BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Burden of Rule Exegesis

  "The Burden of Rule is the exercise of optimal governance through decisive action, calculated risks, and mastery over systems and variables. Power must be wielded effectively to ensure the optimal trajectory of governed bodies and processes."
  Quantaphysics is a highly advanced domain of knowledge and power that deals with the fundamental forces, principles, and laws governing the universe at both the macroscopic and microscopic scales. By understanding and mastering Quantaphysics, practitioners can manipulate spatial dimensions and fundamental forces, bending and shaping it to their Will.   At the macroscopic level, Quantaphysics encompasses the study and control of celestial bodies, gravity, and the expansion and contraction of spacetime. This understanding allows practitioners to create and maintain cosmic structures, influence the movement and interaction of planets and stars, and even manipulate the curvature of subspace.   At the microscopic level, Quantaphysics delves into the realm of subatomic particles, quantum mechanics, and the forces that hold Matter together. Practitioners can influence the behavior and properties of subatomic particles, control the electromagnetic forces, and alter the atomic structure of matter itself. This control grants them the ability to change the properties of materials, create new elements, and even generate exotic forms of Matter and Energy.   Quantaphysics is not only about control but also about understanding the intricate balance and harmony of the universe. Mastery of Quantaphysics requires a deep comprehension of the interconnectedness of all things and the delicate equilibrium that exists within Reality. By wielding this power, practitioners tread a fine line between creation and destruction, shaping the universe while maintaining its balance.   During the Empire, Quantaphysics Servants were tasked with maintaining cosmic structures, managing gravitational forces, and altering the properties of Matter to serve the needs and desires of the Vocru Empire.   This discipline underlies the magic of The Berythian Tradition.  

Overview of the Quantaphysics Set in Iconic Language

  The Quantaphysics set in Iconic language comprises ten Glyphs, each representing a fundamental aspect of physical and metaphysical phenomena. These Glyphs collectively explore the boundaries between the tangible and the ethereal, marrying the hard sciences with metaphysical concepts:

  • Essence: Ѻ: Represents the intrinsic nature of entities, forming the foundational core from which other properties and interactions emerge

  • Vibration (ʘ): Symbolizes the oscillatory nature of all matter and energy, a fundamental concept in understanding the movement and interaction of particles.

  • Flux (Ꝙ): Denotes continuous change and the dynamic transformation of states, crucial for understanding the non-static nature of the universe.

  • Interconnectivity (Ɪ): Highlights the inherent links between all elements of the universe, emphasizing the interconnectedness that underpins all interactions.

  • Transformation (ᵿ): Focuses on the process of profound change, marking transitions from one state to another within both physical and metaphysical realms.

  • Manifestation (✶): Deals with the materialization of thoughts, energies, or concepts into tangible forms, bridging the metaphysical with the physical.

  • Entropy (Ꜿ): Represents the tendency towards disorder or randomness, essential for understanding thermodynamic processes and the temporal direction of the universe.

  • Resonance (Ł): Captures the phenomenon of systems vibrating in harmony, which is critical for maximizing energy transfer and understanding wave interactions.

  • Singularity (°): Reflects points of infinite density and the breakdown of normal physical laws, pushing the limits of contemporary physics.

  • Harmony (ϵ): Embodies the balance and synergistic integration of forces and elements, striving towards equilibrium in both physical and metaphysical contexts.

  • Ethical Geometry


    Substrate Manipulation: Philosophy of Essentialism

      At its core, this power emanates from the belief that all things have a true nature, an Essence that can be manipulated. It is the marriage of philosophy and physics, interpreting the universe as a system of interacting essences.  

    Harmonic Resonance: Harmonism

      This hinges on the belief that the universe is in a state of cosmic harmony. By tapping into this harmonic web, you are essentially "tuning" the universe, which is why mastery requires both precision and artistry.  

    Particle Convergence: Holism

      The philosophy here is one that views the universe as interconnected. Mastery of Particle Convergence requires understanding how parts relate to the whole, as one alters a single component to impact the greater system.


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