Asharene Shadowthorn

Ash Shadowthorn

Asharene Shadowthorn, know as Ash by her friends and family, is a moon elf with ethereal icy blue skin and flowing ebony hair, embodies the essence of her namesake—the resolute strength and enduring nature of the Ashwood trees. Raised in a family of wealth and quirkiness, her parents, Alareon and Mirieth Shadowthorn are proud owners of a sacred grove that nurtures the enchanting Lupels fruit, known for its magical properties.   From a young age, Ash felt an indescribable connection to the delicate balance of life and death, drawn to the mysteries that lie within the natural cycle of existence. Her fascination with death was not one of fear, but rather a profound understanding that it is merely a transition—a gateway to the next adventure and a source of beauty in the decay that nourishes new life.   Guided by the venerable Elysia, the esteemed head druid of her people, Ash immersed herself in the teachings of herbalism, magics, and the intricate interplay between life and death. Elysia recognized Ash's insatiable thirst for knowledge and her unique perspective on the natural world. Under Elysia's patient guidance, Ash blossomed into a skilled druidess, weaving her magic to harmonize with the ebb and flow of the living realm.   However, at the age of twenty, the serenity of their mentor-apprentice bond was disrupted by an insidious illness that befell Elysia, draining her life force and casting a shadow over their shared path. Drawing upon the knowledge bestowed upon her by Elysia, Ash used her magical prowess to seek out rare herbs that provided temporary respite, alleviating Elysia's suffering.   Yet, driven by an unwavering determination to restore her mentor's well-being, Ash resolved to embark on a perilous quest in search of a cure that would not only heal Elysia's ailing body but also shape her own destiny. Elysia, aware of Ash's potential and touched by her loyalty, entrusted her with the sacred mission, believing that the journey itself would serve as a catalyst for Ash's personal growth and awakening. Elysia gifts Ash with her herbalism and alchemy tools to use during her journey   This quest will take Ash to far-flung corners of the realm, where she will encounter ancient beings, face formidable challenges, and unveil forgotten wisdom hidden in the tapestry of time.   For Ash, this quest will be more than a search for a cure—it will be a transformative journey that will shape her into the druidess she is meant to become. And in the crucible of her experiences, she will forge her own understanding of life's intricate tapestry, discovering that the boundaries between life and death are but threads interwoven with purpose, love, and the boundless beauty of the natural world.

Ash is a young moon elf born of well off parents from Ithilhithnal. She's kind, but a bit eccentric. She has a goth aesthetic and isn't afraid of death as it's just a part of life. She cares about her friends and would do anything for them.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Ebony Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
greyish icy blue
6ft 5

Session 54: In which we perfectly impersonate the Magnuses

I got to session late. There is a Bodak creature lurking outside of our tent. He isn't hostile and he's very childlike and seems lost. We are in the giant tree with the werewolves. There is a tiny little sprout growing in the middle of the dead tree. Apparently, the tree was dead. Before the werewolves arrived, there was an ancient tribe of druids that were here before.   We ask the bodak how we can help it. She can't remember herself. or her friends? She remembers more when she's at this tree. This tree is a light in the dark place she comes from. There are many like her where she is at. They aren't supposed to come here.   Her people are bound to Orcus and want to be free. Her name is Stabrey of the Mountains.   She used to have a tribe in the mountains. Before the Magnuses came. the Magnuses are the ones who bound them to Orcus. There are sigils carved into her chest. They are some of the worst of the worst, most evil of the evil sigils.   This person was likely killed and is a spirit, but when they are around this tree they have memories. She remembers that her people lived in the mountains and when th they were in danger they would transform and grow into giants.   WE think this might be the giant barbarians that were mentioned to us earlier. Maybe she was a goliath.   The chief of their tribe, if they found Stabrey here, she would be gone and never be able to come back to the light. Their chief leaves the darkness and comes into the realm of the living. He whispers to the living and is known as the "whisperer" People ask him why and he tells them because.   WE don't exactly know how we can help her. We have Amy and Jo inform the others of this ghost girl's presence. Stabrey looks up and says she has to go. She covers her face and is enveloped in darkness. We decide to warn greg and get on our way and rest a little further away from here.   Jo and Amy stay back ot study this tree as we wonder if holds the key to possibly helping. We take a piece of bark with us to see if this does anything with any other bodaks we may encounter in the wild.   It is CorellonEmber 2nd 7pm   We find a place to rest. We happen to find a druidic mithal that wards away anything dangerous. That's pretty lucky.   We rest up and head towards the mansion to try and infiltrate our way in to save the prisoners and blow up the place.   Franz and Panfyr will be disguised. Ash will be a spider in a pocket. Elias and Eloi will be prisoners. When we get to there. We get shot at by a canon by mistake. They don't recognize us at first (in our disguises) Franz drinks the guys blood as he tries to apologize.   We get escorted into the city. We get to a giant farm house surrounded by fields of cotton. There is an old man sitting by the front door with a long stick (firearm). He escorts us in. Franz ends up accidentally killing Hickory, whom is Reginald GreyTris's father.   John escorts us into the oubliette beneath the farmhouse.   We learn that Reginald is the only one with the key to "THE CELL" Panfyr puts the guards to sleep. Elias breaks out the prisoners.   We are confronted by Reginald. He sends Franz into the "darkness" and Franz disappears. Franz ends up in the shadow plane. Actually through some kind of mental gymnastics, it's the Negative plane.   We notice that when we damage Reginald, instead of bleeding blood he bleeds darkness.   Elias has a magical lantern that he is able to use to get him and Panfyr through parts of the darkness. Ash yells through the darkness for Franz to follow her voice as she casts a daylight spell. Franz gets to her, but she can't pull him out. Franz knows that someone has to come in in order for him to come out. Eloi grabs the sleeping body of John and throws him in and Franz is able to get out.   We get to the top of the stairs using our light sources.   Reginald is bleeding profusely this darkness from his chest still.   He ends up trapping Elias into the darkness. Elias, in the darkness sees a Giant whispering in Hadyr's ear. Hadyr stands up with an axe in one hand and a goat in another. Haydr attacks Elias in despite his pleas.   Panfyr can see the smoky image of a goliath chieftain whispering in the ear of Reginald as black smoke leaks out of him.   We fight him ferociously. At one point Franz charms Reginald and in that moment REginald is himself and we see that the chieftain is the one in charge. Reginald fights back against the Chieftain and is able to get him to leave for a moment.   Reginald tells us Franz was his first friend in a long time. This has helped him break free of the Chieftain's curse.   Reginald's son, one of the prisoners runs up to his father. Reginald tells us he was able to stop the chieftain by questioning him, and asking what if he is wrong??   In that moment, the chieftain comes back and Panfyr gets enveloped in her bad feelings and stops trusting us. . She sees Haydr and Elias fighting.   Elias is finally able to get through to Haydr. They run into Stobri again. She leads them to the tree which is supposedly a way out. Stobri touches Hadyr's arm and grants him some kind of strength ability. Stobri leads Elias and Hadyr back to the rest of us.   We face Panfyr and cannot talk sense into her. Elias casts tasha's hideous laughter and we are able to tie her up. Stobri offers to help get us out of there, BUT we can't bring Panfyr, because the chieftain will know that she betrayed him.   Reginald offers to let us keep the gun powder, a cart and horses if we dn't blow up his house.   We trek back to the druid circle and get Panfyr to safety. Greg comes out and sees Reginald, his father. Greg wants to kill his dad for giving their mother to the Magnuses. Ash is able to descalate the situation, and htis is where we end. Panfyr is back to normal and there is peace. Ash promises Stobri that we will find a way to defeat the Chieftain.     It's CorellonEmber 3rd about 12pm                      

Session 53: An ooze named Denise- Meeting the werewolves

We see Panfyr fall into the arms of her "fake slime mom" and she goes into a trance. Panfyr sees her mom in this completely black space standing on water. Ash notices that this illusion is connected to the slime and attacks the connection. This causes the "mom" to turn to slime for a moment, and Panfyr falls to the ground.   Jo pulls Panfyr away, but as she does, Illusion Mom says if we do she will be lost forever. Franz figures out we are fighting an Ooblex who is known to steal memories. and they are weak to fire.   Panfyr talks to "her mom" and she says the last thing she remembers being killed by drow. but now she and Panfyr's dad are ok.   They talk about stories from the past. They offer for Panfyr to meet a friend who made this reunion possible. They walk up to a tent. There is a young heavy set girl peaking out of the tent.   The child's name is Denise. Panfyr's parents tell her it's ok and introduce Panfyr to her. Denise is the one who made this possible? She lives in the void and the blackness, and when Panfyr got close, she grabbed her mom and dad so they could meet. Denise wanted to come say hi, but she was really nervous and sent them instead.   Denise's parents were killed by the Magnuses.   The rest of us see only her parents, but not Denise.   Ash starts to pull Panfyr away from the slime, and Panfyr is told by Denise that she has to tell us not to pull her away or she'll be lost forever. her mom says that Panfyr is a part of Denise now, and we're like "Who the hell is Denise?"   Franz starts to argue with it, and then HE'S charmed by it. He now sees blackwood. Blackwood tells him "It's time for us to be together." She touches his face, and now Franz is standing with Denise in the tent also. Denise tells him they will be lost forever. She doesn't want to be alone anymore.   We pull Panfyr away and she is dead when we pull her away. We revivify her and she comes back.   However, Franz is lost. He's stuck in the soul illusion and if we pull him away, he will die, and we are out of diamonds.   Panfyr suggests we try to talk to it. Maybe try to get some more souls for it and ask it for   Elias tries to Message Franz and he gets the message, but he can't reply. Denise offers to help, and when Franz responds, it's actually Denise telling us all he can hear us.   We learn that Denise's parents were killed by the Magnuses, and then she got transformed into this Ooze creature. She doesn't even know what she is. She's just scared and alone.   She tells us that Ryfor comes and goes, and if she doesn't let him leave, he burns her, so she lets him go. Knowning she can release souls, we convince her to release Franz and leave Fred with her temporarily. She agrees with this, and we promise to help her if we can.   We try to figure out a way bring her with us, and then she starts to bubble up again and she tells us that she HAS to take us now. She can't help it. As she starts to bubble up, she starts to scream and yell and swallow her. Now tentacles are swinging around.   Elias uses dragon fire to separate us a bit from it so we can get away from her. The pipe that she is attached to is spewing the mist that is coming this way. We use the fire to try and push her back from that pipe. It doesn't work.   Ash considers joining her but is able to tell that it wouldn't stop with her. Denise would HAVE to come after all of us.   We decide we have to fight and put poor Denise out of memory. Denise sends Panfyrs parent's a last ditch effort to stop us, but it doesn't work.   We start to fight.   We start to damage Denise. Meanwhile, Ash climbs up and casts shape water over the pop leaking the fog. Elias then goes to check out the other manhole to see if this stops the fog or to try and see what is going on.   Mist is starting to fill the sewer now. Denise in desperation tries to take Franz multiple times. We plug up all holes in the pipe and it starts to just build terrible pressure.   We cast erupting earth, and this causes the pipe to burst a bit causing shrapnel and highly pressurized fog start hitting the ooze. Ash holds Denise as she dies, and then the whole place collapses severely damaging us and trapping us under the ground.   The pipe is now completely clogged up from all the rubble that filled it.   The towns people help dig everyone out.   Since the mist disappeared, the monsters are now gone. The village takes us in and we get a long rest. We force Panfyr into a group hug now that we all survived.   Man, what a night.   Franz tries to summon Fred, and he isn't able to come....Since the OOze got him, it seems he's not able to come back? Franz is absolutely devastated. Elias suggests that he might be on the Fuge plane. Elias has a one way ticket to the Fuge plane. A towns person tells us there is a spirit in the forest who may be able to help us get Fred back.   The spirit is strange. It summoned wolves, but the wolves were weird, and made of timber. He tells us where we can find this spirit in the north. It's on our way. We promise Franz we will try to get Fred back.   It's CorellonEmber 2nd 8am.   WE consider still saving the prisoners, but ultimately decide to come back once we have some allies with the warewolves. we convince the towns people to sing our praises and spread the word about us. We make some allies here.   We take a ferry up north without consequence. We land on a beach and there are 2 wolves there made out of splintered timber. Then an elf approaches. She has blue hair and green eyes. She has a purple robe with a hood. Next to her is Fred .   Her name is Amy. She's apart of the Greytris faction here ruled by Greg Greytris, the son of Baron Reginald Greytris.   Amy escorts us to her village, but as we approach her people start to kind of surround us. We get to the tree with Greg. Amy and Fred convince him he can trust us all. He is mad at Amy, because I guess there is something special about her, and she's really important to some kind of plan.   The light turns green, and this green light is glowing from Ash and Amy transformed into this tall fey creature called Leshim. Leshim is speaking through Amy.   Leshim tells Ash that she is lost and Leshim wants to help her. She then transforms her into werewolf and her subclass is changed to a druid of the moon. Leshim is now a patron of Ash.   We ask Amy about Larue and Maliki, but Amy is like, I don't know....because she's not Leshim anymore. Apparently Amy cannot control Leshim or when she appears.   The werewolves' here want to launch an assault on Jura Village. They have artillery and canons there, and this concerns them. Panfyr and Elias state they could try to do some sabotage.   We do not have numbers on our side. They have about 100 guys and there are about 25 guys here. Actually, there are only 18 left. The others never returned from a mission they went on to Jura. Franz mentions that we could break out some prisoners down south to try and get their allyship for this task. These werewolves want to live in peace, and would like to try and convince some of their enemies group to join them.   We could maybe take out the leader of the other group of werewolves. That is Reginald, Greg's father. We have to take out the canons as well.   We review a map of that town. We talk about a stealth mission to try and blow up Reginald's mansion where the gun powder is.   Franz says he could possibly disguise himself as a Magnus and infiltrate. He could do some kind of "inspection" maybe? NO matter what, we have to be careful about explosions, because some of our guys might be prisoners there. Amy knows that there are prisoners in the mansion.   one of the prisoners is Greg's brother. Greg is mad, because his brother took these members off on this mission, and it was without letting anyone know.   We learn too, that Leshim removed the curse part of being a werewolf. The other group still have this curse. So when they turn, they still have their minds, and they control themselves. We then wonder if Leshim would restore Franz. Amy can't call her, and feels so bad. The next time she appears, we can ask.   So we solidify a plan. Franz will be a Magnus. We will be his prisoners. He will infiltrate that way. When asked why Franz just says "shut the fuck up" Elias said he could disguise as Jezabel Magnus.   Jo and Ash might be tiny animals hidden in pockets. Franz gives Amy his Wand of Wonder. Joe offers to be a test target and gets turned blue for 3 days.     It's CorellonEmber 2nd 5pm                    

Session 52: The Magnuses attack the village because of us

I walk in super later and Some guy named Ryfer is holding Franz as a human shield. He's been holding onto Franz's mother's body as a trophy this whole time. he's a dickhead. He's a really powerful vampire spawn. He utterly kicks our ass, and is having so much fun about it he mercy leaves us so he can toy with us another day.   I guess we were trying to save a guy on the wall or something? He starts to groan and Jo and Hydr pull him down and heal him. We question this guy. He tells us these vampire spawns were looking for us.   There is a prison with a couple of hundred prisoners. About 1 guard for every 10 prisoners. Ryfer checks in every once in a while. It's mostly young people in there they can use for mining   There is a guy named Chil who is loyal to the Magnuses. Oh. He rules the city or something. There is also a Mayor, but chil is the captain of the guard.   Eloi says he's done a prison break here before, and were' like, yeah, let's break out these people. I guess there is an underground way to get inside.   I guess we end up killing the guy on the wall.   We go sleep in a small home with someone we know. While resting a thick fog sets in on the town. Franz flies up to see it, and sees a white cape down below. actually. there were windows and some bats flew in I guess....We fight them, and Franz has an epiphany on the icebox spell he's been trying to learn and now knows how to cast it....for free...   We learn bats are actually attacking the whole city and we hear wolves. We decide to make a run for it, and we bring these 2 people who helped us with us, so the Magnuses don't kill them.   We separate and all the NPCs go togher and the rest of us plus Eloi go together. We head towards the prison.   As we start to leave, we see the bats/wolves scratching at peoples doors. There is a man with a pitchfork surrounded by 12 wolves trying to fend them off. WE defeat the wolves and save him.   We get through the city avoiding a bunch of stuff and are detected by a guy in a white cloak, but he just kind of mocks us and disappears.   We go to leave and the fog dissipates. We are surrounded by villagers who seem like they are going to capture us. If they don't attack us or if they run, Rifer will kill their families.   The guy with the pitchfork is there and he begs the villagers to stand down, and with a great speech from Franz, they do stand down. However, Franz promised to helped them which means we have to save the town now. After a lot of arguing with each other, we decide to go back to the center of town to try and stop whatever is happening.   Eloi is like we can go back through sewers and get to the center of town. There is a red ooze around a pipe of a fountain. Panfyr figures out that this ooze contains little seeds of teleportation. So somewhere else there are wolves and bats and other things, and htis slime lets them teleport in.   Panfy is like, we could get into the bag of devouring. She uses a mage hand to scoop this.   This doesn't quite work and Panfyr ends up feeling super attached to the slime, and then it turns into her mom.   Panfyr looks confused but very happy to see her mom, and this is where we end.  

Session 51: Adventures in Anastas Village

It is Ravenqueensea 30th around 5pm   We are being surrounded by the doom smoke from the golden chest. Franz uses mage hand to close the golden chest which stops the smoke. We just hope it's in time so that no villagers are hurt.   We got the diamond we were looking for for Tremon and head back to have him restored.   We get back to the priest and he's currently praying. We tell him we have the diamonds. we turn one of the diamonds into dust so the Greater Restoration spell can be cast on Tremon. It works.   We remember that half of the people in this town are our enemies, so we decide to sleep in the church. Those of us that had HP that was affected are fully restored.   We find that the doom smoke has not harmed anyone, and the golden chest it was in seems to have maybe burned in the fire?   Early in the morning on Corellonember 1st around 7am.   We decide to go check out Anastas Village, the neighboring village here.   We learn this village is more loyal and accepting of the Magnuses.   We get to a large stone bridge. The wind is very cold here. We see that each of the stone pillars that holds up the bridge, has a fierce looking gargoyle.   We see Jaren Silverleaf eyeing one of these gargoyles, and we call him over. we do buy some items. We send Fred across the bridge and he is attacked by the gargoyles.   We attack to defend fred and are also attacked by vampiric mists. We avenge Fred's death and defeat the gargoyles and vampiric mists. Against our better judgement we decide to continue into the town of Anastas Village.   We get into the town and we meet a guy named who lets us read his paper. The editor of this paper is Geoff Galan. He gives us direction to the tavern, The Jaunty Leghole.   The guards try to give us shit. One of them tries to stop us. Panfyr casts command on the troublesome one and pays the other and we walk by regardless of the one jerk trying to stop us.   We get into the tavern, and they want to charge us a lot and are very unfriendly. We come in and make a toast to the magnuses. Everyone toasts, but we do notice a fellow or two who do it half heartedly. A fellow named Rayson offers for us to stay at his house.   This upsets his wife. We learn the innkeeper is super beholden to the Magnuses. The wife of this place mentions tha we should have papers and that someone should have asked us for these before we crossed the bridge. We tell her there were gargoyles that attacked us, and she swore she had never been attacked before.                          

Session 50: Mansions, Rifts of Insanity, and Treasure Chests Oh MY!

I got here late for this session.   I picked up on a conversation between Elias speaking in a weird voice, Franz, and another person about a box and what might be in the box. Franz tries to open the box even though the guy is like, you're don't want to know what's in there, and you can't open it anyway. You'll never figure it out.   However, Franz figures out there are runes that have to be hit in a certain order to open the box.   He gets scolded for touching the box.   Somebody wanted cough syrup, or sleep elixir...or something that tasted good? I guess Elrich wants this? I don't know what's going on.   Elias tricks this guy to try and knock him out. It's not enough so Franz helps with magic missile. But it doesn't work. The rest of us, hiding behind a corner, hear all of this commotion. this guy goes to open the box, and it cannot be stopped.   I guess this is the HOuse Wizard of Elrich who lives on the grounds. We think this is a good guy for Franz to disguise himself as.   As the box opens tentacles come out of it and start to engulf the room. A fight breaks out and the guy we are fighting gets knocked out. BUT the tentacles start to try and pull him into the box.   At some point, Franz casts Thunderwave, cutting off all the tentacles.....This alerts all of the guards here. They approach and are like, WTF?   3 of the guards are like, Go find Elrich and get him off prem. Franz is like " it's ok...the box went off" it's ok. He says this while looking like the mage that was here before?   I honestly don't know what is going on.   Franz is like, "Elrich asked me to make a sleep potion. and then tentacles popped out of the box" and Franz is liek, dude, it was an accident and my bad, but it's all fixable. chill out man."   Franz is like "I'll get this cleaned up. Stop worrying" Franz convinces the guards to leave site because it's very dangerous, and they all leave.   OHHHH!!! Elias was pretending to be a guard the whole time. that's what the weird voice from before was from.   Anyway, Franz convinces all the guards to leave...What in the world is even happening? I don't even know.   Elias has burn marks from being captured by the tentacles. We debate about whether to destroy the chest in a bag of devouring or not.   We take some tentacle samples. We debate to let Franz keep the tentacle box.   The mage is tied up, and then he wakes up and as we question him, he looks at the tentacle burn marks on his body and demands the ption that is in his pocket.   Elias gets the potion and asks what it does. The mage is like, I"m totally fucked if I don't get that potion.   We learn it suppresses the effects of the tentacle burns.   We find a hidden diary in his desk. We learn this mage has been having terrible nightmares/dreams about some kind of god that supposedly lives under the sea very close by. There are some fish people that worship this god called the KoaToa. He's been working with them, and they gave him this tentacle box along with the potion.   The wizard's name is Kniden Haribo.   After an argument, Franz puts the box in the bag of devouring. Ash told them it would be fine, because we could retreive the bag within 24 hours. She was soooo wrong about this.   turns out that a portal get open to the astral plane and the tentacle portal ??? Actually it never made it to the bag of was put in the stocking of holding first, and this is what Franz sees...the astral plane, tentacles, cookies and us....   Franz is most devastated about his spyglass, which was lost to whatever the hell is going on in his stocking. Actually, it's starting to suck us all in. It's turning into this crazy portal rift or something. This rift is stuck here the whole time....what is going to happen? Is it going to slowly suck the world into it? We don't know. We pretend everything is fine and decide to loot the house....because that is what matters most...ya know?   Ash decides to stay back though and study the rift.   As the others investigate, they find treasures and traps and all sorts of things. there is a Ledger showing that money and people were being given to Elrich. The Magnus's are getting a cut of everything Elrich has been taken.   Elias's arm start to itch, and he realizes there are teeny tiny tentacles starting to come out of his pores.   Meanwhile- Ashe is examining the portal- She draws pictures and notes as best she can. She determines that someting is staring at her. HIs name is John, and he is ancient. This portal spand dimensions,but it also doesn't. It's both convex and concave? It's infinite and not infinite at the same time. She needs to close the portal to save her friends, but in order to do that she needs to close herself? She is most worried about her friends more than anything, so she starts to give into the madness and try to close herself.   Meanwhile....the gang continues to loot this mansion. While looting, they hear Ash make a terrible scream. They run out to find her. She is in a state that thinks she's got to turn into light and turn her friends into light. Elias pushes her away. her light transfers to him or something???   After some confusion, Panfyr is able to rope Ash around the legs and pulls her away from the rift. Meanwhile Elias is like "how are these tentacles gonna react to this portal?' and he gets ever so slightly close to it. Now all of a sudden he is in a mental battle between himself and the shadow tentacles in his arm. Elias is able to gain control of the tentacles. When he attacks he can now do a free thornwhip with his tentacles everytime he attacks.   Joe starts to dispel the magic to try and close the rift. They hear a voice in their head asking if they realize what they have done....Joe sees an orange being sliced into a bunch of pieces, and then the slices going back down into it? somehow? it has a magical aura (representing the dispel magic spell) Joe completes the spell. But Joe realizes that by doing this, because the portal was Joe all along, they have dispelled their own magic. and are now not magical? Joe closes themself? now they ARE the portal? Now JOe has to expand....I don't actually know....   Joe runs away and loses all memory of what just happen. Joe discovers that they actually still have their magic.   However Joe now feels they can open a 5th dimension being of themselves. Joe runs outside and tries to connect to the daylight spell they sent in through the portal. They actually start to turn to pure light.   Ash, now back to her senses, runs out and tries to hug her and sing to her to bring her back. Franz tries to thunderwave them to bring Joe back. This knocks Ash away, but Joe is already light, so they remain.   Joe ultimately decides to stay in their mortal form. They are able to pull themself back to this reality. Joe is very depressed, but we didn't lose them.   Everyone at this point is like, "fuck this rift" and we're like we'll just write on the door not to enter this room.   We go back to searching for diamonds in the house. Ash is able to cheer Joe up a bit and get them back to a state that isn't depression.   While studying a picture frame in one of the rooms with 3 chests, Elias notices the style of it. It is related to Glasya. It says "choose wisely" and there are 3 chests on the floor. Panfyr solves that there are 3 words. Efreeti, Succubus, and Doom. Does this represent each of the chests. Elias pulls this painting down and finds a second painting behind it showing a picture from the Goonies with a pirate ship and gold and skeletons.     I think we settle on Silver.....NO it's bronze....Either way we all clear the room.'s's decided.   Elias opens the bronze chest with mage hand. There is a bright red light that shows for a moment, but that's it. We see nothing from outside the room. Elias sends a raven into the room and it disappears. Elias thinks it could have been sucked into the chest.   Panfyr sends in Mayhem to open the silver one, and we see a flash of pink.   We then decide to maybe not open any chests??? Even though we opened 2 chests? but don't know what they were.   Franz then has Fred check the Gold chest, so that's what we do. a black smoke billows out, floods the ground. Fred sinks into it. It starts going around the corners   Ash and Elias are consumed by the black smoke while everyone else is able to resist it.   This lowers their maximum HP by 8.   We run out. Hydr burns down the house....Franz realizes we missed a room, so he's like I gotta go get that missed chess. He goes back in. and now he has -7 HP maximum missed.   He gets to the hidden room and finds a pit of treasure in the bottom of it. 5 ft down.   To bad the building is on fire and filling with doom smoke....   We find 3 diamonds worth 300gp each and a shit pile of gold. they scoop up a bunch but at a cost of health. It's wild.   The whole area starts to plume out into a black smoke. This is where we end.   Need to sort out loot. (see notes below)   It is Ravenqueensea 30th around 5pm

Session 49: Wolves, Owlbears and Rocs OH MY!

We end up not fighting the hags. The give Hydr a flower which ends up exploding and putting us all into a shared dream state? We try to break out of the dreams. We all have terrible nightmares at some point. Ash falls asleep in the dream as she's trying to hear outside the dream. Portals start opening up and we can see each others dreams. Panfyr walked through a portal because she saw her old master and she immediately felt the need to get back to work, so she enters that portal and Franz tries to stop her.   Joe sees her family angry with her and their family pet bear is dead.   Ashe is sleeping having breakfast with her mom who is also serving Elias's head on a platter to her   Franz and Panfyr are dealing with drow. Ash goes into Panfyr's dream and blows everyone up. This actually nearly kills Panfyr, but does not damage anyone else.   It seems that if you die in your dream, you actually die.   There is a fake morpheus here who tells us that in order for us to wake up, Panfyr has to pick someone to die. She is handed an ostrich egg to give to her choice.   Actually, now the egg can get passed around and it has 10 charges and at a random charge it will kill who ever it is handed to. We are passing the thing around. Joe is able to wake up by a miracle. She wakes up Ash and Ash promptly confiscates the bag of sleep flowers and runs away with it. Joe talks peace with the hags and explains this is a misunderstanding.   The hags tell us we can't trust half the people in the twin village, whatever that means.   We finish our long rest   It is Ravenqueensea, 7am   On our way we hear howls in the distance and Ash is able to determine that these wolves are aware of us and tracking us, but they don't necessarily seem hostile?   Ash uses speak with animals to announce to them we know they are there. We learn the wolves here are starving. An owl bear is in the area that is affecting the food chain here.   We offer to help them kill the owlbear in exchange for allyship and an escort to the next village. They agree.   We make very easy work of the owlbear. As we kill it, a large flying creature is above us which scares the wolves. We all hide out in the owlbear cave. We find an egg in there too. Panfyr accidentally cracks it while examining it.   We then hear a thud behind us, and we see Tremon on the ground. We think he's been dropped. Elias breaks his neck while trying to pull him into the cave, but it gets blamed on the fall.   Light is carrying Syvor on his back. They make it to the cave. Panfyr is able to see through Mayhem's eyes that there is a giant bird out there, and Morpheus is here like 200-300 ft away.   Joe and Ash use revivify on Tremon, but he is now paralyzed and his neck is broken. Oh NO!! His grandson Sifor has been bitten by Morpheus.   Elias coaxes the bird down and we do get some hits, but it ends up flying away.   Panfyr speaks with the wolves and asks about Greg and Reginald. They tell us a man wolf came down from the mountain once. she was a wolf made of wood, but they do not align with any werewolves around here.   The wolves lead us to the town the next village, Nastase. We learn the Magnuses fly down as bats every once in a while. The humans hunt/gather here and women and children aren't allowed to leave, because it's not safe.   It's Ravenqueensea, 30 2pm   We get to the inn, and ask for a doctor. We notice there are pictures of the Magnuses everywhere, making us think they are loyal. Panfyr asks around to try and see how folks actually feel, and she feels that at least one of the patrons are saying what they think they MUST say.   We walk by some folks that were getting ready to cook up an alligator, but they are approached by guards saying they need to put the alligator back, because it belongs to the Magnuses. This group is ready to fight for this alligator. This group may or may not be from this town? They are dressed a bit nicer. Panfyr decides to follow this group of people to see what they are about. She follows them to a bayou area and makes note of their location.   We meet back at the physician. Essentially we need a miracle for Tremon. We trade the doctor a bottle of blue pills and $2500gp. to get someone to heal Tremon.   We don't have the diamond components. The priest guys says there is a rich guy named Elrich Dumas who has a diamond, and the priest wants us to rob him. He doesn't like Elrich because he Pretends to like the Magnuses. Also, he might be taking everything from this town, leaving them all completely poor.   There is someone named Eloi that can help us. They are with the alligator people and don't like the Magnuses. We decide to go talk to this Eloi person.   We get to the bayou place. We learn that these guys are from Beauma. We learn that Eloi is here looking for Morpheus. Eloi claims to be Morpheus's brother.   Franz tells him we are here to help Morpheus and we think he may be being controlled by the Magnuses.   We tell Eloi we can help him find Morpheus is he helps us retrieve a diamond from Elrich's house. Turns out that Morpheus and Eloi have these wrist bands that are linked, and they had a deal that if one of them ever took it off, then the other would need to do what they need to do with the other person....whatever that means. I guess when Morpheus disappeared into the Abyss, his bracelet was destroyed and Eloi has been looking for him since.   We discuss whether or not we want to rob Elrich's house, because it's going to cause a terrible consequence to the people of this village. We could burn it all down when we're done, OR we can just take the diamond we need, and use our own gold and pass it off as Elrich's gold to the priest.   We can't agree, so we eat some alligator and talk to Eloi.   So I guess we are going to rob the place and burn it all down.   Actually, we discuss just taking the diamond we need, burn the house down without taking anything else, and blame the fire on one of the guards? Elias says he could forge some kind of document supporting whatever narrative we want to push.   This is where we end.   It's Ravenqueensea, 30 4pm                                    

Session 48: On our way to Lupine

Salfa is actually Sally Fairtress. She's here because Pirate Pete was like "yeah, it's such a great world" and she's like I'd like to have it, but Adenazeal needs to be there, so she brought everything here.   How do the Salfanites have paladin powers when they worship a devil?   There was a prophecy that we would meet Pete again and it would mean the end of the world   Pirate Pete wants Joe's finger to consider working with us. He kind of wants to kill us because JOe drowned him when we were kids. Then he's like, let's play a game. If Joe can light a lighter 10 times in a row, Pete will help us at no cost. Otherwise Joe will lose a finger.   It's Ravenqueensea 28th 8:30pm   Elias raises his dagger to chop off Joe's pinky. For a moment Elias thinks to throw the hatchet at Pete. They turn into really high level devils, and Elias decides to chop of Joe's finger.   We take the finger, and Pete and his devil gang think to attack us, but were like fuck you buddy. If you don't let us have the finger we tell EVERYONE what you are, so they back off. Also, Pete is some kind of Deva....not a devil.   We all decide to work together to defeat the Magnuses. We're like they fuck haven't you defeated them. You guys are fucking powerful, and they are like The magnuses are in the mountains. There are werewolves, demons, beasts, and drow working for the Magnuses. Once you get to the manor, there is a mote. The bridge is drawn and only those permitted are allowed in. The roof is guarded by gargoyles. The only way to sneak in is through the mote. There is an underground dungeon below, but it's filled with monsters...failed experiments cutting through all those monsters would definitely notify them of our presence.   There is also a bunch of vampire spawn at the Magnuses disposal. We're like, you couldn't possibly formulate a better plan??? Like this doesn't make sense.   They had tried to infiltrate before, and when they failed, the magnuses sent out their minions and killed 1 out of 10 people in their village.   Anyway, if we can get the drawbridge down, they can get men in through the front gate and take care of the vampire spawn.   Serafins here are tasked with defeating the magnuses. Once they do, they will be able to join the fold of Adenazeal. I guess Salfanites are from Adenazeal. The others are known as Sarafins?   Pete wants us to try and gather some forces for him there are werewolves in the north who hate the magnuses. their leader is named Baron Reginald Greytress. Oh wait...that's the enemy werewolf leader.. The good werewolf leader is Greytress's son...also known as Greytress. Greg Greytress. I guess they are at odds with each other.   We question heavily their failure in this area, and Elias asks for a good faith information in why/how the Sarafins/Salphanites are able to cast Paladin magic.   Pete's like yeah...that's a secret. Light chimes in and asks Pete what he wants. Further calls him out on how things just don't make sense. They've infiltrated to try and get information. Light thinks that Pete is here for some kind of information. WE figure out that they are likely after the demonomicon and maybe information about a shard. We don't share this though. Light thinks that Pete will have us killed if we are successful in helping him.   We figure out that Pete wans the demonomicon for sure. Elias is like, absolutely not. I'm not giving it to you. Panfyr offers a game of chance at the end for the book.   A contract is drafted. Heres what is says:   It will be a game of Pete's choosing, but the odds will be 50/50.   Mid contract write out, we're like fuck this shit....We aren't getting anything from Pete there is no reason for a contract at all. We convince him letting us go will only help him, because we are likely to do some damage to the Magnuses. He agrees.   We go to the tavern and get some drinks. We give Joe some poppy for her finger pain. Joe gives Ash her pinky.   Elias and Panfyr meet a young lady from this area. She tells us the soldiers here have promised to rid the Magnuses out of this land.   She says the Salfanites have promised them land/jobs once the Magnuses are gone. The Magnuses have taken everything from them and forbidden trade of any kind. Galvania used to provide food, but something happened and that stopped years ago.   The locals are in huge support of the soldiers here.   We decide to try and get the werewolves to the north to join our forces and not even bother with Pete at all.   We go to George, the blacksmith and bill Pete for some silvered weapons.   Franz makes a silvered grill for his fangs.   It's roughly 2pm Ravenqueensea 29th   We get on our horses and head up the coast. We pass a village called Dorian village, but decide not to stop.   We get to a forest where a group of people are walking out. There are signs with symbols of Lathander warning folks away from here.   The group of people were doing their monthly search. There are a large amount of people that go into this forest and never come back. They fall into some kind of despair and die...a suicide kind of die....The forest perpetuates the sadness.   We tell them we are heading to Lupine forest, and they are like, you guys are crazy...that's freaking dangerous. They don't know of any shortcuts and tell us it's a bad choice to go.   We try to go around the forest along the coastline, BUT can't because of a cliff or something, so we go into the forest.   Panfyr sends her wild companion into the Forest to check things out.   We notice that any animals in the forest are dead. We determine that there a blight roses there, and those feed off of meat, and are feeding off the carcasses.   As we are walking a number of us start to get incredibly depressed and want to stop walking. We do lose some horses which Franz promptly eats. Elias, Hydr, and Ash all have no desire to move forward. The rest of the group puts them on the living horses and forces them to go. Later...more of the horses start to fall to this curse again.   Ultimately we realize that mushrooms are causing this. Joe is able to heal everyone. We only lose 2 horses. Thanks goodness.   We get out of the forest and get to a river.   WE decide to take a rest. Hadyr took some of the mushrooms out of the forest. While he's examining them, he sees an old lady picking flowers. We try to ignore her, but she ends up seeing us. She's harvesting nightshade at night. something about the oil only secreting at night is why she's harvesting so late.   Her name is Moldovia. Franz detects her thoughts and learns she's very concerned with Pete and the Magnuses. Whether or not either of them need her. She's thinking about what they could possibly want or need.   Franz learns that she thinks the Magnuses are VERY powerful, and this actually excites her. She may want to try and make some kind of deal with them. If she controls them, then she controls everything they control.   He detects that she thinks she's much more cleverer and mentally more powerful than the magnuses. We learn she lives all the way on the eastern side of the island (we are on the western side)   As we end the questioning, Panfyr is hiding, and she thinks that this woman is really bad and decies to stand up and shoot her. As she sees Panfyr appear with her bow, Moldovia says "sisters" and this is where we end.   It's roughly 12AM Ravenqueensea 30th            

Session 47: See Hunter for notes

Begin writing your story here...

