Forced oversight

Forced oversight is a name for a family of events connected to the visibility and the availability of concept lines projected onto the Material Plane for all people to see, witness and manipulate. It almost never occurs naturally and is a direct consequence of skalds manipulating parts of the Material Plane to their will. Despite the name, the projected property need not be connected to the ocular interaction, e.g., through light, but may as well connect to other senses, e.g., hearing (via sounds), smell (via odour), etc.

Typically used with respect to the "Age of Forced Oversight", when rogue skalds projected their specialized property of Oversight, very often "Tripple oversight" onto the Material Plane in forms of blurred streaks of light, making the immaterial properties both visible and available for interaction with the Material Plane.


How it works?

For Forced oversight several conditions need to be met. Firstly, the skald casting the projection must exhibit an active Oversight and secondly, they must show the affinity to Æter taming. The latter property is then used to connect to the particular area of the Material Plane to blend the subjective connections observed through Oversight with additional properties, characteristic of the Material Plane. Traditionally the first, and most often used, for blending were the coloured lights given the shapes of streaks and ribbons, similar to smoke, hair, and similar.

Given new form the oversight is then becoming part of the reality for that particular area and all of the threads connecting concepts responsible for shape or properties become visible for all observers, not only those with Oversight. It is even possible to manipulate the threads if one focuses their mind on it. The details require a minimum knowledge of Æter manipulation. The extent to which the links and threads are visible and available for manipulation strongly depends on the amount of skills the Overseer had forced upon te area.



Forced oversights are not persistent and show a visible decay over time. The consequences of their forced changes, however, persist. This means that whatever modifications were made to the area, may not be initially perceivable if the changes were made to the inner properties, as opposed to the external ones, such as shape, colour, etc.



By itself Forced oversight only gives means to uncover the normally invisible connections. It can however cause major problems with how the concepts are connected to one another. For example during the "Age of Forced Oversight" it was common for the first Tamers of Æter to remove connections to some properties and replace them with connections to light and Æter. Light, in order to make the oversight seem persistent and mark the area in a visible way. Æter in order to be able to easily change the properties if the skald wishes so, without the need to go through the process of removing the existing concept links. It was made as a shortcut for all willing to learn the ways of the Tamers of Æter but admittedly went wrong for many, who were not aware of the arts and interacted with the linked Æter, often resulting in Ætereal dissolution.


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Jul 14, 2024 15:06 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Sounds like a dangerous and risky magic to play with. :O

Aug 5, 2024 10:02 by Angantyr

First rogue scientists... one never knows what they will find interesting to share with all of the society. :D

Playing around with words and worlds
Aug 4, 2024 14:02 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

This is a fascinating idea! Although all those people should not be traumatised but incredibly happy to suddenly be able to use all that magic; they don't know what gift they've been given :p

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
Aug 5, 2024 10:01 by Angantyr

I've been thinking about it recently but generalizing it to other instances of democratizing a once secret knowledge and how it can be mishandled or lead to a crisis at first.   For example, how the secret of making fire could've sprouted the first arsonists, before people learned to use it for warming and preparing food and thought it just another skill, like chipping flint or picking berries.   Yeah, at the very beginning most people have not yet realized how LUCKY they were. :P

Playing around with words and worlds