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Sword of Kruz


Rare Requires Attunement

A weapon wielded by the heir of house Kruz, the weapon strikes with a vengeful cold gained by the one's it slayed.

The sword of Kruz has the Finesse and Swift properties. Furthermore, it can store up to 2 charges which are gained by dealing the final blow to an enemy, charging the blade with its victim's soul. The blade can also be charged by using Soul Gems. Its wielder can choose to expend a charge before making an attack roll, dealing an additional 2d8 cold damage on a hit, also expending the charge on a miss.

Blood Bond
House Kruz was once renowned for its slayers and the blade was made to only be weld by its strongest. As such, creatures who attempt to equip the weapon without being the one who slew its last owner must succeed on a DC 20 Constitution Saving Throw or receive 4d8 cold damage. On a success, the weapon now recognizes the creature that attuned to it as its new  

When Making an Attack with a finesse weapon, you use your choice of your Strength or Dexterity modifier for the Attack and Damage Rolls. You must use the same modifier for both rolls.

When you miss with a swift weapon, you gain advantage on the first attack roll you make with the weapon against the same target before the end of your next turn.

Type Damage Damage Range
Martial Melee 1d8 piercing None

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