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Cursed Mountains Half-Giant

ability score increase: Strength: +3, Charisma: +1, Inteligence: -2
age: 200 - 300
alignment: usually good
Size: Medium
speed: 35 ft
Languages: Giant
race features:
Holmgang: +1 damage on each attack the half-giant chooses in bonus action. You can spend your reaction to run equal to your movement speed after the target.

Large body: +1 HP for each level. Also you can reroll ones on hitdice during level up and while healing using hit dices.

Cold Resistance: You have resistance to cold damage and ignore Extreme Weather Condition. You can ignore difficult terrain in snow.

Heat sensitivity: You have disadvantage on saving throws against Extreme Heat Weather condition.
Growing in Strength: For each 5 levels you gain additional +1 Strength and +1 Constitution. 

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