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DnD 5e hombrew

Nightmantle Armor

Armor (Medium)

Legendary by member of Nightmantles Requires Attunement

When attuned to the armor anyone trying to recall you must make a DC 20 Wisdom save. Your stealth modifier also increases by 10. Except for when the Full Moon shows her face, you can become inperceivable to all for a total of 10 minutes. You can turn this off whenever. When you use the ability for the 10 minutes you cannot use this feature until the next dusk. When the Full Moon is present and you try to use this ability it fails, instead you are corrupted by the dark powers of Anima magic. Roll on the Indefinite Term Madness table(Basic Rules, chapter 15).

The chain shirt made of Shadowalker steel, keeps the identity of the user hidden from the world

Type AC STR Req. Stealth Dis.
Medium 13+Dex No

Weight: 10 lbs

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Statblock Type

