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Medium hominid, any chaotic
Armor Class: 10 (humanoid), 12 (natural armour hybrid and amphyicyon form)
Hit Points: 133 (14d8 + 70)
Speed: 30 ft


16 +3


10 +0


20 +5


8 -1


12 +1


12 +1

Saving Throws: Constitution +9
Skills: Survival +5 (reliable talent)
Perception +5 (reliable talent)
Blindsense (know location of hidden or invisible creature within 20")
Damage Resistances: Non-silvered magical bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage
Condition Immunities: Exhaustion, Frightened

Shapechange - can use action to transform into amphicyon-hominid hybrid or into amphicyon form or back again.


Multiattack: In amphicyon form, the wereamphicyon makes 2 attacks (two claws or one claw + one bite) both which count as magical. In homind form it makes two axe attacks. In hybrid form it can attack like a amphicyon or wereamphicyon.

Bite (amphicyon or hybrid form): +8 to hit, reach 5", 2d8+4 piercing damage and target must make DC16 constitution save or reduce speed by 10" for 1 turn (save allowed at end of target's round to end effect). This can accumulate with multiple damage.

Claw (amphicyon or hybrid form): +8 to hit, reach 5", 2d6+4 slashing damage and target must succeed on opposed grapple checks or be considered grappled

Great Pole Axe (hominid or hybrid form): +8 to hit, reach 10", d10+4 piercing damage

With its robust build and length 8 ft when fully transformed, on first glance the wereamphicyon looks more like a bear than a dog. With a large heavy tail, thick neck, robust limbs and teeth like a wolf, the wereamphicyon is truly terrifying when in full flight.   Preferring brutal up close combat, if forced to pursue prey for long distances it will do so for as long as required, eventually wearing its prey into a state of exhaustion. Upon catching up to its prey, its victims are torn apart with its powerfully muscled forelimbs before killing them by tearing into the prey's ribcage or neck using its large, strong canines set in its narrow snout.   Mostly solitary, when bonded to a group or a cause the wereamphicyon is unshakeable in its loyalty.

Created by

Holocene Witches.

Statblock Type

