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ability score increase: +2 INT OR +2 Dex
age: Goblins reach adulthood at 10, and live about 60 years.
alignment: Goblins are usually lawful as they value their laws quite highly, but whether they invoke these laws with good or evil intent is up to chance.
Size: Small
speed: Your walking speed is 25ft
Languages: Common
race features:
Bureaucratic Familiarity: The intricate workings of Farezid make other nations seem simple by comparison. When performing an Investigation, Perception, or History check relating to law and government processes you can add twice your proficiency bonus instead of any other proficiency bonus that may apply.   Oath of Calm Waves: Goblins abhor violence, and even in should they meet danger they prefer means to support rather than do harm. All beneficial spells or features you use last 10% longer (minimum 1 round) and heals you cast gain an additional healing die (e.g. Healing word now heals for 2d4 at the minimum spell slot instead of 1d4). If you damage another sentient creature with intent while not under any charm or mind control effects (such as crown of madness) you will lose this racial feature and instead gain the Halgrim feature.   Halgrim: You have forsaken the oath of your people and succumbed to violence. Now that you are in the realm of the larger races, you learn how to fight them. When a creature one size category or larger than you misses you with an attack, you may move 5ft in any direction. Additionally, when you hit a creature one size category or more larger than you you may deal additional bonus damage to it equal to your level once per day.   Nimble Escape: You can take the Disengage or Hide action as a bonus action on each of your turns.

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