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Elder Tulwar

Thought to have carried with them the spirit of their predecessor closer than most there Tulwar, Elders are marked not by age but by their knowledge of their past lives. To the Tulwar people, elders are spiritual leaders and soothsayers, often taking upon the craftsman's art, a lifetime ahead of others their age. Whilst not visibly discernible from another Tulwar, Elder's can often be noted within a Tulwar society by a type of necklace, made out of the skull of their previous soul's body.
ability score increase: +2 WIS
Size: Medium
speed: 30ft.
Languages: Common, Tulwar and one Other
parent race: Tulwar
race features:
Blessed By Knowledge. You immediately gain one additional proficiency, this can be a tool, language or skill proficiency, in addition, you gain double your proficiency bonus in the proficiency you select. Stalwart Insight. You are immune to the effects of the Frightened and Charmed condition, additionally, you gain advantage on Insight checks against creatures to determine their emotions and advantage on History and Religion checks to recall information about the Tulwar.

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