Sigmund Vaylen, III Character in 100 Worlds | World Anvil

Sigmund Vaylen, III

Sigmund Vaylen, III

Sigmund is a human druid played by Terence.  

Quick Bio

Sigmund is a nervous, eccentric, and studious academic. He is in his mid-20’s. His shaggy blonde hair is unkempt and often gets in the way of his spectacles. Sigmund is not good with social situations, much preferring reading research material and journaling the progress of the growing specimens he keeps in petri dishes. Sigmund’s academic interests include archaeology, anthropology, zoology, and ancient linguistics. Sigmund is fluent in the Druidic tongue of the long-dead Anterian people.  


The Vaylen name was once famous among the research community on Etolar , specifically at Lorcaster University , until a horrible tragedy on the moon of Silvereach destroyed the family fortune. Sigmund was born into a now disgraced family of former aristocrats who could hardly handle their fall from grace. His family name having been turned a laughing-stock among the research communities on Etolar for their hand in the collapse of a profitable trading colony, Sigmund was destined for squat.   Nonetheless, Sigmund excelled in academics. Ignoring the jeers of his classmates, he turned to books, petri dishes, archaeological remains. The family almost broke, Sigmund kept himself in academies through apprenticeships at a young age. By the time he entered university, he had made a name for himself as a genius, especially at translating the Anterian script.   This caught the attention of Alan Jegan, a hardy explorer whose tales of foraging the Lost City of the Ancients on Tesk while fighting off a horde of squid-riding Triton had made him famous. Sigmund took an apprenticeship with Alan and together the planned an expedition to Jadur where Sigmund had theorized an Anterian relic was located.   The expedition went awry very quickly. As the group pushed further, led by Sigmund’s notes on the location of the relic, they encountered teams of Jadurians who attacked the expedition.   Sigmund grew apprehensive of Alan. His tactics were vicious. What Jadurians his expeditionary band encountered were slaughtered and tortured for information. Alan also seemed different and less friendly with Sigmund   Fearful for his life, Sigmund kept quiet. He apprehensively lead the group through the forest until they found a silver temple: the Perdita Templum, a famous Anterian site spoken of in historical records. What was left of the band after fighting off the Jadurians faced a cavalcade of traps inside the Templum until finally, the group stumbled into the treasure room. Alan turned on Sigmund then, kicking him into a spike-filled trap room.   Fortunately for Sigmund, the trap’s mechanisms had failed and the walls collapsed. He found himself in a second antechamber; an armory of Anterian weapons. It was there that Sigmund made contact with an active Anterian relic, the Factorem Fabrica (aka the Fabritorem). It morphed and slithered onto Sigmund’s arm, becoming a glowing bracer. Moments later, the temple began to shake violently. Sigmund could hear shouts from the other expedition members through the walls but could not tell what was happening to them. The device on his arm activated and Sigmund found himself transforming. As his consciousness twisted, a bright light consumed him.   He awoke a month later back on Etolar. He found that Alan had returned with just a few surviving members of the exploration party. They brought back just a few of the Anterian treasures as the Templum had apparently sunk into an ocean that sprang into existence around it. Alan was still regarded as a hero, but Sigmund knew the truth.   Sigmund kept his survival a secret. His death had been reported and his assets had been dispersed amongst the remaining members of his family. He made a new home in the attic of the Lorcaster University library where he continued research on the Fabritorem.   Sigmund believes the key to uncovering the secrets of the Anterians lies on Alpha. Sigmund learned that the date of the Perdita Templum's collapse and the Fabritorem's awakening coincided with the sudden appearance of the lost planet.  


Alan Jegan represents the opposite of everything Sigmund stands for. Sigmund respects research and ethical academics, whereas Alan is controlling and obsessed with progress at all costs. Alan Jegan is a known Etolarian explorer and a former mentor of Sigmund. Sigmund’s top priority is concealing his survival after the Perdita Templum incident, fearing that if Alan discovers that Sigmund escaped the Templum and found an Anterian relic, he would be hunted down. Sigmund hopes to reveal Alan’s brutal nature to the Etolarian community. If Alan is on Alpha, as Sigmund expects, he would preferably steer clear of the man while attempting to sabotage his operations.  


Jane Mesmorland is a librarian and former classmate of Sigmund. Unlike his peers, Jane was always nice to him despite his irksome and prickly nature. She respects his love for academia and books. After Sigmund survived the Perdita Templum, Jane took him in and hid him in the Lorcaster University library where she works. Jane is apprehensive about Sigmund’s plans to travel to Alpha .  

The Fabritorem

A shape-shifting, metallic device that Sigmund mentally controls. The device is typically worn as a bracer, but can shift into a hand-held, rotating puzzle cube, similar to a rubix device. The cube can shift and rotate rows. Unlike a typical puzzle device, combinations can make a seemingly endless amount of faces as hieroglyphic symbols, runes, and shapes change and alter instead of remaining static. The Factorem Fabrica can be used to create, manipulate, and transform matter including both inanimate and animate objects. Sigmund theorizes the device was worn by Anterian shaperchanger warriors called Dragoons who could morph to survive in any harsh environment in the Primean Solar System.  
  From the markings and journal entries of the Perdita Templum, Sigmund has matched symbols for the forest-world flora and fauna of Jadur. Once he finds the activation cypher, Sigmund thinks he can make use of forest-specific animal transformations. Further study and experience with the device may reveal more uses. Sigmund plans to field test the device on Alpha.  

Other PC Connections

Kasimir Voronov was looking to mug Sigmund back on Etolar .   Felpip and Sigmund have struck a deal to travel together to Alpha   Sigmunds talents at forging documents were sought by Felpip , who needed to get off world as he angered an underworld smuggler named Ogitz ). While in Signumds lab discussing the forgeries needed (and lacking the funds to pay), he notices Sigmund's collection of Alpha related research - after some conversation it is decided that the forged documents will be a ticket to Alpha. When Felpip confesses he can't pay, he instead uses magic to solve one of the puzzles Sigmund was wrestling with in his research. The two quickly decide to team up. Sigmund crafts a second ticket.


Keyolin Ay'ovath - elf jewler
Kemril Mansard - archery teamate

Former Rivals

Aldon - gambler (now "Neutral").

Articles under Sigmund Vaylen, III


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