Session 46: A Reefining: A Who Dun it on the Voyage to New Galvania.

It's around 12pm on RavenQueenSea the 8th year 1093,   We are outside the council hall and decide that we are going to head to New Galvania. We are concerned about Elas, but when he was taken from us, it was for a trial, so we trust that he will get himself out of it eventually and get back to us. If a few days go by and we don't hear from him or anything, we will decide what we want to do.   We decide to travel to the south of New Galvania, go to Sarafin Village and try to ally with the salfanites there. It'll be about a 10 day trip.   We plan to get supplies and goats for morpheus and Franz.   Joe tells us there is a Hurricane coming, so we decide to stay for another week. While here we seek out the thieves guild to find out about Ameilia and to see what happened to the fellow who attempted to kill us in Eldoria. We are taken to an old run down observatory. when we get there, we find Amelia there. She looks like the person who tortured Elias and Ash before. We learn that she has many versions of herself out there. She can feel it when one of her selves die, and we were the first to have killed one of them. Amelia got involved an Ifreeti who was a prince of the city of brass, and as clever as she is, she wished to rule all of the thieves guilds, and he made it so, by splitting her into a leader for each guilde that exists.   WE make peace with her about killing the other Amelia. She also tells us that the fellow we captured in Eldoria was ostracized from the thieves guild for disrupting the flow of Blue Sage trade. We are asking that he be held accountable for trying to kill Panfyr twice. We have her blessing to have the thieves guild in Eldoria take him out.   She stamps a letter for us and we get it sent to Eldoria.   Let's skip to RavenQueenSea the 14th, 8am and the skies are clear.   We decide to head out. The Salfanites walk up to us and Morpheus. There is somebody else with them. He's a human with long blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. Super handsome and charismatic....the noble type.   There is a lot of ass kissing in their conversation. apparently Morpheus is bringing them on board to help? un ceratain.   Franz finds out that the guy is someone from Adenizeal. His name is Light Lockmarche. He is carrying a sword with a symbol of Lathander on it. He carries himself like a leader. Maybe he's some kind of commander.   Franz talks to Light and finds out he's from Adenizeal- a city that used to be in a placed called Faerune. there were some deals made by the Paragon, Thandius, and somehow their city ended up here. His people worship Salfa. He chooses to continue worshinging Lathander.   We learn this Thandius has a daughter. Thandius wants to be a ruler. Light has the birthright to rule Adenizeal. but Thandius is ruling there? I'm uncertain. Anyway, he's kind of running away? Thandius told him that if he was able to procure.....something.....he doesn't know, but he needs to talk to a guy named Peter in Sarafin.   So, he's not ostracized????? But it's complicated....I don't really know.   Before we head out, Panfyr goes out to do a bit of "dirtying". She's able to obtain a gold pouch of a very heavy set rich fellow selling dates and textiles. She shares her spoils with us, but just tells us she just happened ot find it.   We head out, and realize we have like 25 other passengers and another 15 for the crew.   While on the trip, Hydr is able to use the blue sage that Joe has been caring for to get to work on the incense we need to combat the mind control for the Magnuses.   On day two, one of the guests is frantically searching for their human daughter Lytria. Ash tries to locate her, but her spell is not able to which means, she's either no longer on board, she's polymorphed, or something else I haven't thought of. Ash, understanding the girl isn't on the boat doesn't want to make things worse for the mother and says that   Franz confronts Morpheus, but he swears he hasn't seen this girl. Franz is able to investigate. We end up finding remanence of foot prints on the ship. We use charcoal to make a tracing of this and then compare it to other feet. WE narrow the foot print down to 3 people.   one guy named Alfred, tells us that they are a cobbler and repaired a shoe for a guy named Nicholas. The other guy Charlie tells us he was reading. ONe guy named Donald claims to have been collecting wheat that a guy named Gerald brought onto the ship. It was caught.   Meanwhile, Hydr finds clothes on the bow that belong to a large man. Panfyr recognizes that these clothes belong to an elft that was part of the crew.   Franz starts to question Donald, the wheat grinder. He takes off his bandages off to scare him further.   Meanwhile, Panfyr asks for the manifesto, but Morpheus labeled everyone as a generic food item. I'm hating this guy more and more every day. She's trying to find the high elf whoms clothes Hadyr found on the bow. Panfyr learns his name is Shrowl or something like that. As Panfyr is looking for this person, He hears someone scream and then a splash.   Panfyr runs over and screams "MAN OVERBOARD" as she sees someone in the water. Panfyr starts to spin the steering wheel causing the boat to suddenly spin. This causes Franz to fly out of the window of his room. Ash is able to cast water walk on him. She throws a rope to Franz to help him climb back up.   Meanwhile, Panfyr throws a rope to the other person overboard. Joe helps by casting control water around the person and pulls them up to the boat.   Joe asks who pushed them overboard. It's a frail girl that says she was attacked by a gnome. Shes a different girl that the original missing person.   We ask the girl what happened. She says the gnome ran up out of nowhere and pushed her. He was a rock gnome- brown hair evil look in the eye. fair skin.   Franz uses a water sphere to try and find an invisible person on the boat. Joe tries to talk to some rats/mice and finds that someone smells really bad.   Ash turns into a bloodhound and follows the smell of the high elf clothes we found and it leads her to a tiefling who smells of a strong chemical bleach smell.   Ash essentially gets the tiefling by the britches and drags him to the brig. Meanwhile Franz has run the boat into the reef. Everyone else is trying to right the boat. We all hear a horrible scraping coming from the bottom of the boat.   Hydr drinks a strength potion and starts to get the boat under control. Joe is using the decanter to try and push the boat a bit...she's tied to the boat and trying to help. I don't really know.   Franz finds a very tiny leak in the very bottom of the boat from scraping the bottom of the boat against the reef. Joe might be able to patch it up, but as they get down there, it busts even more and water starts to gush in. Joe and Hydr are able to handle it though.   While Ash guards the tiefling in the captains quarters, Panfyr comes up with a plan to try and "join" the gnome. When they go to the captain's quarters, they find 2 bloodhounds. Ash comes out of wild shape and immediately causes the other one to come out of the bloodhound. The team cannot tell who the real Ash is, and ends up sending in Fred to sniff out real Ash. They kill the other Ash and it turns out Fred was correct.   Why was this doppelganger killing people? Franz has heard of a doppelganger that was an assassin and would use that to kill its targets. We learn that the girl who survived knew the girl who was killed. They are both from New Galvania. She thinks it may be due to a feud between families. She thinks one of hte families from Lupine Forest may be behind this, but she doesn't really want to open up to us, not knowing if she can really trust us.   AFter investigating we deduce that she may be some kind of royalty. We find a handkerchief with A.G on it. We figure out that the first girl that went missing looked a lot like the girl who survived. It must have been a case of mistaken identity.   It is possible that she *might* be alive, because Joe has been casing Water Breathing on everybody every day. There is a tiny chance that she could still be alive.   Meanwhile, while trying rest, Morpheus tries to hit up Ash. Ash isn't having it and she's really paranoid after her circumstances. She rejects him a second time the next morning. This kind of puts Morpheus in a state. He plays a flute and becomes surrounded in black smoke.   Franz and he start to argue about how Franz "left him to die" and Morpheus becomes really hostile and irate. As much as we try to calm him down, we cannot and we find that he summons a Kraken.   Franz is able to think about his past with Morpheus and remembers that there were times were Morpheus could get really angry and jealous and competitive. All of that built up frustration plus touching the abyss and being part vampire is starting to come to the surface. Everything negative within him has been super amplified.   Ash tries to pull Morpheus out of his state, but he disappears and she just barely survives not getting pulled into the Abyss. Kraken Tentacles start to grapple the boat.   It's currently 18th or Ravenqueensea around 8:30am   This is where we end.              

Session 45: Adventures in Pontimunde

It's 8pm on It's the RavenQueenSea 7 year 1093.   We've just arrived at Pontinunde. MOrpheus tells us his boat is being held near a pier. We decide that we may hang out here for a couple of days.   We want to locate the thieves guild and find out if the Amelia here is the one that passed away in Eldoria. We want to find out if the fellow who tried to kill us has been tried or what we need to do about that.   Morpheus ends up taking us to an Inn called the Glazed Rose. Someone there owes him a favor, and it's the best place in the city. His contact there is some guy named Brutus.   Joe recognizes the structures and design of this city to be dwarven made, and probably around 1000 years old. STrangely, there are not many dwarves here.   Ash notices that people seem to look at her strangely and pointing. Hydr notices to and is like "Welcome to the club"   We get to the inn and Morpheus asks for Brutus. The person there is like, Yo, Brutus doesn't want to see you man. and Morpheus is like "Come On! is that room available" This guy is like yeah, and we take a lift up to a secret door and are escorted to the room.   Hydr learns that onions are the secret to being really strong. Not meat.   We all bathe. Ash meets a sun elf named Ithilene who is here on a diplomatic mission from Calimbar. She is with Galadrian himself and the rest of her squadron of Magic Breakers. She doesn't speak much about what their mission is here though. We know she's going back to Calimbar when she is done here.   She knows who Aezlebov is and says that she guarded outside when Galadrian was meeting with him. She has actually met Ash's sister Dustera.   WE get her a little drunk and she tells us that Aezlebov is a really smart guy, but the rift causes him a lot of stress, because I guess Mystra chose him and he is holding the whole world together. He's holding the rift together so it doesn't destroy everything.   she tells us that there were discussions of putting mithals over the continents to kind of hold things together. this would cause problems with the weave. Wherever the mithil is would cause issues with magic over level 3 in those areas.   Galadrian is here with their town religious leader (Faenore's dad). They are discussing all of this behind Aezlebov's back. If the mithals get put up, then it will likely kill him. It's really fucked up.   Joe reminds Ash that Galadrian is Ash's father. Ash messages Lyra about what she knows and what Galadrian's plan is. Then she decides to go and talk to Galadrian about it. She doesn't think it's a good idea and worries that a lot of innocent people will die, one being the very man who has been holding the whole world together.   Galadrian tells her that there is a meeting in the morning with the council, and Ash should come speak at it.   We get some rest. Durning the night Hazel and Hydr have a conversation and she tells him that he has an evil heart and that he should fight these instincts. She worries for the rest of our safety. She will be leaving soon to go seek out her husband Tempest in the Wasteland of Woe. She tells him that he should leave too, but he says he will not, because he believes he is not evil and would not hurt his friends.   As she walks away, he sees her talk to a group of soldiers that seem super friendly and it's kind of weird.   A couple of hours he wakes up Ash and when ash is on watch she hears a group of men outside the door talking about "it's the guy with the bandages" Did they have something to do with Hazel disappearing?   Ash wakes everyone up. Hyadr is like I"ll just set the door on fire, and kick it on them. He sets it on fire but just kicks his foot through the door and gets stuck.   Joe gets him unstuck. The men outside says they are here to escort Morpheus back to Brutus. They also mockingly say "Hazel's right here" when Panfyr shouts for her.   Franz tricks them into bringing Brutus to US by tellin them that HE himself is Galadrian.   Ash turns into a mouse and follows them. She sees Brutus arguing with the men, and he tells them to fuck him up. Someone says Galadrian is in THAT room. They run off after him, and GAladrian and the magic breakers just destroy them. Like it was so easy for them.   Ash goes back to their room to find her friends gone. She then goes back to Brutus's room to try and find hazel, but does not find anything about her.   In the meantime, Panfyr is like WTF is going on Morpheus, what's the deal with you and Brutus? I guess he took him on a boat ride and left Brutus with a hag or something...He's real big mad about it.   Morpheus is like, we can just kill him...which is kind of fucked up, because Brutus is kind of justified.   Morpheus tells everyone that Brutus works with Amelia. Everyone goes to confront Brutus and Ash rejoins them. We make Morpheus go and try and make things right with Brutus.   Morpheus ends up making up a cock n bull story about having 10k gp on an island, and he'll tell Brutus where it is if he promises to take only 3kgp.....Brutus believes him?! What an idiot...Lord help us....or just Morpheus really.   We get our long rest. The next day, we are approached and asked what city we are representing at the council meeting. Elias steps up and says we are representing Eldoria, and he is on the council there.   They write us in. We ask the innkeeper to keep an eye out for Hazel. He says the clerk who was working when she disappeared will be back at 5pm so we can ask him them.   Joe fixes the hole and the burn marks in the hidden door we destroyed.   Before the council meeting, we get breakfast and go shopping Panfyr runs into Jaren Silverleaf. He doesn't have anything too good just yet. Panfyr tests him though to make sure he's honest and he pasts.   Ash gives Joe the githyanki egg she has. Joe gets a harness to carry the egg in.   Panfyr's owl Mayhem shows up. There is a message on the owl. It says Giddlewick reported you and there are Drow after her now. She doesn't share this with us, and can't understand why drow would really be chasing her.   Druka, Panfyr's master before was just terrible to Panfyr even though she produced the best gardens. When Panfyr left, the gardens started to die, and she thinks this may be why they want her back. The supply chain has been disrupted.   Joe goes to a book store and gets a book on Githyanki. WE get on the boat to head to the council meeting. When we get on the island, Dawles shows up with some pitfiends and takes Elias to a trial on the 6th layer of hell. Something about the money that was sacrificed didn't belong to the sacrificer, and now it has to be returned. I don't fucking know....   But now Ash has to deal with the council meeting on her own.   The meeting starts. Turns out Galadrian is here just notifying everyone of what is going on with his plans. Turns out the high elves from his land, Enegarnad will be the ones to create the the mithals, and they will be the onlyones to cast spells at all. Everyone else will only be able to cast cantrips.   They plan to have this executed within 2 months. If we can come up with a plan to solve this, we may be able to convince to stop this.   Maybe we can go talk to Aezlebov. Maybe we can find the shards and make them whole again? Maybe we could try to get in touch with Mystra?   In the end we decide to continue on our way to new Galvania.   WE run into the clerics and tell them about what is going on and where these orders came from. and ask for their help. They head back to Adenizeal to let their leaders know                                            

Session 44: Travel to Pontimunde

It's 6:30 pm on It's the RavenQueenSea 5 year 1093   We are talking to Jaren Silverleaf. We learn that he became a merchant when he went on an expedition to discover a new continent. A dwarf named John Harrison funded an expedition to go discover a new continent. King Cryic was on this expedition as was some guy named Brotar. I guess King Cryic is dead now, which has been a bit of a mystery since he left Greatspear.   Jaren tells us about a special picture book called a comic book, and there was one about the Shadowthorne Family.   We talk to him about what kinds of discounts/returns of investment we get by investing in his business. He tells us that he'll be able to acquire better items and give us half off. Panfyr and Ash donate a total of 600gp more and this unlocks whatever the next level is. Panfyr plucks a hair from his head and says if we don't see him in Pontimunde in 2 weeks time, he's beyond a dead man.   We get some sleep. The next morning Elias walk to the houses of some of the folks listed in the ledger and gives them 100GP telling them that Dirck and the water elemental shouldn't be a problem anymore.   Panfyr talks to one of the gnomes named Talis, and learns that the deep gnome that she saw yesterday is named Giddlewick. He's a honeymaker here.   We learn that Giddlewick uses honey and blue sage to make a an elixr. They have a vendor lady that comes by every once in a while that sells it. It's the only vendor. (It's probably the one that Panfyr killed when she robbed them with his last gang)   Panfyr wants to stay here for the whole day which makes Elias a bit nervous and leary.   Panfyr starts questioning various village people about Giddlewick. WE go check out his house, but he's not home. We look through the windows and seem some kind of one eyed frog creatures called Ogloths just hopping around. While we look for Giddlewick we stop by the Sherwoods place. Elias introduces himself as Marion's kid.   They immediately invite him in and serve him a cheesecake from a magical ice box. he gives them 500GP. We ask about the icebox, and someone named Jeremy Spokane who plays the violin made that ice box. He's moved away a long time ago though.   Before we leave, Panfyr leaves her owl Mayhem and 50gp with Avery, and she asks that if he sees Giddlewick to please let us know and send a note back.   Avery tells us he saw Giddlewick walking in a direction to a cave when we first got into town This cave has been known to have drow come out of it from time to time. We decide to get our horses and get out of town.   We travel for about a day and end up at another village called Olmadan. We decide to rest for the night. We get one room to share, and we find a vial of holy water in the chimney. Ash and Elias discover that it is quantumly entangled with another bottle of holy water. Elias uses shape water to spell out words and we learn the other bottle is in New Verdeau. It's basically a sentimental piece left by a couple who met here and they use it to channel the energy of this place and remember it. We lie and tell them we are in Eldoria. We learn their names are Jenna and Yelrah Aceifer.   WE decide to go eat dinner down stairs and Elias pretends to choke on some food while Panfyr steals the Registrar for this place. We confirm that Jenna and Yelrah are real and they were here about 10 years ago. Yelrah was a wizard.   We meet a lady dressed in Red who has heard of the Aceifer guy. Hes some kind of wizard that married an Amethyst dragon named Jenna. They were divination wizards. He's kind of a fairytale character now and the lady in red, Neckrasha, doesn't actually believe he existed.   We talk to Professor Plum. He's examining an egg with iron bands around it. There is something moving around inside of it.   He doesn't know what kind of egg it is, but we recognize it to be a Githyanki egg. Panfyr trades half of a fruit rollup for the egg. We learn it came from a Githyanki kid who was running around in this village a couple of weeks ago. WE decide to try and track down the githyanki. We find a mountain with a tiny hold in it, but no way to really get into it. We decide to just take the egg with us.   Elias also takes the holy water he found in the chimney.   We get some sleep and head out the next day.   It's 8am on It's the RavenQueenSea 7 year 1093.   As we travel we are attacked by 2 dragons. They pretty much kick our ass, BUT Franz casts rope trick giving us a place to retreat and hide. He also creates an illusion to give the dragons something to chase.   We are able to get to Pontimunde. The aromaof freshly cooked food fills our nostrils WE find a little restaurant to eat at on the shore. This is where we end.   It's 8pm on It's the RavenQueenSea 7 year 1093.                              

Session 43: Thunderstrike at Crow's Crossing

It's the RavenQueenSea 4 roughly 7pm, we are with the tribesmen having a feast in honor of their fallen.   Joe and Franz make friends with Sajon, a fellow who seems curious of us but leary. He tries to put together a party to loosen up the night. We reminisce about when we were young and that time that Joe drowned Peter and Elias developing a deathly fear of water.   Joe finds druidic writing on a rock, and it's got their family crest on it. It's a marker that Joe recognizes as something used to mark a hidden stash.   Turns out there is a barrel of Oakenfoot Ale burried here. Joe learns there were some Oakenfoot dwarves here about 10 yrs ago. They were hunting down some kind of creatures in the mountain. Joe learns that whatever these creatures were were the original inhabitants of Hammerfall. They were githyanki, and were driven out of Hammerfall by the dwarves. Apparently they were trying to purge the Githyanki.   None the less, Joe offers to share the ale with the tribe, and it's a good time. Haydr plays a game of Catch the Spear with the barbarians. With some guy named Gordron. He wins and they become friends.   As we go to sleep for the night, Ash and Hazel are talking. Ash is distracted from her watch and someone sneaks in and stabs Hydr in the chest. We see it is a small orc girl. As Ash tackles her, Panfyr tackles Ash by mistake allowing the young orc to get away.   Franz is able to polymorph her though into a penguin. Luckily, only the elder sees this use of magic, but he doesn't say anything.   We tie up the penguin and turn her back. We learn she is the daughter of the orc that we killed a few sessions ago and she stabbed Hydr because she believes he is the leader of our group. Her name is Luca. We end up convincing the elder of this village to take her in and try to raise her as she shows a great aptitude for tracking.   It's the RavenQueenSea 5. 8am   We head out and get to a place called Crow's Cross. Apparently Marion Hoccleve lived her for a bit when she was a little girl. Her maiden name then was Surewood.   We go to the Inn and get some lunch. The innkeeper, Lilb Raymu seems a bit nervous when we walk in. We see a tortle sitting in the corner. Elias asks the innkeeper if there are any Surewoods still living here. There is a Diane, Nicholas, and Betty Surewood that still live here.   Joe also learns that their is an Oakenfoot dwarf that lives here and works as the blacksmith. There is also a deep gnome staring at panfyr strangely.   This town was founded by the Ca'va family. Joe talks to a dwarf who is an Oakenfoot. His name is Gribus Oakenfoot. They trade stories about what they are doing there. They talk about how all the good food of this region comes from this town.   Joe offers to give him the recipe from her uncle Jester's barrel. Joe learns he was part of the hunting party 10 years ago that were looking for the githyanki. He learns they never found them.   There is also an evil water spirit that is in this area. However, the innkeeper defeated it one day by dispelling its magic.   The water spirit is actually a woman. A long time ago, there was a woman who was thought to be a hag named Lizara. They say she was a hag so they drowned her. Others say she was waiting for her lover that went off to the Arcane Forge War, but never came back. She's been causing havoc for the last 10 years.   Panfyr is looking nervously for a gnome that was there, and Elias notices. Elias check in with Panfyr and Panfyr admits that gnomes make her nervous, but she doesn't get into details.   Elias then remembers that he has seen the innkeepers name somewhere and remembers that it was on the ledger he acquired from the dragon named Barrett. Maybe that's why he was so nervous when we first walked in. Elias tells him that Barrett is dead. There is a guy named Dirck here that is making them pay to keep the water elemental creature at bay.   Dirck may be responsible for the destruction of homes here and seems to have power over this creature. He can make it disappear instantly. All the money this city makes goes directly to Dirck.   Lilb mentions that Amelia from Pontimunde, the leader of the theives guild there. Elias isn't sure if this the same Amelia that we had to kill.   We use the sending stone to contact Drew back in Eldoria. However, Drew forgets he has only 25 words and we immediately lose contact with him. We'll have to try again tomorrow.   We decide to go spy on Dirck a bit. On our way, we run into a fishermen named Avery Ca'va. He's the famous cook around these parts. We talk to him about Dirck...we learn hes' been here for 10 years now...which is when the water elemental showed up. And now he's got some soldiers from Eldoria helping him now.   Turns out Avery dated Elias's mom back in the day.   Ash turns into a spider and goes into Dirck's house to spy. She recognizes that the guys there are the police that roughed us up when we first got to Eldoria. she doesn't get much information from them. They talk about girls and how they miss their station and respect in Eldoria.   Ash tells everyone this and Franz decides to turn into Blackwood and try to "recruit" them back to Eldoria and get them to join again and leave their station here.   "Blackwood Franz" knocks on the door. Gives a convincing speech, and they invite her in for drinks.   She goes in and tries to talk to them. Turns out they kind of hate blackwood for what she did, and they start to get a little hostile with her and start to surround her/him.   Blackwood Franz offers double their salary and per diem. The policemen agree to this, and we learn that there are about 20 of the men there. They start to get ready to leave first thing in the morning.   Blackwood Franz actually pulled this shit off. Will Dirck counter though? Only time will tell.   Elias reviews the ledger and finds that Avery as well as other folks of this town are listed on it. We formulate a plan to ambush the policeman when they come to meet us tonight to retrieve their paperwork from Blackwood Franz.   We have a couple of wickless bombs we could put on the bridge to blow it up. There is also a hurricane a coming to town. This could be the perfect opportunity to destroy the bridge, wipe the bad guys away and blame it on the storm.   We have a message delivered ot the police telling them to meet us at the inn. We rig the bridge with a couple of bombs we have.   We get everything set up and prepare. Later that night, we see Dirck trying to rally the policemen as they are completely wasted.   As they all gather on the bridge (except for Dirck) Franz shoots an arrow striking the bomb causing the bridge to blow up and flush most of the policemen away.   Dirck takes off across the river, but not before Elias and Panfyr do some damage. Haydr throws a goat at some guys in the water. What in the fucking world is happening? The water elemental shows up and starts to slap the shit out of Ash, but Joe dispels it immediately. Thank goodness the DM told us about that trick earlier.   Franz pursues Dirck on Marzapan and starts shooting firebolts at him. Dirck eventually just throws up his hands to try and surrender. Hydr throws 2 goats next to try and hit Dirk over 2oo ft away, one of them is on fire for some reason? but they just end up landing in the water. Ash just shakes her head at the absurdity of the nonsense.   Just as Dirck is about to escape, Panfyr snipes him with an arrow right through the neck. Boom! All 20 are donezo now.   We all make it to the other side of the river. Some using Marizpan. Franz and Joe have to walk around the long way because they got struck by lightning while trying to cross.   We search Dirck and find another ledger on him. It's from Pontinmunde. We learn that Dirck was using stones of water elemental summoing and we find 5 more in a chest. He was buying these from Pontimunde for about $400GP each from someone the DM doesn't know their name. Actually, it's Moma says the DM.   We find a chest full of the gold that Dirck had been collecting from the gold. Elias wants to give this back to the town.   Elias sees his mom's name in this new ledger and it has a ridiculous amount listed that she owes.   As we are searching Dirck's house, a random guy storms in, his name is Jaren Silverleaf. He's a merchant. If we invest in his business he will give us discounts later. This is where we end. Hanging out with this merchang guy who is well traveled and probably know a lot of things if we ask about them.   It's 6:30 pm on It's the RavenQueenSea 5 year 1093.                                      

Session 42: Wizards, Lizards and kids in cages! Oh My!

We fight a bunch of Lizardfolk saving a guy that they were eating. Franz ends up coming in clutch by making himself disguised into a Lizard Folk asking for help, and almost the entire group run over to help him. This helps us take them out pretty easily.   Joe was able to create a tourniquet for his foot and make a boot on it. We harvest honey from a bee hive to put on the wound. His name is Dirk. He's got 2 twin girls that he takes care of in the mountain about 4 hours away from here. He was out with a hunting party and he doesn't know where they are at. There were 3 of them total. The other 2 are missing. Ash sends Glum out to try and track the missing hunter(s)   Glum does find them. They are deceased and partly eaten. We bring Dirk and his deceased companions. Dirk writes his symbol on a piece of paper and Elias has his animal companion fly it off to the group ahead of us.   We stumble upon a village of Lizardfolk on our way to the encampment. We see that they are keeping a kid and a lady in a hanging cage.   We learn this is Dirk's sister- Freedra. The kid is Dirk's nephew Don.   It seems they are been held for a ceremony for the king and queen. The plan is for them to be served alive with their innards exposed to the king and queen.   We annihilate the shit out of these lizardfolk. Haydr almost kills the child in the cage by causing the cage to drop on some lizardfolk.   None the less, we pretty easily defeat the whole tribe. We learn that the little boy is paralyzed from the waist down now. It's pretty fucked up.   Joe builds a stretcher for the kid. We escort them all back to the village. Dirk reunites with his wife. He tells everyone that we saved them. They seem grateful. We deliver their dead.   This is where we end. With the tribe. It's the RavenQueenSea 4 roughly 7pm        

Session 41:

We are in the room with dead Dorian on the ground. We hear the guests outside the door start to get curious. We decide to just tell them the truth. Hazel is able to calmly evacuate Dorian's manor.   We check out the place. We find that ALL the books are Daniel Copper. We deduce that Dorian probably didn't live here, and the original occupants were probably dead.   We learn that Hazel is actually a princess of Ardenia. We search the house and find a ledger, as the guy who lived here was a banker. We find he was giving a large sum of money to the Shadowthorne estate and all it says is "For Ed"   We deduce this stands for "Erectile Dysfunction".....was he part of a pyramid scheme?   We find the poor guy that lived here tied up in a closet. We learn he has a whole basement of money. Panfyr is actually able to see the combination of 6969 to this safe.   We learn the guy's name is John. He's a big fan of Danielle Copper and owns every 1st edition all signed.   We convince him to show us a one of a kind unfinished manuscript, about a lady who falls in love with a monodrone named Bob. Panfyre steals some of the little blue pills.   We find a book written in abyssal. Elias is able to read it. It's by a lesser demon. It's broken abyssal. It seems to try and detail something called the Palace of 1001 and closets as well as the Plane of infinite portals.   Joe remembers this is the place called Pazunia. The first layer of the Abyss. We talk about trying to contact Zozth somehow to see if there is a known way to destroy the shards.   We also talk about going to Sarafin and trying to get them to help us get against the Magnuses.   We decide to get some rest and head to Pontemundi. We bring Tremon and Sivor, Hazel and Morpheus.   Hydr goes to a church to try and get some holy water. He finds a Church of Meilikki and finds they have lost their magic.   We also learn that Hazel's friend Stefan has a jeweled skull, which we've been looking for. It was being transported by the goblin girl in the underdark, but was stolen by a drow and brought here.   We go say our good byes and QM tells us that if we find Angst, to tell him that he loves him and he's not mad at him.   We are given horses for our journey. We get on our way.   It's roughly 6pm on Ravensqueensea 3.   We get to a small village called Ilkkoru. children there run up to us and ask Haydr if he is related to the blacksmith.   Ashe learns that her sister Dustera lived in a small house down the road. But she hasn't been here for a couple of years.   There is a tree in the center of town that seems strange and magical.   We get to an Inn called the Belchey Frog. Inside there are 3 men wearing white and red. They are clerics of some kind. Very clean and proper, trying to get a room. We don't recognize their holy symbols. We hear them getting a room and in an attempt to cut in front of them, Elias pretends to have met a devil on the road, and Panfyr walks in front and gets us our rooms.   We learn they are the followers of Salfa, the Goddess of Light. The one true goddess. They are from another plane of existence. They were brought here on a mission by their goddess to track down a couple of vampires. They are actually here to recruit people.   They are from Serafin, and they want to chase down the Magnuses. We decide to join them on their mission. We go outside in the evening to find a night market. They are celebrating the Festival of the Ancestors.   They mention a guy named Brandock, a shady individual from Pontemundi. He lives here and has red hair like Elias and Ponfyr.   Hadyr and Hazel start talking about good orcs vs bad orcs, and she see another orc chopping wood. We go check out Dustera's old house. Ashe finds a drawer full of blue butterflies as well as an unmarked grave.   We discover that the grave is actually a staircase that leads down under ground. Some kids said they saw Dustera bring books down one time.   There are a lot of books that are tales and stories. Mysterious wizards, a guy dressed all in blue, magics tha tprotect the world, and the name Aezlebov Zobelo.. Dustera works for this mysterious person and writes chronicles for him.   Aezlebov grew up in Pontemundi and learned to use magic. He gained the favor or Elminster and Laurel Silverhand. He studied and learned with these people.   He ended up meeting Mystra herself. We figured out that Dustera headed to the mountain range between Rmstone Reach and Pontemundi and likely found this Aezelebov character. We learn she was looking for a flying method to get her there. Could it have been Aurendille? He did mention this Azelbov person when we last saw him. Maybe Azelbov can help us with our shards issues once we are ready to address that.   WE also wonder if the salfanites have something to do with Milleakea disappearing recently.   Panfyr finds a magical book that shows pictures of whatever you're thinking about. We think of Zozth and it shows a picture of the jeweled skull that Bryza lost. We also see a picture of a red headed boy that kind of looks like Elias. Ash gives the magical book to Panfyr as a gift.   We rebury the library, and get some rest for the night.   Jo casts Divination to see what Dustera and Aezlebov are up to recently. We see a turtle crawling up the stairs at the inn with it's shell cracked open in the back.   Ash is able to restore it and we learn a rock fell on his shell and he came here for some reason. He's from Shellonia. His name is Aristurtle. (Aris for short)   The next morning Jo goes and talks to the tree in the middle of the town. It's called the Tree of Greta. While Jo is talking to the tree, they see that it is the dryad that seduced Remish a long time ago.   She immediately asks where Ash the homewrecker is. Jo tells the dryad, Greta that the hells stole Dermish from Ash. We learn she was waiting for an archfey a long time ago, but she eventually figured out that it might have been Asmodeus tricking her and it wasn't actually Oberon.   She's waiting for Dermish now and will get back at Ash one day.   Anyway, we rest and finally get on the road again. We bring the Bartleby, Azazael and Loki, the 3 clerics we met yesterday with us.   We come across a small ruins with a modron in the ground with overgrowth on it.   In the distance there is a very large glowing orb. Ash detects that this is Lizardfolk territory.   We figure out that it is a mythilar out there. These were once used to hold floating islands. We also wonder if this may be where Mileakea is because we know Lethander was captured by one of these once. What if she was too?   We go check it out. Jo talks to an old ancient tree and learn that there was a floating island that fell here. WE end here asking questions to this tree.              

Session 40: The Ambushers become the Ambushees

We hear a knock at the door. It's Bethany Shadowthorne. She's here because they have a patient at their place, and this person was whispering something about the Blue Sage that was stolen. She wants us to come check them out and see if they were the one responsible for stealing it.   We go over to the Shadowthorne Estate and find that this mysterious person is a very old friend Panfyr, whom we believed to be dead from child hood. She had gotten in with a bad gang who tried to kill her when they stole some Blue Sage and they didn't want to share the profits with. We learn her family was killed by drow and she was captured by a gnome who made her a servant in his garden for years. Also she confesses to having stole Ash's marbles when they were kids, and also took a fancy Vase that her her great great grandfather's ashes in it. She dumped the ashes and sold the vase.   We decide to go ask Drew in the thieves guild if he knows who might have taken the blue sage. When we get down there, Drew actually recognizes Panfyr already. We ask Drew about the group that attacked Panfyr and learn there are 4 humans and a tiefling. They are called the Snake Fangs. They primarily work out of Pontemundi. We think they may still be in the city, so we go check out the academy to see if someone there may have been keen to buy the blue sage.   There could also be some monks at the Tea Dragon Monastery that may have bought the Blue Sage. We head to the Monastery to check them out.   It's Ravensqueensea 2, roughly 11am   We get to the Moneastery. We learn they deal in rare and magical herbs. They have a hard time obtaining these herbs because the Shadowthornes buy them all up. However, they were able to find someone selling Blue Sage, there is a deal going on right now.   As we go to check it out, we learn that the thieves took the sage out of the dirt, so it's going to die soon. The monks don't want to buy it. We tell them we want to buy it and trick them into following us into an ambush. As they go and try to kidnap Ashe, the rest of the group ambushes and we start a fight.   Franz just explodes all but the leader. As the leader begs for their life, Panfyr walks up and casts inflict wounds telling him that this is what he gets. It doesn't kill him, but it maims him badly. Elias knocks him out and we get him back to the thieves guild. Joe casts druidcraft on the Blue Sage and we plant it in the dirk that Franz has from Galvania. Franz   We get this guy down to Drew and he gets thrown into a dungeon.   Elias has a letter written to the Pontemundi thieves guild to recommend death as a sentence.   It's about 12pm now.   We head to the academy and Franz gets some spells. Joe helps the farmers with their crops. Ashe takes a bath and talks to the Shadowthorns about maybe opening trade with the monastery and Bethany agrees to at least talk to them.   Panfyr knows who has the vase he stole years ago and he goes into their home and steals it back. He also finds a bag of holding in their trash can.   WE all get dressed up for the festival. We end up at a party of rich people. Some guy named Dorian gives a speech about New Galvania and the vampires that rule there. He claims to have escaped their alive.   We missed the whole speech except for the part where he made it out alive, because we couldn't stop talking about Franz and his fangs and vampirism and drooling.   Elias goes to talk to this Dorian person as he detects this person is somewhat deceitful. When Dorian finds out that Elias is a Harcleave, he becomes extra interested. He learns that Dorian did go to Galvania with the Magnuses, but left without them.   HE takes Elias to a giant mirror. It's some kind of portal. It ends up sucking Elias inside. Joe, who was hidden as a mouse on Elias person. He brings Joe back out as her self and the rest of us rush in. Elias tells us we need to destroy the mirror which Joe promptly does by turning into a bull.   When this happens Elias does come out, but so do a lot of other things. Some demons as well as a Marilith. We fight and are able to kill Dorian, but he starts crawling away as Franz Magnus is somehow still controlling him. However, our Franz is able to cast animate dead and take control over Dorian so he doesn't escape.   Since Dorian died, the demons are no longer under his control. The Merilith says she could kill us or leave, and we're like "you're free to go" and they leave.   We almost lose Hazel but are able to get her back up.   Franz is able to speak with Dorian and we learn the Magnuses have been the master of Dorian for 18 years. He's still working for them apparently?   The Magnuses need to destroy their enemies? There is an enemy in New Galvania. A city there called Sarafin Village, the enemies are of a religious order- fanatics of the Serafin Order. They are a powerful foe of the Magnuses. Maybe we can recruit them to our cause. They are found on the southernmost side of New Galvania.   As we start to ask too many questions, Franz Magnus kills Dorian so he can say no more.   And this is where we end.          

