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Heroic Classes of

Wedge Soldiers


During the Sarpadian Empire, small cohorts of attuned combatants could be formed into a "Wedge".   This attuned group were able to trade and share abilities, skills, savings throws and transfer damage provided they were close enough to other individuals in the cohort.
Wedge Soldiers Ability Score Requirements:
Strength 12
Constitution 12

Wedge Soldiers Racial Restrictions: Humanoid

Armor Permitted:
Weapons Permitted:
All martial
Non-Weapon Proficiencies:
Wedge Soldiers Equipment Notes: All
Attaining the Class:
  • A maximum of 6 creatures can form a wedge
  • A wedge takes months, if not years of attunement and training to achieve

Special Abilities:
  • Must be within 30" of another wedge soldier to receive wedge benefits. As long as that wedge soldier is within 30" of another wedge solider, the chain between first and thrid wedge soldier is unbroken and benefits can be exchanged. For example if each wedge soldier was 30" apart forming a line of 120" all wedge soldiers receive all benefits.
  Wedge Benefits:
  • AC +1 (+2 if majority of wedge within 30")
  • Use highest proficiency bonus in the wedge
  • Use highest personal attribute bonus in the wedge when using a skill/save
  • Immunity to damage of a wedge member, becomes resistance for other wedge members or removes vulnerability
  • Reaction; Damage transfer 25% taken to maximum 2 soldiers (if willing), but any damage transferred that reduces wedge soldier beneath 0hp is not transferred and cannot be reallocated
  • Reaction; Pass a reaction to a wedge soldier
  • Action; Pass action to a wedge soldier (number of attacks equals number of attacks possessed by member passing on the action)
  • Every passed action or reaction beyond the first incurs a DC11 constitution save or gain 1 level of exhaustion. Every time this occurs, the DC raises by 1
  • Spells and magic/psionic effects cannot be passed to other wedge soldiers.
  • Telepathy with wedge soldiers

Class Progression Table:

Other Notes: Wedge Soldiers Lore:
Sarpadian Wedge Soldiers were used as a force multiplier by the Sarpadian Empire in the early days of rapid expansion out of the Sarpadian homelands.   Initially part of standard armiy formations, the wedges eventually formed their own discreet units on the battlefield and were applied as either shock troops or as reserves to break enemy lines or shore up wavering fronts as needed.   The process to create and attune the soldiers to bceome wedge soldiers was a closely gaurded secret and required a great deal of time and resources to achieve. In the modern world, the few possessors of the lore to create wedge soldiers closely guard this information.   No nation or group has successfully and consistently replicated the success of the Sarpadian Wedge Soldier creation and formation.
Campaign Notes:
Heroic Class Template by GM Tryggvi

Created by

Holocene Witches.
