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The Ban

'The Ban on Enthredic-related Enterprises within Symbion Space' - known simply as "The Ban" - is a strong political statement from the Symbion interstellar government. Its aim: to suppress the use of Enthredic, a powerful but unpredictable substance created by the godlike Vocru species which once, long ago, fueled the technology of their collective societies, the result of an agremeent called The Octet Accord.   After a long golden period of interspecies cooperation known as the Common-Link, the Vocru suddenly and without warning recalled all Enthredic to create a storage device called Eternity, hoped to keep their consciousnesses from suffering Decoherence (death). The act was disastrous, crippling civilizations connected by Enthredic, sending them spiralling into disarray, famine, and war.   Though it took ages, these societies did eventually build themselves back up again and even united to form the Symbion, since its institution serving as the universe's de facto ruling body.   In recent times, this peace has been challenged by the emergence of the Ascendant Masters from the world of Taharjin's Flame - humans who by sheer fate became infused with Enthredic and are capable of using some of the Vocru's ancient powers.   Before their discovery, the universe had been free of Enthredic. Its reintroduction incited a furor within the Symbion. The Ban was created to present the outward appearance of unity and legal order, but the truth is that the competitive advantages Enthredic could provide are simply too great for most to ignore. Unspoken tensions and strategic posturing around this controlled substance are far more common than actual enforcement of any of the following provisions, and the secretive competition that has begun to control it could threaten to tear the Symbion apart, yet again.  


  In recognition of the shared history and destinies that bind the races of the Symbion collective; mindful of the lessons etched in the cosmos by the Vocru's ascent and subsequent withdrawal; and acknowledging the burgeoning presence of the Ascended Masters of Taharjin's Flame within the galactic tapestry, we hereby establish this mandate.  

Article I: Declaration of Intent

  Unity of Purpose: This Ban serves as a testament to the unified will of the Symbion collective to preserve the integrity, safety, and balance of the galaxy. It represents a mutual acknowledgment of the potential threats and promises that Enthredic substances and technologies pose to our collective and individual existences.   Respect for Legacy: While we recognize the historical impact of the Vocru and their unparalleled advancements, this Ban also underscores our determination to chart our path forward, one not unduly influenced by the relics and echoes of bygone eras.  

Article II: Prohibitions

  Ban on Production: The creation, synthesis, or manufacture of any Iconootropic substances or other technologies that engage, modify, or enhance Enthredic energies is hereby prohibited within all territories under the jurisdiction of the Symbion collective.   Ban on Distribution: The distribution, sale, trade, or transportation of Enthredic-related technologies and substances across or within the borders of Symbion space is strictly forbidden.   Ban on Research: Scientific, arcane, or any other form of research aimed at the exploration, exploitation, or expansion of Enthredic knowledge without the express consent of the Symbion Council is banned.  

Article III: Enforcement and Compliance

  Surveillance and Monitoring: A dedicated task force will be established to monitor compliance with this Ban, equipped with the necessary authority and tools to enforce adherence.   Penalties for Violation: Any violation of this Ban will result in severe repercussions, including but not limited to economic sanctions, revocation of trading rights, and, in extreme cases, military intervention.   Review and Appeal: An annual review will be conducted to assess the Ban's effectiveness and fairness. A system for appeals and petitions will be in place for those seeking exemptions or modifications to the Ban.  

Article IV: Exemptions and Special Provisions

  Exceptional Circumstances: Exemptions to this Ban may be granted under exceptional circumstances, subject to rigorous review and unanimous approval by the Symbion Council.   Collaborative Ventures: Special provisions will be considered for collaborative ventures aimed at the safe exploration of Enthredic energies, provided they serve the common good and are strictly regulated.  

Closing Statement

  This Ban reflects our collective commitment to the stability and prosperity of Symbion space and the galaxy at large. It is a pledge to our current and future generations that we shall not tread lightly into the shadow of our ambitions but will move forward with caution, wisdom, and a deep respect for the intricate balance that governs all existence.


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