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Sadie Kirwin

Sadie Kirwin is a tagger and leader of the 71s crew who specializes in using a kick scooter. After her death and subsequent return as a ghost due to her practically limitless drive to be the best tagger in Artem City, she started the crew to that end.  


Sadie is a girl of below average height and blue, faintly glowing skin and hair. Her hair is fashioned into a large ponytail that reaches the middle of her back. This not only slightly floats, but constantly has small portions of it lifting off and fading from existance. Her eyes are a strong aquamarine/green. Her outfit of choice is relatively plain all-black techwear with a large collar and a white tank top underneath. Her shoes are black and especially striking white.  


Sadie is a very much goal-oriented person, resulting in her being practical, to-the-point, and short-fused, though with a good and caring heart for those close to her. Her focus on being the best tagger in Artem City borders on being single-minded, and everything she does is (as stated by her) an extension of that goal. For example, her outfit choice is solely practical, as it had the most pockets she could find after her transformation into a ghost. She often gets aggressive when faced with those actively hindering her journey to the figurative top, dipping into intimidation and insults before long. Though she would not admit it herself, Sadie deeply cares about the other members of the 71s, explaining gestures towards them in practical terms if asked in order to dispel any sentimental reasoning.   Sadie also has a deep hatred for Artem City's big corporations, holding them responsible for corrupting the city and taggers as well as causing her very death.   Sadie is the chief mind behind the 71s' artwork, preferring an especially bold and striking style even by tagger standards and possessing a special eye for visible and impactful spots to tag.  


Sadie was born into a poor area of Artem City, one that was poor because it was a corporation district near the city limits (a district legally funded and maintained by a company in the absence of direct Artem City governance). Said corporation began shifting more resources from the district's upkeep to a massive marketing campaign for a new product, leaving the place near-desolate by the time Sadie was born.   Growing up in conditions so harsh, the then-mighty counterculture warriors that were taggers seemed like superheroes to her, defacing the beloved advertisements of the corporation as a show of rebellion against the system. She developed her strong desire to become one early into her life. However, her seventeenth birthday marked taggers' change from fearless rebels to just another bunch of corporate pawns, as they began taking commissions to vandalize other corporations for marketing purposes. Sadie saw this happening and felt betrayed by the very people that had given her hope in spite of her condition, vowing then to become the very best tagger in Artem City and show all the rest back to the old ways of sticking it to big business.   Taking her kick scooter from home, she began a career as a solo tagger with a big heart and a want for a better world, using her starting money to buy herself a VA (Visionary Ace) spray can. To her chagrin, she had no choice but to play the same game as other taggers and work corporate commissions for cash, as she had no real work skills to speak of thanks to her upbringing. However, she used whatever paint she could spare to tag every corporate ad she could find, not only to remind herself of what she was fighting for, but to show others the real reason taggers used to be taggers.   Sadie's crusade earned the ire of a tagger crew that took especially well to living on dirty company money called Graft, who she entered a heated rivalry with. Battles between them included painting over each other's tags, beating one another to commission spots (as corporations sometimes hire multiple taggers for the same job and pays whichever one gets to the site first as a method of keeping them divided), and style battles. This conflict came to a head when Sadie reached the age of twenty-two. Graft went out of their way to work with a corporation to set a trap for the girl in the form of a job, a billboard on the midpoint of a very high building overlooking 71st Street. Seeing it as a chance to outdo Graft that was just too big to pass on, she fell into it. As she was about to paint the spot, Graft members hiding atop the bulding cut the board's supports, sending both it and Sadie crashing to the street.   Sadie died after being crushed by the billboard, but her force of will to be the best tapped into The Spirit Well and immediately returned her to the city as a ghost. Not only that, but her willpower afforded her a fully corporeal form and some of the greatest powers of any ghost in the city. She went on from there to start the 71s crew, named after the place of her death, still on the exact same mission as before but with a harsher personality.  


  • Scooter Proficiency: Sadie can use her kick scooter to excellent effect, able to execute complex tricks, grind on rails, and ride walls as the other members do with their own gear. In cases where violence is necessary, she is also able to wield it in a similar manner to a scythe, using her ghostly telekinesis to keep the deck from swiveling.
  • Ghost Powers: As a category III ghost, Sadie can use spirit energy to telekinetically control objects (to such a great degree that she can shatter solid concrete while in an extreme emotional state), temporarily become intangible, telepathically communicate, and fly at low heights for limited periods of time. Additionally, she also routinely uses her spirit energy to give her own and her crewmates' paint the ability to glow, something she takes pride in as the 71s' signature that truly sets them apart visually.
  • Children

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    Aug 4, 2024 01:58 by Salmon Man

    Hey! Nice article! What was the reason for her returning a little blue as a ghost?

    Aug 5, 2024 19:58

    The way I'm planning it right now, the setting has a system that dictates whether you come back as a ghost or not. It's explained in the Spirit Well link.