Session 39: Murdering Orcs and getting ready for the adventures ahead

So the group of orcs come back for us. We try to hide and/or outrun them. It's about 7am. Hazel suddenly believes Hyadr Demiris a hypocrite cuz he's like let's kill these guys. We completely annihilate these guys and they don't even see it coming, because Joe cast an illusion on the land around us. It was a very sad day for the orcs. As Franz kills the last one, he whispers something like Luca before dying. He also threw something off of his person. Hyadr Demir picks it up. It's a leather satchel with the name Luka carved into it.   Inside is a little doll toy. We find some bone runes on the shaman and we learn that they were recently used to detect information about us as well as the The Living Flame. They were trying to find out our intentions here and what we had been doing. They found out that we already took care of The Living Flame.   The also asked about our intentions with them and their land.   this made them very curious about us, so that's why they sent 20 guys to check us out, but then they killed our dog. Ultimately we let him go. He tells us the doll was sent as a gift for us from a girl named Luca thanking us for dealing with The Living Flame. Inside is a drawing of heroes fighting a dragon. I think we are the baddies.   Franz and Hazel have an honest heart to heart and kind of gain an understanding of each other....sort of....It was cute. We make it to Eldoria.   Elias had to run ahead of us a bit to deal with something about his mom and Andromeda. We'll meet him later in Eldoria. He asked us not to leave without him. Tremon and Syvor are there with Blackwood.   It is the 1st of Ravensqueensea. 10am.   Eldoria is starting to rebuild and come together. They are having to deal with the Hammerfall dwarves from the North trying to get their gold back.   While here we want to get our weapons silvered, get some holy water, ask Morpheus for a boat, and talk to the Shadowthornes about Blue Sage to see if they still have any left or any soil left. We want to gather Tremon and Syvor to head to New Galvania.   Franz has the idea to tell The Living Flame that he did everything under the control of the Magnuses.   We go to the Shadowthorne estate. Folks are getting ready to celebrate the Blood Moon Harvest which was delayed for a few days.   We learn that the family that delivers the sage for them was attacked on the road outside of Pontemundi. They do let Hyadr Demir study a bit and he gathers some info needed for his recipes.   We go hunt down Morpheus. He's at our base. Andromeda and Marion are there. Apparently they were on their way back north, but could not pass through Hammerfall, so they came back. Hammerfall seems to be getting ready for an attack on Eldoria.   We convince Morpheus to accompany us with his boat by telling him about the Blue Sage incense.   Elias is handling the council and advising them about how to handle the dwarves.   We buy some holy water. Franz wants to go to the academy and see if he can find some spell scrolls to copy that would be helpful to him.   We get some rest and prepare for the festival before heading to Galvania.  

Session 38: New friends and Floof Hoof reunites with Lukai

Its 8am the 29th of Azuthaire. we just woke and Aurendille is flying down.   He's travelling with 4 other adventurers   A half orc Barbarian named Hyadr Demir obsessed with potions and and natural remedies. He's trying to research Blue Sage named and a dragonborn monk named Lukia.   As well as a 2 humans an older one and younger one. Sivor Bowridge (the young one) and Tremon Bowridge. They were actually tracking down the Magnuses   Aurendilled was on his way to see Aezlebob Zobolo. He doesn't tell us much about this Aezlebob Zobolo, other than he is a powerful wizard. Floof Hoof is reunited Lukai and they are very happy. As Aurendille flies off he tells Ashe his sister is alive and well.   We decide to all travel back to Eldoria as we get to know our new friends. We get to our first night of rest. We find a pile of neatly placed wood. We discover there is an invisible wall there. We find that it is an elvish village. Joe and Ashe turn into squirrels to go check it out.   It appears to be a village of Sun Elves. There is a lot of plant life here, pools of water, and limestone spires here. We think these are elves that have been living here since the Livin Flame destroyed their home about 100 years ago.   While the group outside search for food, Joe turns into themselves in the tent of a guy who lost his wood. He kind of freaks out because they can't be found by anyone. Sid is his name. The name of the city is Strattlethorne (invisible city in the planes) JOe ends up getting captured.   Ashe sneaks out and gathers Franz and she and him go back in to try and diplomatically get Joe back. The rest wait outside just in case things go ary.   We are able to talk our way out, BUT we must keep their society a secret. They are going to try and deal with the Living Flame in the meantime.   They let us all stay the night there. They feed us. We talk about how to deal with the mind control issue with Franz. Hydr tells us he know about an herb that can be turned into incense that can help stop any charm abilities of vampires. It was a blue flame on this incense that would cause it.   Joe is able to use divination to know that we need Galvanian Blue sage along with other herbs that we make a candle. We don't know the measurements/proportions though.   We head back to Eldoria to get our weapons silvered, get some holy water, ask Morpheus for a boat.   Hazel and Hydr talk about race and philosophy and love. Elias and Sivor talk about life and their trades and vampires and share some of their stories.   Some orcs approach us and Hydr talks to them. They insult his tusks and ask what tribe he's from. they have a funny conversation about them owning this land, but Hydr takes everything so literally. It's hilarious. He ends up being challenged. However it ends with them threatening Hydr. They choose to walk away though, because they think there is a magic user amongst us, which there are lots of us, so they were right.   We think they'll be back with more guys, so we decide to try and move our camp. We do see them trying to find us where we were at.   However, we finish our long rest, and this is where we end.   It is approximately 7am Blood Moon Harvest              

Session 37: One Flou Flou over the Dragon's Nest

We have woken up at our base and have decided to try and find some sending stones so we can stay in contact with the city and try to learn about vampirism/vampire spawn stuff.   Ashe reads the book from Lyra and learns that they actually sent the REAL Living Flame back to this area when they ran into him. We learn they have 2 shards. Ashe writes that it's fucked up that they sent this dragon back to a populated city. She tells Lyra she doesn't think they can be friends anymore.   At that time we see a gigantic red dragon land in the city. He' s not destroying anything. Aria shows up and put up a mythil around the castle. She says she's going to get her people and see what The Living Flame wants. Meanwhile, we are going to go to the academy and see what we can find there to help. Franz sends Fred with Aria. Aria warns us that there may be followers of Passin still at the academy so be careful.   When we get to the academy, everything is in upheaval. Many of the faculty and more powerful students are headed to deal with the dragon.   The professor that we dealt with a few days ago walked by and Elias tells her that he doesn't think it's a good idea that they are sending ALL of our most powerful people at once to the dragon. It'll show our hand and IF he decides to attack, we could lose everyone all at once.   They decide to leave some of the students and a teacher with us.   We decide to look into the history of the city since the dragon seems interested in this place. WE also decide to look into liches, because the amulet of The Living Flame seems to act as some kind of falactory.   While researching Franz learns that he needs dirt from his homeland, Galvania, to be able to walk into people's homes without an invitation. Ashe finds a chronicle written by her long lost sister Dusterra Shadowthorn.   Joe meets with some students to help them use divination magic to see who can/can't be trusted.   while there they see a pink two headed horse named Flou Flou. Aria asked about this horse earlier. They just flew in and are just hanging out.   Joe brings Flou Flou back to the group. Franz recognizes this guy and tells him his friend James was looking for him.   Flou Flou doesn't know where they are from, but they learned to talk when they were in the fey wild.   They know where there might be a forest where there is an entrance to the feywild. They mark it on our map. Joe finds a book about strange creatures that were mismatched like chimera. Joe thinks that maybe a wizard did this to Flou Flou.   Elias asks the students about a possible entrance to the underdark. We learn there is an entrance in the sewers. Elias wants to see if he can get in touch with Bryza to see if she can find any word on the pyramid. Ashe also sends a message to Lyra about this.   Morpheus tells us that we could take the underdark all the way to New Galvania to bypass the water so Franz can travel. He tells us there is another pyramid under their home.   We find that if we were able to cast Mind Blank on Franz, this might be able to stop the Magnuses from controlling him. Perhaps we could find something or learn to create a magic item that would do this.   We also talk about contacting Titania about the shards and Zozth. We talk about going to the underdark to pursue our travels. WE find a ring of mind shielding for Franz. This may help with the Magnuses controlling him.   We learn The Living Flame is making demands. He's disappointed in Eldoria and everything from the mountain to here is his purview, and he's upset they haven't kept up with his horde, and he needs virgins to eat, but he'll let it slide for now. But starting next month they have to have one chained outside for him, and they need to start replenishing his horde.   WE find that a student had checked out the book on The Living Flame, and we know that Aurendille defeated him before.   We are trying to discuss a way to try and get in touch with Aurendilled when Flou Flou offers us an acorn. Oberon, Titania's husband gave it to them.   if we plant it in a doorway, it will open a one way portal to the feywild. We just have to make sure the room has 2 doors. Elias says we could use it to trick the dragon. Chain up a virgin in an arch way and when he goes through it, he would be stuck in the fey wild for at least a bit.   OR, if we put the acorn in the entry of his cave, we could trap him in a pocket dimension for about 2 months. WE decide to go tell Blackwood our plan. We travel through the tunnels to do this.   It's about 2pm the 26th of Azuthaire.   Franz eats some rats. We tell Blackwood about our plan. We decide to go see the Shadowthornes' here to see if they by chance have any dirt from Galvania for Franz. We are able to find a Blue Sage plant there that is planted in Galvanian dirt.   With this we may be able to take a boat to New Galvania instead. Morpheus is hesitant to take us, but will think about it.   We fly on Flou Flou straight to the dragon's cave. Franz and Elias become exhausted after this.   It is now 6pm on the 28th of Azuthaire.   We arrive at the cave.   We learn from Blackwood that he's likely not far behind us so we set up the cave to look like a welcoming party.   We try to rest. Some kobolds approach and we trick them into going into the cave and realize that we can see and hear them, but they can't leave. We send Fred in to give them some sleep cookies so they fall asleep.   Shortly after the dragon appears. our plan works. He goes in the cave, he realizes he can't leave and immediately gets really mad. Ashe uses mold stone to lock him in a bit. He swears he will hunt each of us down when escapes and will destroy us.   Flou Flou is going to help us fly back before taking off again to find his friend James. We let Blackwood know we were successful. Ashe sends a note to Lyra about how they were able to stop the dragon without destroying an entire city.   As we finish our rest, Aurendille is flying down approaching us and this is where we end.                      

Session 36: We defeat Loadagraph and have a reunion with Morpheus

We have entered the secret entrance of Castle Demerisa and have just been greeted by a voice that says "Took you Long Enough" as the door shuts behind us. It's the 25th of Azuthaire roughly 5pm   We are attacked by shadows and Loadagraph. We nearly lose Franz, but we are able to defeat Loadagraph and the shadows. We learn that Franz is actually some kind of vampire or vampire spawn, because when Ashe casted Daylight it caused Franz to get set on fire.   He's already getting thirsty for blood.   We figure out that he is likely a vampire of spawn which means he may be under control of the Magnuses. Franz remembers hearing a story when he was younger about a vampire spawn being able to reverse this affect, but he can't quite remember those details. He remembers Tremon Beauridge being the hero of this particular story. He's the one who saved the guy who was a spawn.   Tremon Beauridge is a famous vampire hunter from Galvania. Maybe if we try to find this guy, he can help us. We think about finding Andromeda to figure out what is going on.   Franz drinks the blood of Loadagraph and feels much better. Joe and Ashe are extremely weak from the fight as their strength was literally sapped.   We decide to go check on Blackwood and Aria uptop where there is a fierce fight going on. We hold up the head of Loadagraph and make a compelling speech causing the baddies to start teleporting out.   We stay in the castle until it gets darker outside. Franz decides he wants to go find a scroll of darkness that he may be able to use with the sunlight.   As we go to leave the castle, we run into the Quarter Master. He tells Franz there is someone he wants to go see with him, BUT Blackwood can't be there.   We all go with him. It's Morpheus. Franz is like WTF dude....I've thought you were dead all this time..and they kind of go back and forth. Turns out that Morpheus is also a vampire spawn by the Magnuses. Morpheus caught wind that they were coming here, and knowing Franz was here, he came to try and help, but realized he was too late.   Isolde sold Morpheus to the Magnuses years ago. We learn that he knows Tremon Beauridge and he is responsible for ousting the Magnuses when they were ruling Galvania. He tells us that the Magnuses are now hiding in New Galvania.   Morpheus says Tremon was able to help a vampire spawn once, but it's impossible now and Franz should put it out of mind for now.   Morpheus knows how to create magical wrappings that shield him from the sun and will make some for Franz. He knows that the Magnuses have made a deal with a devil named Glasya. The Lord of Malbolge. Glasya is the one who turned them to vampires in the first place.   We learn that if we kill the Magnuses, then all of their vampire spawn should be returned to normal. That's how Tremon did it before.   We decide to go check out the academy to see if we can find any helpful information on vampires and how to maybe withstand their commands ot a vampire spawn.   we want to try and find some sending stones, so that when we ultimately leave this city, Elias, whom is a council member and leader of the thieves guild, will have a way to communicate with people.   We end having gone back to our base and take a long rest. Morpheus gives Franz the special wraps and talks with him about vampirism. It's the 26th of Azuthaire roughly 7am.          

Session 35: Storming the castle of Loadagraph

It is the morning and we have just rested. We are in the Thieves Guild Franz is missing, and Hazel says she saw him kind of storm off last night after she made the comment about people from his home eating dirt.   We discover his hat on the ground in another room, and Drew tells he got really drunk last night and wandered off. We talk about things, and Elias asks Auska why it is that the shards have just now become so relevant and saut. It's been a century and nobody seemed to care about them or know about them.   This is when Elias remembers that Titania showed us a vision of light beams over the continents showing where the shards may be able to be located.   Ashe had made a sketch of this in her journal.   JOe has a skymap that we look at to see if it might be connected to things. Maybe it there was some kind of way to see what the stars looked like in the past (1000 years ago) we might be able to gain some kind of knowledge from the stars of that time.   We keep that thought in our backpocket and head to the Squeaky Wheel to try and find Aria. Uptop, there are a bunch of angry people tha thave just lost all of their valuables.   We run into a guy named Ander who recognizes us. He helps people with their "problems". He offers to find Franz for us. We tell him where he may be able to find us later. We also learn that people disappear when they are around the Magnuses. Upper class people. We give a couple of gold pieces to him for the trouble.   WE get to the Squeaky Wheel. The bartender, Bernard greets us and tells us that Beverly quit (Aria) and left, but she left a note for us if we showed up.   Dear Rosy Thorns,   I'm at the Shadowthorne Estate with some friends.   We get there. and the "old council" are meeting. Ashe kind of confronts them about their lack of leadership and not noticing they've been infiltrated for 10 years. We learn that they want to make the new thieves guild leader a council member , but they don't know who it is.   We stop playing the blame game.   Elias tells Blackwood in secret that he accidentally because the leader of the thieves guild.   Blackwood wants to try and get at Loadagraph. Kill him, and that would defeat their most current powerful weapon. They also want to get help from some magic breakers, which are sunelves up north. They ask if Ashe can help form an agreement, but Ashe is a moon elf and the sun elves and moon elves aren't exactly friendly.   Blackwood reveals that Elias is the new leader to the thieves guild and they immediately put him on the council.   Bethany says she can open of a moon well portal here to get everyone back to Ithilhithnal. Ashe says she could talk to the leaders of her city and see if they could go to the magic breakers on her behalf.   There is also an underground passage to Demerisa Castle from the thieves guild that they have asked Elias to find.   If we can find that, we may be able to infiltrate the castle and learn how best to get to Loadagraph.   As we discuss plans, we hear a commotion in the other room. It's Franz. Ander has dragged him in. He's white as a ghost and has been drained of blood. He tells us the Magnus's took the book. They tortured it out of him.   We decide to try and immediately find the secret entrance to the thieves guild so we can avenge Franz and get the book back.   We see Drew at the guild. he tells us about an entrance to the castle vault.   Andrew (not Drew) tells us the Magnus's left the city last night. They were teleported out by some mages.   this does leave their manor unguarded right now. Drew says he has some contacts on the outside, he'll see if he can find out if the Magnus's had the book or not when they left.   We decide to go check out Magnus Manor and see if we can find any clues about things. We have to o through the gentleman's club to get to the manor. This is likely where the Magnus's were getting their victims.   We find a book on theories of magic and vellums where the Magnus's copied. , and we figured out that they likely that they removed the shard from the book. So now they likely have the shard AND a powerful book.   As we explore, we hear someone upstairs. We detect that it is a tiefling. Elias recognizes it as the tiefling that robbed him in the shadowfell. We sneak up on him and knock him out. We learn that Loadagraph sent him to check things out, because Passin hasn't been keeping him in the loop. Passin is nuts about Shar and is power hungry and wants to fulfill Shar's master plan. That's what all of this is about.   Zozth has someting to do with this plan as well.   We learn that Loadagraph and the lackies are here gathering information and knowledge. Maybe Loadagraph is getting stuff from the arcane academy. We learn that Loadagraph is the only one inside his castle. He has guards on the outside. Everyone else is out looking for Passin.   They JUST started their search minutes ago.   We learn that Loadagraph was defeated in battle once. He came back with sunlight on his face and was really mad about it. So he hates sunlight, and if it's dark he can't really be seen very well.   WE put him to sleep for 24 hours with one of the sleep cookies we have. We tie him up really good and lock him in a closet. We hide a nail under a shoe an leave a clue. To escape your fate you much search your soul. We leave the nail under a shoe wrapped in another riddles that says, what do you call a fish with no eyes.   We decide to try and attack Loadagraph while he is alone. We go brief blackwood. Franz is feeling better. He wants to go with us. He is now remembering that he heard the Magnus's gave the shard to Passin, because he was there, but they kept the book.   We go fill in Blackwood on what is going on. She amasses a small group of soldiers to accompany us. Auska will help her. They will handle the mages, while we infiltrate the castle. Hazel will go with us.   We go to the castle through the secret entrance, we open the door to a dark room. Inside we hear a voice that says "Took you long enough"....and this is where we end.            

Session 34: Sisterhood of the Traveling Sword

We are in the apartment of the Real Aria Silvermist above the tavern. We have just opened the scroll that seems to be a Greater Restoration.   We restore her memories with the scroll. Her energy has changed to a very heavy sad energy. We learn that she did end up in hell, but a man helped her. she can't quite remember who it was. She believes he was a human fiend or something. Maybe an Incubus?   We catch her up on the current events. She notices that Elias has Passin's sword. She warns him that it is an evil weapon and to be quite cautious. We end up traveling towards Captain Blackwood. WE find her and we learn Passin is in Demerisa Castle. Blackwood is trying to gather her men to help attack him.   As we are sneaking to the castle we are surrounded and approached by Passin. He immediately notices the sword that Elias has. Elias tells Passin that Lady Shar wants him to have it.   Passin and Hazel talk about Ardenia, and pastries and stuff. It's weird. Passin invites Elias to come rule by his side. He can even bring the rest of us.   We learn that he plans to rule the city by himself. We can be his personal guards. His plans has a lot to do with the sword that Ashe stole and gave to Elias. They discuss the origins of the sword. Some guy named Zoth owned it first. He offers to let Elias rule Eldoria and himself leave. Elias needs to think.   Aria doesn't trust him as she believes Passin is waiting for us to fall into some kind of trick or trap to prove he's clever. She thinks the key will be understanding what the sword does.   Elias plans to meet his sister tonight and ask her about it.   We try to make sense of Passin's plans while Elias atunes to the sword to understand it.   As Elias studies it has feelings of loss, sadness, mystery and pain. The more he communes with it, the more he feels that it's trying to communicate back to Elias. Something is blocked though. It's a great sadness/loss that is causing this blockage. HE does know its name though. It's called Shimmer. 2 different moons appear on the sword giving Elias special abilities when bearing the sword.   Hazel teaches us a little bit about the cities of Greatspear. Eventually Elias goes to see his sister, Joe and Ashe in tiny forms hidden on his person.   Franz and Hazel stay back just a little.   Auska tells Elias how she is alive. Passin once masqueraded as someone else. She asks if Elias knows Drew. Elias does know him. He's in the thieves guild. Drew created a disguise for Passin. He then became known as Blackstaff. Drew isn't from our world. He helped create and shape the Blackstaff image. She rose up to fight him, because he was a tyrant. He defeated her. However, he didn't kill her, but made it look like he killed her. He then passed on the Blackstaff persona to Auska, who has been working for him ever since.   Elias reveals that Passin is actually her father. She had no idea about this and has a hard time believing it.   Elias asks her about the sword. She says if we learn about it, it will lead us to what he is doing. Elias tells Auska that he believes that Shar has a mission for both of them to join and kill Passin. She tells Elias that Shar wants her to kill Elias! She then disappears in a cloud of smoke.   Ashe notices that she just turned invisible and jumps on her in spider form. Elias begs to just speak about this out loud as he feels Shar pushing him to kill her.   He disregards Shar's push and tries to reason with his sister. She says that she knows shars told him to kill her and that Shar has told her to kill him, so what's it gonna be?   They have a discussion about loss and what it is and she believes loss is a gift. Elias is able to reach her with his words and invites her to join us. Just as she's about to aree, she starts to scream and grab her head. Purple lightning bolts start forming around her, but she is able to suppress it. As Elias starts to experience the same sensation, he is able to resist it as well. Whatever Shar was doing to them, they were able to resist.   Auska runs to Elias and hugs him, and is grateful for the opportunity to get out from under all of this.   Auska thinks the sword is why she was able to resist. We all come out of hiding and welcome Auska. We decide to go to the thieves guild and hide out there.   We see Drew, who is very surprised to see Auska. We go to Elias's private quarters.   She tells Elias that Zozth, the first owner of the sword had a wife named Akila who lived in a small town called Kephera. There is an article for the rest. @Zozth They had a tragic death together. in Zozths travels through the shadow plain, he met Anubis and Shar who made some kind of deal. Shar made him a revenant. He went on a murderous rampage against his enemies murdering their families/friends/pets.   The city eventually was sunken into the sand after all of the death and destruction. The ocean turned into sand and a wasteland. Zozth commited suicide and then met the queen of air and darkness. He had a falactory that was the black diamond. He wanted it destroyed so he could die.   Once the diamond was destroyed into shards, he was able to rest in peace. As long as it's not restored he can't come back. The sword is a powerful sword from his wife. It seems to be carrying all of that loss into one sword.   We think Passin intends to bring Zozth back. The sword isn't the key to that. The sword chooses who wields it, and once it has chosen, the bond is unbreakable.   Passin is trying to gather the shards to bring Zozth back.   Auska says she can use a spell to change the aura of the shard so it can't be detected by Passin.   A 3rd moon appears on Shimmer. It seems to have appeared when Elias resisted Shar.   We take a long rest here. Auska and Joe talk, and Auska reveals shes nervous her spells aren't going to work in the morning since she betrayed the city of loss.   Hazel and Ashe have girl talk for a large amount of the night.   Elias has a dream that he is lying down looking at the moon. He suddenly feels like the world is upside down, because the moon is down and not up. He starts floating towards the moon. As he floats Shar tries to pull him back with wisps of black smoke, but he is able to fight it. On a pedestal, there is the sword. He hears the voice of Selune who tells him he has been released by Shar. She offers him the sword. She says that it is now purified in her name. Elias is the first Harcleve that was able to break the curse that Shar placed on the sword.   She offers the sword to him and says it's a moon blade. She restores the sword for him so that Elias can make things right and the Harcleves can come back into the arms of Selune where they used to be before Zozth.   Selune says shar is planning something that may destroy this world. She asks Elias to be her champion. He says he will agree if she gives him the power to defeat his uncle. The sword starts glowing and he wakes up. It how has 6 moons on it.   A 7th moon appears and Elias knows that this moon represents him. The other 6 represent the last 6 people to wield the sword. This is now a +3 weapon.   Everyone wakes up, Hazel makes us breakfast and Elias shares what happened to him with us. Ashe tells him about the Moon Blade and waht that means.   We learn that Auska has lost her ability to cast high level spells. She just can't remember them, nor can she cast them from her spell book. She can only cast 5th level or lower spells now.   WE talk about what to do next. We think trying to destroy the shard we have might be the way to go. Hazel tells us that the other group has a shard that is imbedded in their hand. Maybe we can extract the shard from the book and destroy it.   We decide to seek out blackwood and Aria after our long rest to see if we can come up with a way to help the city and this is where we end.                              

Session 33: Will the Real Aria Silvermist Please standup

The dome is down, the city is being attacked, the guards have collected money. Spite was able to help get Ashe's family get Ashe back in shape. Her magic had been suppressed because of being stabbed with that dagger.   Blackwood is getting yelled at by the council peoples. It's complete chaos. Blackwood kicks everyone out. We catch blackwood up on what Silvermist actually is.   We see Loadagraph flying in a weird pattern outside the window. It looks like he's creating some kind of pattern over the city. Joe is able to EarthBind him. We dash towards him. Passin is near Loadagraph trying to stop us.   I guess this is all so they can get the gold in the city to Mammon and summon the Living Flame. They quickly surround us by mages and shit and we talk to Loadagraph about what the fuck is going on.   We tell him his plan isn't gonna work, because Passin doesn't even have the amulet of the Living Flame. He tells us if we get him the amulet back, he'll let us go.   We know that anything that ends up in the sigil when it activates that is a material item will be sent to mammon. Elias has the dagger that stabbed Ashe and it can dispel magic to a degree. He figures out he could use it protect us if we end up in the sigil when it activates.   Franz casts a tiny hut over us, and Loadagraph allows this because he thinks it's really funny. Joe starts to dig a hole for us, and we actually end up falling into a sewer.   A blinding purple light engulfs everything outside of the tent. Elias is able to protect us from this, so we didn't lose our shit, but all the mages shit was taken. Loadagraph starts to laugh and says "The Living Flame Returns!" as we jump down into the sewers.   Joe finds a false wall that we go into. Elias thinks it may be the entrance to the thieves guild. Inside of a room shaped like a hexago with a blue orb that seems to change colors every few seconds. It's some kind of rainbow orb. There is another secret door that we go to.,,,,,There are some strange shapes on the floor that press down when we hit them. We find that if we step on the stars, we are mostly safe accept for a trap at the end. We go through a series of other puzzles to solve.   We get to a door where someone asks for a password. Elias says we don't have the password but we have Amelia's key. He ends up letting us in. His name is Andrew. He tells us that usually the key is an invitation and what we went through was a test. He tells us how to get back here without having to jump through all the non sense.   Amelia had them locate all of their goods outside of the city so it would not be lost. A new guy came in and is immediately suspicious of us. He knows that Amelia is dead at that Elias has the key. He says 10 more are on the way and they'll deal with us. We learn this by Joe reading their lips. We go to try and leave and they insist that we stay through initiation. He tells us that he found Amelia murdered, and he believes that one of us killed Amelia.   They have Hazel cast a zone of truth on Elias so they can see if he is telling the truth. She casts Guidance on him and says that he is in the Zone of Truth. This clever deception works.   When Elias convinces them that he didn't kill Amelia they state that they wonder who did, because that person would then become the leader of the guild.   Actually Elias tells them the truth in a retcon, so I guess he is the leader of the guild now. They tell him that there will be many people who will try to kill him. This guy's name is Drew.   Franz has a memory of seeing a look alike Aria in a bar with Remish a couple of weeks ago, which is where these guys moved their treasure or something?   We don't really know what to do with this information. Elias tells Drew we need support. The city is in chaos and our numbers are few. Drew says he will gather folks. WE are going to go follow up on this lead?? I don't know.   Actually, we are going to the bar now? We get an escort of people. The dragon isn't actively attacking the city anymore. We get to the bar and it's pretty boarded up.   We find the barmaid there. Her name is Beverly. We learn she's been here for about 10 years. She doesn't have any memory from before that. She tells us she kind of remembers a boyfriend who was very handsome, but he was really sad, and they were in a horrible place, and he didn't want her to be there, and he brought her here, but she can't really remember, but it's the last thing she kind of remembers before coming here.   Elias helps her mediate on a minor illusion for a moment, and it actually seems to work a little. The gesture of her hands move in a way that an expert caster would cast, and she casts minor illuison. She didn't even know she could cast spells, but from what Elias can tell, she is very good at it, and we believe she might be Aria Silvermist. We tell her that the real Aria disappeared 10 years ago and was replaced....when we tell her this it seems as if some things click in her memory.   Franz is able to tell that a very strong memory spell was cast on this woman. At least 8th level. Aria remembers that the man who helped her years ago gave her something. It's a scroll, that she hasn't been able to open. We are able to tell it has arcane lock cast on it.   Joe is able to dispel it and finds a scroll of Greater Restoration....and this is where we end. Harley said he'll give us experience next week.              

Session 32: A Harcleve Family Reunion

So we begin with Joe in this portal trying to hide the Amulet of the Living Flame. Franz hopped in to just make sure they are good to go. Joe failed a wisdom saving throw.   The room here is very large and slimy. There is a blackish looking tree in this room. Joe immediately just jumps into the pool of water. Franz proceeds after them. Ashe ends up going to check on them and finds they are both in the water being controlled by an Abolith.   Ashe turns into a giant eel and swims after them. She fails at getting Franz so grabs Joe. The Abolith allows Joe to go with Ashe. As soon as Joe gets their head above water, they find they cannot breathe. Ashe doesn't not realize this and pushes Joe out of the water and heads back to get Franz.   Elias, deathly afraid of water has not come through the portal yet. Joe tries to turn into a squirrel to breathe again, but cannot. Elias puts water over Joe's head so they can breathe.   Ashe rushes to get Franz and is able to retrieve Franz who also can't breathe at the surface rushes with the others back to the portal They all get through. Ashe fails her jump out, but Remish catches her and throws her out , but he ends up stuck in the portal as it closes.   Hazel tells us that Franz and Joe are diseased, so we are able to cast Lesser Restoration to help them.   We talk to Hazel about what is going on with her friends she lost. She tells us they are near the Wasteland of Woe. They are dealing with an orc that is possessed by a dragon lich. That orc has an axe that when it kills someone it absorbs their soul. It absorbed Tempest's soul   We catch Hazel up with what we are dealing with.   While we are getting ready to head back home to rest, Joe detects a cloaked figure possibly spying on us. It looks to be the figure who caused Elias's house to fall on us. His name is Blackstaff.   Ashe investigates where blackstaff was and finds a red strand of hair on the ground. Joe turns into a wolf to try follow the tracks of whomever owns this hair strand.   We are able to track down Blackstaff, who has a glint of red hair spilling out from under their hood. We get suspicious, because Elias's family on his mom's side all have red hair. Is this Elias's dead or long lost sister?   We find an illusion wall that she went into. There are illusions within illusions here. Joe dispels the magic here and we find a hidden door 30 feet across.   There are lots of traps in this place. We follow till we get outside, but we do not find her. I guess she learns what are plan is. Franz has Fred track her sent again. He leads us to a mansion. The outside of the building says "Hacleave" and Franz knows this to be the vampire's mansion. We look up and see the girl looking down at us. She looks JUST like Marion, Elias's mom.   Elias uses the message spell and says "Oska" He hears a response. "Elias"   Elias "Why are you working for Passin?"   Oska "I don't remember"   Elias "He tried to kill you"   Oska "Yes, but I found a higher calling"   Elias "Do you know who I am?"   Oska "Yes"   Elias "So Lady Shar came to you too"   Oska "You better think about what your goals are   Elias: I'm just trying to get through the day?   Elias:What are your goals? what is your higher calling?   Oska: Meet me at the school tomorrow?   Elias: Meet me at the school at dusk.   We decide to leave and get some sleep. Elias thinks she may be under Shar's will. We don't know to what end though.   Everyone goes home and gets some sleep. Andromeda offers to keep watch since it's like 4 am.   Ashe sneaks away during the night to try and sneak the sword away from the school. She runs into a mysterious woman. She's a worshipper of Shar. They speak and she admits that she's here to help Elias. She's dressed really nice and speaks with an accent.   She goes and grabs the sword. It swapps the the temple and there are confused wizards that are like wtf?   She is able to run passed them and hide in a library for a while. She hides there till the next day. When she leaves the school here, she finds that she is in the shadowfell. She is approached by 2 tieflings saying that Loadagraph wants to meet with her. She tells them no thank you.   She decides to try and climb the dome quickly, to try and blow up the weak point, but is not successful. She is approached by a shadowdragon. It's Loadagraph. He almost immediately attacks her. He nearly kills her leaving her with only 1 hp. Ashe casts daylight on his nose blinding him for 8 hours. Ashe uses this moment to run away. She runs into spite while running, and finds an alley way to hide in. Spite tells her she'll be right back.   Meanwhile, the rest wake up and do not see Ashe. they assume she's gone off to talk to blackwood. They bring Ashe breakfast, but she never shows up to eat it. They actually run into Spite, who has left the shadowfell to get help. Spite tells them that Ashe is in the shadowfell and is in major trouble.   Spite takes Elias to the shadowfell to retrieve Ashe. Franz and Joe go to talk to Blackwood.   Blackwood has a hitch in her plan. The council is requesting all of Blackwood's guards. She thinks this because Aria knows what is going on and might be a part of all of this. They also plan to take all the gold from the people of this city as a forced tax instead of evacuating everyone. Franz is like wtf is this? This is terrible. Let's do something about this. Franz and Joe aggressively converse with each other. Franz wants to take Aria out of the equation, and Blackwood is like, yeah....I don't think you're capable. which Franz takes great offense to. They all decide to call together a council meeting to try and confront/stop Aria. Blackwood agrees to have this set up within the hour.   Meanwhile, Elias goes to the shadowfell to save Ashe. He finds her in a trashcan. Just as he appears there, they are both attacked by the dragon and are both immediately taken out by him.   They wake up tied up in chairs facing each other. They are approached by Amelia from the council. Shes here to torture some information out of us apparently. They question Elias about his loyalties. He learns that his sister actually is the one behind all of this. She did try to kill passin, but they are working's kind of confusing. She takes Elias's butterfly out of his hair and crushes it.   Ashe wildshapes into a panther while Elias sleight of hands out of of the rope and manages to steal her dagger and put it to her throat.   Amelia says Oska is coming and she needs to know if he is loyal to her. Elias demands to know why Oska is working with Passin, but gets no answer. Ashe then leaps at Amelia and a fight breaks out.   Meanwhile, Joe and Franz get to the council meeting and just find Aria there waiting for them. Aria has betrayed everyone. As she starts to monologue, Franz Thunderwaves her.   We fight simultaneously. IN Elias's and Ashe's fight, they get Amelia caught and she ends up confessing that Oska is a fool caught up in religious fanatic shit. She thinks she on a holy mission of some kind. She imagines Oska is helping Passin because Shar told her too.   Amelia thinks Shar wants to pit the whole family against each other. Amelia tells Elias that Ashe stole the sword. Ashe comes out of panther form to corroborate the story. Elias is upset and afraid of the consequences of this, but he is understanding.   Amelia says if we let her live she will join us. She give Elias the key to the thieves guilde and invites Elias to come see her when all this has passed.   She says she imagines Passin will attack the city tonight. He'll start in the center then move out in. While we decide on whether or not we are going to let Amelia live the other fight continues.   Joe moonbeams Aria and she transforms into a blue dragon humanoid creature. A dome appears around her makin it impossible for them to hurt her.   She tells them Loadagraph is coming and once she gathers up all the towns money and gives to mammon, he can bring the living flame here.   Joe confesses that the amulet is on another continent.   Aria is a follower of Tiamat. Tiamat is the one who wanted to Living Flame restored. It's been Tiamat's plan all along. Apparently this isn't actually Aria. this guy swapped places with Aria and Aria is being tortured in hell right now.   Meanwhile...the other fight. Elias confronts Amelia about how she just swaps her loyalty to whomever has the most power and he can't trust her. He runs the blade across her throat. As she dies she promises we'll regret this and warns Ashe that she is in bed with someone dangerous. She throws an ivory dagger into Ashe's stomach causing Ashe to fall over and barely be breathing. Gloome picks her up and takes her to her family residence.   We learn we are in the basement of Hacleave manor. Both groups hear a dragon flying above the city. Neither group aware of the other.                                  

