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Wendigo CR: 3

Large undead, monstrosity, chaotic evil
Armor Class: 12
Hit Points: 45hp (9d10) 9d10
Speed: 50 ft


20 +5


14 +2


15 +2


8 -1


10 +0


15 +2

Saving Throws: Dex, con
Skills: Intimidate +4, stealth +4
Damage Vulnerabilities: Fire, radiant
Damage Resistances: Necrotic; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing unless silvered
Damage Immunities: Poison
Condition Immunities: Poisoned, charmed
Senses: Darkvision (150 feet)
Languages: None (can echo any words heard mindlessly)
Challenge Rating: 3

Gorge: Gain a d10 hp when eating victims
Mimic voice: creature remembers up to 3 phrases and can repeat in the exact same inflection
Stench: Any creature that starts its turn within 50 ft. of the wendigo must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or be frightened 1d8 rounds, and poisoned until the start of its next turn. On a successful saving throw, the creature is immune to the wendigo's Stench for 24 hours, but still experiences an intense feeling of discomfort.


Bite : 2d8+5 2d8+5 Claws : 2d6+5 2d6+5

Endless hunger. This is what makes a wendigo. Some mistake a wendigo as the spirit of a man forced by need to cannibalism, but the truth is that the cannibalism was not borne from need, but greed. Wendigo appear as a pale, grayish skinned gaunt man or woman with tangled black hair, dully glowing eyes, and large stag antlers. They are between 8 to 11 feet tall and have a stench surrounding them, like blood and rot.

Suggested Environments

Forests, deserts

Created by


Statblock Type

