Keyolin Ay'ovath Character in 100 Worlds | World Anvil

Keyolin Ay'ovath

Keyolin is a High Elf jeweler whos father and mother where exiled from Etaru. They made a temporary home in Lorcaster, on Etolar waiting for the day they can return.   Keyolin wears a lot of jewelry (almost as if a walking advertisement), he always has small trinkets and baubles that he gives to the "settlers beggars" (an affectionate term for the children".   Keyolin was a member of Sigmund Vaylen, III's winning archery team at the Zone C First Annual Settlement Festival.   In the interim of his families exile, Keyolin has come to Alpha with the goal of finding rare and precious gemstones and minerals originating on Alpha to make his pieces unique. Sigmund gave him some trinkets that the Kenku from the Shrine of Wisdom, Telmyr had collected... Keyolin was very touched by the gift of the trinkets as some all of the items are shiny Kelmonite artifacts - several of which can easily be fashioned into jewelry... this will become his "unique" brand.


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