Session 31: The Good the Bad and the Oblivious

So here we are in the sewers talking to Dawles and surrounded by slaads. Dawles escorts us to the meeting. We ask to get to the outskirts of the school for a quick rest. He escorts us a bit through the sewers. WE get back to the hole where we first entered. We crawled back under to get out of the school. WE head back to our house to take the quick rest.   We find a large metal door, and as we try to test it and open it we find it's really just a prototype for us to look at. We move it to the side. We learn that Elias's mom and King Dinmure are quite hungry and there is no food. Elias and Ashe go to get food, and Joe and Franz go to try and persuade King Dinmure to let them have a sapphire.   We find a street vendor cooking noodles for everyone for free. JOe talks to him and finds out he has a farm. Joe wants to work with Farmers one we have time to help them grow their crops and harvest as a thank you.   We eat. The king is in a much better mood. HE gives Joe 3 sapphires worth 50GP. After our shenanigan's tonight, Elias and Franz will work on that.   As we discuss our plans, Blackwood walks up. We fill her in on all that is happening and that we are planning to infiltrate a meeting tonight. Apparently some New Galvanians are here and intel is that the killed some Eldorian spies and they are Franz and Jezabel Magnus who are vampires.   Franz casts Plane Shift and we go to the shadowfell. We dig a hole to go under the dome. Dawels meets us here. I guess a green slaad got him here. Joe and Ashe turn into a giant snake/jumping spider respectively.   We get to the meeting. There are cheese and little meats and juice. Passin eventually arrives. Jezabel and Franz Magnus are behind him. The bad Franz stops and sniffs around the room for a moment and then gets a smile on his face. They just continue up the stairs and we all follow behind into the room of Shar.   Passin finds the room of shar open already and notes that someone has been there.   "Finally, We will be able to rule all over ALL of Eldoria, as it should be, because the ARcane Academy has power." says Passin. He introduces help that he has enlisted. A heavy set fellow apparates out of the wall with a slimy grin on his face. It's Loadagraph. The next full moon (2 days from now) is when they plan to attack.   However, there are a few people that don't have the faith of the Lady of Loss. Passin then pulls out a small medallion. He starts walking around and asking random people to kiss this medallion.   He walks towards Elias and recognizes him as a new recruit. Elias says Eldrin recruited him. Passin tries to find out more about how he met Eldrin and then confesses that Eldrin is not a real person. He asks Elias to kiss the medallion and it convinces him that he does belong here.   He approaches Franz and notices the snake with the symbol of Shar around his neck. He's quite impressed with it. Passin then asks to see the snake.   Franz allows Passin to unwind Joesnake from himself.   Passin then begins to move his hands around casting some kind of arcane magic. THEN the shaaran symbols on the snake start to glow. Passin decides he really likes the snake and takes it and commands Franz to test everyone else with his medallion.   One guy kisses it, and is surrounded by black fog that absolutely kills him.   Everyone else is tested and they pass.   Passin tells everyone that we are to split up and go to our designated areas and lead our respective groups to lead the men. Elias makes notes of all the points of attack.   Jezabel walks up to Franz and compliments his style and his snake. Franz tells jezabel his name is Masterson. She goes on about how much she loves the etymology of names. I guess her last name used to be Silverman. Franz introduced his last name as Silverston.   Jezabel talks about a common name called Iceman and how they trade ice to monks and shit. She then puts her hand on Franz's shoulder causing him to have a flashback of when he was on a boat.   His mother is kneeling down before him insisting he must remain in the cabin and remain silent and hide. Something terrible has happened. Franz is just 5.   Then he has a memory of himself being incredibly hungry and his parents are sharing the last piece of bread with him. He then sees Jezabel walk in saying she was just thinking of a snack. Franz's mother gets protective and confronts Jezebel. Franz's mother pulls out a medallion that holds Jezebel at bay.   He has another memory on the same boat and Jezebel is embracing a sailor and then just throws him over the side of the boat. She makes eye contact with little Franz and smiles with her huge fangs.   He then passes a constitution save and has memories of his parents being murdered by the Magnus's. Not before his father stabbed The bad Franz in the chest with a wooden stake. He then proceeds to pull the stake out of his chest and decapitate him and thrown him over board.   Franz hides for a couple of days and when the boat hit Pontemoonday he was able to properly escape.   Jezabel tells present day Franz that he seems so interesting and she invites him to entertain them at their place tonight. She tells them where they will be. He says he'll think about it.   Franz oes to retrieve joesnake who is getting very agitated with Passin. Joe raises to strike and Passin actually breaks the snakes neck. This causes the snake to transform back into Joe.   Franz and Joe then make up this hockenbull story about how Franz had turned them into a snake on purpose and now Passin has gone and ruined it.   Joe begs Franz to "Please not turn me into a snake again". and he starts to cast the "spell" back onto Joe. JOe turns back into a snake.Passin detects that this is all a performance. Joe is able to escape in snake form.   This whole thing is going very poorly. Elias grabs Franz and planeshifts him out. This leaves Ashe in spider form behind. She decides to hide on his boot to spy on Passin a while longer   Passin decides they have to move up the attack. He talks about the sword in this room being an old family heirloom that he gave up in dedication to Shar.   He thanks the Magnuss ' for their long time allyship and promises they will have the kingdom they once had again in Eldoria. Jezabel mentions that Masterson Silverton is someone she recognizes as Franz Iceman. She knows exactly who he is.   The go on drinking and talking. Kill a fellow, and talk about old times.   This continues for almost 3 hours. Ashe determines that Passin was lying about moving the attack up.   Everyone eventually meets back up at our house.   Joe is able to learn that there is a super at the very top middle of the dome where someone could cast dispel magic and the whole thing would just come down. It was some kind of nerdy wizard revealing this.   We decide that we will report everything to Blackwood. Maybe we should attack tomorrow after bringing the dome down when they aren't expecting it.   We want to ask Aria Silvermist for help as well. We fill her in on everything. She knows a ritual we can help. WE can take them all and send them all to the 9 hells. She would need us to get rid of the dome in order for her to do this. It would send everyone to Menos (Mammon's domain) She would also need a tremendous amount of gold to cast this spell.   Elias has a moral discussion about the innocent lies that could be lost if she does this. Franz asks if she is asking for Mammon for help since she needs so much money. She doesn't deny that she's worked with or know Mammon.   We learn that the amulet Elias's father has is the amulet of the Living Flame. He must be trying to embody that.   We call on Dermish for help. We tell him a brief summary and ask if he'd be able to help us save innocents if some got sent to hell. He then tells us that Aria is lying to us and that she wants to summon The Living Flame.   Franz does not reveal this and pretends to go along with Aria's plan. Aria knows he's full of shit but goes along with what Franz says, but he knows she's full of shit.   We leave and Franz lets us know everything. We can't fathom why Aria would want to bring the Living Flame here. But we do know that Elias's dad definitely has the amulet.   We split up. Elias and Ashe go talk to Elias's mom about where his father might be.   Franz and Joe go seek out Blackwood to tell her what is going on. QM answers that door. They tell Blackwood what Aria's plan actually is.   Blackwood thinks an evacuation may be in order. She will try to organize this with the council. She worries she will lose her position if we are wrong.   Joe then tells Blackwood about Dawles and how he is a death slaad commanding other slaads.   Elias wakes his mom and asks if she might know where his dad would be. She suggests he might be at Elias's sister's grave. This is about the time she died and that's where he would be right now.   Elias convinces her to get ready to leave and she asks that we try to find. We convince Lodar and the king Dimure to also leave the city.   We go seek out Elias's father at the graveyard.   Elias starts to explain everything and his dad apparently already knows what it going on.   He also believes that Mammon will protect him if the Living Flame comes out of this amulet.   He is going to finish off Passin and seems unbothered by this whole living flame situation. He thinks that he and passin will be dead soon and he doesn't care who else will be taken out by that.   Elias is able to steal the amulet from his father and he wishes his father well. we go back home and Elias casts Identify on the amulet.   We learn that it is linked directly to Mammon. It's almost as if it's a gate the mammon has set up and he gets to decide who comes through it.   WE end up talking ot Remish and Redstone. Remish has a bowl that we can use to put the amulet ANYWHERE on this plane. Remish pulls up an ancient underground city with a bunch of sandstone there. We can hear a crying coming from the bowl. He positions it to where we can see, and it's a tiny elvaan girl there crying. There is a blonde woman walking up to her comforting her. We recognize it to be Hazel.   Remish is able to dip himself into the bowl, he comes back up with the little girl, he then puts in a hand and pulls Hazel through. Apparently she was with the other group in the wasteland of Woe. She got separated from them, and she was having trouble finding her way out. Shes been separated for a couple of days. She suspects the abolith where she was at may have got her friends.   We decide to hide the amulet in that area where Hazel and Lydia were. Remish won't be able to open this back up for 30 days.   Joe decided to jump in and go find a proper hiding place. They threw it in a pool of water and went to cover it with earth and had to make a wisdom save.   Joe crit failed. Franz jumped in to check on Joe. We have 5 minutes to figure this out, and this is where we end.                  

Session 30: Curse of Slaad

We start chasing off after the people who are going to tell Loadagraph to bring the walls down. Ashe and Elias catch up with 2 of them and convince them they misspoke Ashe tells her guy that she meant 15 years...not 15 minutes, and Elias says that it's tomorrow and invites the guy out for a drink.   Franz catches up to the third guy and tells him we mistaked today for tomorrow.   However, The guy doesn't believe Franz and the guy doesnt 'believe Ashe. Everyone starts fighting. Elias's new friend starts to attack Franz, and Elias is like WTF man...I thought we had a moment....and the guy was like, Oh, I didn't know he was with you, so they agree to still have drinks after Elias deals with this. lol it's cute.   A fight breaks out. They cone of cold the shit out of us. We sustain a lot of damage but eventually defeat a few of the mages and escape to the sewers.   We notice that the sewer is actually the school sewer and not the shadow fell sewer.   There is something very big in the water here, but we notice that there are also muddy foot prints near us, but we can't tell what kind.   We traverse silently and carefully. We do see multiple things in the water. We then hear a voice saying their minions have spotted us and it's asked us to come out of hiding. We ask the name of the voice and he says it's Dawles.   We then reveal that it's us, the Rosy Thorns.   He asks what we thought of his money plan. We talk about shit. We dont like nor trust him, but Elias is like, hey you promised to get us close to the council and haven't done anythin to pay up. Apparently he forgot.   He also controls the red frog/rat creatures and those are what is in the water.   Dawles asks us to approach him to a place at the end of the hallway that we can't really see.   He tells us that he knows who brought down the house on us. It's an underling of Passin. He believes that if Passin ever gets power, it would be fun for a while, but in the end he would end up bringing order, which he doesn't like at all.   He likes people being posed against eachother over order.   I guess he likes us, because when everything seems to be moving smooth, we come along and shake things up a bit. He approves of our antics.   He says if we try to stop Passin, he will tell us who the underling is. He tells us Passin wants to get rid of the council and run the city through force on his own.   We decide we want to try and get to the meeting that is happening in like 3 hours to find out more about Passin's plan.   We learn that some guy named Blackstaff is the one who brought the house on us and he tells us in exchange for help with Passin, we have to defeat Blackstaff.   His end goal is to have Passin falter so the council members will take some kind of action to deal with it. He just wants chaos. This guy is a creature of chaos apparently. He's from Limbo, a plane of complete chaos.   He reveals that he is a Death Slaad. He introduces us to his minions whom are Red Slaads. Franz knows that they live in Limbo. They reproduce through humanoids by implanting spawns in their chests.   This is what we removed from QM's chest. There are also Blue and Green Slaads. Joe knows that Blue Slaads can transform humanoids into either a Red or Green slaad depending on if they are a magic user.   We end here having a conversation with Daals about what we are going to do next.      

Session 29: The magic school hidden in the Shadowplane

Weve rearranged al of our rooms in our new place. Rose Manor. We go furniture shopping. the furniture shop keep misses his sheep whom he lost years ago on his way to Eldoria. His name is Balkie Barholemule We discuss payment options, and he would like materials like wood, which we cannot get. We learn that he has heard of us. The Rosy Thorns. Apparently folks want to hire us to be their personal warriors However, Elias's uncle has put a stop to anyone placing any bids on us. He heard this from a pretty lady who works at The Squeeky Wheel. It's the bartender. We know her. We offer to help him keep his money safe in exchange for his services. We offer to protect for him and give him a writ for the amount. We plan to bury it in the courtyard and put a room over it.   Apparently the council is planning to collect everyone's money, and he wants his money protected. He wants us to hold a total of $80,000GP   We decide to really up security in Rose Manor. We go meet a blacksmith named Johnathan whom is friends Andromeda. We learn Andromeda was really into chains and whips at one time.   Franz hands over a sketch of a fancy lock design to the blacksmith. He can do it, but he does not accept money. He says he needs a permanent ice box. Franz has some leads on how we might be able to accomplish this. WE could go talk to the transmutation teacher in at the school for advice on how to accomplish this.   When we get to the school, we see it encased in a large black dome, which is abnormal. Elias is able to tell that this magic is not from the weave, but possibly the shadow weave. This will make it not very easily dispelled.   A student walks by disappointed that he missed entry before this was cast. His name is Saajun.   The council is fighting about what to do with the money. Wizards are fighting about taking over and ruling everything themselves. Passin is leading everything.   We ask the student how he would make an icebox. He tells about etching spells into the weave to create new spells. We learn this dome thing is a mithil, but he has no idea how Passin would cast this?   Maybe it's something that has always been there? He's not sure.   We learn about a magic box that no wizard has ever been able to open. Not even with a wish spell. It's somewhere in the school.   Elias gets a weird feeling about the dome, like there may be SOME way for him to go through it. He's not sure, but he feels almost like the memory of mission that he can't remember holds the solution of how to get through it. Elias then reaches for the box he got from Shar and studies it a little bit. Elias disappears in front of our eyes with the box. (he got up to pee)   Elias looks up from the box and no longer sees his friends nor the dome. He has a view of the city, but it's different with different patrons? The wizard school is there though. He approaches a tiefling near by, and they have a conversation. Elias asks where he is at and he is informed Drackonheim. Elias confusedly asks, "We aren't in Eldoria?" The tiefling takes the box from his hand and pockets it. He laughs as if he may understand what is going on. The tiefling begins to run with the box.   Elias chases him and he ends up surrounded by a few guys. Elias insists he doesn't want any trouble, he just wants the box. The tiefling has 2 ogreish looking humanoids with him, and Elias threatens to kick their ass. He is able to use his invisible mage hand to get the box back and he immediately runs away. He gets away, but has made note of the tiefling's face.   Elias goes and checks out the school. The school feels a little like he's walking through some kind of barrier or webs. When he does this, the box starts to shine seeming to let him through. There is no darkness anymore and he is now inside the school. He can see the black dome on the outside now.   Students are very curious about how he got in through the barrier, and he are able to conclude that he may have gotten through via the shadowfell. Elias is holding the box and the student sees the symbol of shar on it and gives a knowing nod. Elias admits he got in, because he did it on purpose.   The student says "We're meeting tonight" Elias is able to trick him into finding out that they are meeting in the basement. The student gives him directions. Go to the statue of the fish, and head towards the abandoned tower. Elias flips him a coin and tells him good job for giving the accurate information. He learns they are meeting at 9pm tonight.   Elias ends up being overly suspicious, and tells the guy his name is Hawke Byrd. I guess it works?   He tries to send a magical message to his friends, but ends up messaging the Tiefling who stole his box instead. It seems he's messaging through the shadow fell. However, the box is now open for Elias. It has a holy symbol of shar which allows him to plane shift into the shadowfell and back.   Elias is able walk back through the barrier and is in the shadowfell again, and and then is able to shift back to the material plane where we are at. He tells us what happened, and he tries to get all of us in. It only gets the student in though. Elias comes back and tells us that we likely need to be a follower of shar to get through.   Ashe turns into a mole and is able to dig under the barrier. She's in the school, but it's NOT the school and there are different humanoids. She hears them talking about how they are trapped here and how he plans to leave tonight using a scroll and a tuning fork.   Passin made a deal with Loadagraph and shifted the planes of the school. When they are done, they plan to have complete control over the city and an open portal back and forth. They have brought the shadowfell here and put hte school in the shadowfell where this place was.   We are in a place that used to be in the shadowfell that was brought to the material plane. Everyone here can't leave yet. It's not the school, BUT Elias was able to get to the school because he's a worshipper of Shar.   As Joe determines that we are in trouble, they cast meld earth and Franz and Elias are able to join us. An argument about icebox making breaks out and everyone is confused.   We introduce Franz and Elias to Lodar the tiefling and Toagfar the elf. Elias convinces them that we are cool. Loadar has a hot date with someone named Elizabeth and he wants to get to it   We learn he's planning to plane shift to the shadowfell to get into the school tonight, and if Franz casts it, he will take us with him. I guess Passin didn't think this whole dome thing through, because we just dug under.   We talk about going to check out the "basement" area in this place.   WE agree to meet back here at 8pm to planeshift out.   in the basement area here, there are dark wizards summoning. We get to the dias like in our world. Elias says "Something" and that opens the portal. There are symbols of Selune here. There is a large statue with the sword in the middle of the room as well.   Ashe touches the sword and it just falls over. It is definitely the same Shaaran sword. When thd sword fell over, the room transformed back to the shaaran room. Elias believes that in the shadowfell, this place was a temple to Shar. Passin came into the place, was somehow between places, stabbed the sword in and swapped the temple, bringing the sharran temple into the material plane and selunean temple into the shadowfell.   MOving the sword seems to have swapped these temples back.   Elias takes the sword, planeshifts with his amulet, and is in the temple of selune in teh school now. He tries to stab the sword into the crack here. This pleases Shar. This swaps the temples back.   As we argue about whether or not to take Selune's temple back to where it belongs or not, we hear giggling coming from the portal. It's Lodar making out with JEssica which is Toagfar's girl oooooohhhhhhhhh. tsk tsk tsk.   We agree to leave the sword for now and come back for it after we've settled things whatever that means.   We hear our friend Lodar the wizard through the portal getting roughed up by some wizards. Because he's part of our ticket out of here, we decide to help him.   A fight breaks out. Andromeda puts 2 of the wizards to sleep. and Franz proceeds to Thunderwave and they splatter on the wall. This causes Jessica to freak the fuck out.   I guess we are cold blooded murderers now. But we claim self defense and to be fair they were trying to kill Elias.   We go back through the portal and close it to get away from the murdered people.   We get back outside, and there is a group of people gathering because of the loud thunderous sound. WE tell them 2 wizards faught to the death and exploded themselves. Elias tells everyone we are here for Passin and reporting to him to decide when the walls are to go down.   Apparently they only just met Passin, so they don't know much about him, so Elias convinces them that Passin would not want us to dilly daddle and that we cannot be late for our report. These guys think we should go see Loadagraph. We convince him that Passin wants the wall to come down in 15 minutes.   As they run off to tell their leader to do this, we learn that the plan is when the wall comes down, everyone here is to attack the city of Eldoria.   Realizing what we've done, Ashe goes after one guy. Glum goes after another, Elias, Joe and Franz after another.   We end starting our pursuit after these guys to stop them from telling Loadagraph to take the wall down.                                

Session 28: So many things to do and a new place to live I guess

We decide to take a long rest and head back to Eldoria. While resting Franz sees some kobolds in the distance hiding in the bushes and obliterates them with fireball.   Eric and his mom have a heart to heart. They talk about what Elias's uncle might want. He's short tempered and feels like he always has something to prove, and he's very insecure. Maron suspects that he moves forward gaining as much power as he can so he doesn't have to worry as much. Passin hated Elias's father. Everything has always come easy to his father. They discuss the legitimacy of Passin's position on the council. Marion worries that is going to mean problems for Elias and his dad.   The group is then attacked by this monkey guy with wings. (Nalfeshnee). While fighting Ashe comes out of the woods ot warn the group of this very guy.   We fight and this guy tries to eat Franz a lot of times. With the help of Ashe's panther, Glum we are able to defeat the demon. AFter we win, Franz notices his Demonomicon missing. An invisible creature is trying to run away with it, however, franz is able to kill it and get his book back.   Ashe and Glum have a conversation about the creation of Glume. Anders Beltgarden was the creator of Glum. (we can read the rest to find out)   Anyway, we discuss what Elias's campaign mission is going to be. Are we doing to try to collect the money again? The Dwarves took back most of the gold from the dragon's laire. What is his dad and uncle going to do? We talk about Shar releasing Elias from his contract with mammon. He also has a mission he must complete for her, but he doesn't remember what it is.   Elias is uncertain what he wants to do exactly. Peace with Passin doesn't really seem possible. We don't know if all the gold even belongs to the dwarves, nor do we have any way to prove it. Maybe we can garner some kind of agreement between the dwarves and Eldoria.   We also need to find Spite...Passin could be using her as a weapon.   We decide to garner a deal with the dwarves and Eldoria, and try to get "closer" to Passin. We also discuss if it was dawles that was behind the red rat creature attacking QM. There was a young drow wizard fellow named Center...What is his place in all of this? Is Elias's uncle working with the sewers cult?   1st step- Have the dwarves work with blackwood to sort their shit out. 2nd step- convince Blackwood that we need to "get in good" with his uncle 3rd- see if the uncle has a demonomicon which would allow him to summon demons 4th step- kill some vampires 5th step- profit   I guess only 2 dwarves survived the dragon fight We've got some guards left a   Anyway, while taking another rest, we see another dragon flying above that seems to have it's attention focused on us.   Thank goodness, it's a silver dragon. Is it Aurendille? Please be Aurendille. Actually it decides to leave. However, it shows back up for the next watch. It leaves us alone all night but circles back a few times.   We make it back to Eldoria eventually. We catch blackwood up on everything that has happened. QM is doing much better.   She's pretty impressed with everybody. We start to pick our rooms at the homebase...I guess there are levers and the rooms move around? I don't know honestly. WE decide to customize a bunch of rooms. Joe wrote it all down.   This is where we end.          

Session 27: The Living Flame

Randi was gone for this week. Joe took the notes.

Session 26: The Living Flame

We begin standing next to the statue of Shar. Elias examines the locked box he found to see if he can figure out how to open it. It's some kind of puzzle box. He puts it away for later.   We decide to go check the rest of the academy out. Franz leads the way and tells us of his memories here.   WE trick a janitor into giving us his mop so Elias can make a new disguise. He fashions it into a beard. We go see the librarian. She's got three cats that turn out to be polymorphed devils???   Franz asks for the list of the people who have attended here, and the librarian, Betty, says if we take the devil cats to the banishing circle, she will give us this list.   WE go to the bull area. We learn some kids accidentally summoned these devils, and now there is blood on the floor. What the hell kind of school is this?   Franz gets a hot date with someone he used to know and went to school with here. However he has no idea what her name is and rolled a one when she tries to remember.   We get the devil cats banished.   WE get the registrar from the librarian. Elias knows that we are looking for someone who likes to wear all black. It's a he. not to tall. He was wearing ninjaesque clothing so it was really hard to tell what his build was. He had an elf like frame. Pretty lanky.   We make a list of them ost powerful spell casters. 2 of them can cast 7th level spells. 2 that can cast 8th level and one that can cast 9. For a total of 5 names. Passin is on the list, and he can cast 9th level spells.   We recognize one of the names as the headmaster, Denardo(8th level) Franz's transmutation teacher Priatella is on (7th level) neither of those were elvaan. Hathiel and Center are the other 2 names. the librarian isn't very helpful but tells us one of the names are involved with criminals.   Franz gets the name of the girl- Deloris, that he's going on a date with later. We learn tat Priatella was the one who cast polymorph on the devil cats. It was likely not true polymorph.   We learn that the kids attacked by the devils are in the infirmary. ONe of them may have a true name of the devil   We track down Priatella. she's giving a speech to her class about the importance of not summoning devils. No matter how reliable your magic is, you should keep wands around. She seems to have 3 wands of polymorph. We sit in for the rest of her class.   Franz catches up with her. She calls out Elias for his "costume" and he tries to convince her this is what he looks like. He tries to impress her with his magic and insults her since she's being so rude.   She casts his "beard" on fire with a cantrip and he puts it out with shape water. HE then casts gust to blow her hat off, and she casts gust to put it back.   Franz tells her that we had a runin with some vampires that murdered his parents when he was young. We were saved by a cloaked person who casted "Reverse Gravity" and he hopes she can help us figure out who it is.   We show her the names Center, and Hathiel. both were her students. Center was always in trouble. She hangs out with Emelia now. Hathiel was a dragon borne. He's very intelligent but low wisdom. Hathiel could make fire with his breath. Center was an elf, and he would always pick fights with other elves, as if he hated his own kind. He never really fit in.   Elias and Priatella kind of get into it, because he's "not a wizard" She uses Time Stop to remove all of his costume. They kind of insult each other, and tells him if he ever wants to REALLY learn magic to come back and see her.   As we walk away, she says that Elias reminds him of Passin, and she sees a lot of potential in him.   we leave and end up at a gentlemans club looking for Dawels.   the madame gets charmed by Franz. She tells us that Dawels is somewhere up stairs with Scarlett.   WE meet some girl with red hair who seems to know about Dawels. While Ashe chats her up Elias finds Dawles in another room. Ashe offers to go out for a night on the town with this girl at 8pm.   We ask Dawels if he could help us get a meeting with Emelia. He informs us he isn't friends with her. We ask if he knows of another way to get in touch with her. He tells us that Captain Blackwood ALWAYS knows where she is, maybe she could help us. He knows where she is right now. He tells us to go to the Shadowthorne Infirmary. He won't tell us why she is there, but he says when we go there, there is a certain individual named Allister that he wants us to give a message too. Tell him "He's Next"   Is it our Allister? As in Allister Thorne? as in QM? Apparently Allister stuck his nose where it doens't belong. DOes this have to do with the red frog things?   We head to the infirmary where Center is being operated on. Apparently she has the same injury as QM. It turns out that that Center is a drow. Emilia is there. If they figure out how to remove the parasite for Center then they can save QM.   HOwever, Center doesn't survive the surgery. As we are trying to figure out how to help QM, someone comes in. She's been burnt badly. It's the lady who went with Andromeda when he left the city with his Marion. She says there was a dragon there that attacked everyone. she suspects it may have been the gold the dragon was after.   Elias and BAel go after Marion and Andromeda. Ashe and Franz stay back with QM.   Elias and Bael can tell that everyone was travelling North and wehn traffic redirected, they may have gone East.   Elias does a search and does not find his mom's remains so he continues East. They sprint East and catch up with the caravan that has escaped They find out that the dragon that attacked is called The Living Flame. He is now forcing everyone to bring their gold to him and they are complying. The dragon also gathered up the most beautiful women and took Marion, because beautiful women are delicacies. . The dragon flew towards a mountain 24 miles away. They jump on Elias's broom of flying and head out. While flying he spots Andromeda and flies down towards him.   They tell Andromeda to go back to town and have reinforcements sent to assist with the dragon. They make it to the mountain and immediately spot where the prisoners of the dragon might be.   They go into the cave and see Marion sitting next to the dragon. He is telling her that she will not be eaten yet as she's gonna be a celebratory meal once all the gold has been brought to the laire. (approximately 3 days from now) She is terrified and crying.   Bael and Elias secretly laugh about how broke this dragon is right now. Elias starts to pray to Shar and as he prays, the dragon starts to head towards the exit where Elias and Bael are. He can smell them. He unleashes a breath of fire that shoots past them, melting the stone around them. Bael speaks up and mentions the empty space here. Elias tells the dragon he wants to make a deal with him to get his mother back.   He tells the dragon to name his price, because he can get anything he wants. Bael also volunteers to help. The Dragon tells them to go escort the caravan and he won't eat his mother. Elias flies up into the sky to head towards the caravan. He also sees a warband of dwarves coming from the North. He makes a plan to try and route the caravan so that the dwarves don't cross paths with them.       Meanwhile, Franz and Ashe are working to try and remove this parasite from QM. An incision is created by Franz, but when he tries to remove it, QM screams and says it's attached everywhere. They try freezing the parasite. This causes to be still, but it is attached still to the heart, lungs and stomach. Ashe turns into a small mouse to try and go in and chew the creature away so we can remove it doing minimal damage. They are successful, but AShe barely makes it out before suffocating, but Franz is able to save her at the last second. WE rest and Ashe casts Lesser REstoration the next morning and QM is going to be find.   Blackwood sends 20 men with Andromeda, Franz and Ashe, and they head towards the caravan and we all meet Elias and Bael there. Elias fills us in about the dwarves and this is where we end.                                  

Session 25: So many quests. So little time

We are standing in the rubble of Passin's house. Elias's father just threw his bag of gold into a portal. At that moment an imp shows up and tells Elias that he owes 5GP to Mammon every month or 50GP for the year. Elias pays up for the year.   Elias's father has a really bad feeling about whomever turned the house upside down. Franz asks Elias's father if he knows where the vampires are and if he will help us kill them.   Elias's father brings up that he though his daughter would be at this dinner. Elias is like "I have a sister" and his dad is like "yeah. you're mom never told you?" Mr. Hoccleve then demands to see Elias's mother, Marion. She has never mentioned a sister to Elias. Elias says he's going to ask her himself and tells his dad to go make himself useful somewhere else.   Elias's sister was 18 years old when Mr. Hoccleve died.   We ask Mr. Hoccleve how the necklace works. ONce he dies, he will be sent to the fuge plane and be recreated there. However, when he didn't pay mammon, his body didn't get rebuilt. IN the past, when he would get "rebuilt" he re-spawns by this necklace thing.   Anyway, Andromeda ends up convincing Mr. Hoccleve to get out of here, and Elias is going to talk to his mom about his sister Oska.   Andromeda says that it is very well known that Passin despised Mr. Hoccleve and was jealous of him, even though Mr. Hoccleve insists that things were amicable and that they got along when he was alive.   Andromeda mentions the estate should have actually gone to his sister, Oska, and it didn't go to her. Why?   We walk towards Marion's place. People start waving at Elias in recognition as we walk.   We go find her. She with Remish and a pretty barmaid. As Remish is talking to the pretty barmaid, Franz sends franz over with a bouquet of flowers to compete with Remish. It's cute.   Elias pulls his mom away to talk. He asks his mom if he has a sister, and Marion says, "No. Not anymore" She tells him that when he was young, his father wasn't bad per se, but he wasn't a good man. He did make a good life for them when he brought them over from GreatSpear.   They had a child....Oska....his half sister....when Marion started dating Mr. Hoccleve, she was also dating Passin. However, Mr. Hoccleve won her over and didn't mind raising the child as his own. Passin apparently didn't know about the child.   He was a different man back then. His ambition changed him later. Elias's grandfather was a powerful man, and did not help either of his sons at all. They ended up doing some shady things such as smuggling and fell into a bad crowd. Elias's grandfather stripped them of the hoccleve name and kicked them out of the city. (GreatSpear)   Thats when they came to Eldoria. He continued his smuggling business and got involved with Demons. One of those demons being Avalora. Mr. Hoccleve thought he could get the best of Mammon, but in the end died. That is when Passin took over. Passin released demons upon the city causing chaos.   There was a temple that fell down. All the council members were in it when it fell.   Oska decided she was going to rise up and fight Passin. As tear whel up in Marion's eyes, she tells Elias that Passin killed Oska. She starts to sob into Elias's shoulder.   That's why she left the city. So that Passin wouldn't also kill Oska. and she didn't tell Elias because she was afraid he would go after Passin and get himself killed.   She wants to leave Eldoria. Elias tells her that she should leave the city. He then pulls out the resurrection stone and resurrects Andromeda and tells them both to go anywhere far from here and have a happy life together.   Elias tries to convince her that he will be ok here, because he is surrounded by capable friends. She tells him Oska was a powerful wizard and couldn't defeat Passin.   Elias tells his mom that he's so sorry, and then uses pressure points to knock her unconscious and tells Andromeda to take her away. He instructs Andromeda to first go to Blackwood and request 2 armed guards to escort them out of the city.   Andromeda warns Elias that Passin has the entire academy at his heels and that the vampires are beyond powerful. Also Andromeda seems to have his vampire teeth still. He's not as pale....what can this mean?   Andromeda grabs Elias's hand and puts it over his chest. He has a heartbeat. He's NOT a vampire. We think he's actually a dhampir.   He leaves with Elias's mother.   Elias returns and tells us what is going on. We don't think Passin realized Oska was his daughter when he killed her.   We learn that we didn't actually kill one of the vampires. If they are "killed" outside of their resting place they will come back. You have to steak them and decapitate them in their resting place.   Andromeda takes Marion out of the city in a wheel barrow. Other people are also leaving the city with wheel barrels of gold.   We end up just escorting Andromeda to the outer parts of the city rather than getting them guards.   We know that the academy has a list of really powerful magic users. If we find this list then we can maybe figure out how REverse Gravitied us.   we start to wonder where certain folks are like RedStone, Spite, and Bryza. Bryza and Redstone are in Remish's portable hole. Spite is no where to be found. Ashe is worried that if Passin finds her he could manipulate and use her for nefarious means.   So we discuss what do we need to do?   Investigate the red frogs Elias's father lying about his relationship with Passin Passin killing his daughter The academy and getting a list of powerful users The drow that ran this way with a skull go gems The duregar that brought the gold here QM and his red frog possession issue (He's with Angst) The fire at the south from last night Find Spite? Look out for Joe's people in the city   We sleep and think about our plans. When we wake up the next day, Ashe goes down to get breakfast for everyone and learns that the hotel is on a barter system now. She trades a random mysterious potion (invisiblity potion) for 4 days more at the hotel.   WE decide to go check out the place where the fire started, which excites Redstone. Redstone licks the ashe. HE tells us it's not quite like the fires from in the wilderness.   He says the fire that was here doesn't smell like the plane of fire. It's just dragon fire. HOwever, there is a spot where it looks like there was a portal, but Redstone says he doesn't think there actually was one. He wonders if a dragonborne or a dragonkin of some kind of spell to mimic dragon fire was used here. Perhaps this was all used as an elaborate distraction. Franz has Fred sniff out the smell of dragon fire to see if we can track it down. He starts heading south out of the city.   We decide to halt here and go inform Blackwood about what is going on and what all we have found. Elias tells her that years ago Passin was working with Avalora (aka Isolde). He swears to her that this is true.   She also says we should NOT tell the dwarves about their gold being here, because they are likely to raise an army and send them here. Whoops.   Blackwood is going to put an APB out for Spite. She's going to send some men to investigate south of the city where Franz was sniffing.   She also needs to talk to Emelia, the thieves guild leader.   Our new headquarters will be ready in 2 days. Blackwood is going to try to take care of QM, the fires, spite, and she tells us to stay away from Passin whom is likely at the academy. We are like ....suuuuuurrrrrreeee....we'll do that. *wink wink*   Franz tells us that Aria Sivermist used to work at the academy and held the same seat as Passin does now. We decide to head ot the academy against Blackwood's wishes.   Elias transforms himself into an oldman wizard and Ashe turns into a hamster and sits in his pocket.   Franz walks up to some of the boy guards and tells them he graduated from here a long time ago and he just wants to show his friends around. They fuck with Franz pretending that they know him and have seen his picture. They also pretend they don't know the password to let us in. Franz charms them and   There are 3 towers inside. ONe a bull, one a fish and one a goat. Franz used to be a bull. Ashe remembers the riddle and squeaks it to everyone.   Turn left at the spire dedicated to the fish you'll find me on the second floor Although, I'm not there Instead, I'm at multiple places at various heights   We got this riddle from Charon a while ago   We go the direction of the fish. WE get up to the second floor and get stuck behind a locked door. Elias isn't able to pick it. However, he is able to mold some water into an ice key that fits perfectly and we get in. We lock the door behind us.   It's pretty dusty in here. It looks like there may have been people in here a couple of days ago. There didn't seem to be any entrance to the first floor underneath us.   Ashe finds a hold in the floor and see that on the first floor, there is an outline frame of a door on. On the outline of the door is a sigil. It's an 8 sided inside a circle with smaller circles at the points of the star. there is also a portal to another room on the other side of the room and a dias in the middle of the room.   Ashe describes the sigil and Elias recognizes it as a sigil that represents what the weave is. the weave is what mystra has created so that magic is able to be cast. When you cast a spell, you go into the weave and you pull the strings to create what you want to create. Each circle on this sigil represents each school of magic.   WE go back down stairs and do not find any sign of magic on the other side of this tower where this door outline WOULD be on the outside.   Bael decides to misty step into the room through the hole at the top. Ashe and Joe in rodent form jump down into his hand. BAel tries to catch her but she hits the floor and reverts back to her form. Joe jumps and Ashe is able to catch them.   In the portal there is another staircase that goes down. ON the dias, there is an inscription we can't read, but underneath it, it says "Who am I" Ashe guesses "Mystra" but it's incorrect.   She draws a picture of the inscription and sends it up through the hole in the floor. Neither Franz nor Elias can figure it out.   We decide to go through the portal which takes us to multiple sets of stairs that go down. The others go upstairs and we meet in the middle.   We go back *UP* the stairs which gets everyone to the basement. Franz gets down there and is able to use Comprehend languages to study the dias more.   He is able to decipher the riddle. It's the same riddle we've heard before:   Turn left at the spire dedicated to the fish you'll find me on the second floor Although, I'm not there Instead, I'm at multiple places at various heights Who Am I?   Joe figures out that the answer is "Nothing", but when we are there there is something....Something about the shadow weave and empty space. Not exactly sure what this is, but Franz has heard about it.   Franz says the word Shadow Weve, and the secret door opens up.   In side is a large room with the statue of a woman. There is a sword stuck in the ground stuck at the base of her feet with cracks all around it. It looks like some kind of wizard's study.   there is a giant symbol hanging above head of the statue. A purple circle with a black center.   Elias notices his family sigil on the hilt of the sword. It's shimmery and magical. It's got a reddish glow to it. As Elias puts his hand on the sword, it feels like home and salt water at the same time.   Joe recognizes the statue of the woman. She is a goddess. The symbol at the top of her head is the symbol of Shar.   Elias grabs the blade after cutting his hand. His blood starts to get pulled down and the ground starts to drink it up. Elias hears a voice saying "Another Harcleeve." It's Shar. Since he has given her a blood sacrifice, she is now asking for his dedication. He asks what that means, and she says you will know soon enough. She offers to grant him power in order to accomplish what she needs done. When he asks what kind of power, he feels magical shadow energy flowing through him. He instantly knows she is the one who created the shadow weave.   She feeds him information and spills out everything that she needs him to do in this mission. The DM doesn't tell him what she says, but he just asks if he agrees.   She also lets him know that she CAN get him out of the deal with Mammon. It's optional though.   Elias Agrees! Wowzers.   At this point she feeds arcane power into him and then he forgets everything she told him. It offers him a level in wizard and gives him enough experience to get to the next level. Also he gets 2 charisma points (so he can keep warlock if he wants)   Elias always dreamed of going to the academy before he know about his dad. So, he accepts all of this.   However, he knows he has to leave the sword here. Ashe prys his hands off the sword and he comes too, but he remembers nothing of what happened other than he talked to shar and that he was her disciple now. He just doesn't remember the mission she gave him. He finds a holy symbol of shar, a spell book, a locked box with the symbol of shar, and a ring of spell storing.   It's a little weird this whole thing, because Elias has never been one to put any merit or faith in the gods. It's strange for him to feel belief in one.   This is where we end.          

