Ansala Bower Character in 100 Worlds | World Anvil

Ansala Bower

Ansala is a human female originating from the town of Greenbriar, in North Tremon on Etolar.   She is an accomplished hunter, a skill she learned from her father, the town's fletcher. After the trouble with the Deepstar cultists and Darien Pradexor, her family moved further west to Larkspool. She continued on to see Lorcaster. She fell on financial hard times there and the offer to be a hunter for the Zone C Settlement suited her desire to explore.   She (and a few other hunters) are currently tasked with ensuring the poeple of the Settlement at Zone C have fresh meat. Some of this work is to pay back debts, and some of it is to earn a living.   She was the leading shot scorer on Egon's archery team, scoring 5 pts. Egons team tied for second place. Egon and Ansala developed a quickly camaraderie during the tournament. Afterward when Egon jokingly tried to take Sigmund's healing potion award, she said "I like your style." He invited her to dinner and a relationship flourished in the evening where the two were seen hand-in-arm. They retire to her tent.


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