Llaja Geographic Location in 3270 C.E. | World Anvil
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Llaja looks from space to be any other barren, icy rock. Within its frigid methane oceans, however, is a more vibrant megabiome than anything we've ever seen, on any planet, anywhere. Period.
-Lloyd Rodriguez, human xenobiologist


Llaja is a frozen planet rich in hydrocarbons, especially liquid methane, which pools in vast oceans covering the entire surface of the planet.

Fauna & Flora

Life on Llaja takes many forms, from single-celled organisms comparable to bacteria, to vast networks of fibrous plant-like matter, to the sentient Party species, the Lla. As the planet has no land to support a land niche, few species have exoskeletons or bone-like structure, and certainly nothing resembling a vertebrate fish exists on the planet. Bioluminescence is very common, especially among the diverse family of jelly species, which like anthropods on Sol III, represent a near-majority of the known species of the planet.

The biosphere of Llaja is dense throughout the layers of the ocean, and is not limited to the surface regions. In fact, the Lla and other higher species of the planet are more commonly found in the deeper regions of the world ocean.

Natural Resources

Llaja is very rich in energy sources, even setting aside the vast planetary ocean of combustible material. Heavy, fissile metals are found in abundance within the planet's crust. Diamond, valuable on other worlds for its rarity and material properties, forms naturally in massive sheets below the seabed. Llaja's diamond mines can extract thousands of tons of diamond per year.
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