Anicia Vandercreft
Anicia is Lord Bellweather's neice. The daughter of Idris Vandercreft - the sister of Idina Bellweather.
She is Insightful (+6) for her age and an accomplished "Regiment" player. She and Teddy had a very close match and a lengthy conversation which cemented her as a trusted friend ("Ally dispostion").
Her mother has fallen ill in recent years and the child was put in the care of the Bellweather's. On Etolar she was not fond of her Aunt Idina Bellweather as she was always engaged in social functions as opposed to giving her the desired attention she wanted. On Alpha however, their relationship has improved some.
She has decent things to say about her uncle, but at the age of 14 she sees some of his rules more as "unfair restrictions" as opposed the "good parenting" efforts that most adults would call them.