BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Transtasis is an elusive, transcendent Art that extends beyond the scope of Synthesomancy and the other four disciplines of Quantaphysics, Mentaphonics, Anachronology, and Corporeality. While the traditional Arts are centered around control, manipulation, and mastery of various aspects of Reality, Transtasis is the embodiment of harmony, balance, and pure being.   Aligned with the enigmatic Xistu, this Art is rooted in a higher-dimensional realm beyond the reach of the Vocru's dominion. The Xistu exist beyond the constraints of conventional reality, eluding the Vocru's attempts to control and define them. They are neither part of the "All" nor the "None," and thus cannot be assigned a value or name by the Vocru. The very nature of the Xistu challenges the Vocru's claim to be "Masters of All."   Rather than exerting control or producing effects, Transtasis is about achieving a state of perfect alignment with the Xistu. When a practitioner taps into this Art, they become inhabited by the Xistu, allowing them to experience an ineffable sense of peace and harmony. This state transcends the need for control or manipulation, as everything simply flows naturally and effortlessly. Transtasis represents the ultimate realization of one's connection to the greater cosmos, an attunement to the natural order that exists beyond the reach of even the most advanced and powerful beings. In embracing the Art of Transtasis, practitioners find themselves at the intersection of existence and nonexistence, fully immersed in the profound tranquility that arises from the union with the enigmatic Xistu. The High Vocru overseeing The Temple traditionally enjoyed this ability and communed with the Xistu seeking to translate the benefit of this state to the rest of the species. As Vocru became increasingly obsessed with immortality - culminating in the creation of Eternity - their relationship with the Dragons of Light took an antithetical twist and resulted in the banishment of this Art throughout the Empire. There is no known information regarding its use left in Existence, and insofar as the Xistu have been wiped out, neither is there an obvious means of summoning them again.


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