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Scylla are aquatic humanoids reminiscent of cephalopods and other tentacled sea life. Most scylla don’t group together with others of their own kind and instead find an existence at the edge of another race’s settlement and society.
Scylla are driven by two contradictory but equally powerful instincts. First, scylla suffer from a powerful innate curiosity and wanderlust. It isn’t unusual for scylla to simply travel from one thing that catches their attention to another without a real goal in mind.
The other instinct is a desire to find security and shelter. Perhaps this instinct is inherited from a time when scylla’s ancestors would live in crevices and cracks in rocks. Scylla like having a base or den that gives them privacy and safety.
Many scylla have behaviors that other races would consider strange, but these behaviors almost always originate from one or both of these instincts. Scylla who become adventurers often do so as a way to satisfy their innate curiosity in a way that also provides them with more security than setting out alone.
ability score increase: Your dexterity score increases by 2.
age: 70-100 years
alignment: Usually neutral
Size: Medium
speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet, and you have a swim speed of 30 feet.
Languages: Common, Aklo, and Aquan
sub races:


The most common form of the scylla race are the tako scylla. These scylla seem most similar to the common octopus, and are known for being particularly clever.
ability score increase: Your intelligence score increases by 1 point.
age: Same as all scylla.
alignment: Same as all scylla.
Size: Medium
speed: Same as all scylla.
Languages: Common, Aklo, and aquan.
parent race:
race features:
Suction Cups- Your limbs and tentacles are covered with tiny suction cups. Usually these suction cups remain closed and appear as little more than pores, but when they open they produce powerful suction. This suction allows you to climb and cling to walls and vertical surfaces. You can move on walls and similar surfaces at a speed equal to half your normal walking speed (rounded down) without having to make a check. You cannot use this ability to move or cling to ceilings or walls at less than a 90 degree angle from the floor.
Tako scylla have skin colorations in various shades of red, pink, and purple. The mottling pattern is very pronounced in the taco sub race, but these patterns are not permanent. In fact these patterns have been observed changing in as little time as an hour in some individuals.

Sea Nettle

Sea nettles are reminiscent of jellyfish or sea anemones. Unlike most other scylla, sea nettles often will group up with other sea nettles to form communities or caravans.
ability score increase: Your constitution score increases by 1.
age: Same as all scylla.
alignment: Same as all scylla.
Size: Medium
speed: Same as all scylla.
Languages: Same as all scylla.
parent race:
race features:
Stingers- Your tentacles have thousands of tiny stingers on their surface. You can make a melee attack with your tentacles a number of times equal to your constitution modifier plus one. The uses of this ability refresh after finishing a short rest. This attack has a reach of five feet and deals 1d4 poison damage on a hit. Every four levels after the 1st the damage increases by 1d4 poison damage (2d4 at level 5, 3d4 at level 9, 4d4 at level 13, and 5d4 at level 17).
Sea nettles tend to be shades of light blue or green on their mottled patterns. Their flesh has an almost translucent quality and although it is too opaque to see the sea nettle’s organs, you often can see some of their surface level veins.


This deep sea variety of scylla is larger and more aggressive than the other varieties, just like the predatory giant squids they are named for.
ability score increase: Your strength score increases by 2.
age: Same as all scylla.
alignment: Same as all scylla.
Size: Medium
speed: Same as all scylla.
Languages: Same as all scylla.
parent race:
race features:
Darkvision- You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. 
Powerful Build- You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
Architeuthis scylla are much larger than other types of scylla. They usually stand between seven and nine feet tall, and weigh between 350 and 450 pounds. Unlike the slim boyish frames of other scylla, the architeuthis scylla have powerful muscular builds, and even their tentacles are muscular. Their mottled skin patterns are usually dark red, dark green, dark brown, or black.
race features:
Amphibious- You can breathe both in both the air and under the water equally well.
Tentacles- You have four long tentacles growing from your head. These prehensile tentacles are very useful and can perform most functions you can do with your hands, but the tentacles do not have the required strength to wield a weapon. Each tentacle functions as a hand, but due to their position on your head they can be somewhat awkward for tasks that require fine motor skills. When using your tentacles to make a dexterity check, you roll that check with disadvantage.
Scylla have a human shaped body, with the exception of the four hip-length tentacles that grow from their heads in place of hair. They have hairless bodies with skin that is mottled with white, beige, and other colors dependent on their sub-race. Scylla have bioluminescent eyes that glow faintly in the dark, but only when underwater. Their eyes have no whites and their iris takes up their entire eye balls.
As scylla are not mammals, it can be difficult to tell individuals of different sexes apart. All scylla tend to have lithe muscular bodies on boyish frames. Female scylla tend to be shorter, heavier, have tentacles with a wider base, and have larger eyes. Male scylla tend to be taller and lighter, with tentacles that stay the same thickness the whole length, and noses with a broader bridge.

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