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Installation Guide: 1 Small Room  

Upgrades Available

Xylemspring. Running water fed by the tree. Revives lost pets.   Sanctified Connection. Grow a totemic plant which serves to improve your spells.


This space is as good as a garden if not better. Through the use of magical lights and enchanted seed beds you create the ideal circumstances for life to thrive. This refuge is ideal for both animal and plant. The populations of plants and animals reinforce one another and create a contained ecosystem in this room.

The Refugium allows for the planting and growth of up to two dozen plants, including those with special survival requirements. Gain Advantage on Herbalism Kit checks made within the refugium if you have at least four plants growing.

Additionally the Refugium allows for the keeping of animals. Up to two Large or six Medium creatures can be kept. Smaller pets can be kept at twice the capacity for each size category down. This space includes everything you need for the feeding, care, and grooming of these animals. Gain Advantage on Animal Handling checks made within the refugium if you have at least two pets.


Running water, cool and crisp, flows through the xylem of the Tree who Dreamed. To be tapped into it is an honor and a responsibility to protect it. Your refugium is fed by this purest of water. Resting within the pools and stream that flow through your refugium. Once per month one of your pets can be laid to rest in these waters. If they passed within the last 24 hours the water of the Xylemspring can restore them to life, but only once for each pet.

The Xylemspring can be your option of crisp cold water, or hot steaming water. By arranging stones you can easily make a pool and a slice of paradise here.

Sanctified Connection

The natrual connection that you have to your garden here is supernatural. Once a month one of the plants or animals that you keep here produces a totemic item. This varies, it could be a branch from woody plant, a fruit or flower. A shed horn from a creature, or woven wool shorn from its back. The flavor depends on what you keep. But the effect is the same. But attuning to this object and holding it your hand, you gain +1 to spell attacks and spell save DCs (similar to how the Rod of the Pact Keeper works, but no extra spell slot)

You may further improve this totem's bonus to a maximum of +2 by spending 20 Clout.

Cost: 250 gp, +250gp for Xylemspring, +850gp for Sanctified Connection

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