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Sapphire Crown

Wondrous Item

Legendary Abjuration, Divination Requires Attunement

Standard abilities:
  • Move instantly to the Sapphire Temple in Atlantis, with up to 10 medium size companions, bypassing all securities, wards and protections that would otherwise block movement (1x per long rest)
  • Damage Transfer with up to 2 willing targets 1x per long rest (per 7th level casting)
  • Evasion 3x per long rest (per 5th level casting)
  • Immunity (can choose to be unaffected by spells L4 or lower)
  • Mind Blank
  • Telepathy (per the spell)
  Exhaustion level abailities:
  • 1x additional transfer of damage
  • 1x additional evasion
  • 1x Advanced immunity (choose to ignore 5th or 6th level spell)
  • 1x Minion Sword
  • 1x Sapphire Temple Merge (2x levels exhaustion)

Created by

Holocene Witches.

Statblock Type

