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BBCode tables do not persist column width between editing sessions

· Articles & templates ·
By joshuahdudley on 04/27/2024
· Not a Bug

Cell width tags in BBCode tables do not persist between editing sessions. I'm putting width tags in the cells in the top row of the table to control the width of the columns. If I go to view the page, and then go back to edit the page and look at the BBCode, the width values in the cell tags are now gone.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Create an article 2. Make a BBCode table 3. Set column widths by using the tag in each of the cells in the top row 4. Publish the article and view it 5. Press the "Edit Article" button at the top of the page 6. Look at the BBCode for the table 7. Notice the width numbers are now missing (The tags are now just )

Operating System




Related Entity

Here is the BBCode of a table from an article of mine that I'm seeing this with (it seems like the editor here in this bug report page might be having the same issue. If the tags in the top row lose their width values, the code is as follows, substitutine curly brackets for square ones): {tr}{td:10}{b}Wealth Tier{/b}{/td} {td:25}{b}NPCs at this tier{/b}{/td} {td:20}{b}{right}Cash available on short notice{/right}{/b}{/td} {td:45}{b}Goods at this price level / Things a person at this level may own{/b}{/td} {/tr}                    
Wealth Tier NPCs at this tier
Cash available on short notice
Goods at this price level / Things a person at this level may own
Wretched Urchin, Beggar, Hobo
1d10-1 cp
Meal scraps but not enough to be a full day's food,
Second-hand dirty clothes, No shelter,
Trash you find on the ground
Squalid Pauper, Peasant
1d10 sp
Basic food for the day, A night at a cheap inn,
A new item of clothing,
A sturdy rope, A bottle of rum.
Poor Commoner, Serf
1d10 gp
An extravagant night out, A damaged weapon,
Common livestock, Camping gear,
Simple transport (mule), Light armor
Modest Tradesperson, Craftsman
1d10 x 10 gp
A functional weapon, A decent horse or wagon,
Medium or heavy armor, Small rental home,
Untrained hirelings
Comfortable Master Craftsman, Business Owner
1d10 x 100 gp
Very fancy horses or stagecoach,
A small house, An extravagant weapon,
Full plate armor, A bodyguard,
Trained hirelings
Wealthy Minor Nobility, Government, Priests
1d10 x 1000 gp
A mansion, Luxury transport,
A personal guard or security force,
Established business, Expert hirelings
Aristocratic Knights, Bishops
1d10 x 10,000 gp
A castle, Caravan of horses and stagecoaches,
Small army, Small town
Nobility Dukes, Baron
1d10 x 100,000 gp
A large army, Small country
Royalty King/Queen, Prince/ Princess
1d10 x 1,000,000 gp
A Kingdom


SoulLink @ 29 Apr, 2024 06:02:36 Moderator

Hi, this is because the WYSIWYG article editor does not support the table column width option. Switch to the Euclid editor or stay in source mode if you want to use them.  

Text Editors
Generic article | Oct 29, 2023

Overview over the three article editors and their features with recommendations which to use depending on your needs.

SoulLink @ 29 Apr, 2024 06:02:49 Moderator
SoulLink Added tag Not a Bug
SoulLink @ 29 Apr, 2024 06:02:54 Moderator
set this bug to closed