Session 24: The fall of the house of Harcleave.

Amongst the chaos, we are approached by Quarter Master, Angst and Blackwood. QM also has some kind of cut on his neck that he doesn't want to talk about it. Angst is here because the RavenQueen has sent him here. He's currently here to observe.   A Raven lands on his shoulder and says "All will Die!" and then flies away. Angst pretends that he doesn't know what the Raven is talking about.   We think that the guy that Joe saved might know what is going on, and we can talk to him about what is going on.   Bak is here too! We took him to where the bag was that the guy dropped, but it's not there anymore. When we get there, we hear a crying sound from inside the house. Elias knocks on the door to check on her. It the wife of the halfling guy that Joe saved. We let her know that her husband is fine and where to find him.   as she cries and is distraught, Angst opens up a vial to suck in the misery? For the RavenQueen? What in the world?   She ends up kicking us out due to a misunderstanding about height with Joe. Joe says she would kill themselves too if that was their wife. No wonder the guy was so close to the edge.   We head to the Shadowthorne Estate, where the infirmary is. Bethany answers the door. She's excited to hear about our adventures. She serves us Beignets.   The guy we came to get is having esophagus problems due to the poison he drank.   We use parchment and a quill to talk to him. He wants to die   We ask him about Daals and tell him we will kill him as requested if he can tell us about Daals. We learn Daals wanted to destroy Eldoria by destroying the economy and he wanted nothing to do with it.   Angst is trying to check out his dick, and sees a large fairly recent scar across his chest.   We also see something underneath the guys's skin moving around. It's worm like. It seems like it's going to burst out of the guy, and Elias breaks the guys ribs and stabs it. It's dead.....   QuarterMaster asks the a distraught way....was it a rat creature? and the guy says it was. QM ran into a creature....It gave him the same wound as the guy has. He describes a red creature that did this to him. It seems to be the same creature that may have attacked this other guy.   QM says it was like a frog creature. He found it underground while looking for Angst. There were a bunch of people dedicated to chaos where he was at that was planning to ruin the economy. While he was spying on this cult, the red frog creature attacked him.   We talk about going to dinner tonight. Spite wants to go, but many of us think we shouldn't. Angst goes to punch her, and as he does, invisible demons stop the punch.   Elias remembers a riddle we got when we got here. Does this have anything to do with things?   Turn left at the spire dedicated to the fish you'll find me on the second floor Although, I"m not there Instead, 'm at multiple places at various heights   Joe also sent an animal message to her people that states: "I know what happened to our treasure. It was reminted and distributed to the poor among Eldoria. (Month Day). recovery is probably not possible. "   Spite decides she doesn't want to go with us anymore since Angst tried to punch her.   We go into a breadshop where a lady is choosing to give out bread for free. Elias introduces himself as Elias Harcleave. She initially wants to kick him out, but he explains that he isn't really a part of his family and has only been here for a day. She explains that his uncle wants to create elitism here so only the most powerful have control. He's trying to close down businesses. Elias tells her that he's planning to meet with him tonight and confront him.   He assures her he's going to change what the meaning of the Harcleve name means here.   We head to the dinner. The place is pretty abandoned due to all the money stuff going on. However, Alber, Passin's butler is still around helping out. He believe he'll be rewarded for everything he does for Passin.   We sit and have dinner. Franz recognizes 2 people who sit in front of him.....when Franz was very young, he lost his parents, but he remembers these 2 people to have been friends. The last thing he remembers is those 2 people getting into a fight with his parents, and that is the night his parents died. They do not seem to recognize Franz. They also seem like they haven't aged a day. Her name is Jezebel, and her husband is also named Franz. Franz knows that he was named after this guy.   Franz offers the other Franz some garlic mashed potatoes and the other Franz declines, because garlic disagrees with him. hmmmmmmm.   The ghost of Andromeda whispers to Elias that the OTHER FRANZ was his vampire master. Elias messages this to everyone so we all know.   Jezebel asks Franz if she knows him, and then recalls him being a young kid and recalls the night Franz's parents sad...   Elias sarcastically calls out his uncle asking about his station and how it must have been so difficult to all fall on his shoulders when his father died.   Ashe pulls Elias to the side and asks if she can cast daylight on the mean vampires. Elias says if it comes to that he'll give her a signal. Franz then tries to charm Jezabel without success. She notices and then tries to charm him back, but hers ALSO fails. The table gets weird and tense after that.   Bael talks about the magic academy. He wants to learn magic, even though he's not magical at all. We end up hurting Bael's feelings when we try to tell him the answer to a test question by calling him BAT SHIT crazy and that he smells like he's been to hell. He didn't get it though and wandered off to a window to contemplate how people named Franz don't have last names.   Jezabel talk sabout Franz's parents and how it is a shame their bodies were never found and that they drowned.   Elias talks to Passin about his father. Angst brings up the question that since Elias's father died, then shouldn't everything have gone to Elias.   Passin kind of talks down to Angst and Elias about how things are SOOOO complicated and he should be the one to manage ALL the DIFFICULT things....he calls Elias a prince, but in a weird tone that I don't like.   Elias calls out that Passin didn't answer the question at all and asks it again. Passin asks Elias to join him privately in the library. He gives him a glass of wine. Elias vents to him about condemning him to a life of poverty since he never sought him or his mother out.   Elias says he only wants the truth from his uncle, and his uncle cannot directly answer any questions and dances around it all. In a way his uncles lies and manipulations has shown him exactly what kind of person he is.   While all of this is happening, Franz quietly casts magic circle around the 2 vampires and when Uncle Passin confronts Elias, Franz says it was him and it's because these 2 killed his parents years ago.   Ashe then casts Daylight on the room. Bits and pieces of their skin start to burn off. They charm Franz They both turn into bats to try and fly away. Ashe casts moonbeam on Franz and he falls to the floor and Jezabel flies away and leaves him.   Angst and Franz interrogate the other Franz. They get no information. Franz asks how it was his parents were murdered. The other Franz says Franz's father got in the way. He wanted change and that he wanted to overthrow Syrick...the king of Greatspear at that time. The other Franz keeps looking at the window.   Elias's uncle runs over to Elias also staring at this window and says that they need to go now. He gets Elias out of the room. Everyone else starts to float up and then the whole place starts to crumble down. Trapping everyone underneath.   Elias saw some guy in all black cast this spell. It was a 7th level spell called Reverse Gravity. The guy burst into shadows and disappeared.   There are probably only about 5 or 6 people in this whole city that would be able to cast a spell of that level. Elias's uncle is probably one of those people, but we know it wasn't him.   Everyone climbs out from underneath the rubble. Uncle Passin tries to get Elias to come with him, but Elias declines and stays with us.   We are standing in the rubble. Angst asks Passin how he knew this would happen, and he says that "They" had powerful friends. Passin then tells Angst that he talks like Quarter Master.   Angst asks how he knows about QM. Passin tells Angst to seek him out at the magical academy if he wants to know more. He tells Elias to seek him out too.   JOe does a tarot card reading and thinks that Passin was jealous of Elias's dad, and may have been in love with Elias's mom and that is why he tried to kill her?   Elias's dad runs up out of nowhere. He apparently saw the house come down and ran over immediately.   We learn that Elias's father had made a deal with mammon and didn't pay up and that is what got him killed. Elias confronts him about saving him and him immediately running off and killing Andromeda and abandoning them again.   Elias's dad says there is a necklace somewhere in this house that will keep him alive. He must pay tribute to mammon. He asks what Elias's deal was, and he tells him it was just his soul...he paid up front.   He believes that Passin has already made a deal with Mammon as well. Maybe this whole thing is a ruse for Mammon to gain power over all of them. Who knows?   They argue about what happened with the family years ago when Elias's mother escaped with him. Perhaps Elias mother was worried about Elias growing up in this environment.   Elias's father says he's going to take his estate back. He finds the necklace he was looking for. HE teleports a bag of gold he had to mammon, not that we know where it's all going.   This is where we end.   Harley still needs to hand out experience.                  

Session 23: A heist given away, and lots of fire.

Everyone is celebrating and having a good time. Joe sees silver envelopes being handed out and just as she goes to get one, Blackwood stops her and explains these are gifts for children from family. Joe thanks her for stopping her from looking foolish.   Elias starts taking in the sites and thinking how he was in diapers the last time he was here. HIs mom starts privately talking to Blackwood. Elias is able to over hear. She asks if The Peasant still has a seat on the council. Apparently he has an uncle that is a council member. Elias's mother has been trying to protect him his whole life so Elias knows little of this.   Andromeda seems to know about all this and explains his name is Passin. He explains that their are lords of the city here with a central council where everyone reports to. That position is held by one of 7 people, usually lords themselves. Elias's father WAS a councilmen there. Elias's father apparently left everything to Elias. His uncle is acting regent. He spills so much tea. Andromeda thinks Elias's uncle wants to kill him....but the reasons are uncertain. Maybe it's due to the fotuned his father left him?   Was Elias's family actually rich? Elias is going to keep his head down and see what else he can learn. Meanwhile Bael is playing some fun festival games and having a great time.   Andromeda tells us that he used to work for a lord here when he was alive. When adventurers come into town, they are noticed, because they are usually Warriors. Warriors hold pretty high status in Eldoria, just under the lords and government.   Elias then uses his magic mage hand to steal a mask to put on to hide his face since it is possible our presence here has been noticed.   Blackwood wants to report back since she's back in town and explain everything that is going on. She asks that we join her. She reports to someone named Aria Silvermist.   Franz invites Blackwood back to him. They seem to have a little argument and go separate ways.   Bael has been gambling and we find him in a gambling room. He's up 50gp. He's pretty excited. He's surround by all kind of folks and pretty ladies blowing luck onto his dice.   A well to do fancy man walks up and wants to play against him. HE wants to play for 10GP, and Joe gives Bael a hand picked Lupel to gamble with. This makes the fancy man curious about Bael and Joe are. Joe says he should add a rare item to match it. He throws down $500gp to match.   Just as they are about to roll, a bunch of footsteps approach and this causes this causes everyone to leave. Including the fancyman, leaving his gold behind.   Elias tries to sneak us out seeing that it was a guard that was here. He and Bael escape, but Joe and Ashe are caught. Apparently gambling is illegal here. Elias rushes to find Blackwood. He finds her trying to have a drink and enjoy herself. She leaves her drink complaining that she can't be alone for 5 minutes and goes with him to save the day.   She approaches just as we are about to leave. They are surprised to see her and address her as Captain Blackwood. She tells them we were her freelance agents trying investigate something for her, and she is out of sorts and will bring the appropriate paperwork tomorrow to the chief, but they are to release us to her immediately.   They question her authority and decline and say they'll see what the chief says.   She tells this guard Marcus that he'll be out of job tomorrow and to do what he will. He doesn't buy it though and takes us away.   They scoop up all of our items having taken our weapons and take us to jail.   They start questioning us all. Ashe doesn't give up any information. The guards tell JOe tha Ashe sold her out as the ring leader.   They tell Joe that Ashe holds a lot of weight in this city because she's a shadowthorne and Joe will go to jail due to Ashe's testimony. They then bring Bael in and tell him that Joe and Ashe both testified that HE was the ring leader of the gambling town.   Bael tells the the guards what family he is from. His family are high end designers.   They then tell Bael that if he gives each of them $1kgp each they'll let all of us go.   BAel then turns the whole thing around on them about being friends with Ashe and he'll make sure to speak with her about it. They find out that Bael has $5kgp, Once they remember this, they whisper among themselves and decide to let everyone go (with the intent of keeping all the gold)   They then go to release everyone.   Bael says he's not going anywhere. He's waiting for blackwood. Ashe also says she's not oing anywhere without Blackwood. JOe decides to leave. They hand her back an empty backpack and when she questions this, they say it was empty when they found it.   Joe disputes this and says they need their stuff back.   Meanwhile, on the outside, Elias is making a plan to get his friends out. He sees the culprit who is trying to steal everything walking out the back. Elias knocks him out. The guy never sees it coming. The guy falls down face first in a puddle of water. Elias drags him away to conceal it somewhere. He then gets all of our stuff back.   HE can't lift everything and Blackwood approaches. Elias explains to her that it seems that the guards are shaking his friends down inside and he had to get our stuff back. She turns a blind eye due to the circumstances and calls a cart over and helps him load everything up.   Blackwood shows up to demand our release. They let us go and give us our stuff, but it's all empty. Ashe makes notes of their faces and is going to exact her revenge eventually.   They go outside, Blackwood tells them Elias was able to retrieve our stuff. she takes us to an inn where she pays for our stay. She explains that the city is dangerous and many of the warrior class are big headed and bullies, and we need to be careful.   She warns us that the merchants trade cheap shit here, to beware.   We learn about a Academy of magic here and that is where Elias's Uncle Passin is the headmaster.   Elias was in line to be the new lord and head of the estate, and Elias's mother was afraid that his uncle would do something to Elias, and she had to flee with him.   Elias asks if it could all be a misunderstanding. But his mom confirms it is not and that his dad was also not a good person. He made "DARK" dealings. He had a patron, a devil that he worked for. The devil's name was Mammon. That's how his father died initially. He decided not to pay Mammon.   Elias asks that since his father is no longer dead, what does that mean about the estate? His mother says, if he comes back he could possibly claim it.   Since things are getting out of hand, Blackwood is going straight to the council, because someone there has been letting things slip.   Blackwood says if we make our presence known here, Then that would actually afford us some kind of protection, because then people would actually know about us.   Blackwood suggests that we go to the castle and offer a tribute to the council. Elias wants to make posters to distribute posters declaring his presence and who he is. He wants to get in good with the peasants and the farmers so that he can get their backing.   Blackwood tells us we are not doing any of these things and we wink and say for sure.   She needs to go find out if she even still has a job.   Room Service comes and Bael offers 50GP for 300 packs of paper ink and quills. They deliver it quickly to us. We buy some scribes to help us get the posters made quickly. We tip everyone really well and we tell them to spread the word about the Greatness of Elias Harcleave.   We make friends with workers and they tell us about the fancy man we met in the gambling hall. He's a bit of a hero amongst the lower classes. His name is Dawles. They are going to write a letter for us to Dawles so we can meet him. Bael says to tell him that we have his Lupal.   There is a box on the wall that blinks blue. We open it and find fancy clothes for all of us to put on to meet the council. We get rid of the frills and remake the clothes   Blackwood gets back. She's upset that we ruined the clothes, but she jsut deals with it. She still has her seat, but she doesn't know exactly what that means. She has to meet with Aria Silvermist about it.   We head out, but before we do, Elias pays the scribes to hand out as many of the posters as possible.   We head out to the festival.   WE get to the castle and they start to announce our names. They announce "Lord Elias Harcleave" and everyone just kind of goes quiet and stares. We also see some of our posters out in the crowd, so they recognize him.   We go to the council room and there are 7 people sitting up there.   Their names: Thora Ironfist Leader of the hammer and anvil guilde (dwarf) yes Valteir Windrider Captain of the Cities commerce (half elf) no Aria Silvermist (human) Head of the city military yes Passin Hawcleave Head of the Cities' magical academy (human) yes Tarcus Stoneheart banker and treasurer (dwarven) yes Rake Hazzelstone head of artisans and farmers (halfling) yes Emelia Nightshade (no representation or title. dressed in all leather. looks like a ruffian) (human) no   Passin greets Elias and says how great it is that he has returned. He walks up and gives Elias an awkward hug and offers a feast when he gets home. He's being quite deceptive.   Elias speaks to Emelia and learns that she is indispensable and looked down upon by her fellow councilmen.   Aria asks Blackwood where she has been. Blackwood explains she went to look for QM and explains he's been doing an amazing job with the assignment she gave him. Blackwood tells them of the black dragon that we defeated. Elias explains that he is seeking to liberate the people who were victimized by this dragon. He also offers a lupal each to each councilman as tribute.   Arai invites Blackwood to be the head of the guard for the city as their current head has just retired. Blackwood seems taken back by this and surprised that Gavin retired.   Aria tells Blackwood that she would be perfect for keeping the riff raff in check, as she side eyes Emelia when she says this. The council puts it up to vote. She is voted in with a 4 to 2.   Joe is able to detect that many of the council people are using illusionary magic, possibly ot make themselves look better.   As we all go to leave, Aria has Blackwood stay to start her position right away.   We leave. We go talk to the Sage who set up the meeting with Dawles for us. We are going to meet up with him a local bakery.   We go meet him. He's eating a croissant.   He explains to us the government and hierarchy of things around here, and it is the reason for a lot of the corruption and terrible things that happen here. He tells us that Emelia is on the council so that they can keep her under control. She's the leader of the thieves guild.   He does have plans to help the people here, but since he doesn't know us, he doesn't share all of his information.   He does tell us we can help him though, but it's not necessarily legal. If We help and it goes well, then he can bring us into his plans more. JOe notices Dawles eyes vibrates when he talks and he gives us an uneasy feeling. He seems very dangerous in an unpredictable way.   He seems the type that would stop and nothing to accomplish his goals.   Bael asks if there is a way to get a meeting with Emelia. If we prove that Dawles can trust us, he can set up a meeting.   He tells us that we will receive a letter in our mailbox at a random time, and if we get it, we can act on it or not.   He leaves coins on the table, and we notice that the currency has a lotus petal with 6 stars around it with a picture of Eldoria's castle on it.   Joe asks his opinion of the council members. We also ask if he has seen any Duregar around here or has anyone ended up with a huge amount of money they didn't have already. He seems to know something, but doesn't reveal much. He says he'll see what he can find out. We explain we are trying to find out where it went, because it belongs to Joe's people.   We talk to blackwood. Shes gonna let us watch her fire the policeman who shook us down. We also ask about the lupals here and learn that they are used for making medicines. There is a lack of god worship here, so medicine is actually necessary since magical healing isn't all that common here.   We march up to the police station. The chief tries to run away. The rest of the place is raided. Bael trips him and is able to catch him.   He thinks we are going to kill him but instead he is arrested and sent to a dark, dank cell.   Blackwood is planning to clean up this city one corrupted police station at a time.   She says she's going to put in an order to give us this building since we are so skilled, it shouldn't be difficult.   Ashe is worried about Blackwood's safety, so she turns into a fly and lands on her back for a while. The rest goes back to the hotel. After a while the box turns blue and they get their letter.   On it is an address. That's it. They make a plan and head out. The get there and see a hooded figure standing next to this place. Bael talks to the guy and says that there is supposed to be 4 of us. He only sees Bael, because Elias is hiding and Joe is a snake.   The fellow gives Bael 4 bags and says they have to be delivered immediately. If anything happens to them, We will be held accountable.   The bags are almost 2 feet in diameter and has a face on it. He meets up with the other two and they work to deliver all the bags.   Joe turns into a panther because they can travel quickly that way. They take 2 bags. The man tells them to make sure that the recipients take the bags, and they cannot take no for an answer.   Joe gets to her first address. There is a family inside about to eat dinner. Joe puts the bag on the window sill and scratches at it. A man comes out and tries to decline the bag. He's already told them how he feels about it. He tries to storm away. Joe tries to intimidate him as a panther. It doesn't quite work. They try to leave it and the man throws it back at Joe. Joe pounces on him and scares him into taking it.   Bael gets to his address and sees a guy smoking a pipe. The guy takes it without issue and throws a coin to Bael for the trouble.   Elias gets to his address. He sees a woman who sees him coming. She just shakes her head. She says to him, "You realize this is going to cause quite a bit of chaos". Elias says Chaos does seem to follow him but asks what she means. She then says she doesn't know Elias. HE introduces himself. She takes the bag, She digs around inside and then throws some apples she has into it. It seems to be a bag of holding.   She warns Elias that somebody is taking advantage of Elias because nobody knows his face, and tells him to just think about that.   Joe gets to his second address. There is a nervous man sitting on a rock. He just shakes his head "no". He says "First you threaten me, and now what is this? a bribe? you think you can do whatever you want? you think you can control me? Do you know how much I've lost?' He then opens a vial on his necklace, drinks it and falls over.   Joe goes out of panther form and uses Lesser Restoration on him. It's a very strong posion, so his insides are completely destroyed. The man starts to wheeze and is barely breathing now. Joe asks whats in the bag, but the man can't speak.   Joe then looks in the bag in despite being told not to. They see blackness. Inside is gold and platinum coins. There is an insane amount of money in this bag.   The man has a tattoo on the palm of his hand. Its a symbol that Joe does not recognize. Joe leaves the bag on the ground and tries to take the guy to a hospital. Joe gets him to a place called the Ethereal Estate. It's a nice house and Joe starts shouting for a healer. A bunch of moon elves open the door. They advise they are going to help him as much as they can. Joe is very distraught. This life of crime is not everything they thought it would be. Joe does not have the bag and left it on his porch,   Meanwhile, Ashe is a fly with Blackwood. Suddenly Blackwood is approached by a courier. There is a massive fire burning down many houses on the south side of Eldoria. She has to gather up the entirety of the forces to get down there and help. Ashe flies down in fly form. This fire is very reminiscent of the fires we saw by the mountains. Ashe starts trying to help people.   Elias and Bael meet up at the hotel. They see the smoke as well and head over to the fire. Joe meets up as well. We all help people as much as we can .   WE stay up all night helping as many folks as we can. The common folk get to really see Elias's face. We talk to Blackwood and she asks about Franz.. We're like we don't know where he is. We take a long rest. Ashe prepares Purify Food and Drink as we have a feast to go to tonight.   Joe talks to Elias about the jobs they had to do, asking if he is used to that kind of work. She wonders if people try to kill themselves often and is very distraught? As we are talking, we hear a loud group of people outside. Elias meets a guy that says, everyone just got a delivery of gold and platinum. It seems the money that was delivered ended up going to the people of Eldoria.   Was this all part of Dawles plan? To give everyone more money than they could ever fathom? Blackwood seems upset about this. She leaves for a bit and comes back and advises that about 100kgp was delivered to every person of the lower class.   The gold was reminted, meaning that this is possibly the treasure from Joe's hometown. Also businesses are closed and not serving food or anything, because everyone is rich now.   It's chaos. and this is where we end.                

Session 22: All roads lead to Eldoria

Spite, the little girl approaches us and tells us she helped by putting her imaginary friends in some dolls inside. We learn that her Imaginary friends are actually demons. And they seem to listen to her? WTF?   She tells us that we brought back some with us and she sent them back to the Abyss. Franz asks if we can see her "friends" and she grabs his hands, and he sees many demons around surrounded by a hellscape of fire.   We ask her if they know anything about the demons that have been coming out people's chests, and they simply say that it sounds like something that could happen, but don't know much.   She says they listen to her because she's their friend.   We ask her if she would like to travel with us. We go with her to ask her mom, Auntie Ezartha. Franz asks Ezartha out with Blackwood and they both accept for drinks. Franz is super charming which seems to make Blackwood wants to leave. HOwever he keeps them both around with his Riz. Franz has a real good time though.   Joe and Ashe hang out with Remish and the group and Ashe's parents. JOe asks Spite about Isolde, causing Spite to completely go silent and freeze up. She grabs Joe's hand and now Joe is completely surrounded by demons, and they all start to change Isolde's name, saying she will rule from the North of Rimstone Reach to the South of Rmston Reach. She will consume the heart of larue and take her horn and grind it into dust.   We decide to wait until morning to tell Franz about Isolde.   We drink, have fun and have a good time. The next day we get permission to take Spite with us.   We check out Ithilhithnal and want to investigate any possible connection between the duregare down in hammerfall and the druids here since they were pretending to worship Selune.   We go see the sites and museums and have a great time. We find that there is a ship in a museum and Franz recognizes it to be his old ship? How did it get here?   Fred the dog goes on an adventure to try and find Duergar, but he didn't find any. JOe did manage to have some plants help them get their own pirate ship.   It turns out yo be Franz's original hat. Joe trades it to Franz for the one he is wearing. This trip is really wild.   The DM decides that Elias's mom is going to travel with us.   We decide to go have dinner in Hammerfell. We decide to take Dinklewing back to Hammerfell to see Joe's parents one last time.   We see plumes of smoke to the south of Rimstone Reach. Several days away, so they have to be REALLY large smoke plumes. We decide we can go check that out after we visit hammerfell since we have to go that way any way.   We get to Hammerfall, and Joe's parents have "Congratulations" signs. It turns out they are Congratulating Joe for finally getting out of Rimstone Reach.   Joe has people in the south of Rimstone Reach. (Possibly where we saw the smoke plumes?) Joe tells them that if we find out what happens with the gold their father will get a seat on the council, so we are going to do that for them.   Her family gives Joe some heirlooms to help them on our journey. It's a good time, and we head out the next day. WE head towards the smoke plumes.   After some investigation, we find that the fires were started on purpose. It started at multiple places simultaneous. We determine that someone completely encapsulated in fire could have done this?   We see Elias's father approach us. He knows someone down in the Abyss who is a fire being that may know what happened. He was a caged up fellow. Spite is able to get some intel, and there is a fellow named Redstone who may know about this. Nobody has ever heard of this guy, but he's imprisoned in the Abyss. He is trapped by Tiamat.   Spite says she can take us to the Abyss kind of by holding our hands and we can talk to Redstone. We agree to do this to see if we can learn some information.   Franz approaches him and says "nice to meet you". He seems super suspicious of all of us. He thinks we are demons tricking him, but Ashe gives him some spring water, and he agrees to answer our questions.   Joe tells him about what's going on up top about the points of combustion and ask how it happened. He tells us he needs to see this in order to give us any information.   Franz breaks Redstone out of the cage he is in. WE also realize that maybe we could've just broken Elias's father out the whole time instead of him making a deal to get him out. We decide not to share this information with him.   Spite transports us back, and Redstone is now with us. We are at one of the combustion points. We learn that the fire was created with magic. It is a magical fire. There is something unique about this fire. The burns around here seem to be from the plane of fire, but whatever spewed out from the forest on each side is not from the plane of fire. It's a magical fire.   It is possible a dragon did this, but if it was a dragon, it would be an ancient dragon. However, the portal that would have been created, could not allowed a dragon to fit though, BUT a dragon could spew fire out of the portal.   Franz knows that about 100 years ago, a dragon came through this land and burn this land. All the forests, through the mountains and everything. This area was all fairly new growth. This dragon was known as "The Living Flame" (aka Cinosaicin) A group of adventurers partnered up with a silver dragon named Arendille that was able to nullify this dragon at that time.   We determine that Aurendille is Schrodinger's Aurendille. He is both dead and alive until observed. hahahaha   This Redston fellow once drank the fire of Mistpholese and it permanently damaged him, because NOBODY is immune to this fire.   We decide that studying up on this event form the past in Eldoria might give us some information about what is going on. We decide to go to Eldoria. We try to invite Redstone alone with us, but try to set some ground rules. He agrees to them. He won't burn shit down unless we all agree to it first.   We also learn that Remish knows this guy. He encountered him years ago when he first drank that fire potion that killed him.   Remis and Franz have a heart to heart, and they truce it up, and Remish says he'll back off Blackwood.   We head to Eldoria. AS we get there, Poor Dinklewing crash lands due to exhaustion and is in pieces. Lucien is going to handle it   As we arrive to Eldoria we find that there is a festival going on. It's about midnight and people are dancing and wearing masks.   They are celebrating "The rebirth of the Mother" (It's kind of like their new year)   We are going into Year of the Monkey here. Leaving year of that rat. WE party it up and eat like kings. Blackwood is happy to be home, as is Franz.   We end about to enjoy the rest of the festival, but want to wait for every              

Session 21: I think we have to kill my Aunt.

We meet a small goblin wizard named Bak. We make it back to Hammerfell.   Blackwood has heard wind that Angst is up north in Ithilhithnal.   Elias's mom wants to travel with us, because she wants to spend more time with him. Elias is worried that our travels are too dangerous. We decide to take her back to Leruemar because it's next door to Ithilhithnal.   Lucien hands all of us a potion. Ashe's Aunt Grenita. She loves making potions, but they don't always turn out great. Some of us drink the potions, and we turn small. Some of us choose not to drink the potion. The small ones get in a basket. some of the others harness themselves to the dragon. Remish uses his rope trick to drag along a few. We head out with Mia and Lucian on Dinklewing.   We arrive to Ashe's ginormous house. There we are approached by a Shadar Kai. Her name is QuillEndria (Quill for short) She's been sent here by the Raven Queen to go after Angst so she can help him kill Isolde. Franz reveals that we've let her go into the feywild and will only kill her if she breaks her word. The RavenQueen isn't going to be happy about this.   WE go in and meet some of the family. Ashe's pop pop's proteje, Majesto, a tiefling is drunk and bitter. Ashe's family is pretty esentric and literally wild and strange.   Elias runs into an old friend named Timothy, who disappeared a while ago. He's married to Clarelda. When we ask her how they met, she's gets weird and says they have to go.   Elias checks on him in thieves cant. he basically speaks in poems and he's totally not himself.   Ashe takes her friends to her room in the tower. Joe mentions that the duregar in Hammerfall were wearing Selune holy symbols, and Timothy is acting weird. Maybe there is some kind of infiltration? To gain power over the Lupel garden.   Andromeda and Quil offer to turn invisible and spy on people for us. At that moment we get summoned to the reading of the will.   Durge, the stone construct, the family lawyer shows up and creates a stone tablet. He reads off the will.   Pop Pop basically leaves a lot of shade behind for everyone and hopes they die. He leaves EVERYTHING to his favorite, Ashe, along with his secret chest.   Everyone accept the single Lighthorne in the room is pissed. Timothy comes out of whatever trance he was in and seems lost and panicked. Clarelda has been using a potion on him. Ashe knocks it out of her hand as she now recognizes what is going on.   Timothy calls Clarelda a crazy abductor. Ashe tries to kick everyone out and it just becomes loud chaos. Quill casts Silence to shut everyone up. IN the chaos, Elias gets Timothy out and learns that Clarelda got him drunk and wanted to use his money because her family wouldn't give him any. She made him tea and now he remembers nothing since then.   Elias tells Timothy that he's been gone a year. Apparently there is a 100,000gp bounty for him. I guess he's laundered a lot of money from criminals, and they lost their money and they are really pissed.   Elias tells Timothy to stay put and goes back to the chaos.   Quill lets down the silence and Ashe gets everyone's attention. She asks where her parents are and finds everyone acting suspicious. Macobra comes up with a story about her parents going to the north to hunt bison.   Joe talks to the plants and learns that Macobra already got to the chest. Ash opens the chest and there is a note from her pop pop   This chest is a fake. The one who stole it has a tale to tell. The real treasurer's location is in Gobi's pocket watch. -Taiberius.   Ashe describes this pocketwatch to Quill, and she is able to locate object with magic and we find it in one of the studies.   It leads us to a potted berry tree plant. They are in magical trance. Apparently Macobra burried them here. They are paralyzed. Joe uses Lesser REstoration to restore them.   We then hear caaacaawwwinng from the outside. It seems all the animals have come alive in the other room. we learn that The ashe tree outside is where we need to go for the treasure.   We see Timothy running outside the window, and we escape and just leave the inside of the house in pure chaos.   Bak decides to go try and save Majesto, because that's now his protégé. We learn from the plants that he left.   As we approach the Ashe tree Olivium is there looking for it.   JOe talks to the plant and learns the tree has the treasure and will only release it for Ashe. Ashe gets the treasure. But Olivium says she is going to destroy the cure if Ashe doesn't hand over the treasure. Ashe promptly gives it to her, but that that very moment, Bak had shrank himself and stabbed her in the hand causing her to drop the vial.   Joe is able to catch it and Joe grabs the treasure back. Ashe learns that Olivium and Odie are actually her siblings. Olivium is her twin sister. Macobra.   Ashe tries to accept Olivium as her sister, but Olivium isn't having it. Ashe tells her aunt to leave and never come back or she will kill her. Also Macobra didn't bring the animals to life.   Ashe opens the chest and finds a lot of really cool shit from her pop pop.   Bak stole a letter from Olivium written in druidic. It's a recipe for Ginger Bread cookies.   We decide to just leave the animals in the house for now and go give Elysia the cure and make this ginger bread recipe.   WE approach and the druids are chanting in a circle and Elysia is in the middle. Bak, in his tiny form goes into the middle and climbs up into Elysia's hair. He ends up getting all the power they were trying to give to Elysia.   Bak and Joe bake some cookies.   Ashe gives Elysica the cure and the recipe. She also catches her up on the family drama.   Elias invites Timothy to travel along with us until we can figure out a safe place.   We go back to the house to see if we can figure out the animal crisis. WE figure out that it was likely the LIghthornes that were behind the whole creature debacle.   We learn that the gingerbread cookies are sleep cookies and will make you sleep for 24 hours. Maybe that's how Macobra put Ash's parents to sleep. Ashe now knows how to make all kinds of poisons and modify the gingerbread cookie recipe as needed.   We end here. We will take care of the animals in the house and then take the bone dragon to Laruelamore to drop of Elias's mom and then to Eldoria.      

