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  The Einsoo are an intelligent alien species known for their innate capitalist tendencies and a unique physiology that reflects their status in society. They are characterized by their strong focus on resource acquisition, trade, and a strict social hierarchy determined by the complexity and clarity of their crystalline exoskeletons.  
by midjourney


  Einsoo possess a crystalline exoskeleton that serves as both a form of protection and a visual representation of their status within society. The complexity and clarity of an individual's exoskeleton are indicative of their success in acquiring resources and fulfilling their potential, as determined by the Odds system. The exoskeletons grow more elaborate and intricate as the Einsoo accumulate wealth and prestige, making them an "honest signal" of an individual's social standing. The Einsoo are also bioluminescent, a quality they use for communication, with patterns of light oscillation reflecting their caste and social standing and serving as a primary means of expression.  


  The Einsoo evolved on Sheryb, a planet whose unique environment fostered their strong capitalist sensibilities. The planet's surface is dominated by vast crystal canyons, which played a significant role in the development of their exoskeletons and resource-driven mindset. The crystals also serve as an abundant resource, with control over these resources shaping the Einsoo's social, political, and economic structures.  
by Midjourney
Above: View of the Crystal Canyons, Sheryb

Society and Culture

  Einsoo society revolves around the acquisition of wealth and resources, with individuals judged on their ability to meet and exceed their assigned Odds - a number representing an individual's perceived potential for success, assigned at birth based on factors such as family lineage. Social contracts - the basis of all Einsoo relationships - are largely determined by the relative standing of individuals within the Odds system.  

Mating and Reproduction

  Even mating among the Einsoo is a highly structured and contractual affair, with partners negotiating the terms of their union based on their respective Odds and social standing. Offspring inherit the average Odds of their parents, with each new generation starting as a blank slate in terms of their crystalline exoskeletons.  


  The Einsoo communicate primarily through bioluminescent patterns, with mathematical and logical concepts being central to their language. Light patterns also serve to indicate an individual's caste and social standing, with more elaborate and intricate patterns reserved for those of higher status.  

Economic Influence

  The Einsoo's innate focus on trade, negotiation, and wealth accumulation has made them a powerful economic force in the galaxy. Their shrewd negotiation skills and unyielding pursuit of profit have earned them both admiration and distrust from other species, as they often prioritize their own interests above all else.  

Relations with Other Species

  Due to their single-minded focus on resource acquisition and profit, the Einsoo's relations with other species can be complex and, at times, contentious. While their economic prowess and advanced technology make them valuable allies and trading partners, their rigid adherence to the Odds system and transactional approach to social relationships can create friction with more empathetic or communal species.   They are most closely diplomatically aligned with the Oriestrin, on account of a joint venture called Triithrii Robotics, responsible for creating the golden robotic bodies that serve the Einsoo as proxies in their financial dealings across the universe.


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