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Orc Warrior - Warrior 1

The typical orc warrior is a violent combatant familiar to many adventurers. Orc warriors fight for their clan, for riches, and— perhaps most of all—for personal glory.
Perception Expert darkvision
Languages Orcish
Skills Athletics 1d20+7Trained , Intimidation Trained , Survival Trained

STR +4 , DEX +2 , CON +3 , INT -1 , WIS +1 , CHA +0

Items breastplate, javelin (4), orc necksplitter, shortsword (2)
AC 18
Saving Throws Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +4
HP23 - Immunities Ferocity Reaction
Speed 25 feet
  • Orc Necksplitter Expert +2 -3 (forceful, sweep) Damage slashing
  • shortsword Expert +3 -1 , (agile, versatile P) Damage slashing
  • fist Expert +3 -1 , (agile, nonlethal) Damage bludgeoning
Ranged 1 action javelin Trained +0 -5 (thrown 30 feet), Damage Piercing
Special Abilities Attack of Opportunity

Created by



Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
