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Land Urchin - CR: 0
Subspeciesmainly blue, rarely can be black, green, red, silver, yellow
Hit Dice1+
Speed10", Vibration Sprint
Abilitiesall under 3
Special QualitiesVibration Sense 50"
EnvironmentLand, Sea, Swamp, Lake, River
OrganizationLarge patch 30-30.000
TreasureCristal Spikes
Blue Urchin Venom: Is a very painful venom with CD 14, if the ST is succesful the victim take only 1D6 damage, if failed the damage is 1D6/round for 1D8 rounds.

Any weapon over 30cm of lenght is safe to use against the Urchin. Bare hand attack and weapon of less than 30cm lenght incur a automatic hit by the urchin.
Vibration Sense 50": The land urchins have a particular gunting metod, when they senses vibration (talking, walking, etc.) all the urchin rush to the source of the vibrations, to be stepped on. To avoid to step on a patch victims need to pass a Reflex ST CD 12 +1for every 10 urchin in a patch. Staying immobile and silent is the best defence.
Armor Class (AC)14
Base Attackif trampled always hit, ignore leather and lesser protections.
Attack1D6 spike damage (+ CD14 Venom if Blue Urchin)
Special AttacksBlue Urchin Venom
Black Urchin
Black Urchin by Unknown
The Land Urchin is believed to be descended from the sea urchin, but this has not yet been conclusively proven. In favor of this hypothesis is the fact that both do share pentamerism (fivefold symmetry) and the ability of the Land Urchin to live underwater. The Urchin's exterior is a hard, dark shell covered with spines. This shell protects it from casual blows, a strong arm is needed to break through it.

Although at first glance it may appear that the Urchin does not move, attempting to touch one will provoke an immediate reaction as the spines converge towards the motion. The spines also serve to protect the urchin from predators and can inflict a painful wound (as many an Adventuous has discovered). Although an Urchin has no visible eyes or limbs it can move freely by means of hundreds of tiny "tube feet". To one unfamiliar with this mode of locomotion it can appear almost magical as it is first one place and then another without much discernable motion.

The Urchin's mouth is located on its underside, enabling it to scour the sand for the organisms it eats. It is made up of five teeth with a fleshy tongue-like structure within.

The Land Urchin, like the Sand Viper is well-adapted to the hot sands of Valenor. Whether it is really related to the sea urchin truly or just by appearance, no conclusive study have yet been reported. It share a particular trait with the sea urchin, the Sea and Land Urchin are a delicacy on many tables.

Blue urchin poison, also known as yellow urchin extract, was valued among all the types of urchins for its ability to be effective while inhaled underwater, unlike other types of poison. When extracted, it appeared to as a thick and milky fluid. When used underwater it created a cloud of poison 10 feet (3 meters) wide, dispersing after 10 minutes, or 1 minute in a strong current. A vial of this unique poison was valued at 80 gold pieces.

A spell called "urchin's spines" required an urchin's spine to be used as an arcane component. It transmuted the caster's skin, clothing, and armor into a hide covered in thousands of 2-inch (5 centimeters) spines.

The rare Black Urchin can be used as special component to create weapons.
Green, red, silver & yellow urchin can grow normal/magical pearls inside their carapace.

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