Session 20: And She was Seven

Bael joins us. The king gives him some armor to wear for the adventure. Blackwood seems to be flirting with Remish. Jo uses plant growth to try and start the restoration of the grove.   Elias is starting to hear mammon speak to him. Mammon offers to give him his evocation spell early for 10k. (Eric has taken a level of Warlock due to the deal he made with Mammon when his father was released) The rest of us are not aware of this.   We all start to headout. WE have another conversation about bringing the Duregar with us. Remish puts it up to a vote. It's 3 to 3. Blackwood is the swing vote and votes to bring him.   Ashe makes some special shoes Doug can wear to help with the pain. If we are wrong about him, Ashe owes Elias 5gp.   Doug's shoes squeak as he walks and it's pretty. Elias refers to him as a betrayer in tow. Dan refers to Remish as a betrayer in tow because of his flirtations with Blackwood.   Doug leads the way and gets us through a secret door. Then we get to another door that is already open. All we know is someone has been here already. If there were any evidence, Jo and Franz got rid of it by accident. Doug figure out it must have been moon elves. WE continue on. It's pretty uneventful.   Jo finds Rothe and we eat like kings that night.   Later the next day we encounter a Roper and a hook horror. They try really hard to eat Elias and Ashe. It's pretty disastrous. We beat them, but not before we took A LOT of damage.   Shortly after we find the Dark Iron Tavern. Elias has been here before. He once dropped off a giant constrictor snake for some cash.   There are a lot of undesirables here. Mostly duregar.   We walk in. Jo approaches the bar and there is a dancing bear on top and it stops dancing when it sees Jo and gets all wide eyed with them. Jo buys drinks for everyone and talks to the bear. The drinks are awful!   The bear is actually not a bear and it is asking for help. The bear is actually a little girl that wears an amulet that transforms her into a bear. She friends with the ogre. Jo approaches the Ogre and tells him that his bear needs help. The ogre then looks at the ceiling and says he knows. He's been trying to "help" her all night. He's trying to avoid a fight and a fuss, as her bear friend has been captured. The ogre is looking at the ceiling and when we ask what he's staring at, he says it's "her" but we don't see anybody.   Elias is talking to a patron in thieves can about the bear. He then realizes that the Ogre has a scar on his eye that he recognizes as a scar he once saw on a goblin child. We then realize the Ogre was looking up because they were actually looking up, because it's an illusion and they were looking UP at someone.   Elias is able to convince the patron to let us have the bear and we lead it out of the bar. The ogre follows and Elias confirms the Ogre is very short, because his hand goes into it's body. Definitely an illusion.   The goblin's name is Bryza. Elias confronts her and asks what's she doing. Elias knew Bryza to be a mule. She had come here to save her friend. The bear...she's actually a moon elf whom is 7 or 8 years old. They are the ones who went through the door from before.   Ashe recognizes her as Mia from her home town. apparently she's here to help find a cure for Elysia. She heard it from a lady who visited their city. Her name was Magdalina. She was with a fellow named Lycos. They helped provide the information for the cure.   Elias asks Bryza if she is on a job, and we learn he was supposed to deliver something down here, but it was stolen from her by a drow. It was a skull, a beautiful skull. The drow was a male back down the tunnel. HIs hair was slicked back with 2 long pointy fluffs? Wearing Wizard's robes.   He was so excited to get the skull as he would be the most popular person in Sorsere. Franz knows of this place. It's a place that is on another plane of existence. It's a school for male drow. The skull had jewels for the teeth and eyes. None of us recognize this description.   I guess we are going to take them to Eldoria with us.   REmish babysits the kids while we go back inside.   We see a mindflayer inside and are immediately on high alert. He claims he's not a threat to us. He has defected from the Elder Brain. whom is who all mind flayer worship and serve.   This mindflayer's name is Honzokwheen. He's a studier of alchemy and dances a little jig for us. He's really proud of this. We learn he only eats really smart bad guys. He looks at Franz like he is just a tasty treat.   Honzokwheen tells Franz that he can see Blackwood at the front of his mind, and also that he has a hatred for someone named Remish. He also sees that he feels guilt for someone named Morpheus.   Anyway, we talk to the myochanoid, Maliecean. He gives us the recipe for this cure because we helped save the bear girl.   He gives us an ampial (a glass bottle that looks like it's completely sealed)   If someone comes in contact with it, it will kill them. If the potion is given to someone who is not infected by the disease, it will make them deathly ill. Doug drinks one vial and is instantly better. Maliecean gives a second vial.   He gives us the list of ingredients and how to make them. It's about a month long process.   Mia tells us that Dinklewing is outside of Hammerfall with Lucien. Dinklewing is a family bone dragon and Lucien is a mute chofure who knows how to drive Dinklewing. MIa....a 7 year old elf, was sent with Dinklewing and Lucian to find Ashe.   She tells Ashe pop pop died. and the LightThorns are possibly getting the lupel orchards, and the will is going to be. We decide to go back to Hammerfall and fly Dinklewing back to Ithilhithnal. Then we can use him to fly to Eldoria. We think the drow that Bryza was looking for went that way.   We prepare to head back to Hammerfall, and this is where we end.                              

Session 19: We're making this shit up as we go.

We begin inside a vault ready to release Isolde with a whole army of the strongest fighters of hammerfell. Franz goes to release her and she tries to possesses him, but him, but he is able to resist it.   We immediately just start fighting her. She starts killing dwarves easy and possessing them. Franz doesn't give a fuck and fireballs her also damaging some dwarves in the process.   Some of the dwarves take offense to the fireball and don't know who they should attack.   The possessed dwarf falls, and as Isolde fades away she says, "I guess you don't want to hear about Elysia then" and disappears. Elysia is Ashe's mentore and this causes her to worry.   Everyone is confused and don't know whos on whos side, but Elias is able to calm everyone down. Franz promises not to accidentally hurt anymore dwarves and they stand down against us.   Ashe realizes that the dwarf is still possessed, and Joe uses vines to trap him.   Ashe, due to some shenanigans from her childhood and playing with ghosts, with the help of Andromeda's ghost is able to enter the mind of the possessed dwarf.   She has a conversation with Isolde. She learns that Isolde loves chaos and wants to get on her father's good side by finding demonomicons, and she didn't really know what that was until she was trapped in one, and now she wants to find them for her dad. She also wants to be on the side of the ones who are trying to destroy the world.   She tells Ashe that if she helps her she will give her the name of someone who may be able to help cure her mentor Elysia. Ashe declines the offer, but thanks her for the information, because now she knows that there IS a cure and she believes she'll be able to find it on her own now.   Ashe is able to pull Isolde outside of the dwarf's mind, and this causes isolde, as well as Ashe's spirit and Andromeda to get sucked into the magic circle.   Isolde immediately grabs one of her 6 swords, and it's one of those souls killing swords from the ethereal plane and threatens to use it on Ashe if anyone makes a move.   Franz tries to negotiate with Isolde, and Isolde says that she's kind of tired of working with the demons, and is thinking about taking some time in the fey wild. If they let her go, she will help lead Ashe to Elysia's cure, and give Andromeda back.   Franz says he may accept this if we have some kind of kill switch for Isolde so that if she breaks her word, we can eliminate her for breaking her word.   She says she can't give us anything that will allow us to defeat her, but she could give her true name to one of us as collateral. Franz agrees that she give HIM her name he will never use it against her as long as she keeps her part of the deal.   She whispers her name into Franz's ear, and this causes him to turn sheet white. He knows her true name, as if it's a dna of her essence is now inside of him. He now has control over her.   Now that the deal is final, Androma's spirit comes out of Isolde. Ashe's spirit goes into her body and the magic circle is released by Franz.   Isolde tells Ashe she needs to go talk to DOUG SILVERSTORM- One of the Druids in Hammerfall where we are at....Andromeda says it was amazing and terrifying to be in the mind of Isolde and it reminded him of his first love, Baron Reginald. A terrible mistake. He didn't hear her name when she gave it to Franz, but it felt like a binding of souls and the feeling of meeting a soulmate.   Isolde leaves and Joe says she knows Doug. We go talk to King DinMure and let him know of our success in defeating Isolde. He asks us to fetch his treasure that was stolen by the Duergar. We have a conversation about banking creation and the corruption of money writs and certificates. Perhaps Mammon is behind it all.   Anyway, we know that there is a tunnel that goes beneath the mountain pass where the money was taken, we think to Eldoria.   Franz says we can help, but he needs to pay us 30% of everything and provide some good transportation for us. The king just wants us to locate the money. Not necessarily bring it back. Find out what happened, and where it is so they can retrieve it themselves.   Joe wants her family to have status here. The king says if we bring back what he wants, Joe's father can have a spot on his committee.   If we go through the mountain pass, we will have to deal with winter elements and giants. We learn the tunnel goes down through the underdark. Also along the way, there is some kind of sealed elvaan gate. It's sealed with a magic they cannot identify. It's some kind of Mithal. We decide to go check it out after we finish up here.   We go back to Joe's parent's house. They tell us that Doug Silverstorm is very sick and in a lot of pain. Similar to Elysia. Meanwhile, Andromeda asks Elias if he can back to his mother, and Elias knows his mom is kind of doing better without Andromeda, becoming her own person and losing her codependency, so he doesn't really want Andromeda going back to her.   Andromeda tells Elias that he feels drawn to his mother and that they may be soul mates. Elias says if that is the case, then time apart will do them both good.   Andromeda and Elias agree to be friends for now. Maybe one day Andromeda will be Elias's new daddy.   We go see Doug, and he tells us he knows someone with a cure in the underdark, but needs someone to take him there. He says that there is an opalescent butterfly called a Liseen Butterfly. They are incredibly rare and mythical with very magical properties. Before it becomes a butterfly, it is a purple, green and orange caterpillar with tiny spikes. If you come in contact with this, you become infected with this disease.   There is a mushroom in the underdark that if prepared the correct way it can burn out the spikes that are embedded in the bloodstream and cure you.   He knows the Duergar down there, and if we let him travel with us he can help us communicate with them to get what we need.   We learn he is a duregar in disguise. We convince him to show us his real face. Joe asks him why the Duergar were infiltrating here and why they were taking the gold.   All he knows is that everything is being funneled into Eldoria. Also, he knows how to get through the mithal and get to Eldoria through the tunnels and underdark.   Elias convinces him to give us the information we need and he stay here in Hammerfell. He tells us that we will need a silver ring from Ithilhithnal. There is an old story about an elf who was a prisoner and she bathed in moonlight. Ashe will know what to do.   Once inside though, there will be loads of dangerous things down there.   He tells us that we are looking for Zanzs, who was the last one in charged when he was there. If we tell him we are in league with Doug Silverstorn, whose real name is Glycel, and we tell him that he cut us in on part of the money that's being taken in. He'll know that he's "tricked" us to help and "use" us in an attempt to take advantage of us.   There is a miconoid named Maliecean who knows what is needed and how to brew it. Ashe shows him a trick to relieve the pain for 2 or 3 minutes using pressure points on his feet.   We decide to go talk to Blackwood and QM to see if they would like us to come with us. Blackwood is a bitch as usual. She tells us QM is gone looking for Angst. She's drinking herself into a stupor. Her and Elias argue a bit. She mentions that his family political involvement is alot bigger than he can imagine. I wonder what that means. She argues with Franz, and we learn that she blames herself for everything, because she failed them as a commander. She couldn't lead them and didn't open up to them enough.   Franz calls bullshit and tries to make her feel better. she ends up apologizing. Franz tells her that she's heard that Morpheus. is still alive. Blackwood has decided to seek him out. we convince her to travel to Eldoria through the Underdark with us.   Peace is made. We sit and have drinks with her. She whispers into Franz's ear, and leaves to her bed. Franz follows after. The rest of us chit chat about Andromeda, We talk about maybe trying to find out how he became a vampire and be a support group for him. We definitely aren't going to abandon him and do plan to raise him eventually, but we need him to learn how to not use Elias's mom as his only coping mechanism.   Andromeda tells us that he loved the theatre when he was alive as a human. His favorite play was the Rise of the Golden Dawn. We talk to him about how to help ground himself, he can use our story to write our story and adventures into a play, and then one day we can help him move on to the other side or restore him. In the meantime, he will use us to write a great story.   We cheers to the Rosey Thorns and then get some rest.   We long rest, the king gives us supplies for the journey, and we get ready to head out.  

SEssion 18: The Big Cheese and the Way of the Cheese

Randi missed this session. Dan took notes.   Everyoneis below deck the flying place where the Elevorite is. Franz is in control of it. Ashe and Remish save the robot girl from below. Bob transfers his consciousness somewhere I think.  

Session 17: Bael's Gate- the 15th of Azuthair

We are on a flying saucer airship thing that is 7 layers large. There are automatons around us that look like flappers and they are dancing. Roaring 20's swing music is playing. . The artillery shells are fired at timed intervals, but staggered. There is a Marionette sticking out of the ground on a track that moves her from place to place.   Everytime the music crescendos, that's when the artillery shells fire. It's all in time with the music. The marionette has a butcher knife in her hand which would absolutely decapitate someone if they were standing close.   There isn't really a safe place to stand, because these things can switch tracks at any point.   There are a set of french doors. Inside, it looks like an explosion happened. It was once a stage. WE can see some of underneath the tracks, and there aint shit down there. How in the world does this thing work?   There is a bar tender, and a gambling table with automatons that aren't moving, but they are watching us.   Ashe uses her shield to block part of the track. Elias figures out that there are giant metal aparatai that are controlling the automatons.   He also sees a strange flash in a hole in the floor and for a moment it looks like our old friend's Bael. While we are examining this, the automatons' start to frown and point little hand canons at us. It's a hatch and we climb down.   There are 4 pods down there. WE see our long lost Bael in one of them, and the other 3 pods have robots.   His legs seem to have been blown off and replaced with mechanical legs. Same with his left arm and one of his eyes.   He doesn't remember much accept a while ago, he was chased by a caravan, he was attacked. He has flashes of a ball with arms. A single eye, and really nice lips. We realize he is describing a Modrin from Mechanis. A modrin has made him this way. We realized that today is the 15th of Azuthaire.   In the other pods are robot women things. Different from what we saw upstairs. It doesn't look very human like. One is pink and one is blue and one is green.   Bael learns that he can create a fire sword with his hand at wheel.   WE find a console connected to the pods and it has a giant crystal ball on it. It has a door behind it.   We find an automaton that looks like was used for all of the new parts on Bael. He's also made of a hybrid type of metal with iron and mithril mixed together, and maybe this is why it isn't rusting and what makes it a bit more flexible.   We find a wind up mechanism for this guys and wind him up. He comes to life. His name is Upson.   He tells us we are in the clockwork palace. We learn the guy who owns this place is from Mechanis, a plan of clockwork wheels and mechanisms. He was different from other automatons. A long time ago, somebody asked him a question that caused him to be able to think freely and not be bound by his masters. So he left and built the clockwork palace as a way to entertain others. He's some kind of great inventor. He invented the Turbo Encapulator. I guess that's what is powering/running this place.   The round guy with the lips's name is Jason.   He thinks there must be some kind of malfunction if things are turning hostile here.   We hoist him into a wheel barrow to try an make Upson a little more portable so he can help us figure out what is going on with this place. It's too difficult so he fashions himself into the wheelbarrow so that he has a wheel for legs so he can move around.   He tells us that the lady robots in the other pods don't actually seem like robots. They seem more like empty armor.   Ashe tries to finagle the control panel and causes the pink one to explode killing what was a lady inside. The tubes on the blue one falls off. Ashe breaks open the door which everyone else had failed to do and the one in blue is alive, but disoriented. She speaks an old dialect of elvish.   We determine that she was friends with the one in pink. She is sad that she is dead. They are warriors that were deployed and then captured. They were deployed 31,296 in the year of Sho. This does not make sense to us. She is from a place called Sho in the year of Sho. Sho is a place on the other continent. It's a legendary city that is believed to have sank to the bottom of the ocean. They were an advanced civilization that kind of disappeared.   She tries to break out the green one by summoning a sword from her hand, but she realizes it doesn't work. It's the sword that Bael is now using.   We break out the girl in green. She's also sad about her friend in pink.   I guess there was a man in a white coat with guns that captured them. He was human. Their swords are missing from their arms. She says something about No sunlight or energy or heat or something.   They pull their helmet off and begin taking off their pieces of armor.   We look around for anything salvageable but find nothing but old worn warriors armor. We go into the door behind the console and we are in a corridor that leads to all levels and gives access to how everything functions.   We climb to the very top and get to a hatch and inside is broken console shit and wires and shit that don't belong and it's just a mess of shit. This must be what is causing everything the malfunction in this place. Possibly done intentionally. There are buttons with lights and they are labeled, but it's in that old elvish language.   I guess the girl robot things didn't climb up with us, so we can't ask them. Elias climbed back down and grabbed the one in green so she can maybe help translate some of it.   They help us interpret some of the buttons. Elias finds an intercom and calls Jason to central control. So now we wait.   After about 5 minutes, someone responds through the intercom asking what we are doing here.   whomever the voice is checks on Bael and makes sure he likes his new parts.   We get him to stop destroying shit and the whole place goes into power saving mode. We learn he is some kind of scientist. and he spouts some bullshit.   Elias then asks what he wants. He wants power, control....and he seems to be doing a good job.   We learn that he is going after Root Wallow because a while ago, like a really long time ago, this guy was in a war, and his king wanted this guy to raise a structure he found under the worth. They brought it up, and it was at first a carnival or a thing of delight. They changed it to meet their purposes, which is why it is now murderous. He served King Gobez. He was a king of Great Spear probably over 1000 years ago.   the reason this thing is so destructive is because it was all automated and there isn't really a way to turn it off.   They've been stuck on this machine deep under the earth. They've been on the surface for on a couple of weeks. He just wants to party now? He is going to transfer his consciousness into Bael...or so he thinks   Franz convinces him that we have destroyed the pods and invites this guy to the bar to hang out and party. We realize that he is lieing so hard right now.   We learn his current situation is one of struggle. Then we hear a guy name Bob on the line. I guess this guy is living in Bob? Or they are occupying the same space cranially? who fucking knows.   HE talks about a crash and he going deep into the earth. Jason was the one who found him. Jason is the man in the white coat. He took over and modified everything and broke everything.   Bob tried to throw himself into the turbo encapsulator to destroy himself trying to stop Jason, but he wasn't strong enough. We learn the pods were stolen by Jason from Mindflayers and he modified them for his own purposes.   Bob needs see the controls to stop all of this? WE need to put the ship in maintenance mode to turn it off? so I guess we wait for him? He shows up. Bob can't fit in the hatch so Joe and Ashe turn into small rodents to get out of the way. They are on Elias's shoulders.   I guess we start hearing things breaking below. The ladder is getting ripped off the wall. Bob converts back to Jason.   Jason tries to trick Elias into grabbing a dangerous wire, but it doesn't work. HE then tries to connect physically with Bael so that he can transfer his consciousness into his body. It's a trick and ashe tries to stop it by leaping onto Baels hand and biting him. However, it stops nothing from happening, and I dno't actually know what the outcome was.   Anyway, I guess we get him to power everything down actually stoping on the violence, because that's not what had actually happened when it was in power saving mode.   Now we are just floating here.   WE use a rope to climb down to the level underneath us. Everything starts to tilt a bit, because the power is off, so it's getting off balance.   It's going to crash now. But Jason can manually manuever it. I don't know why he is cooperating with us. Elias ties up Jason, but his wings are free so he can fly.   Anyway, Ashe transforms back into a rat, hops onto Elias's broom with Joe as well. The robot girls gather some cubes to charge themselves back up. This allows them to fly. One of them grab Bael and fly out with him.   WE all fly out. Jason fixes some kind of piston thing to keep the palace from tilting. We are going to have him steer this thing away from the city, and this is where we end.                                    

Session 16: Crossover Aftermath. A fight against Demons

We are surrounded by demons/fiends. there is a Merilith who reveals herself to actually be Isoldae. She's like I"ll snap my fingers and turn everyone here, or I'll let you kill everyone instead and just watch.   We then proceed to have a several minutes long conversation about which fingers snap and we snap our fingers making popping noises for a while. Isolde has enough our nonsense and is like "ENOUGH".   Elias then reminds her she will have to drop her sword to snap all those fingers.   We then discuss what the shards are, and we conclude that there was a black diamond that contained a shard of evil in it that tore our continents apart. That shard split into 6 different smaller shards.   These shards have somehow been put into the demonomicons, and we have one of them. The other adventuring party has another one. Mr. Schmidt the DeathKnight has a 3rd one. Isolde is helping raise an army of demons to help acquire the demonomicons now that they know where they are at.   We talk to Isolde and learn some of her motivations. Essentially she really loves beauty and there is beauty in chaos and she wants to remake this plane in the image of chaos.   As we've been talking this whole time, Franz has been casting magic circle on Isolde. Trapping her and some of her minions inside. WE kill the remaining demons, and as we finish the fight, a guy named Remish fades into existence with some tents. He is in pursuit of Lyra who was just here, but he offers to help us escape as we are clearly in dire need. We are beginning to be completely surrounded by demons.   Franz traps Isolde in the demonomicon before we leave, and Remish gets us out of there. He takes us to Root Wallow. We convince him to hang out with us for a while.   We see a shadow of the flying saucer. Remish wonders if it's a Mithilar, which is ultimately a floating island. We decide to go into the village and ask some questions about what they've been experiencing with this flying saucer.   The village is full of halflings. They ask if we are friends of Aurendille, and we put on a little magic show for the kids.   They tell us little fireworks have been coming off of it and hitting the mountains. They are celebrating Bilbo's 102nd birthday today. They have no idea really about any of the flying saucer stuff.   Remish invites us to his invisible room so we can wash up. We have drinks. We take a short rest. They smoke cigars. Chill in the hot tub.   We discover that Isolde is going to try and possess Franz in the morning if they are on the same plane. So we leave the book in Remish's Rope Trick and Franz sleeps outside to avoid this. It works.   Elias spends the night with Remish. *wink wink* because Ashe set him and Remish up, or at least she takes credit for it.   WE fly up and there are dancing non sentient automatons dancing around. Everything is automated and shooting happens automatically. Missiles automatically target us while we fly up, but we are able to avoid them.   This is a layered flying contraption with 7 layers. We end here just before we explore and find out what it is going on here.

Session Fifteen: Raising Zariel, Saving Andromeda, and making Dermish the ruler of the 9 hells

We wake up from a long rest in Joe's house. We see Dermish in the snowglobe and he is really old now and he's in a library. Joe is trying to study to rod more closely and Mammon appears. Mammon points our that Joe is starting to kind of fade away, because they aren't supposed to be here. Eventually Joe will fade away   In the snowglobe, we see old Dermish with what we assume is his wife. Joe tries to talk Mammon about releasing Elias, but he says that there really isn't any intention of ever letting him go. He'll get him on some kind trumped up charge at some point and he'll just trap him forever.   Mammon then poofs Elias into the room and pulls out the contract. He then adds on 100 years to Elias's sentence because Elias is under dressed right now. Even though he's just been poofed out of bed. It's total nonsense.   We look into the orb and see that Dermish is now on his death bed. He's slowly getting older and older and is about ot die. Elias figures out how to control the globe to to move time back and forth.   We decide that we will pull him out before he's met his wife. He's not leveled up, but he hadn't been there long and he's got a whole bunch of books in his hands. He was just about to run into the love of his life when we pulled him out, little does he know. He gets to know 3 extra spells because of all of his books.   Joe helps Dermish level up.   Meanwhile Quartermaster shows up looking for Angst. Elias tells him that ANgst has gone off on a mission for the Ravenqueen. QM is pretty disappointed, because he wanted to take Angst to Eldoria with him as Blackwood has offered him a position in Eldoria and he wants Angst to come work with him so he can take over when QM is gone.   Franz convinces QM to stay with us at least for a while.   We look into the globe again, and it seems like Dermish's memory is still in there living and he is able to see his life. Dermish becomes upset that we pulled him out of his life, and his wife is now looking for him.   However, he chooses to stay with us. The rod starts to hum because it is very close to Dermish, and that's who it is meant for.   Joe and Dermish talk about it, and Joe starts to fade away. JOe is hesitant to give the rod to Dermish due to all the damage she has potentially caused. Joe disappears before they come to an agreement. We ask Mammon to take us to the 9 hells and we are now on the battlefield where the demons now seem to be winning the blood war.   Avernus is now overrun by demons.   Joe gives the rod to Dermish. Dermish immediately commands Titivillus to do this. Titivillus accepts out of duty but recommends that Dermish put someone with commanding capabilities in charge. Titivilis suggests Zariel, but Zariel was defeated long ago and is now a larvae. Dermish tries to turn Zariel back into a real demon, BUT fails tremendously. Dermish decides to carry her around until she's old enough to lead again. LOL   We meet a fox dude who has a library of Danielle Copper books.   It dawns on JOe in that moment that maybe we can find Andromeda's soul somewhere. We realize he could be on the fuge plane. As Dermish thinks about this, a portal to the fuge plane opens up and we go through. WE end up in another plane where Dermish hears someone call out his name.   There are a bunch of faces in the wall and one of them is Andromeda's face. All the faces on the wall talk about how none of them believed anything and maybe that's how they all ended up here.   The wall was made by Myrkul. However, Myrkul was defeated by a fellow named Syruk a long time ago. Syruk killed Mystra causing the birth of the spellplague long ago.   Dermish starts to try and pull Andromeda from the wall. He is able to remove him from the wall, and it looks like a wall giving birth. It's kind of gross.   Andromeda starts to throw up which causes most of us to throw up as well. It's really gross.   We then remember we have Larve Zariel with us. Dermish throws her into the snowglobe where she is almost immediately killed . He rewinds time and takes her back out, we right a not and attach it to her that says "Please Raise with Love. Love, Dermish"   He then puts her back into the snowglobe. We then shift the globe forward. A priest eventually raises her and she grows up as a pillar of society and brings people to Lathander. The whole world in the globe worship Lathander now.   NOw that she is gown and nurtured into a nice lady, Dermish pulls her out and she's completely shocked. We talk about all that has happened. We learn she remembers her old life of falling down into the 9 hells and trying to make a difference. She became of a thrall of Asmodeus and she is never doing that again.   We show her the situation in the 9 hells. The demons have completely over run Avernus. She declares that she has made a mistake before. NOw she is going to destroy both the demons and the devils. Her plan is to go to Mount Celestial and convince her people to help.   Dermish charges her for leading the charge against the demons/devils. but she doesn't answer to anyone from the 9 hells. Elias tells her that he's technically from Leruamar.   Elias brings up a good point that she is squandering a chance to bring Lathander's light ot the hells, and he convinces her to go to Celestia to gather forces and come back to defeat the demons AND the devils. She leaves to do such.   Dermish changes the code word to the ruby rod to "Peasant" instead of "Rutabaga"   We then realize that if Andromeda doesn't have a body to go to, he may get trapped in the ethereal plane if he goes with us.   Dermish suggests putting his soul into Eraticus. Elias would want to confront his father first before we do anything like that. Franz mentions he can create a magic jar to put Andromeda's soul in.   Franz casts the spell and goes into a catatonic state. Elias is able to determine that the book literally says that Franz's body would fall into a catatonic state by casting this spell. It was in bold and everything.   Apparently he put his own soul in the jar. hahahahahaha He then tries to possess mammon to insult titivilis and start a fight, but it fails. It would've been really funny though.   As we converse, Mammon stops us and says Dermish needs to go now to start setting up his position in the hells as it's utter chaos there now.   WE decide to take a quick swim in Titivilis's favorite lake and have drinks with Dermish Dermish learns he can fly. He teleports to a nearby village and orders drinks for everybody. However, he notices that a patron in the corner drinks and starts to shrivel up into a demonoid creature.   Other patrons start turning. Dermish realizes that anyone drinking low end stuff is turning. So Dermish grabs the drinks from the top shelf. and teleports back. He pays NO mind to what's going on around him.   HE brings us drinks back and tells us that the craziest thing just happened where some folks turned into demons when they drank the low end stuff. That's why he brought us the good stuff.   We learn that we are in a place called Pontimundi.   Elias takes a drink from a fancy bottle and proves it to be safe, so we all drink. We swim, we drink, Elias makes a sand castle, JOe makes a friendship bracelet for Franz   Dermish then tells us that we can go try and save folks left in the tavern if we want. we call it Dermish's last Skirmish, and he teleports us to the tavern.   There are ripped a part people everywhere. A group of demons are in the center eating them. Franz runs in and casts Thuderwave on them as Dermish casts fireball.   The whole place gets wiped out. we feel like heroes even though we didn't save anybody.   We remember the fancey wine was called Elverquist. It's a fancy moonelf drink. Dermish starts to fade away and we lose him to the hells as he tries to hug us all and then he's gone. This is where we end.      

Session Fourteen: A party, A fight and a funeral.

We are standing in Asmodeus's office with Fairtress, who looks like Dermish's mom, but she doesn't have any recognition of him.   At that moment, we all start to flicker accept for Joe, and the frozen fight starts to suck us back in.   Mammon puts his hand on Elias's shoulder and says that he can't go, and he's well within his rights to keep him here.   Joe doesn't flicker so as they and Elias are stuck here, Franz, Dermish and Ashe disappear.   Mammon look at Joe and says "YOu'r ein charge now boss" and he intruduces himself as a helpful ally and says Joe will need to meet some important folks.   JOe then offers to give Mammon the rod so they and Elias can leave, and Mammon just laughs because he'd surely be killed because so many folks are after the rod.   Elias offers 10 more years of service if he can go into the painting for 2 hours. He signs and it is agreed, BUT he didn't specify when, so Mammon doesn't let him go now.   JOe tries to cast a spell from the Rod into the fight to trap the Purple Worm, BUT it doesn't work.   Elias draws an Anvil over the purple worm just to see what happens.   Mammon then opens a portal and says, "We need to go to Dis. Let's go" They see Titivilis on the other side of the portal.   Elias asks Titivilis to help explain his contract to him. They figure out that the contract actually starts now for Elias. not when he dies. But the duration is for 100 years after death. Elias convinces Mammon to let him go back, but he's going to miss the party if he does, but I guess it's ok?   Some veiled lady dancers start to gather around Joe. They call JOe Dermish, because this party was planned originally for Dermish. There is some confusion   Anyway, Joe offers the rod to Titivilis, but he declines, because he serves Dispater and would not disrespect him like that. Joe also asks Mammon if they can have Elias for the time they rule here, and he offers for them to buy it for $12 million gold.   JOe recognizes this to be a bullshit offer and makes everyone bow.   Elias tries to explain the importance of them getting back to the fight to save us. They then discover that maybe Franz summoned Asmodeus, that maybe he wasn't actually summoned and this whole thing may be some kind of lie or trick.   At this moment Dispater walks in to meet the new Asmodeus. I think Joe accidentally insults Disater by making him and everyone else bow.   Dispater starts to get super paranoid about his layer getting taken over and he thinks that Joe commanded this. I guess Fairtress is in Dis, and Dispaters says Joe needs to put Fairtress in her place if Joe truly didn't command this.   Joe walks out towards Fairtress. Titivilis walks with Joe and explains that Dispater is super paranoid and doesn't usually meet with anyone. Titivilis thinks that Fairtress may be using this whole situation to try and move up her station. Titivilis advises that Joe could demand that Devils in the blood war to stand down, and this might take Fairtress's attention.   JOe then mentions offering the rod to Fairtress, and Titivilis says she would definitely take it, but likely kill Joe immediately and turn them into a larvre.   Titivilis opens a portal so Joe can go command the devils to stand down. Joe then yells out "Rutebaga" and it makes all the demons and devils fighting bow. As everyone starts to bow, demons make it in and start slaughtering everyone.   Tiamat then shows up and commands an Abishai to take the rod from Joe.   Meanwhile the fight back home is continuing and the Buelette eats Lynmar. The worm is eating the commoners.   Joe gets surrounded in magical darkness and makes everyone kneel again to try an get away.   Elias starts speaking strange infernal words as he channels his newfound powers to fight the worm.   Dermish disappears through a strange portal.   Joe is attacked by one of the abishais and it demands the sword. However she escapes the darkness and gets back through the portal before they can get the sword from them.   Meanwhile, Ash casts moonbeam on the worm, and it reverts it to a duergar. He was shapeshifted. Franz charms him and asks him to help attack the bullette and it works. He turns back into a worm, but this time attacks the bullete. Anyway, the duregare is killed by Knick Knack, the bullette runs away. We tell Joe's parent's that Joe is now the ruler of hell. The handle it about as well as possible.   Andromeda and Eraticus have a conversation about who in the world each of them are as Andromeda keeps tying to praise Elias for his actions and now they are fighting over Elias's affections.   We try to figure out how to get back to Joe. Franz says he can cast Planar Ally to see if we can get back to Joe or get some kind of message to or from Joe.   Joe sees a thought bubble pop up and Mammon says he can take care of it and take Joe back to their friends. Mammon helps JOe and his payment was to take all of our coins. Now we are broke.   We see a floating snowglobe. Inside is Dermish talking to his mom?   WE take the snowglobe and try to keep it safe.   Elias's dad disappear and we find their foot prints, so we decide to follow them. We get to Marion's house and see a small pile of dust outside of the house. INside is Eraticus holding Marion's hand. Elias and the rest of us quickly figure out what happened, and Eraticus finally owns up to it. He killed Andromeda.   Elias calls him out on his bullshit. We give him shit about how awful he is. He starts to get all teary eyed and and storms out. Elias tells him that it's no surprise he's leaving, and Eraticus responds that everything he has ever done has been for him.   Elias comforts his mom and explains that Andromeda is not coming back. Meanwhile Ashe scoops his ashes into a bottle. Marion takes the bottle and shatters it on the desk and cuts herself to "feed Andromeda blood" to bring him back.   It's really sad. Mrs Marion asks for Elias's forgiveness and lies down.   Elias now feels determined to find his father to try and make this right. He follows his father's tracks to the mountain pass where the giants are.   Joe's parents are going to take care of Elias's mom, we fill the king in on everything we learned with the duergar. The king wants to remove all Hill Dwarves from his city, and Joe convinces him to keep those that have been here a long time and convinces him to work with her family to help keep everyone safe.   Blackwood wants us to escort her through the pass where we could go track down Elias's father as well. We tell her we willdo this, BUT we need ot check out Root Wallow first and get a system in place here before we leave.   Blackwood thinks all the money taken from here went to Eldoria.   We head to JOe's parent's house so we can let them know everything and go through Lynmar's bag to see if there is anything useful.   We also need to ask them if Marion can stay with them for a while.              

