Session 20 - 7/31/2020
General Summary
Olmis (the 10th month) 2, 1610 - Return to New Bethford
After emerging from the Kobold sewers, the PCs reunite with Janadine Travis and Lee Spans. Lee has Quincy Delatain's solarship functioning enough to make the six-mile in-atmo flight to New Bethford. Janadine pilots the damaged Quark. At New Bethford, the PCs handle miscellaneous business. Wyd - visits his business partner Gormahee Wagner and gives him some money. Gormahee remembers that Wyd is his business partner and that he forgot to work Wyd's name into the shingle which is already completed and hung above the door. Gormahee says, their ale needs an "image" something people will remember... he sketches out a crude lizardfolk drawing (Wyd) hoisting a tankard and they agree that is the "image" that will be branded into kegs and featured on literature. Egon - Reforms Glimfeather and then reunites with Ansala Bower who has returned from a successful day of hunting. They have dinner at the Three Brewers Drinking hall and retire later. Sigmund - visits Felda Blackbrow and Lee Spans shop. He wants a suit of armor but with a bony structure and an "eye" motif. He hunts outside the town and finds a dear for its larger bones and drags it to Felda, who tells him to take it to the butcher we'll she'll pick up the bones later. Sigmund also buries the "battery" in the ground beneath his tent. Teddy - minor networking. The PCs have a brief meeting about the battery and what to do next. There is some discussion about a theory they have that the battery may be linked to the light the beastmen were around during the night of the full moon.Olmis (the 10th month) 3, 1610 - The boy with the Ball
The PCs return to the Ruins of Telmyr and move to the area where Sigmond and Shadow had seen the boy with the red ball before (They later learn his name is Toziro). As they approach the walled compound where the boy is usually spotted, one of them briefly sees the boy peek out at them and sing his "warning" about bad men. Egon sends Glimfeather to a perch on the compound's wall to gather information on what lies inside... A single-story fancy house, a weed-filled yard and flower beds, a mound with many flowers and two boulders of different size, and a path from the gates to the house with a bare spot about halfway between them... a skeleton is seen lying in the bare spot. There is also the curious "tha-dump-dump-catch" sound - much like a ball being bounced and caught near the house. Teddy is concerned about anything coming behind them and lingers back as he readies his shield and watches the rear... that uneasy feeling seems to plague him. Above the compound's entrance is the family name "Miacalin" (Mee-OCK-a-lynn). The iron gates are open, bent, and trampled into the dirt and weeds. Other skeletons can be seen scattered about the yard - several in clusters against the inside of the wall. Wyd approaches one and pokes at it but nothing happens. They move on to the skeleton in the bare patch - it has a large hole in its rib cage and it is Kelmonite. It is still clutching two rusted iron lockboxes... Teddy knows if there is anything in there it is likely valuable... Teddy also sees the dented corner that Egon noticed. Teddy does prestidigitation on the box removing much of the rust revealing a bloodstain on the corner of the box - this was a murder weapon and he hears the female victim's screams echo in his head. Egon and Sigmund move forward to the house following the "tha-dump-bump-catch" sound while Wyd and Teddy hang back a bit. At the porch, the "Tha-dump-dump-catch" sound is the loudest and it suddenly stops as they draw near... as Egon moves around the porch's pillars he catches site of the boy clutching his ball. Egon moves to speak with the boy. The boy's face distorts and it screams out in an un-natural way... It then hurls the ball at Egon with a surprising amount of force before running into the house. The ball exudes a psychic sadness but also a treasured love of the ball (it is a prized possession). As the PCs discuss what to do next... a scream is heard, thunder peals through the sky, and a sudden rain begins to fall. The skeletons in the yard begin to rise up and plod towards the house in waves. The first wave is defeated and the PCs enter the compound. Inside is an alive-ish Kelmonite male with a knife in his chest lying in a pool of blood (they later learn this man's name is Jayier Miacalin). A magical essence about the knife and the ring on the Kelmonite's finger seem to battle back and forth. Atop the man is a skeletal body. Egon uses Mage Hand to pull the dagger out of the man's chest. This seems to drastically alter the situation as blood briefly fountains from the dagger wound... the man's body seems to die and rapidly decay to bone... The dagger and ring corrode and crumble (some remnants are left). There is also a blood trail from the courtyard to one of the doors into the house. A second wave of undead is engaged and an angry spirit of some kind rises from the previously alive-ish Kelmonite and engages Egon. Egon uses shatter to heavily damage it and the room it went into (within was the skeleton laying on a bed that apparently left the blood trail). Most of the skeletons engage Teddy and Sigmond at the porch gates. Wyd fires from the roof and Egon sees some skeletons coming through the shattered window to the room... One skeleton attempts to go through an as of yet unopened door but the door is slammed back shut. The second wave of skeletons is destroyed.
Players: Owen, John, Jay, Terence
Report Date
02 Aug 2020