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Xi Anu, an Opixian Ryhai Sy'n, stood at her desk, reading over her thesis. Three empty vials of ink lay beside her paper, muddled and dirtied by her frantic refilling of her quill. She had found it, discovered it, experienced it. It was her ancestry, her power, her suffering. Her veins glowed with a dull blue color, pulsating as she patiently read through her paper. She heard voices but did her best to ignore them, refusing to look at the empty room around her. She did not have long: she became frantic, paranoid, manic all at once. She began to tear at her paper, her claws ripping through the aged parchment. She threw off her cloak, the cloth that would dampen her soul and turn her insane. At once, she erupted. The room broke out in flames. Xi Anu and her thesis were burned in entirety.
ability score increase: Your dexterity score increases by 2 and your wisdom increases by 1
age: Opix reach maturity at the age of 16 and live until age 220
alignment: Opix, like humans, are varied in alignment and beliefs due to their spread across the world and their ingrained position in Tzikan society. Opix from Tzikas tend to value discipline and patience, but otherwise no trends exist among the population.
Size: Medium
speed: 30 ft
Languages: Common and two other languages
race features:
Major Inheritances   Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.   Jagged Talons. Opix are born with sharp talons on their hands, acting as tools of self-defense or being used as weapons in close quarters combat. Your unarmed attacks deal 1d4 damage.   Minor Inheritances   Perceptive Eyes. Opix eyes have specially developed over centuries to see better in darker places as well as in dense fog and heavy rain. You gain proficiency in the perception skill.   Intuitive. You gain proficiency in the insight skill.   Stealthy. You gain proficiency in the stealth skill.
Opix are a humanoid species that are often pale, gray, or light blue in skin color. Rather than hair, their heads are covered in pale feathers that grow in a variety of shapes, patterns, and colors. Opix pride themselves on their feathered crests, maintaining them and styling them in a variety of manners for purely aesthetic or sometimes hierarchical reasons. Their facial features are similar to those of humans, bar their slightly larger and more inset eyes and their sharper and longer faces. Opix also tend to be taller and more slender than the average human, often measuring between 5 feet 10 inches and 6 feet 7 inches, and tend to weigh around the same as humans of average height.   An Opix' claws tend to be around 6 inches in length and are often either a pale white or a deep, obsidian black. Their eyes have no pupils and tend to be black or white in color, typically matching their claws. Jewelry and piercings are common among Opix, often choosing to wear ornamental Jade and, if they are rich enough, Xumil stones.

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