Roll Ties. Succeed in favor of the person that rolled.
Bag of holding. Explode contents when ruptured. Crafted with 6th-level spells.
Temp HP. Temp HP stacks.
Removed Feats. The Alert, Sentinel, and all UA skill feats.
The Magic Initiate is unavailable to casters.
Removed Races. Orcs and Aasimar.
Falling damage. You take 1/2 damage if you land on "soft" objects or creatures.
Nonlethal Melee. Melee weapons can deal lethal or nonlethal damage at will.
Nonlethal Ranged. Ranged weapons requier special sleeper ammunition.
Plunging Attack. You must be falling at normal speeds above the target. Deals 1 level of crit per 10ft.
Bomb Attacks. Creatures make a Dex save to move out of AOE if they have movement left.
Dual typing. All weapons and/or spells with two damage types will use the 1st type, unless the target is resistant or immune, in which case the 2nd type will be used.
Non-Nat Crits. If attack roll ≥ target AC*2, it's a critical hit. Does not apply to spells.
Using creatures as clubs Deals 1d8 BLD + 1 PSY. Full to target, half to "club".
Battle Master Parry. As a reaction, Add your Str/Dex to your AC for an incoming attack that you can see.
Parry stacking. AC bonus from multiple items/abilities with/named parry can stack.
Oppertunity Attacks. Auto hits the target. Can't add sneak atk, smite, spells, or use weapon arts.
Disengage Action. No longer uses a creature's action, instead uses 5 ft of movement.
Parry. Successfully parrying an attack triggers an opp atk.
Ascended Spells. Require 2 slots to cast. Can be learned by any caster with the needed spell slots.
Must be learned from a tome or scroll.
Draws more attention than normal spells.
Counter Spell v Ascended Spells. Combine required spell slots and use that. Ie: 4+3=7th level.
Spell Casting Time. 1 Spell above 0th level per turn, not per round.
Out of spell slots Casters can continue casting but gain 1 exhaustion per spell level.