Session Thirteen: A purple worm fight and a reunion with a dad

The purple worm is about to eat NickNack. Joe is asleep, and Ashe is hiding in Lynmar's bag as a rat.   Ashe starts throwing the contents of his bag into the water as Lynmar runs away.   Franz uses the wand of wonder and summons a rhino that isn't under his control at all.   This causes the worm to attack the rhino instead of NickNack. The Rhino gets swallowed. NickNack is able to wake up Joe, because he's worried about them.   Nash pops a pimple on the worm using a ray for scorching fire and pimple juice gets all over Angst. It's pretty disgusting.   As Lynmar is climbing the ladder to escape, Ashe blows the giant whistle in the bag which causes a loud rumbling sounds. Lynmar notices the rat at this point and tells us that we just made things worse.   Ashe turns back into her human form causing Lynmar to fall off the ladder. As Lynmar and she are prone on the ground, the Bulette looks at them. Ashe is able to convince it to attack Lynmar.   Franz then decides to summon a fiend, because why not make this even more chaotic!   A devil with long robes and long horns appears. This causes time to completely stop, and only Franz and this devil are moving in real time now. He has the same symbol on it that Ashe saw on the holy symbol of Lynmar.   It's Asmodeus, but Franz doesn't know that, and he asks for help with our problem. Asmodeus is able to recognize Franz's allies automatically and he teleports us all out of the fight and into a lavish dark red and black room.   He offers us drinks. Ashe recognizes who this is, but doesn't announce it and just kind of side eyes Dermish. She tells Elias who it is., and Dermish catches on that we are staring at him. Asmodeus then is like "Son?" and Dermish is like "Daddy?" and they do this weird embrace....   We learn that Asmodeus did create Dermish, but don't know what that means yet. Suddenly a huge ass door appears, and Asmodeus says he must attend to some small business.   At that moment a half snake man slithers in. It's mammon. Joe is like, BUT you don't look like yourself, and he transforms into his known form. He starts to ask Elias if he'd be interested in doing some stealing of gold work for him, but Daddy Asmodeus shuts him up and reminds him that we are his guests.   Mammon then slithers away.   Dermish then asks Daddy to borrow his ruby rod to win the fight. Franz just starts to question his actions of summoning this devil and maybe has some regrets?   Dermish talks about his parents being shoe buckle makers, and Asmodeus tells him that those aren't actually his parents. Daddy ASmodeus then pulls out a snow globe and hands it to Dermish. Inside he sees a blonde haired woman holding a swaddling of a baby tiefling.   Daddy Asmodeus tells him that this is where Dermish is from and that is his real mother. Dermish then demands to know where she is at right now. Asmodeus doesn't answer but says he would oblige a visit with her.   Daddy Asmodeus then reveals that he is the one who named Dermish, and he just says it to himself every once in a while to admire it. Dermish says he want to see his mother, and he immediately disappears and he goes into the globe. We look in the globe, and his mother is much older now and he is hugging her now.   Franz reads from the book that Asmodeus must be our allies and obey ANY command he gives. Franz also realizes that Asmodeus knows his name even though we haven't had any kind of introductions, so we go around the room and introduce ourselves, even though he clearly already knows us.   Franz notices that his book kind of vibrates towards Asmodeus's rod. *wink wink* He tells us that there is a shard of evil in his rod, and Franz is like "There is a shard of evil in this book"   We also learn that Dermish has a sister. Ashe asks if he could bring them all out of the globe, and Asmodeus says that would be a very very bad idea as she cannot exist outside of the globe.   Franz starts to command him to do this, but everyone stops him.   Meanwhile....Dermish has a reunion with his mom. He is angry with her for putting him with shoebuckle people. He asks why she left him. She explains that one morning she woke up and he was gone and he never knew what happened to him.   She explains it may have been for the best, because their village was ransacked and almost everyone was killed. She survived because of Dermish's father, who was never around much.   Dermish tells her about his whole life. Dermish then points out that nobody else is here, and that it's weird, but she doesn't seem to notice how odd it is.   He wants to introduce her to his friends. Dermish tries to explain to her that she is in a globe and he says he has met Asmodeus...his father, and she seems confused. She says his father's name is not Asmodeus. She tells him it's Molerawr. Her name is Sally. Dermish explains who Asmodeus is, but she doesn't seem to think anything of it just thinking it's something her husband got caught up in.   Dermish asks about Molerawr, and he learns he was a powerful wizard. Sally offers to give him all of his father's wizard books and collection of spell scrolls. Dermish asks where his dad is, and learns that he disappeared when Dermish disappeared.   Dermish just grabs a bunch of spells and puts them in his bag.   Angst tells Franz to command Asmodeus to get Dermish back and help us with the battle. Just as Dermish was grabbing the scrolls, he gets pulled out.   Franz then asks how Dermish's mom got into the snowglobe, and Asmodeus tells that the people in the globe have always been there, except for one. It was Dermish. He pulled him out as an experiment.   Dermish asks why he was taken from his mom, and Asmodeus says if he hadn't he would have died. The day her city was attacked, is the day Dermish disappeared. She went to retrieve him, but couldn't find him, so she ran away.   Asmodeus reveals that he did all this as entertainment. He was inspired one day and created this world inside a globe. He tells us the more we pry and poke the more it will affect Dermish, and maybe we should just let things be as they are. Dermis asks what happened to his "real" dad, and he shows him in the globe that he was killed in an attack by adventurers.   Dermish asks about the whole story. Angst, in that moment says he doesn't have time for our shenanigans, because he has a mission from the raven queen, so he asks the ravenqueen to take him away, and he disappears.   Meanwhile Asmodeus tells Dermish EVERYTHING. Ultimately, he was just kind of board from working all the time. He creates snowglobe worlds as a hobby. They are captured moments. Dermish was one of the things he captured, and he enjoyed Dermish so much that he pulled him out to experience the real world.   Dermish asks why he was placed with the shoebuckle family, and Asmodeus brings them in for questioning. They actually seem to be aware of everything. They had a contract with Asmodeus and are wondering if it has ended.   This angers Dermish. His material plan mom says they had a debt to repay, BUT that they love him as if he were their own.   At that moment, there is an adventurer that appears in his mom's world, and it's running around killing everyone. Asmodeus starts laughing and says "Oh It's happening again". Her world is on a loop that she has to live through over and over again.   We look in the globe, and there is a flying saucer flying over it shooting out artillery at the land below. This looks much like the saucer that is over Root Wallow. Is this the fate of Root Wallow?   Are we living in a snowglobe?   Asmodeus reveals that Dermish doesn't have a soul, but we have trouble believing this, because he has been brought back to life at least once. Asmodeus promises there will be only darkness. We then remember when he was brought back before, it's because we gave him pieces of our own life forces, so maybe that's why he came back.   Dermish demands to know where his sister is, as he didn't see her in the snowglobe. Asmodeus tells him that she died a long time ago. He then shows this happen in the snowglobe. Adventurers stabbed her in her cradle.   She was not a tiefling. Dermish starts to feel an emptiness in his chest that he recognizes as one he has always felt and tried to fill. He's feeling very sad.   Dermish asks Asmodeus for the rod, and Asmodeus says Franz has to simply command it. He explains it would make anyone kneel.   Franz kind of wants the wand for himself. He, Dermish, and Joe play a round of 3 dragon Ante to see who gets the rod. Joe wins the card game with a 16.   They all start to argue about it, but Franz commands that Asmodeus give them the item. He says he's going on vacation now and leaves. He calls in Mammon and Asmodeus says that JOe is the ruler of hell now.   Joe doesn't want it anymore now that they would have to rule the 9 hells, and now all of a sudden it's Dermish's birth rite.   Elias strikes up a deal with Mammon to get his father back. Mammon offers him to get his father in exchange for his soul after he dies to serve the ranks of Mammon. He would have to server for 100 years.   Elias agrees and signs this new contract, and his father appears next to him.   HIs dad is disoriented and crying. Elias lifts him up and tells him we must be on our way. He must do right by his mother this time around or both of them will be damned to hell.   Maybe we can find some kind of way to extend Elias's life so he never has to come here to serve Mammon.   Elias's father gets pretty misogynistic with Ash. That's fun. Very quickly does he seem to recover and become a complete asshole   Eraticus Harcleave...that's his name and he is was once a very famous wizard. He learns that Dermish is a wizard and wants to spend time with him to discuss such matters. He's probably gonna try to be a better dad to Dermish than he ever was to Elias. It's kind of infuriating.   As we discuss how to get back to our original fight, Ashe touches the mirror and is zapped back into the fight, but time is still frozen.   Franz decides to open a door that is closed and disappears. Mr. Harcleave tells us to stop touching things as we are on a lower level and we could end up getting stuck here.   Elias finds a book thats about the ruler of Averness. It's about a girl named Sally and adventurers were killing her people. They were killing everyone because there was poisoned bread that if eaten would turn them into undead. Sally didn't eat bread though, so she wasn't infected. Sally's last name is Fairtress. Sally Fairtress. Elias recognizes this name. He once read about a place called Faerune about someone named Fairtress in a place called Adenaziel. She was incredibly powerful.   She was killed multiple times by these adventurers many times and eventually became the ruler of the 1st later of Bayoyotr, named Avernus. Dermish recognizes that this may be his mom and that the woman in the globe might just be a memory???   Joe studies the rod to attune to it. It seems they forgot Franz was missing, but once Joe is attuned, she hopes to summon him back.   Elias pulls Ashe back from the mirror and they are going to go find Franz. We learn the door he went into leads to Dis. Joe summons a devil to help us, and it is Titivilus.   We learn Franz was sent to the Pleasuredome. Titivilius supplies us with Rings of Fire Resistance. We get him back, but it's been 20 years. They give him something to drink and it wipes his memory of that so he doesn't have to live with the trauma.   Titivilus escorts us back. When we get there, Dermish sees his mom, but she has giant bat wings . "mommy?" says Dermish.   Fairtress looks down at him and says "Who the fuck are you?" She doesn't seem to remember Dermish or ever losing a child. She says "I've never had a son" and this is where we end.     We don't want to forget the Purple worm battle, because we need to save Joe's family.                      

Session Twelve: Fake Dwarves and Stolen Treasure

WE begin at the faire. We learn that this faire is sitting in its own demi plane in between a bunch of cities. So people from all kinds of planes are here, but when they leave the faire, they go back to where they are from. We meet the owner of this faire. His name is Urie. We meet a fellow named Presto who pulls a lot of random shit out of his hat. Angst asks Urie if he would be able to help us get to Eldoria through his mystical portals.   WE meet a myconoid from the underdark named Glurg. He knows where we can get some cold iron, but we don't have a way to get back to the underdark with him, and have no idea which part he is from.   Elias gets annoyed with Andromeda while Andromeda just tries to bond with him. We spend out tokens and get some prizes. We go back to hammerfall.   QM is there and he's like, "Where is Angst?" Elias tries to tell him we haven't seen him, but QM knows right away that he's outside. He forces Angst to face him and they talk. Angst is full of anger, and QM tells him that he doesn't care who he worships, he's just glad that he is alive. They have a really sweet and moving moment   Andromeda tries to steal a hug from Elias during this moment, and Elias is not having it.   WE learn that there are strange things going on in Hammerfall. There have been reports of a large floating disk by Rootwallow with fireworks coming off of it. It seems to be made of a mechanical levitating structure. Also, there are giants blocking the pass.   QM has been summoned to speak with the King of Hammerfall, King Dinmure.   Elias speaks with Blackwood and confronts her about Andromeda and why she allowed him to even get close to his mother. They get into a bit of an altercation. He convinces Blackwood to take some responsibility for this. Blackwood tells Elias that it's his fault that his mother has fallen for a fiend. As she shames him for his decisions, he shows her the ledger of people that he is helping, because SHE doesn't bring justice to people around her.   Ash talks to Andromeda about what it's like to be turned into a vampire.   Joe gives the screaming book she won at the faire to Blackwood to prank her. It works, but Blackwood throws it into the fire. JOe is able ot save the book though.   We go with QM so Angst and he can talk to the King. Joe runs into Princess Drizelda, a dwarf that is friends with her family. she mentions that the druids here have created an underground grove with a sunstone that was gifted to them by the summer queen.   We go to talk to the king. He's got some concerns about the treasury, and takes us ot show us what he means. WE also learn his wife has passed away. He misses her.   Anyway, we get to the treasure room and we see a large pile of gold, gems, and minerals. We take a closer look and find that it's an illusion. When we walk into the illusion, there is only about 1/4th of an actual pile.   Someone has been manipulating them. The prime suspect is a druid named Lynmar. He's the kings treasurer. He's from Eldoria. The original Treasurer was killed by a hook horror, and it is believed this was a setup and he was killed. Also, the treasurer claims the treasure if fine everyday when he checks it.   We find some tracks that lead to a wall. Angst finds that there is hollowness inside. We find a secret passage way. The king seems super clueless about out of this.   HIs guards also look shocked, but in the way that says "Oh Shit! We're caught!!" Ashe notices this. The King sends them a way, but before they go, Angst puts on a magical Trump tie. Using this, he convinces the guards that he was part of the plan for this tremendous heist, and he learns that Lenmar is pretending to be a dwarf. They are guards that are also pretending to be dwarves. They are all behind it.   Elias believes Angsts made up story and is so disappointed, but Angst is able to persuade him it's all an act, because he's been dead for a while.   WE realize that the dwarves might actually be Duregar and this could be how they got a hook horror to kill the other treasurer. We discuss whether or not we want to make some kind of deal with them for cold iron, OR confront them.   We decide to do a 6 hour investigation and make a plan. That's when the 2 traitor guards will be off of their shift. We decide to explore the tunnel, and at some point gather the sun stone to see if it will help reveal any other Duregar as they are going to be ultra sensitive to its bright light.   The tunnel seems to go straight for a very long time. We can't tell how long it is. We walk for more than an hour and get absolutely nowhere. We can tell that it is going south east, underground which seems to be a way to get through the mountain pass. We wonder if they are responsible for the giants in the pass already.   Franz has a familiar that is good at sniffing people out. His name is Fred. He thinks that maybe Fred can sniff out the baddies. Fred gets the scents of the 2 traitor guards.   We head over to the grove, and it is magnificent to behold. There is a dome of stars at the top, and the sunstone has caused plantlife and animal life to be abundant.   Joe asks where Lynmar might be, and we are told that he's probably studying by the river like always. We can see him, and super OVER druid type. It's suddenly obvious that he's trying really hard to be a "druid"   We meet and talk to Joe's parents. We learn the sun stone is called the Stone of Oberin (named after the summer queen's husband) a keeper of the forest.   We go talk to Lynmar as he's about to leave the river. Ash turns into a rat while everyone just runs over.   He tells us that his parents were outlanders who worshiped Eldath. He found sanctuary here amongst this group of mountain/hill dwarves. Joe shakes his hand and is able to see that Lynmar is definitely wearing a disguise. A bear named Nicknak runs up and hugs Joe. Elias juggles some shit. Joe introduces herself, and while the distractions are going on, Ashe sneaks into one of Leymar's bag to stow away there.   Lynmar gets a little annoyed with the conversation and tries to leave. Joe starts to try and confront Lynmar and asks about cold iron. He ignores this and leaves. The group consider going to grab the sunstone while Ashe continues to hide in his pouch. The sunstone is in the river. JOe turns into an alligator and collects it from the river. Joe is really really bright now even though the stone is in their mouth.   As Lynmar walks away, the groups starts to feel a rumbling coming from the ground. It seems to be coming from the river into the direction of Lynmar. However, it comes to a stop. Fred and NIcknack start to sniff around to try and find what that rumbling was.   Lynmar stops and starts to stare at everyone. He approaches Joe as she puts the sunstone into her bag. He walks over, casts sleep and causes Joe to fall asleep.   Suddenly a Purple Worm emerges from the ground mouth wide and trying to swallow NickNac. This is where we end.        

Session Eleven: Games, rides, and fortunes at the faire

We are right outside of Hammerfell, and Joe is really excited about a Githyanki egg she has in her room and can't wait to show it to us. We notice there are no guards at the gate to let us in, and Joe finds an empty tankard on the ground. It smells of Pumpkin spiced ale. We see that the trees behind us are red, yellow and orange, indicating it might be fall?   It was spring when we were here before. Elias sends up his familiar and he sees a dwarf lying face down on some rocks. We hear snoring from him. Joe recognizes him to be Doegon, the son of a chairmaker and the guard at the door. He's really wasted.   Ash turns herself into a Mole to try and dig underneath the door to see if she can let everyone in from the other side. As she does this, Dermish uses Thaumaturgy to yell really loud and the dwarves let us in.   The dwarves on the other side are also really wasted. Apparently it's the last day of Brewfest. We've lost a large amount of the year apparently.   Elias goes over his ledger to see if there are any folks here that were scammed by Barrett. Elias wants to still make this right if he can.   Joe gives us a tour of the place. Angst talks to Franz about the best way to kill a demon, because he tried to kill some demons when he was younger. Franz says that cold iron weapons are the best way to kill a demon.   Joe talks to an old friend named Hilda, and tells her about our adventures in the Abyss. She is super shocked about it and don't understand how or why we would go there.   Joe asks about cold iron forging and where we can get some weapons. This is a process that was lost a long time ago, and there are no known weapons that exist anymore.   Joe says we can talk to Hagar, the Metallurgist here to learn more information.   Hilda tells us that things have been very weird and political here with some outside dwarves. Some dwarves from Eldoria showed up here, they've gotten themselves onto the high council here. There are a lot of folks upset about this.   We head over to where Hagar is. He's standing on a ladder, and Angst climbs up and scares the shit out of him. Then everyone climbs the ladder, and he's like WTF?   Anyway, we head over to his office. He tells us if we can get some cold iron he may be able to forge it. We can find some from the center of a meteorite OR from deep in the underdark.   We run into Blackwood who have been here for several months. QM and Elias's mom are there as well. They haven't been able to make it out of Rimstone Reach due to giants blocking the path. Elias's mom has some kind of un natural necromancy sickness. Someone named Andromeda helped out Elias's mom. He approaches and Elias stands in between them and Angst does divine sense and realizes that this Andromeda is some kind of undead creature. Elias's mom said that she helps make Andromeda stronger in exchange for his help. He claims to not be harming her, but we suspect that he is. She's very pale and sickly looking.   Angst casts "Control Undead" and succeeds. He is able to get the truth out of him. They have a symbiotic relationship. He takes care of her and she takes care of him.   He claims to have saved her life and throws in Elias's face that she would be dead without him, and says that it is Elias's fault. He says people are hunting her and trying to kill her and he brought her here to keep her safe.   We learn he is a Vampire spawn. He says Elias's mother willingly gave him her his blood to make him strong so he can protect her.   Angst compels him to tell the truth and he says he had the best intentions for his mom. He claims not to be using her. He's lost his master, and he's on his own. Ashe tries to convince him to join their group and leave Elias's mom and he can feast off the spoils of anything we kill moving forward.       He claims that he and his mom care for each other very much, BUUUUT his mom probably would like for the two of them to bond, so he agrees to go with us.   Eric has to leave at this point, BUT Elias does want to confront Blackwood about this whole situation with his mom and this vampire. We may have to retcon this a bit.   We decide that we will head to the underdark to try and find cold iron after we leave here. First, we want to see QM, and Joe wants to catch up with her family. Meanwhile, Angst says he doesn't want to see QM again, because he doesn't want him to have to mourn his death a second time if he dies again.   Angst goes to the market and agrees to meet us at a statue an a certain time. We go try to find QM and are told he went to investigate the tents that popped up mysteriously.   We try to go see Joe's parent's but they aren't home and are expected to be where the tents are.   However her brother Dow is home. I guess his life has been pretty terrible lately because of pressure or something.   We head to the tents to try and find QM and Joe's parents. There we see that it is The Sanguine Moon Fair. Nobody seems to know how the faire got here, because the paths are blocked by giants. The giants are unusual, because this isn't an area where you usually find them.   Anyway, we play some games. Win some prizes. Franz wins a quiver of endless arrow that he may give to Elias as a gift since he can't use it. Angst isn't having fun, so he agrees to just be the dunkee for the dunk tank. We participate in a trivia game and win.   Dermish hears from a fortune teller that his parents are not his own. He is the heir of a great magical library of knowledge. His true parents, when he finds them, they will give him an amount of knowledge that will enable Dermish to surpass any other wizard on this plane of existence.   Ashe needs to learn how to love and be loved in return before she can start her journey.   Joe learns that as long as Angst has the support of his friends, he's going to be ok.                

Session 10: Escape the Abyss

We begin on the boat of the River Stix just in front of Charon's castle. We continue on our journey. We learn from Ipt that Glycia sent him after us. She is the daughter of Asmodus and rules the 6th of hell called Malbalge.   As we are travelling, we hear a humming sound, and a portal opens up out of nowhere. Through the portal, we see a sea elf begging someone not to leave. There is a group of adventurers there. A mysterious person and a moon elf come through the portal. The mystery person is tall and dressed in a long flowing black trenchcoat.   Ipt greets this man as Jeuno? but the strange man says, "No, it's Lycos"   this cause Ipt to immediately draw his weapon and warn us of the danger we are in.   Lycos pays the ferry man 2GP and gets on the boat. We try to maintain the peace, but there is a lot of tension and apprehension coming from Ipt. However, this Lycos guy and the moon elf with him seems super relaxed and doesn't care.   Ash inquires about the portal that Lycos and the moon elf came out of. She learns it's the other side of the rift in the middle of the ocean. There is a Leviathan there that sucks people into the plane of water, and there isn't really any land. If we go in there, then we would likely perish.   We also learn that if Lycos thinks of something while a portal is open, the portal will change to what he is thinking. For instance, his oroginal portal started pouring out water, and an elf poured out of it.   He's very confused and disoriented, we tell him has landed in Gehenna. This is on the way to the 9 hells. It's very slanted, and Yugoloths are typically from here. They are neutral fiends. A long time ago, the ferry men were being assaulted by other factions. They couldn't get help from anyone. Some Night Hags helped them, and they created Selrick who is now known as Charon. The ultimate Ferryman. That is how they were able to save themselves.   Anyway, the man that fell out of the sky is carrying a glowing blue sword. This man gets on the boat. He sees the moon elf with Lycos and recognizes him as Callun. A moon elf from where he is from who was travelling with his daughter.   Callun tells him that his daughter is on her way to the water plan to save him. He's a bit upset, but handles this news well. His name is.....   Meanwhile, Franz asks Lycos if he can just make a portal for us, but Ipt says NO. We must go see Dermish's dad, Asmodeus first. Ipt says that we can find Volo who may be able to help get us back to the material plane. Asmodeus is on the way to see Volo, so we are going there first.   Joe convinces Lycos to maybe open a portal for us, but Ipt gets really pissed and wants to fight. As Ipt is getting all bothered, Elias silently asks if we all want to do this. We all agree.   Elias sends a silent message to the ferry man, and he looks quite annoyed, but agrees to stop. Ipt starts to recognize that we are getting closer to shore.   We jump out of the boat, and this really pisses off Ipt. As he goes to attack us, the Ferryman takes a knee and puts his head down. All of the other Ferrymen do the same thing. Ashe follows as well. This causes Ipt to stop his attack and fly down.   We are approached by Charon. Ipt bows out his chest and squares up against Charon. This does not affect Charon at all. This irritates Ipt. Charon starts to stir the river with his boat driver. He surrounds Ipt in this water and then he disappears and is no where to be found.   We kneel to Charon and tell him that we are just trying to get home and mean no trouble. Joe says we need to get to Larulamar. He can take us for $5k gold each. OR we can do a favor for him. He wants us to collect a diamond of Daylou and bring it to him, OR we can kill Daylou on his behalf, and then he will take us to Larulamar.   Dermish offers him a mystery pouch in exchange. He shakes it and it makes a gurgling wet sounds. Charon declines the offer. We learn that we can go get the diamond from the person who has it, which is someone named Arud, who captains a pirate ship. We decide to go after the water elemental. Lycos no longer wants to cast a portal for us, because this is more fun. Angst asks Charon for some Armor because Charon totally fucked up when he allowed Avalora to steal his soul and put it back in his body. Charon, rather than give armor to Angst says he has to make this right, so he is going to take us to the Fuge plane. We have Lycos, Callun, and Galadrian Mistbringer with us.   Galadrian and Franz talk about the great war that happened on his side of the continent. He talks about Greatspear, which Franz is familiar with. Galadrian tells us about the Runeforged dwarves of that time whom were able to make really powerful weapons in a hidden citadel with a forge enchanted by elves.   Joe remembers this place and says that she had heard that one single person knew where it was at, but died before he could tell anyone. Galadrian says he was the guy who got that secret, but he doesn't not know where it is at and cannot find it. He thinks it's best if the forge is lost anyway. It's too dangerous in the wrong hands.   Galadrian says if the forge fell into the wrong hands, it could give the bad guys powerful weapons beyond comprehension. He tells us that he knows Arud and he can help us get the diamond for her. Since we saved his life, he feels in debt. He is on his way to Beaumar. He will help us first and then head back to Beaumar.   We start talking about the black diamond that shattered a long time ago. We are reminded that it had a shard of evil in it. Lycos tells us that we actually already have one of these shards. It's in the demonnomicon volume 4 that Franz has.   Lycos says that when the time comes, Franz will need to go into the book. we learn there are 6 volumes, and those 6 volumes each contain 1 shard.   He knows of an adventuring group that already has a shard. It's actually the group that Callun, the moon elf came from. Galadrian learns that Leland the dwarf of that group has it.   Meanwhile, Charon notes that there are a lot of petitioners waiting to be picked up by their gods. Some of these folks are in chains, so they likely didn't worship good gods.   He leads us through the shadowrealm. He's taking us to see the Ravenqueen, because she channels the souls and where they need to go. When we arrive, he has us wait in the temple while he goes to meet with her.   While we wait, Angst opens up about some of the things that Isolde did to him. As he speaks, he feels himself become clouded in a shadow and hears a whisper. A single raven feather falls in front of him.   A bald Shadarkai elf approaches. He tells Angst that "She must like him" because she gave Angst a feather. We also then notice that Joe and Maggie's corruption has crept significantly and is now up to their elbows.   Lycos is able to tell her this happened when she came in touch with the black pool that took Angst from us. Nothing that goes through the pool survives, so Lycos is shocked that Angst is alive.   Lycos tells Joe to make a small cut in her upper arm, and she does. She finds that her blood is bleeding black. He suggests, if we amputate to cut it off at the shoulder.   We then remember that Angst was able to help that guy with the flies demon. Maybe he can help now. Angst is kind of angry with his god, and believes his power doesn't even come from anyone, because his god didn't even try to save him.   This curse starts spreading really fast, and Angst starts to remove Curse on Maggie. Angst cannot feel his god at all anymore. Maggie tells him to go take care of Joe. He doesn't need a god, as his power has always been his own. He listens and goes to save Joe's arm. However, he just can't find that power and fails. At this moment Joe and Maggie start to have seizures.   Angst then chooses to cut off JOe's arm over Maggies. just to save Joe. At this moment, he hears a voice that says "I offer you 2 souls for one" The Ravenqueen wants Angst to become her follower. As he is hearing this, the rest of see his eyes become very cloudy. He starts to reach out to both Maggie and Joe's arm. Elias tries to stop him, but is not successful.   As he touches Joe and Maggie's arms, he absorbs the curse into his own arms removing it completely from theirs. It starts to spread very quickly up his own arms.   WE tell Galadriel to cut off his arms. However, when he hits, there is a clanking sound. Galadriel cannot cut off his arms. Angst is now covered in a beautiful black armor and the curse leaves his arms. He's ok, and he is proud to be serving a REAL goddess. This armor is literally a part of his body now. He can will it to disappear or appear in a moment.   Charon walks back down stairs as he learns what happened. Isolde pulled Angst through a black pool in the Abyss. Somehow she obfuscated it. Because this happened, Charon says he will owe Angst a boone if he brings him Isolde, or even just her head.   Angst is filled with a look of vengeance and he swears to the Ravenqueen and Charon to bring back Isolde's head.   Maggie checks on him and tries to convince him to come home so she can take care of her. He demands she go back home and he will never being going anywhere with her that he is now in service of the Ravenqueen and only the Ravenqueen.   While this is happening, Galadrien pulls Charon to the side. He tells Charon that he will take our debt and get him the diamond, that we need to be taken home.   Elias talks to Charon and asks if he remembers the name of every soul that passes his river. He asks if he remembers Eraticas Harcleve, and Charon does remember it. Elias says, he wonders if the same thing that happened to Angst happened to his dad, but there is no way to know.   Charon hands Elias a piece of paper written in a language he doesn't recognize. Elias puts it in his pocket.   Joe talks to Galadrien and tells him they understand why he wouldn't share any information about the Rune Forge. He tells Joe to come to Calimbar one day and then they can talk.   Lycos joins the party. Only Joe knows that Galadrien has taken on our debt. As we travel we get to a river that is familiar to us. Lycos has just been staring at Callun the moon elf the whole time. Callun has shadows coming out of him now. Lycos gets a big smile on his face and he greets CAllun again and says, "We're gonna have a lot of fun now"   Callun stands up. He's completely shrouded in shadows and looks very demonic now. Charon turns and slams his staff down. Gladrian turns around and looks at Callun. He starts to draw his weapon. Callun then jumps on top Galadrian. Charon tosses us off of the boat and we land in the forest.   Callun, Galadrian, and Charon are fighting and then they just disappear and the portal closes up. Lycos tells us that Callun is possessed by a demon that feeds off of Callun. He's pretty excited about how everything is going down.   We are in Hammerfall which is really exciting for Joe. This is Joe's hometown. We have a 4 hour trek up a mountain to get there. We are about a week's travel to Larulamore.   Maggie wants to leave on her own. We try to convince her to just travel with us to the road at least. She declines. Lycos walks up to her and puts his arm around Maggie and offers to escort her. Angst tries to apologize for the way he told her to fuck off, as he doesn't want her going off with Lycos.   We convince her to begrudgingly stay with us   Elias tries to decipher the note that Charon gave him. He can tell that it's written in a combination of Infernal and Abyssal. Franz and the Tieflings help him create a cypher so he can interpret it.   It says "Seek out this specified location in Eldoria" (the directions are listed.) There is also a poem underneath. "Usually you'll find me on the 2nd floor. Although you won't find me there. Instead I'm in multiple places at various heights."   We make it up the mountain and get to a 50ft tall stone door. The rock is made of beautiful polished marble with statues of 2 kingly sized dwarves. They were made after King Domardin, the first king of Hammerfall before the land was split. They have cousins on the other continent directly across from them called Mythril Hold.   A long time ago the Mountain Dwarves were taken as slaves by the Githyanki riding red dragons, but they were able to break free of them eventually. The Githyanki used to store their eggs in the mountain. Gith are from the astral plane, and they have to put the eggs here, because they'll never hatch on the astral plane due to there being no time there.   This is where we end- Outside of the the Hammerfall Hold.                                      

Session Nine: Welcome to the Abyss

As we are falling in this unknown place, Franz is reading his Denomicon book....or trying too. However Franz accidentally drops the book. Elias calls his broom to him and races towards the book and is able to catch it. Dermish casts Feather fall on everyone, and our falls slow down, but we start to kind of disperse uncontrollably. Joe is able to catch a piece of diamond worth 500GP   Elias uses his broom to start gathering all of us. Ash holds onto the book for Elias while he ties a rope to his broom so that everyone can tie it around their waste.   However, Feather Fall wears off and everyone on the rope starts to fall again. As they are falling to their deaths, there is a floating island that Elias is able to help lead them too with the assistance of another feather fall from Dermish.     Elias starts nailing in pitons to the land mass for different anchor points. We see some kind of flying creatures very far of fin the distance. They are likely very large so we try not to get their attention.   Ash gives the Demonomicon back to Franz. He says if he has time to attune, he thinks he knows how to use it to get us to the Abyss. He just needs the tuning fork, which Joe has. At this time, we realize that Magdelena is not with us.   Joe realizes that her feet work here on this land mass as well. She still has the tremor sense. She's able to figure out that this piece of land we are on seems to actually be a piece of earth FROM the earth plane, as if it's overlapped with this plane here. There is also water flowing from this land mass. We think it may be elemental plane water.   We figure out that we are in the elemental plane of air.   We find a patch of rock that is made of obsidian and it is very warm to touch. It's surrounded by sand. This doesn't seem natural. While we are investigating, we hear Maggie screaming, from below, and Elias flies down on his broom to retrieve her.   We find that the gloves that both Joe and Maggie are wearing are turning black and spreading to the glove. They remove the gloves, and where the gloves fall on the ground, grass and flowers start to decay. WE also note that the tuning fork is now completely black.   Joe discovers magma beneath the sand of this island, and we think this may be from the plane of fire.   She mold earths a hole in the ground and is able to shift the obsidian out of the sand. Magdelina thinks that jumping into the magma would be a really good idea? We are like, "WTF Magdelina!" and she starts to try and convince Dermish to put his hand in. She thinks it may be some kind of portal.   Ash starts thinking, and she runs up to where the "source" of water is to see if there maybe some kind of merit to Maggie's theory. Dermish tries to draw a correlation with the water and magma. What if the water is actually lava and the lava is actually water. It's wild.   Joe is able to tell that the water doesn't go as deep underground. Ash throws a copper piece into the water to see if Joe can tell where it lands, and it never lands.   Elias believes that there is some kind of convergence of all the elements here, and wonders if it could help us attune to a completely new plane? He knows that there is a ritual that could help us attune the fork to any one of these elemental planes. That is just for plane shift.   Magdelina says that the person who they got the tuning fork from, Occulum was a wizard who had a fascination with demons, so she thinks it could help us get to the Abyss. But why is it teleporting us to other planes if that is the case? We ask ourselves.   Franz says that he may be able to use his mage hand to hold the tuning fork so that he can use it to use the Demonomicon to get us to the Abyss.   HOWEVER, we start to actually study the tuning fork and realize it's just black and not actually cursed, so we can touch it. We decide that before we do ANYTHING else, we are going to take a long rest.   Dermish sees a dragon kill an Arakocra and then eats it. Elias casts minor illusion outside the window so we can watch without bringing attention to ourselves. Behind our sand house, we see another Arakocra land and he seems afraid. Franz uses Mage hand to lure him to the sand house. It scares the shit out of him and he get the attention of the dragon. He gets into the sand house and we hear the dragon flapping its wings over.   Ash creates a skunk smell which makes the dragon sneeze and blow down our sand house. The dragon is picking it's teeth and everyone tries to help with mage hand. The Arakoccra immediately charges forward to avenge his parents and gets eaten. The dragon blows us all back knocking out Ash.   Joe helps Ash get back up. Franz convinces the dragon that we are on it's side. Magdelina wants to go touch the dragon with her hand to try and give us time to escape. Ash convinces her that making a demon dragon may be a bad idea.   The dragon's name is Ahmachromablong Theranora. But we can call him Star Wing.   We tell the dragon that we are going to the Abyss. There he may be able to take over and hoard the treasure there. HOwever, he wants to go to the material plane instead. We try to instigate him to go to the Abyss and take over Pazoozoo. He takes the bait and wants to go to the Abyss with us to show Pazoozoo who is boss.   Dermish asks to ride the dragon's back and this upsets him very much. He decides to keep Dermish later for a snack. Franz casts the spell to portal us to the Abyss. We fly about 200ft from the ground into a pool of black sludge. We come out the other side of it and see a ton of bridges and rock formations everywhere.   Dermish casts feather fall on all of us again and we get to the ground safely. Star Wing is no where to be found.   There is a swarm of quazzits flying around. We are standing on one of the bridges going through this place. We think we fell through a portal when we hit the black pool, and we have no idea where we are at. We could be on any later.   It does look like we can climb back up and out through the same portal. A quazzit comes down and screeches at us luring over a whole swarm of them towards us.   WE all hold hands again and Franz teleports us back to the first level of the Abyss. We learn he can't cast this again before a long rest or he will blow up.   A snake lady with 6 arms with swords in each hand approaches. She seems excited to see us. Ash is really fascinated with her, but possibly offended her with her questions. The merilith says to come with her. Monkey Dogs start charging at us. She easily slices them up and scares them away and we agree to go with her.   She thinks our handler is dead and she's been sent to find us. She is taking us to Errtu. We also learn that they are looking for a group of moon elves with a drow. She thought that was us. She says our handler was Thedecadon. We try to convince her that we totally know who that is, but she figures out that we are full of shit.   Dermish tells this lady that his dad is Asmodeus. he crits on the roll, so he totally pulls it off. Asmodeus supposedly was an angel that once guarded the elemental Therizdan. He left his station to go find the shard of pure evil. He took a piece of it, made his ruby rod, and took over the 9 hells. However, the merilith starts to mock Dermish and tells him to make her bow.   Dermish uses Thaumaturgy and Joe stealthily uses entangle to try and pull her down to assist in making her bow. It doesn't work. Franz casts Charm Person but it doesn't work. NOw she's just laugh and calling them hedge wizards. Franz then decides to just use the Wand of Wonder on her. He cause himself to vanish in front of her. HOwever, she has true site, so she picks him and puts him down.   We give up and just go with her. We've embarrassed ourselves enough. She escorts us to the fortress with Errtu is. We walk by a guy chained to the wall who has spikes in his cheeks. He reaches out to grab Elias, and Elias doesn't have it. He breaks his knuckles to get him to let go. The guy on the wall cries. Ash heals his hand, but we continue to walk.   WE get to Errtu and the Merilith introduces Dermish as the son of Asmodeus. There is a poor naked drow with a chain around her neck attached to Errtu's arm.   Errtu approaches Dermish and says "If Asmodeus is your father, let him come save you" and holds a lighting sword to his chest. Ashe intervenes and says that Asmodeus probably isn't coming.   Errtu tries to chain up Ash, and she runs away. She crashed into an ape guy and seh says " Thedecadon!! We thought you died" He then immediately says that I was one of the moon elves he was escorting and that I know where drizzt dorden is.   Ash convinces him that she just failed in trying to apprehend Drizzt and Errtu goes to raise his whip to take us all out. At that time Avalora walks up and she has Angst on a chain behind her. We learn that Drizzt is the one who sent Errtu to the Abyss, and he can't leave without Drizzt, so he wants Drizzt alive. He will give us a boone if we succeed.   We learn that Angst is Avalora's pet. Avalora tries to manipulate the situation, and Ash tells Errtu the truth of everything she knows. This actually upsets Errtu greatly. Avalora convinces Errtu to give us one soul in exchange for Drizzt Dorden.   We learn that the man that grabbed at Elias is Elias's father. Elias says this is impossible because he believes his father to be alive. Elias's father gives him a locket with a picture of Elias's mother holding him as a baby.   Elias just looks at the locket and says "What I am to say to the man who abandoned my mother." His dad promises to tell him everything if he ever gets out of the abyss. Elias doesn't know what to think, because he's been lookin for his father for a while now under the assumption that he is alive.   Elias makes eye contact with his father and says aloud, I choose Angst. I choose the friend I've always known over the Father I've never known. The gag is put back on and Dedecdadon takes away Elias's father.   Ash makes a secret deal with Errtu. (Harley knows the deal) and Errtu says "Done!"   Errtu lets us take Angst with us, but we MUST bring Drizzt back. Thedecadon starts to escort us out. He takes us through a short cut out of the city. After that we are to find Drizzt and bring him back here.   Thedecadon walks us passed the pits where Elias's father is begging for mercy and forgiveness from Elias. He says if Elias forgives him, they will let him go, but Elias can't find it in his heart to do that and just keeps walking.   WE are escorted to outside of the city. We get to the River Stix. If you touch this water it erases your memory. Joe knows how to call the ferry man. You usually have to just wait for him to come by.   We find a cave with view of the river and try to take a long rest. As we wake up there is a large pit fiend name Ipt waiting over us and he tells us to come here. He's here to rescue the son of Asmodeus. He can escort us to the front lines of the blood war which is on the first layer of Averniss. We tell him we'd rather go to the material plane. Ipt knows somebody in Gahenna who may be able to help. A book writer. Ipt starts creating a ritual rune in the ground and it calls the ferry man.   Ash makes note of this ritual and with Elias's help draws a very good drawing in her book.   We pay the ferryman 2GP each for the ride. Ipt tells the ferryman that Dermish is the "Son of Asmodeus" he simply looks and turns around immediately unimpressed by what he sees.   Ipt seems to really want to go on a palace tour in Gahenna and Dermish agrees to take him on a tour. We stop by Charon's castle so that the ferry man can dump his gold there.   The writer's name that we are looking for is Volo. We end here by Charon's Castle  

