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Gorum Village Alchemist - Tradesperson 3

Perception Trained Darkvision
Languages Common, Dwarven, Terran, Undercommon
Skills Crafting Expert , Deception Trained , Diplomacy Trained , Medicine Trained , Nature Trained , Performance Trained , Religion Trained , Society Trained , Survival Trained , Dwarven Lore Trained , Mercantile Lore Trained

STR +2 , DEX +0 , CON +1 , INT +2 , WIS +2 , CHA +2

  • Hide Armor
  • Clan Dagger
  • Potent Crossbow- 10 bolts, 10 Low-grade Silver Bolts
  • Silver-Capped Mace (Low-Grade)
  • Alcemist's Bandoleer- Arsinic, Lesser Acid Flask, Lesser Alchemist's Fire, Lesser Antiplague, Lesser Bravo's Brew, Lesser Comprehension Elixir, Minor Elixir of Life, Moderate Acid Flask, Moderate Alchemist's Fire
  • Alcemist's Pack- Rations 9, Torches 5, Waterskin, Flint and Skin, Gorum Chirurgeon's Book, Bedroll, and Alchemist's Tools
  • Bracers of Missle Deflection
  • Crafter's Eyepiece
  • Crying Angel Pendant
  • Dagger Sheath
  • Ring of Discresion
  • Wayfinder
AC 18
Saving Throws Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +7
Speed 20 ft
Melee Mace Trained +2 -3 , Damage Blugeoning
Ranged Crossbow +6 +1 -4 , Damage Piercing Alchemical Bombs +6 +1 -4 , Acid Flask acid +1 Splash, Acid +2 Splash; Alchemist's Fire fire +1 Splash, fire +2 Splash
Special Abilities
  • Ring of Discretion- This ring magically conceals any armor and sheathed weapons you're wearing by either turning them invisible or creating the illusion of ordinary clothes.
  • Wayfinder- on command, the Wayfinder emanates light as if under a light spell
  • Bracers of Missile Deflection- once per day the bearer can take a +2 bonuse to AC against a ranged attack
  • Call on Ancient Blood- once per day an Ancient-Blooded Dwarf can draw on their ancestors to Give them a +1 to save against a magical effect.
  • Alchemical Savant
  • Demolition Charges- Arriana can set Alchemical bombs to destroy inanimate objects

Created by



Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
