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Repugnata Jaggydshaep the Sorceress Solitary, Magical, Stealthy, Devious, Intelligent, Hoarder
Geometric Blast (d10 damage) 12 HP 4 Armor
Close, Ignores Armor, Far, Magic

Repugnata Jagyydshaep is an ancient sorceress who ruled over the City of Dawn with a blood-drenched fist. Rumor has it that she disappeared one day, miraculously ending her tyrannical reign over the city, but no one knows just what happened to her, though many believe her to be dead. Any who looked upon her felt their eyes ache as a dim, sickly green light rhythmically pulsated from her very being, and her shadow flickered in and out of existence. She spoke slowly and pointedly, emphasizing the last syllables in most words. Instinct: to rule with a blood-drenched fist

  • Perform wicked rituals
  • Manipulate people to do her bidding
  • Cast strange, geometric spells
  • Creates strange, geometric golems of flesh and bone to catch her soul in the event she dies


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    Dungeon World

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