BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


In the twilight of their biological existence, on the cusp of what would be known as the Apotheosis, a profound transformation befell the Vocru. They stood at the threshold of a new era, transcending the physical limitations of their bodies to embrace a form of existence that was both sublime and bewildering. This transition from flesh to a more ethereal state of being was not without its trials. As the first of their kind crossed this boundary, leaving behind the trappings of their base species, they were faced with a dilemma of existential proportions. The Vocru, in their nascent transcendent state, found themselves disoriented, adrift in a sea of newfound consciousness that was as vast as it was uncharted.   The cost of their hesitation, their inability to act in the wake of this monumental change, was the inadvertent abandonment of their kindred. Those left behind perished, not from malice or neglect, but from a profound confusion that enveloped the newly transformed Vocru. They were no longer beings of instinct and impulse but entities of boundless potential, unmoored from the familiar shores of their previous existence. This event, this collective disorientation, left an indelible mark on their collective psyche. Though they had transcended the realm of physicality, they were not devoid of connection to their past, nor immune to the echoes of what might be likened to regret.   In the aftermath, a conscious decision was made to retain their bipedal forms, a homage to their origins, a symbol of their journey from the dust of stars to the heights of cosmic consciousness. This decision was more than mere sentimentality; it was a declaration of their identity, a grounding principle in the face of infinite possibilities. They recognized that while they could have merged into a singular, omnipotent entity, the value of their existence lay in their diversity, in the multitude of perspectives that each Vocru brought to the collective.   Thus was born the principle of Consensus. It was not merely a method of decision-making but the very fabric of their collective being, a mainframe that connected each Vocru to the other. This nexus of shared consciousness produced what they termed 'Meaning' – a central point from which the spectrum of their thoughts and opinions could be measured. This Mean was not a directive but a reference, a mirror reflecting the collective Will and wisdom of the Vocru.   Deviation from the Mean was not seen as dissent but as a valuable metric, a way of gauging the breadth of their collective insight. High deviation signified the emergence of a novel perspective, a new way of seeing that could lead to unforeseen paths of thought and action. It was an acknowledgment that in the vastness of their shared consciousness, there was always room for discovery, for the birth of ideas that had never before seen the light of consciousness.   Consensus, then, became the heartbeat of the Vocru civilization, a system that allowed them to navigate the complexities of their existence with a harmony that belied the depth of their individuality. Through it, they were able to explore the cosmos, not as a monolith but as a symphony of voices, each contributing to the grandeur of their collective endeavor. It was their greatest early invention, a testament to their evolution from beings of flesh to architects of stars, a bridge between the solitude of individuality and the unity of the collective, and a crucial technology in the implementation of the Burden of Rule.


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