a INT saving throw or you can learn the name of places that they are planning to go to (if no official name can be provided, the type of location may be listed instead). You may choose one of these locations and freely cast Clairvoyance at the most significant point as determined by the DM. This ability may be used once per long rest.  

Discipline of Bonds

yee yee!  

Strings of fate

Strings of fate tie individuals together through their experiences and relationships, and you have learned to view these ties. When individuals interact with each other, either directly or indirectly, a string is formed between them. The strings that you can see and interact with requires the two individuals to have met face to face. Strings of non face to face interaction still result in bonds, but they are too weak for most Fateweavers to interact with. Strings that are visible to you can be used to discern the name, age, race, and gender of the related individuals. The relationship between the individuals is also visible.  

Detect bonds

Starting at level 2, as a bonus action, you can target an individual within 10ft of you. While the target remains within 10ft of you, you can view and pick through the bonds that are attached to them. The strongest bond stands out to you, and you can pick out bonds if you know the name or relationship related to a bond. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus.  

Negative Feedback

Also starting at level 2, once a negative bond has formed between individuals after at least one round of combat, which stay formed as long as the negative relationship is maintained, you may use a reaction to reduce the damage taken by an ally from an attack or spell equal to your proficiency bonus. The damage reduced is then redirected onto the attacker/caster. This effect automatically fails if there is nothing to redirect the damage to. The individuals must be connected to you and each other by a series of strings of at most 60ft long each (the target being protected must be connected to you and the aggressor).  

Positive Feedback

Starting at level 6, you have discovered the powers of positive bonds, and have learned to distribute positive effects between you and your party members. If a bond between individuals is labelled as at least an ally, healing that exceeds the maximum hp of an individual may be transferred along those bonds. This also applies to discarded temporary hit points and healing from short rests. The individuals must be connected to you and each other by a series of strings of at most 60ft long each (allows for chain linking).  

Track Bonds

Starting at level 10, you may now select one of the bonds that you can see and choose to follow it. If the individual is within a mile of your location, it leads directly to their location. Otherwise, it only leads to their approximate location relative to yours. strings float slightly over natural features, but pass through thin manmade materials. If a target is hidden behind thick material, the string will stop at the material. Strings disappear when an individual is no longer on the same plane of existence and/or is deceased. This ability can be used once per long rest  

Discrete Bonds

Starting at 14th level, you gain the ability to see and interact with weak bonds as long as you know both names or the target is aware of the relationship (such as in the case of a forever absent parent)
LevelProficiency BonusFeaturesAvailable Special CardsFate points
12Cards, Essence of Destiny23
32Predictable Movements45
53Extra attack67
73Shuffling Fate89
83ASI, Predictable movements(2)910
94Looming Threats1011
114Extra Attack(2)1013
135Danger Sense, Shufflingfate (2)1015
155Mystical Seer1017
165ASI, Predictable movements(3)1018
176Extra Attack(3)1019
206Threat Analysis1022

Created by

Saint Hellion.

Statblock Type

Class Features
