The blank script stone

An unclear and murky writing etched away and discarded by time... How would I ever imagine someone to decipher it word by word hundreds of years later?
— the author of the script

General description

A small stone with a set of doodles vaguely resembling people, animals and plants. To most people it resembles a mat stone with twisted in-grown veins of milky blue crystals polished by the water. Stones with similar veins are found in the region, although the colour and texture of the mother stone is uncommon. When one shows high enough affinity to Æter, though, the Oversight often forces the mind to shift between many meanings, thus making the shapes more vivid, though with some room for interpretation.


Underlying secret

The document was made to be read only by those with high enough affinity to Æter. This means, in practice only people with advanced Tripple oversight would be able to understand the message and make meaningful content out of it. The first recorded case for it was made by the Architect with Tripple oversight and another version was deciphered by Ruibheadh of the Fiadh'ruindæ affected by Ætereal dissolution, when they wandered off around the camp and walked by the nearby stream with their brother. The stone was found in a small puddle filled with water and lined with darker stones. The message was on a lighter stone. The Architect found a similar stone but a darker one in a puddle lined with darker ones.

There exist many versions of the story. In some the stone was uncovered by "pure chance", when part of it was shining moonlight on the pebbled shore where most of the stones were mat.

What the document said

No information word, by word is recoverable, even by the Tamers of Æter who pursued the knowledge after the Architect's departure. This suggests that whatever the content was, it was likely deemed too powerful to be shared and the sole owner took many means to hide the information away. The remaining threads of memories point invariantly to the oldest root of Tanitris -- the root of Tamers of Æter. The knowledge on how to enter Ædeos was unknown before that and the formation of the first root made it possible to safely introduce the mind in and out, with significantly lowered risk of Concept assimilation and subsequent Ætereal dissolution. This suggests that the document contained or hinted to the knowledge of how to establish the first connection to Ædeos. The reason for the creation of the document is not understood.


Untold secrets

One of the stories, particularly the one connected to Ruibheadh of the Fiadh'ruindæ, points it was made by a stranger met by the bonfire on one of the walks. Their name sounded foreign, similar to Echker or Echtr, or Ekkur and they made their appearance some time before Forced oversight appeared in the Talamhoidh region.


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Aug 12, 2024 09:56

This is so interesting! I love the idea of a document that, even if you can read it, you won't be able to actually recall or memorize. So misterious.

Aug 13, 2024 23:38 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Ooooo, a mystery. This is a fun take on the prompt.