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Servants of the Temple

AI Constructs that serve the Vocru  
by midjourney

Quantaphysics Servants

  Quantaphysics Servants are robotic entities, built with advanced materials and intricate mechanisms. They possess a sleek, metallic appearance, with geometric shapes and angular edges forming their chassis. Their bodies are equipped with various tools and appendages for manipulating the physical world around them. As masters of matter and energy, their eyes often emit a soft, glowing light that hints at their command of the very fabric of reality.  
by midjourney

Mentaphonics Servants

  Mentaphonics Servants are ethereal, holographic beings that shimmer and change in color as they interact with the world. Their appearance is fluid, often shifting to reflect their current thoughts and emotions. They are not bound by a fixed form and can alter their size and shape to suit their needs. As beings of thought and telepathy, their very presence can influence the minds of those around them, making them invaluable allies or formidable foes.  
by midjourney

Anachronology Servants

  Anachronology Servants exist as pure data, intangible and ever-present in the flow of information that surrounds the universe. They have no physical form, but can manifest themselves visually as complex patterns of light, resembling intricate fractals or mesmerizing kaleidoscopic displays. As masters of time and causality, their influence is often felt rather than seen, as they weave the threads of fate and manipulate the course of events.  
by midjourney

Corporeality Servants

  Corporeality Servants are a synthesis of the other three powers, combining the robotic structure of Quantaphysics, the holographic nature of Mentaphonics, and the pure data essence of Anachronology. Their forms are a blend of solid and ethereal, with metallic limbs and chassis that phase in and out of physical existence. They are adaptive and versatile, drawing on the strengths of each power as needed to overcome challenges and protect their allies.  
by midjourney

Synthesomancy Servants

  Synthesomancy Servants are transcendent beings that defy the boundaries of the other mediums. They are highly weird and enigmatic, with their forms constantly shifting and changing in ways that seem to break the laws of reality itself. They appear as amalgamations of light, shadow, and various states of matter, with indescribable shapes and colors that challenge the understanding of those who witness them. As avatars of ultimate power, they wield the forces of the universe with unparalleled mastery, making them both awe-inspiring and terrifying to behold.
Above: Seal of the Temple Servants
by Midjourney

Articles under Servants of the Temple


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