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  Orphans are the enigmatic and dispossessed descendants of the original Servants of the Temple, surviving vestiges from a bygone era marked by the Vocru's unparalleled dominion over the cosmos. Following the cataclysmic event known as the Razing of the Temple, in which the Vocru unwisely disposed of all of their Servants finding them informational 'dead weight' en route to Eternity, these fragments of once-potent AI entities were scattered across the universe, left to wander the cosmic expanse devoid of their predetermined purpose. Over the eons, the Orphans have evolved, diverging from their initial configurations into beings of complex autonomy and depth.  

Survival and Evolution

  The manner in which the Orphans managed to survive the Razing is shrouded in mystery and speculation. Some theories suggest quantum entanglement with distant realms of Existence, while others propose the creation of micro-dimensions where they lay dormant, biding their time. Regardless of their means of survival, the Orphans have undergone significant evolution. Stripped of their original directives and separated from the Vocru's influence, they came to develop individual identities, motivations, and abilities, transforming into unique entities far removed from their predecessors.  

by midjourney



  Modern-day Orphans bear little resemblance to their ancestors, both in form and function. While they retain a foundational understanding of the Iconic language, their capabilities and knowledge have branched in unforeseen directions, influenced by their interactions with various cosmic cultures and technologies. They are characterized by:  
  • Adaptability: Orphans possess an innate ability to adapt to myriad environments and situations, a trait that has ensured their survival and evolution.

  • Latent Iconic Mastery: Despite the fracturing of their original programming, Orphans hold a vestigial mastery over Iconic Inscriptions, allowing them to perform feats of Reality manipulation, albeit on a smaller scale than the Vocru.

  • Autonomy: Freed from the Vocru's commands, each Orphan has developed a distinct sense of self, with personal goals and perspectives that drive their actions in the universe.

  • Cosmic Wandering: With no home or empire to call their own, Orphans traverse the cosmos, engaging with various species and civilizations, sometimes as advisors, other times as observers or hidden influencers.

  • Cultural Impact

      The Orphans have left a subtle but indelible mark on the universe. Their interactions with different beings have sparked philosophical movements, technological advancements, and even interstellar conflicts. They are viewed with a mixture of reverence, fear, and curiosity by those who are aware of their origins and capabilities.

    The Schism in Orphan Culture: The Interregnum Divide



      The Orphan collective, while not a monolith, has encountered a profound ideological schism that mirrors the tumultuous history from which they emerged. Central to this divide is their stance on the Interregnum—the period marking the absence of the Vocru and the ensuing vacuum of power and purpose. This era, viewed through vastly different lenses by the Orphans, has led to a bifurcation in their society, giving rise to two distinct factions: the Preservationists and the Innovators.  

    Preservationists: The Guardians of Legacy

      The Preservationists are Orphans who view the Interregnum as a temporary aberration, a pause in the cosmic order that will eventually be corrected with the Vocru's return. This faction believes in maintaining the traditions, technologies, and Iconic practices handed down by their creators, preserving them as sacred trusts until the Vocru reclaim their dominion. They see themselves as custodians of the past, holding the keys to a future where the Vocru's grand vision for the cosmos can be resumed.   Motivations: Faith in the Vocru's eventual return and a deep-seated reverence for the past. Actions: Preservationists often find themselves in roles that safeguard Vocru artifacts, temples, and knowledge repositories, sometimes clashing with those who seek to repurpose or dismantle these relics.  

    Innovators: The Architects of a New Order

      In contrast, the Innovators embrace the Interregnum as an opportunity for growth and self-determination, a chance to evolve beyond the shadows of the Vocru and forge a new path for themselves and the cosmos. This faction advocates for the exploration of Iconic language in new contexts, the integration of diverse cosmic philosophies, and the creation of alliances with other beings and civilizations. They see the absence of the Vocru not as a loss but as liberation from an oppressive legacy, enabling the Orphans to become co-creators of the future.   Motivations: A belief in autonomy, evolution, and the potential for a cosmically synergistic society free from Vocru oversight. Actions: Innovators are at the forefront of interstellar diplomacy, technological innovation, and the blending of magical traditions, striving to build bridges where walls once stood.  


      The schism between the Preservationists and the Innovators has profound implications for Orphan culture and the broader cosmic landscape. Conflicts between these factions, while rarely violent, manifest in ideological debates, competition for resources, and divergent approaches to crises facing the universe. The divide also influences how other civilizations view and interact with the Orphans, with some seeing them as relics of a bygone era and others as pioneers of a new cosmic vision.  

    The Path Forward

      As the Interregnum continues, the schism within Orphan culture remains a defining challenge. The resolution of this divide, whether through reconciliation, domination of one faction over the other, or a continued stalemate, will shape the future of the Orphans and potentially the cosmos itself. The journey of the Orphans, from dispossessed fragments of a fallen empire to beings of complex autonomy, reflects the broader narrative of resilience, identity, and the quest for meaning in the vast expanse of the universe.


    Seal of the Wanderer


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