
Spouse: Baron or Baroness   Children: the Heir - typically the firstborn - is a Baron or Baroness, remaining children are Lord or Lady


Typically a Baron is a hereditary title, with the oldest child eligible to take up duties once they've reached the age of majority. Often they will spend their late teens and early 20s shadowing their parents and assisting in more minor duties while their parents are in charge. It is rare for someone to be elevated to Baron or Baroness before they are 30 unless there is an unexpected death or ousting.


Ruler of a Barony / City. Either gender can be awarded the title and are equal in ruling


Barons are tasked with the management of cities, wither as sole official (common in smaller towns) or as head of a city council with final authority (more popular with larger cities). More tradition areas will have a council appointed by the upper nobility, but in the West Archway Kingdom at least, it is more often a county partially elected by the people - typically via guild leaders.   Barons are responsible for enforcing the laws of the land, as given to them by the governing Count/Countess, Marquis or Margrave , but in turn, are the voice of the people to the upper ranks. Taxes collected by barons are delivered directly to the reigning Prince or Princess of their province - or Duke/Duchess to the duchys - instead of the county leader

Accoutrements & Equipment

a Baron is entitled to wear a coronet if they so desire. In the Eastern Gates Empire is still a common practice, while in the West Archway Kingdom it is typically only worn for the most formalist of occasions - state funerals, royal weddings, or coronations.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Typically a Baron is a hereditary title, but unhappy civilians are known to petition their governing Count or Countess or Marquis to reappoint a Baron if they feel they are being treated unfairly. As the lowest nobility, most Barons understand they have more in common with the people of their cities and are more willing to work with commoners to find solutions to help the overall number of people.   Nobility who do not often find the people will use the Baron's homes as a means to voice their displeasure at the system, often by razing them to the ground.   While baron and Baroness are lifetime positions, that is held until one's death, often times, the noble may wish to hand responsibility over to their adult children and retire. This is usually after the adult child is at least 30 years old, an the Baron and Baroness are over 60.   A living but retired Baron would be called a Baron Emeritus. A living but retired Baroness would be called a Baroness Dowager
Nobility, Hereditary
Form of Address
Right Honorable
Alternative Naming
Baron, Baroness
Length of Term
Past Holders
Reports directly to

Other Mentioned Barons

Abdiel Addu Adramalech
Agaliarept Alastor Ayperos
Botis Chamos Emma
Flereous Jezebeth Kasdeya
Kobal Kostchtchie Mastema
Philotanus Pwcca Pyro
Ronwe Sabazios Satanchia
Sekhmet Shabriri Shiva
Succorbenoth Tezcatlipoca Thamuz
Tunrida Uphir Valafar