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Dragonsmoke Archipelago

Darkflame Amulet of Petrification

Wondrous Item

Very Rare Requires Attunement



The amulet on the dusky gray chain takes the shape of a small flame with the color and reflective surface of obsidian and hardness of diamond. The flame is the size of large coin.


You can use an action and hand to hold the amulet and point it towards a hostile creature within 120 feet. The targeted creature must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature begins to turn to stone and is restrained. It must repeat the saving throw at the end of its next turn. On a success, the effect ends. On a failure, the creature is petrified until freed by the greater restoration spell or other magic.


This amulet begins with a maximum of one charge. As you progress through the ranks outlined below, you can expand the number of charges it holds (up to two). To regain expended charges, you must meet with The Darkflame prior to embarking on a solo quest (4 encounters where the last is of increased difficulty). The Darkflame blasts you with the correlated eye ray. (!ma beholder petri -t yourpc). The round counter begins on the first round of your first encounter. If you failed your first roll, you are restrained for the first round. If you fail your second roll, you are restrained for the duration of your first encounter. You may work with the DM in a DM-led adventure to apply recharges in their games if they are willing. Simply point them to this item card and ask them to devise a way to incorporate it into their adventure.

At the conclusion of your quest (before the DM reviews your session but after you've finished your last encounter) run one of the following commands (incrementing the number based on Quest Difficult & Reputation Qualifiactions):

!cc "Darkflame Amulet" + 1
!cc reset "Darkflame Amulet"

Strengthening the Item Potency

You may increase the maximum charges your amulet holds by increasing your reputation with The Darkflame and expanding its influence across Wildcross. It will behave similar to a guild. The more reputation you have (and by extension the reputation The Darkflame has), the more powerful your item and The Darkflame becomes. You begin as a Darkflame Fearful, with 50 points of reputation applied towards The Darkflame.

Potency Milestones

Darkflame Fearful (Apprentice). 1 Charge. Hard Quest to refill one charge.

Darkflame Ember (Journeyman). 1 Charge. Hard Quest to refill one charge.

Darkflame Ray (Adept). 1 Charge. Medium Quest to refill one charge.

Darkflame Commander (Expert). 2 Charges. Medium Quest to refill one charge.

Darkflame Tyrant (Master/Mistress). 2 Charges. Medium Quest to refill one charge, Hard Quest to refill two charges. You gain advantage on the saving throw (which cancels the disadvantage on the second save).


You are obsessed with this item. As such it, it will consume an attunement slot until the curse is broken or The Darkflame has been destroyed. If it is ever separated from your person, your alignment will temporarily shift to Chaotic Evil and you will stop at nothing until it is safely back in your possession. While it's in your possession, The Darkflame knows your location while you are on the same plane of existence. The Darkflame will not be happy if you leave the plane without first notifying it.

Breaking the Curse

Once per full moon you may accept the chance to break free of Darkflame's charm to regain your will and gain awareness of what has been happening. To do so, place your character in AVRAE initiative and then run !ma beholder charm -t yourpc. If you pass, you gain two days that can be used towards finding a cure. The number of days to break free of the curse can be found below.

6 Days. On your next full moon cycle, you have linked the source of your charm to this amulet you treasure. You can spend 250 gold and 1 week of downtime to find a priest whom can cast Remove Curse. You are now able to unattune/attune the Darkflame Amulet as you please.

12 Days. Until now, you have been unwilling to part with this amulet. If you aren't attuned to it, you keep it on your person at all times. Remember, while it's on your person, The Darkflame knows your location and can visit you. During your days of freedom, however, you've began to recognize this amulet as binding and cankerous to your soul. You can spend 250 gold and 1 week of downtime to find a priest whom can cast Remove Curse. You are now free of The Darkflame's corrupting and charming influence, but it knows the charm has been broken.

Hunted. You have broken free of the Amulet's curse and The Darkflame isn't happy about it. You are now hunted by past manifestations of yourself (that have access to the Darkflame Amulet at the highest rank you attained). Choose a monster that has a single CR rating on the Hard Encounter table. If one doesn't exist, use something close. This happens every four encounters or once a day if the amulet is on your person (downtime days count!). You must succeed on a moderate fast skill challenge (of evasive sorts) to evade the encounter.

Severance. Once three Darkflame Amulet wielders have become free of The Darkflame's influence, they can put together a group quest. This quest will result in an eventual encounter with The Darkflame and the remainder of those adventurers bound to its will. The destruction of the Darkflame destroys all eight amulets and the effects they held on their masters.

Avrae Commands

Custom Counter

Run the following to create a trackable counter on the character that is attuned to this item.

__Apprentice to Adept__
!cc create "Darkflame Amulet of Petrification" -min 0 -max 1 -desc "The targeted creature must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature begins to turn to stone and is restrained. It must repeat the saving throw (Constitution this time) at the end of its next turn. On a success, the effect ends. On a failure, the creature is petrified until freed by the greater restoration spell or other magic." -resetto 1 -type bubble

__Expert to Master/Mistress__
!cc create "Darkflame Amulet of Petrification" -min 0 -max 2 -desc "The targeted creature must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature begins to turn to stone and is restrained. It must repeat the saving throw (Constitution this time) at the end of its next turn. On a success, the effect ends. On a failure, the creature is petrified until freed by the greater restoration spell or other magic." -resetto 1 -type bubble

CVAR (!use command)

You have three options. The first option will automatically remove a charge from your custom counter and is the most automated. The other two will require additional rolls on your part.

!use Command

Copy and paste these two codes once on your character.

!cvar restraining_ray {"dc":"16", "cc": "Darkflame Amulet of Petrification", "title": "[name] grabs their amulet with a free hand!", "desc": "The targeted creature must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature begins to turn to stone and is restrained. It must repeat the saving throw at the end of its next turn. On a success, the effect ends. On a failure, the creature is petrified until freed by the greater restoration spell or other magic.", "save": "dex", "effect": "Restrained||1", "effectdesc": "Speed becomes 0. Attack rolls against the creature have advantage. Creature's attack rolls have disadvantage. Creature has disadvantage on dexterity saving throws."}

!cvar petrification_ray {"dc":"16", "title": "[name] attempts to petrify their target!", "desc": "The targeted creature must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw at disadvantage (restrained!). On a success, the effect ends. On a failure, the creature is petrified until freed by the greater restoration spell or other magic.", "save": "con", "effect": "Petrified", "effectdesc": "The target is petrified until freed by the greater restoration spell or other magic."}

When you want to use your Darkflame Amulet of Petrification on a target, simply run !use restraining_ray -t target. This will force your target to save. If they fail and become restrained, it will automagically handle your counter for you. If they failed, you can now use !use petrification_ray -t target. This will attempt to petrify the target.

Use the Beholder Attack

If you don't want to copy and paste the above codes, simply run the following commands when you're ready to use your amulet ray. The first will attempt to restrain the target. The second will subtract your magic item counter. The third will attempt to petrify the target (at disadvantage due to their being restrained).

!ma beholder petrif -t target
!cc "Darkflame Amulet" -1
!ma beholder petrif -t target -save con

Manual Rolls

Manually roll the monster's dexterity save against a DC 16.
Subtract your counter using:

!cc "Darkflame Amulet" -1

And force them to roll again, constitution save this time, to avoid becoming petrified.

Weight: 1

Created by


Statblock Type

