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The Oriestrin hail from Xai, a marine world, and while amphibious spend most of their time submerged in the planet’s icy waters. To use a terrestrial reference, Oriestrin resemble octopuses, though their invertebrate bodies are sufficiently upright and muscular to permit locomotion across dry surfaces, and their tentacles deft enough manipulators to use most items of handed make. There is widespread morphological variation across the species, to the point where some groups can be mistaken for a different type of creature altogether.   As most other races within the Symbion, technology infuses their being, although the race is not actively involved in its manufacture, having acquired it aeons ago at the time of the Common-Link. Cybernetic devices enhance an already sophisticated brain and nervous system and expand the limits of Oriestrin obsession with knowledge and its acquisition by granting them superior perception and processing power. The species’ chief export, relatedly, is information, its ceaseless collection of data of all kinds making natural dealers of its members. Latent telepathic ability bolsters this role within the galactic community all the more.   The Oriestrin are a peaceable species, long-lived and wise, although their methods and ethics differ markedly from human ones. Their intense curiosity is balanced by extreme cautiousness, so they ideally prefer to analyze things at telescopic range. When it comes to conscious beings that they wish to learn about, abductions are the norm, vivisection thought a more accurate tool than conversation. They cause as little harm as possible, and hold anything worthy of their attention in utmost respect. But thinking of the abduction itself as a violation of the subject’s rights would be quite foreign to them.   In disposition they are dispassionate, considered, slow to anger and to action, though the length of time it takes Oriestrin to make decisions has caused friction with other races, most pointedly in times of urgent need.   They have strong diplomatic ties and contingencies to the Einsoo race, through a joint partnership in Triithrii Robotics.


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