Session Eight: Tuning Fork of Unknown planes

We start to divvy up and distribute the treasure. While we are doing this, Toadvine approaches and says that Isoldae freed him, and he's kind of upset with Elias didn't help him. Angst was watching out, but now he's gone. Elias confronts him about Angst, band we learn Angst is injured behind the cave. Joe immediately runs to behind the cave while Ash, Franz, Dermish and Elias stay behind to handle Toadvine.   Ash dashes to catch Toadvine as he tries to run away and he gets a couple of really good hits on her. Elias hops on his broom stick and chases him down with his bow and arrow. Joe runs around the cave towards Angst. She sees a blood trail leading to him about 300 ft away.   Franz scorching rays Toadvine and gets a nice blast on Toadvine. Dermish comes in and casts Scorching ray as well and gets him really good.   Toadvine drops his weapons and tries to call us friends, and Elias runs up and punches him out just as he was saying "If you kill me, you'll never know how to save....."   Elias wakes him up and we learn that Isolde sent him here to kill Angst. Isolde wanted to hurt QM, and that's why she wanted to have Angst killed.   Meanwhile, Joe runs up to Angst and he's got a sword through his chest. His lips are blue.   Magdalena is there, and she is panicking unsure what to do with this situation. Maggie pulls the sword out of Angst, and the blood flow has stopped. Joe tries to use magic to heal him and keep him alive. However, it seems like it's too late.   Magdalena is absolutely heartbroken, because she wanted to marry Angst.   Elias, at the news of Angst's death creates a frozen shard of water and shoves it down his throat. Ash uses all the magical healing she can muster to prolong his suffering. He does die, but just before he dies, he tells Elias that Angst is in hell and we will find him on the first layer of the abyss. Maybe he'll see us there. The last thing Toadvine says is "Your father will be so proud of you" Elias sends a Raven to warm QM.   Flies start to burst out of Angst's chest. A portal opens up around him and he begins to sink into it. Joe and Maggie try desperately to pull him out of the portal. Neither of them can hold onto him without getting pulled into the portal. Magdalena refuses to let go of Angst. Below they can hear screaming and taunts of blasphemy and it's terrifying.   Joe lets go of Angst and grabs Magdalena so she isn't pulled into the portal. She just barley pulls her off of Angst. Angst sinks in fully and disappears as Magdalena digs at the ground for him. Magdalena's hand is black from where it entered the portal. She says "We're going to get married" and falls over. All that is left is Angst's sword.   Maggie, sits up, grabs Angst's sword with her cursed hand and declares "I am going to kill Isolde"   Franz is able to determine that Maggie's hand is magically cursed. Something to do with anger and rage. When she picked up the sword, the blackness started to spread down her arm as her anger got higher.   It seems that she has some kind of curse that is taking over her. She's brought something back with her. Franz tries to warn her, but she just says she's fine.   On our way back to town we run into QM who is devastated that Angst has been taken. Franz reminds us that we have a book about demons so maybe it will give us clues about getting to the Abyss. Dermish has the Demonomicon Volume 4 written by Ilgueve herself.   We get back to town. QM gives the bad news to Blackwood. She wants to plan and gather reinforcements and QM basically tells her to fuck off. We aren't waiting.   We go to Esoterica to see if we can learn anything about getting to the Abyss there. As we walk into the shop, The old lady behind the desk says "The cards were right. Ain't nothing good coming my way today" She offers to give us a fortune.   She tells Franz that he'll be obtaining everything he is trying to achieve. She tells Dermish that he should watch his back. He has hidden enemies. Everything you think is gonna be good is going to bad She tells Joe that she is trapped and chained. Joe pulled the devil card. She can't escape She tells Elias "They say at the end we will all be judged, but right now that is you. You are judge, jury and executioner" Ash declines to get her fortune read, but the witch did look at a card for her without saying what it was.   Elias finds that Esoterica is in the ledger. Elias gives her 50GP and she gives us the book on the Abyss. She offers another book, but Elias declines. Dermish follows in Elias's footsteps and gives her 23 more GP.   She the offers a magically glowing redish black arrow to us. It will cost $2k GP. Its an arrow of fiend slaying. It would insta kill a lesser fiend. somewhere in the middle, it will make them run away, and even the strongest fiends will take note of it. It does 6D10 damage. We decline.   She offers Healing Potions for 50GP each.   Joe offers to buy Ash's potion believing she doesn't have any gold, but Ash reveals that she has some gold from the cave. It was a kind offer though.   We each buy a Healing potion. Joe then offers the mysterious cupcake to the witch in exchange for the arrow. The cupcake had a purple worm inside of it and the witch is delighted to take it from her.   Joe hands the arrow to Elias. Elias takes some of the frosting from the cupcake as it's contaminated with purple worm poisoning. He would need to spend 2 hours to refine it to do this. (It will add 12d6 to the damage)   We go back to the barracks with the books and arrow. QM was proud of us without saying it. We are learning a bit about the theory of the planes. not much on how to travel between them. Dermish is learning about the kinds of demons we might encounter.   We learn about the Chaos plane and a elemental god named Therezdan. An Oberith named Poezoozoo from another universe. Poezoozoo and his Oberith goons had taken over their own plane of existence and wanted to move into another plane of existence. They created the shard of pure evil. A tiny piece of this shard was in the black diamond. This shard of pure evil is world breaking. A sliver of it can destroy a whole world.   Poezoozoo handed Therezdan the Shard of Pure Evil. Therezdan is known as the chained god. His followers sometimes hear his voice which sounds like screams of pure evil which can drive them insane. Therezdan was a great elemental. He wanted Therezdan to put the shard of pure evil into the Astral plane and it would allow them to invade. However Therezdan wanted power for himself, so he took the shard and plunged it into the depths of the elemental chaos. It started to sink there and created infinite layers creating the Abyss. This is how the Abyss was created.   Eventually the oberiths got into our plane and ruled the Abyss for a while. Eventually an eladrin was able to come down and take over the AByss for a while. Therezdan ended up chained in a random layer of the abyss that evades all knowledge and nobody really know what happened to Poezoozoo.   Poezoozoo holds sway over all flying creatures. He rules the Plane of infinite portals aka the Palace of 1001 closets. The only layer of the Abyss that has sky is the first layer. It has a red dieing sun in the sky there. Is this where we will find Poezoozoo and his flying goons.   We also learn of demons called Tanari. They are the ones who defeated the Oberiths. There are few oberiths left in the Abyss. The Tanari are there. A couple of the most powerful ones are Orcus, Demogorgon. A Tanari first appeared when mortal souls died and ended up on the Abyss. All Tanari started off as mortal beings on the material plane, rose up through the ranks and then eventually defeated the Oberiths.   We learn that souls, when they die, end up going to the Fuge plane where they are sorted out as petitioners where they wait there for their gods to come and retrieve them. Many times, demons and devils will come in and snatch those petitioners up. There is a portal in the city of Brass on the plane of Fire that will take you to the Abyss.   Magdelina speaks up saying that she believes she can get us to....somewhere.....she has us follow her to her house. When we arrive, she tells her father that she needs the tuning fork. He notices her hand, and becomes quite worried. She is determined to get the tuning fork, so he relinquishes.   The tuning fork she has came from a wizard they once tried to treat and he passed. His name was Oculum. All she knows is the tuning for shifting to a plane that it is attuned to. A wizard with plane shift would have to cast the spell.   Madelina picks u the tuning fork with her cursed hand, and it starts to vibrate. Joe tries to grab it from her hand and she notices that Maggie's hand is beyond cold. When Joe touches her hand, her hand starts to grow black. However, Joe is able to grab the tuning fork. However, it continues to vibrate. A portal opens up. It's an orange portal. Magdalene tries to go through it and Elias grapples her. The rest of us try to talk sense into her. Maggie tries to touch Elias's face with her hand, but he is able to knock her out. Joe looks down at her hand and sees that it is turning black. She wants to go through the portal. Franz tries to stop her, but she goes in. We all decide to follow after her.   Dermish dives into the portal with Magdalena just behind him confessing that if she wasn't in love with Angst, she would totally be into Dermish.   In the Portal, we are surrounded in darkness. It's some kind of cave. Joe, who wears no shoes loves the way the ground feels here. It feels more like home than actually home. She has tremor sense for 30 ft as long as her feet are on the ground.   It seems we are trapped in the cavern with no seeming way out of here. Joe is able to detect a cavern ahead, and Joe uses mold earth to dig to it. She finds a 10ft by 10ft diamond. under the ground. We figure out that we must be on the Plane of Earth. Ash gives Joe a glove to cover her cursed hand. She gives her second glove to Maggie.   Joe uses her tremor sense to try and find smaller diamond pieces to break off pieces of the larger diamond. At that moment a monster things pops out of the ground. It latches onto the diamond and starts eating it. Joe gathers up a couple of shards of diamond. Elias scoops up some diamond dust.   Joe detects that more of these dirt monsters are coming, so Joe decides to try using the tuning fork again with her cursed hand. It opens up another portal in the middle of the portal. Elias jumps through. Ash tries to jump through but falls. She gets their attention and they go under ground to try and attack her, but Joe warns her in time and she is able to get through the portal.   As Joe goes through she is able to turn the diamond so that she can push it through. However, she is able to use mold earth to push it all the way through the portal.   Franz is able to leap through the portal without issue. Dermish is able to jump through and Magdalene comes in behind him. When we get through the next portal, we find that we are all falling at a really fast rate along with the diamond. There is no ground in site, and this is where we end. Falling through this unknown plane.   We note that we only started to fall when we saw the diamond fall and Jo fall afterwards. Before that, we were kind of hovering and disoriented.            

Session Seven: A black dragon in disguise

The group are standing outside of the mirror portal and see Ashe running as she is chased by Gargoyle Dogs. She leaps through just in time, but not after taking a significant amount of damage. The dragon fairies close them mirror slicing in half the Garoyle Dog. We all get a long rest. For Quarter Master, we've only been gone for a few minutes. For us, it's been about a year.   Elias overhears Blackwood talking that a crime lord named Terran Sozay, the one who plagued Eldoria for years, and also owns his mother's debt. However, Sozay has been dead for 10 years. However, some guy named Barret has been collecting from Elias for years. Elias has never met Barret, but only ever heard his voice.   Blackwood also tells us that the towns people are calling us The Cultbreakers and we are a bit of local heroes. She says that she and her people can take care of these people scamming Elias.   Elias has reservations, because there seem to be a lot of people in this operation. He's worried his mom can't be protected. Elias wants to figure out another way to deal with them.   Blackwood and Quartermaster invite Angst to Eldoria to study with them and increase his knowledge, skills, and status. Around this time, Ashe brings up that the hags told her that Morpheus is still alive. This really upsets Captain Blackwood and She, QM, and Franz cannot believe this.   Elias goes to free Toadvine from jail as he promised before we went to the Fey Wild. However, QM won't agree to this, and suggests that he talk to Blackwood about it, but wait for her to calm down.   Elias goes to try and talk to Toadvine to let him know, and they have a really awkward exchange, because Elias won't get the keys for him, but promises to help him escape.   Joe needs to get some enchanted bone runes. Ash helps harvest bones from the Yethhound, and goes with Franz and Joe to the occult shop called Esoterica.   Elias and Angst head to the Tavern to get Blackwood drunk so he can talk to her about releasing Toadvine. We agree to rendezvous at the tavern later.   Joe acquires a book of the stars from the store keep at Esoterica and the woman agrees to make her runes out of the bones we brought.   Franz purchases a fortune scroll that warns him not to eat dairy today.   Meanwhile, in the bar, Angst asks for milk and a muffin and Esmeralda the barkeep gives him a hilariously hard time about it, mockingly calling him "Cultbreaker"   Elias approaches Blackwood and buys her a drink. He charms her with his polite and quiet ways relating to her and understanding how she may not want to talk about how she feels.   However, she does open a up a bit to him. They agree that they both carry their history with them, and perhaps both of them could learn how to look ahead, and allow the people in their lives to actually help them. He also assures her that Ash wouldn't lie, even if the hags may have lied.   She opens up to him about Eldoria. She is surrounded by Sycophants there, and she appreciates Elias's honesty in despite her knowing he also has a favor. She figures out that Elias wants Toadvine to be released. She agrees to do this for him and he is taken back a bit at how much she is willing to bend the rules for the betterment of things.   She tells Elias that he can have Toadmine sign documents to make himself an informant and he can be released. She opens up ever so slightly about Morpheus, telling Elias that he reminds her of Morpheus with his silver tongue.   Meanwhile Esmeralda and Angst talk. They talk about Maggie, and she tells him he's not good enough for Maggie. JOe and Ash talk about how they could try to stake out the next drop point and find the leader of the scammers scamming Elias.   Blackwood give Elias her extra room key just in case he wants to come visit. He takes the key, but does not go visit her.   We tell Elias about our plan to try and locate the people taking his money. Ash and Joe will turn into animals and leave a trail for Angst and Franz to follow.   Jo picks up her runes from the occult shop and uses them to see how a certain event or task we want to do will play out.   We learn if we are successful, we will gain information about Elias's situation. Elias drops off the money and then hides behind a tree. HOwever, a guy named Dereck shows up and calls him out. Elias seeks Ash's help with a magical message and in her squirrel form she runs up Derek's pants leg and bites him giving Elias a chance to knock Dereck out.   We hear a voice from the cave that says "Dereck, bring me the money" Meanwhile. Angst and Franz discuss how to tell if a girl likes you or not. They hear our signal and head over.   The voice from the cave recognizes Elias as he approaches. They speak and Elias lures him out. Before he can come out, Ash, in her squiriel form goes in the cave and sees that it is a black dragon in there.   She runs out and reverts back to her self and warns the group.   The dragon offers to give Elias Dereck's job if he brings Dereck's head to him. Elias basically tells him to fuck off, throws up a silent wall of stone and shouts to everyone to "RUN!"   Angst and Elias talk telepathically and consider Elias bringing the dragon Dereck's head just for now that maybe we can escape alive. Elias gives us all a look and we approve that we will follow his lead.   Elias kills Dereck and takes his head off. He throws the head to the dragons feet and makes a fake deal with the dragon to report every 2 weeks to find out who needs to be shaken down for money.   The dragon also says that he needs one of our heads as collateral. Elias does not give in to this and he stands in a fighting stance. We start to fight. Magdelina starts running from behind shouting that she is here to help.   As we try to lure the dragon into the cave to fight, he goes after Magdelina and picks her up and takes her 130 ft into the air and drops her.   Elias uses shape water to try and soften Magdelina's fall. He then causes a cave in of the cave trapping all the treasure inside. WE continue to fight the dragon doing enough damage to make him flee from us. Franz throws an ice knife at him in an attempt to stop him, but he bolts up straight into the sky. Jo is able to cast one final guiding bolt and takes him out and he falls down to his death.   Jo mold's earth the cave in pile away and we check the treasure pile out in the cave. There is likely somewhere between 7 and 8k gold pieces. Jo fines a ledger that has everyone's debt listed on it. This dragon seems to have weasled his way into tricking people into collecting debt from people.   Elias finds a broom of flying. Angst finds a +1 shield. We take the dragon head and some other parts. We make note of the treasure (below) We are also now known as the DragonSlayers as well as the Cultbreakers now.   Angst heads to Eldoria with Blackwood to study. We all get invited to a council member meeting, and this is where we end.

Session Six: Missed this session

Begin writing your story here...

Session Five:

We start in the fey wild with Valora the fairy looking for the color red. Joe suggests looking behind the color green. Maybe it's hiding behind green. We learn that green's proper name is Verdant. WE don't really know how to find the color red, and Valora isn't the most helpful with helping us, BUT if we do find it she will give us a favor.   We decide to try and find Nap, the satyr from before, and poof, there he is on a stump writing in a book. He helps us by telling us to think what we would do if we were lost. How would we like to be found. While we are contemplating this, we find Verdant by creating a breeze onto some green things. Verdant tells us that they saw red leave when they were talking to them about how much they love the sun shining on them and how the wind feels.   Verdent says Red left to go talk to Azure during this conversation. Verdent starts to lead the way through a breeze of wind. Nap introduces us to their dragon friend named Benedict. We learn all scorpions got their tales from Benedict. He gave it to them. Before that, scorpions were just spiders.   We get to a pond where Azure is. Joe jumps in to swim, which excited Azure, and they talk to us. We ask about Red and they say they talked to red about how much they love to swim. When Azure was speaking to red, they promptly left and went to talk to Sunny. (Yellow)   We think maybe a field of sunflowers is where we may find Sunny, and sunny loves to bask in the sun. We get to the sunflower field and see a bunch of monarch butterflies fly away. We follow them to a pond where we see the sky is slightly purple and there is a red frog.   Elias and Joe try to capture the frog but fail terribly. Ash tries to intercept as a butterfly, gets eaten by accident and converts back into her normal form exploding the frog.   Angst talks really nicely to red and explains that red is one of the most important colors. It's the color of love, anger, lust, compassioin, happiness. Red loves the compliments and starts to fill the forest and area with red back.   Valara appears, and she is very happy that we brought balance back to the colors. She grants us all a gift of the twilight. She pulls down wisps of twilight and stars from the skies and creates a long feather boa out of it. The feathers are made of a transparent glow of blues and purples, scattered with flecks of glowing yellow lights.   It will guide us through the navigating path of our future endevours. She starts to call out to all the colors of the realm, and they join the feather boa. Valara then throws the boa up into the sky. In it's place 6 irridescent butterflies emerge, and gently land on our shoulders. One of each color.   She then slowly starts to float away. As we investigate the butterflies, we learn it gives us a lot of understanding about how things work here. Ashe says she thinks she understands and then wonders off into a random direction to find the way out. She's just following her gut. They end up in a place with hills and hobbit hold doors.   As we go about our way, Nap follows all the way drawing pictures of us as we move along. Everything around us is more twilight centric.   Angst opens a random door and shouts "Hello" Nobody seems to be home. Elias follows after Angst, because Angst seems to not know how to properly break into a place and wants to correct him.   Elias steals some nice silverware. Angst finds a library. He finds a book about aboloths. Elias finds an open book that has a recipe in it. It's a recipe for mushroom steak. Seems to just be a cookbook.   I guess we all go outside or were outside or something, anyway a halfling on a toadstool pops up. They tell us that the folks of their village have disappeared. We learn everyone slowly but surely wondered off to talk to the women of the verde river. Apparently they are hags. This guys seems to know really know what is going on. He starts to throw up. Dermish figures out that he's hallucinating. Probably from the mushroom recipe from the book.   Angst approaches the guy to lay on hands the poison out of this guy and he starts to really scream that they are all dead, and then he runs off in the the forest.   Elias sees a smoke stack in the direction this guy is running in and we follow after. We get to a small hut. Elias sneaks around and see that inside are 3 hags arguing with each other. Nap is still recording all of this and drawing pictures. Joe asks if Nap can get us out of the Fey Wild. He says he can, because every year the veil thins for the festival. that's almost a year from now.   However, now is forever twilight, so we aren't sure how this will help.   Against Franz's warnings Angst goes into the hut. We follow after. They offer Angst tea. Franz then offers them some hello suggestion potion. The accept. Elias asks where they are keeping the halflings, and they say, "the mirror" They point and we see 7 different mirrors on the walls. We look into one mirror and see flying creatures with swords and spears flying down and attacking things. Dark arcane energy everywhere. It's a bloody battlefield with dark demonic forms.   Elias sees reflections of a grand court of fey swimming in a crystalline water pool. It's Titania. Beside her is an enagmatic figure cloaked in darkness. Some dwarves handing a black diamond to her sister.   In another mirror we see a fierce battle with the Queen of Air and Darkness. She's consumed by desperation. She has the black diamond and hurls it down. It lands into the ocean causing the water to split. It divides a large continent into two. The fabric of reality burst between the two continents. In the rift that has formed demons are everywhere.   In the 3rd mirror there is a pink cupcake with rainbow sprinkles. Joe asks the hugs what it is. They pluck a cupcake out and offer it to Joe. Joe takes it and puts it in her bag.   Ash asks if they can take the black diamond out of the 2nd mirror and they do and give it to her.   IN the 4th mirror, there are 2 demons kissing each others.   Dermish casts detect magic and we learn that most of this is some kind of illusion. The cupcake is an illusion and transformation magic.   Dermish does find a mirror with halflings in it. It's got a whole village and it doesn't look like an illusion. Elias touches this mirror and it starts to try and pull him in. One of the hags pull him back and don't allow it without him making a deal.   In the 4th mirror Angst sees QM looking for us in the forest.   in the 5th mirror we see Magdelina crying the corner.   One of the hags says if we wish to use any of the mirrors we have to make a deal.   their names are Sin Omen, Nata Meg, Ginny Ger   while Elias talks to the hags, she throws a note into the mirror with QM that says "We are stuck in the fey wild" in it and sees him pick it up She confirms with Franz by writing a secret note if an illusion would do that. She never really got an answer back, because Dermis just screamed "YES" and that wasn't clear.   The hags off Elias to go through the mirror if everytime he gives gold to someone, it turns to wood. He dclines The hags offer Franz to go through if they whisper a truth in his ear. He declines However Ash offers to hear the secret, and they tell her that Morpheus is still Alive. The deal they make Angst is the more someone loves him the less they remember him. The deal they make to Joe is basically sensory over load if she uses certain spells. They offer Dermish to go in if he is fated to die or maybe his friends will live or maybe his friends will die, or maybe he'll live forever They offer Ash to go through if she gives up her ability to heal   They seem to taunt us about an Iguive and a Baba Yaga. Thinking we can go talk to them instead.   Elias offers his reflection if they allow us to go through the mirror. Angst offers his ability of Thaumaturgy. they decline   Franz sends mage hand into the mirror and slaps QM in the face and tries to lure him away, but the hags put a stop to it.   We decide to try and leave and wait for them to sleep. However they just argue. While we converse outside, The hut changes it's looks and there is an old woman with a behive hairstyle cooking something up?   The door begins to open. the woman that opens it is dressed in leather. She motions for us to come in and walks away. We stand there a bit flabergasted and wonder what the hell to do. Ash tells Franz the secret about Morpheus.        

Session Four: Ensnared in the Fey's Embrace: A Scarlet Salvation Saga

We are standing in a vibrant beautiful colorful place. There are birds chirping and frogs croaking. It's the most beautiful forest we've ever seen. They are more vibrant and beautiful than the forests we are used to. Joe offers some acorns to a squirriel, and all the wild life starts to horde around her for food. They fly away when they realize she is out of food.   We see a small village in the distance. We see Lupal trees, and some Lupals fall on a patch of flowers which seemed to kill some of them loudly as they have faces and were screaming. Joe used druid craft to regrow some of them.   Also the animals can speak common and druids can speak common in their wild shape form.   We meet a human in the village who seems to recognize everyone and feel bad that we didn't listen to our elders. He says he hasn't seen us since he was 10. His name is Ventor, and apparently we met him when we were 10. He was a kid who disappeared years ago.   We learn he's been here 33 years. He's 43 now. we deduce that time works differently here. It's only been 10 years for us. We tell him about a mushroom circle we found, and he gets excited, because we could leave through it. However, we cannot find it.   We mention the name Avalora and it starts to storm. We use the name Isoldae, and it turns to sleet. We learn that Tatiana, the summer queen must laugh to clear the sky.   We learn we are in a pocket and cannot leave. The storm eventually clears up. We learn Tatiana visited here once and would not release them, probably because she thought that this was a better place for them.   We learn there is a group of dwarves who may know about Isoldae are here. He is a blacksmith that lives in town.   we go see them, and Joe notices they are hitting cold iron, which is strange. We learn they got here when they had a shared dream and they woke up here. They've been here for about 200 years. Their name is Rinsein and Ripete. They were from the Black Mountain. This is a mountain in the Fae Wild. the dwarves from there are now dead. His people found the black diamond. They went to take it to Tatiana one day, but she was swimming, so they gave it to her sister, and now nobody really remembers what happens. When they went back, the whole mountain had exploded and they had the dream after that.   They make us drinks with some Hello Faries. Angst steals a faerie from them and hides it in his pocket. He and Elias head out in an attempt to follow this faerie and be lead to a mushroom circle.   Meanwhile, Joe peaks under a tarp and sees a piece of very raw iron. They are making cold forged iron. It's super effective agains Fae so they don't reincarnate. They must keep is secret, because if fae around here knew, it and they would most certainly destroy it and them.   Meanwhile, Angst and Elias try follow the faerie they stole, but quickly lose site of it in a tree.   Ash decides to fly up as a butterfly into the sky to see what happens, but she hits a cloud which fatigues her wings. She decides to fly back down.   Talking to the dwarves we find that around once per year an Archfey named Visfil appears and causes a bit of havoc before she leaves.   Ash has an idea that she could try to channel the summer court in the same way that she channels it for some of her healing magic. In an attempt to try and draw the attention of Titania, the Summer Queen.   We need pinecones, lilacs, sunflowers, green leaves from an oak tree on branches, nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger for this ritual.   As Joe and Dermish are searching for oak tree branches. They come across some kind of dryad creature. She says she will allow Joe to take some branches in exchange for a single Dermish. Joe protests, but the dryad charms Dermish with her wily ways. Her name is Reeta.   She's been with this tree for Eons. Dermish decides to use his charms on Reeta asking for some limbs with leaves, but he has to send Joe away so they can be together. Joe goes to find the flowers for the spell and gets the limb of leaves.   While gathering lilacs she sees a Satyr named Nap sitting on a stump playing a flute. He convinces her to have drinks with him to see who wins. The wine is Bacchus wine from Ysgard. Nap says he can get us out of here if Ash's plan fails.   Angst, Franz, and Elias gather the sunflowers as they scream out in horrible pain as they do so. They all get lost in the field of sunflowers. Angst threatens to murder the rest of the sunflower families unless it helps lead him out of the field. However, the flower doesn't know the way as he's never not been in the field. The sunflower begs for its life. It turns out they needed to walk backwards to get out. The sunflower helps them figure this out and they are able to finally escape the field.   As they leave, it starts to snow, as they find pine needles. They are able to find pine cones, but they are lined up in a strange way. Franz starts picking them up and ends up behind a tree where he finds a dismembered humanoid. He hears a creepy high pitched laugh. Elias finds a gold and black striped needle on the person of the dismembered humanoid. Elias observes the footprints leading away from the dead fellow and can tell it's a very large humanoid. They think it may be a FaeDark creature trying to lure them away.   Meanwhile, Joe goes to collect Dermish from the dryad as she completes her drink fest with Nap. However, Dermish has agreed to protect the tree forever. He really loves her. As Joe is trying to gather Dermish. Franz, Angst, and Elias approach. Reeta tells them that she and Dermish are getting married. Franz gives him a good slap across the face.   The argument that wins him over is, Joe lies and says Ash has a huge crush on Dermish and that if he doesn't come back, Ashe may come back and raise hell and fire and kill her. He has to leave her to protect her.   However, Dermish still doesn't leave and the group has to knock him out to get him out. As Elias knocks out Dermish, Reeta tries to charm him instead. However, it doesn't work. The group barely escape in tact.   They get back to Ashe. The dwarves and Ventor provide the ginger, cinnamon, and nutmeg. The group lets them know we are trying to leave, and they gather up the village. Dermish thinks that Ash has a crush on him now, and so now he's being flirtatiously nice? lol   As Ash casts the ritual, it starts to work. As she looks toward the sun, she disappears. Anyone else that looks at the sun is able to disappear as well. It works. we appear in a place of gigantic trees the size of sequoia trees.   WE are then surrounded by elves with arrows pointing arrows at us. Ash convinces them to let us see the summer queen, Titania.   They take us up to where there is a stage. a fellow named Ticklemead offers us delicous honey mead and asks if we are thespians. We say we are not, but will tell wonderful jokes as we promised. A young girl approaches and dances with Elias. Joe joins in on the dance.   We learn that Titania is the little girl. We regale her with tales and jokes good and bad. Ash gives her the necklace she made of Sarah's finger.   We tell her we are from Luralarue. Titania asks how Larue is. We say Milikea is looking for her. We learn she is trapped. She was trapped long ago by Titania's sister who is now known as the Queen of Air and Darkness. Franz tells Titania that he accidentally freed her a while back. She is the ruler of the gloaming fae and Titania has no idea what might happen now.   The black diamond went to the Queen of Air and Darkness and it corrupted her.   Larue and another fae (can't remember the name), the Queen of Air and Darkness threw the diamond down causing the land to split in two. It was split into 6 pieces. All 6 pieces of this shard are in the material plane. There are 6 beams of light holding Larue into place. If we somehow find these shards, we may be able to find Larue and free her. We know that this is on our side of the rift. They are east of the rift.   Titania says if we need to get back, Valera the fae will help us go back. WE take a nap and when we wake up, we wake up in the circle. We now can no longer see red and only see greens and blues.   Ventor's wife is there and we learn there is a fae that is waiting for us. She's about 10 ft tall floating. She is covered in leaves and stuff. She seems to be looking under rocks and in tree branches as if she is looking for something.   Elias asks if she has lost something. We ask her what she's looking for, and she's looking for the color red. Apparently it's hiding. We end here while looking for red.        

Session Three: Shadows of Enchantment: Confronting Demons, Trapped in the Fey Wild

We stand in front of a goat demon that has just been sucked out of Mark's arm. We start to fight this demon as Angst tries to tend to Private Mark's wound. As we fight, the mayor runs up wondering what the fuck is going on.   Rosalin, in the cell offers to get rid of the demon if we let her go, but Quarter Master tells her to fuck off. The mayor argues to let her out, but QM is not having it.   QM then runs over to Angst and gives him a potion as he has been very damaged. Ash goes down as she tries to attack the goat demon. The mayor starts to run over to Rosalin to free her, because he believes she can help us. However, Franz tackles him and stops him.   Angst gets a good blow on the goat demon, followed by a good blow from Jo. QM get's Ash up with a potion. Ash is able to deliver a killing blow. As he dies flies fill up the room blocking all or our site.   Jo helps lure out the flies. QM starts to cough, and he is coughing out flies. His body is starting to decay. Elias runs and gets a doctor to help.   Franz has seen an affliction like this before back when Isolde was originally around. It's a disease that causes poison while you have it. Angst is able to use his Lay On hands paladin ability to remove the disease from QM. The doctor is able to help Private Mark and QM with their wounds.   Private Mark has to get his arm amputated. She gives him a little bit of milk of the poppy to help him relax. Elias has a terrible burn on his leg from the demonic symbol that was in his pocket. It turned fire hot when the demon emerged.   Maggie seems super interested in Angst. He's super oblivious to it. She asks him to call her Magdalene instead of Maggie. It's pretty adorable. As Angst walks away embarrassed QM whispers something to her.   We discuss Eldoria and how it's the Big Lupel of this realm. (The Big Apple). We get a long rest. QM is doing ok, but is developing a fever. The doctor asks Angst to come by and visit Magdalene every once in a while.   Elias discovers the 10GP in his pouch and is able to figure out it was Ash. He throws the money on the ground and storms out after she hugs him and tries to convince him to let her be kind and accept the gift. She put a butterfly clip in his hair.   Just then one of the lady's from the witch coven runs up, but then gets spooked and runs away. Joe takes off after her and chases her to an ally. Ash takes off after them as well. However, Elias is getting beat up by debt collectors. He had run off to try and find the person who stole his coin purse to kill him and get his money back.   At the request of Elias, Joe and Ash only frighten the men away instead of killing them. We offer to help Elias track down the person who took his coin purse.   Elias calls in a favor with a mutual acquaintance of Toadmine's, and find that Toadmine has been arrested. Just before we head out, the witch lady we had been chasing walks in. We grab on to her and escort her back to the barracks. Since we want to keep her separated from Rosalin, we take her to the shed. We learn that she is a new member of the group and she doesn't know much about the plans of these witches.   Meanwhile, Elias tells Toadmine he may be able to get him out of jail, but it's for a favor. He gets the guy's name that stole his purse. His name is Weasel. Taadmine says the money is probably gone because Weasel was at the whorehouse.   Joe runs up to Elias and gets the potion from him so we can use it on Sarah, the witch we captured.   Elias forces the potion down her throat and holds her mouth open. Elias cuts off part of her finger. Their plan is to get everyone to the haunted house so she can kill Blackwood when nobody is there.   She starts to refuse to answer our questions, but as Elias approaches to take another finger, we see she's very high from the potion, finally. We just needed to wait.   She tells us that PIM is how Rosalin has been spying on us. It's a green demon with wings. He's invisible. He's been telepathically giving her information about us.   Angst rushes back to the QM to let him know the plan, and it excites him.   We learn that Sarah joined the cult because her husband is an asshole. They were able to help make him agreeable so she got along with him. Also they have an actual book club and she likes it. Also having people under their sway and summoning demons to do their bidding, and eventually take over the city turning everyone into demons and ruling with Avalora.   Captain Blackwood finds us and we go back to the Barracks and tie Sarah up next to QM who guards her with his sword.   Angst uses Detect Good and Evil and finds that there is a demon creature inside with her, but he does not make it known. Joe grabs a bag of flower and throws it onto Rosalyn and we see the demon run away. Joe kills it with radiant damage, and this reveals Rosalin's true nature.   Corinna walks us back to the shed, and gives us all shovels. She then has us dig a 10 ft hole. We then cover it with grass to hide it, making a pit trap, and we wait for them to come. Ash hides just in case Entangle is needed to trap folks. We camouflage our selves and build a perimeter and prepare for battle.   Night time falls and we are all in position. They start to quietly, but quickly approach and 4 of them fall into the pit trap. 6 other avoid the trap. We easily defeat the other 6 with the help of the city guard.   We then hear the creaking of a window. Angst sees someone crawling through the window where QM is. Angst sneaks up and kills them. We tie up the 4 in the pit. Put them in the jail cell.   Angst finds some parchment with symbols on it on the dead bodies, but it bursts into flame as soon as he picks it up. However, he detects something in the bushes. Angst checks it out and only finds a pile of snow with 2 sets of mastiff paw prints.   Elias finds an 8ft tall mirror IT seems to be a strange portal under some kind of conjuration spell. One would need some kind of key to get through it.   Elias touches the mirror with the unholy symbol of demons. He sees a naked woman made of wood and leaves. As Elias touches the mirror, she grabs his hand and starts to come through. She tries to convince him to join her, but he is able to resist and pulls away from her. She tells us Isoldae is there and gets her for us.   Somehow we lose our reflections and no longer see the barracks behind us. We've somehow gone through the mirror. When we look back, we see the mirror is completely gone, and this is where we end.      

Session Two: "Bread, Faeries, and Maleficarum: A Confectionary Conundrum"

As we are celebrating QM, we come up with a group name. The Thorny Rose   QM walks up to us and as we are talking with him, QM goes on high alert as a mysterious gentleman walks through the door. He's wearing a heavy coat and carrying a staff. Brown hair and a flowing beard. Quite majestic.   Once QM sees him, he relaxes as he recognizes this man. He gives him a big hug. He's shocked to see him. It's an old friend of his named Franz. They talk about Captain Blackwood and talk about how QM think that whatever was going on before is going on again. Franz and he are quite cryptic about   Franz went up against a demon named Icealdae a long time ago. He had been consulted by city watch and were told about a cultist group commiting all kinds of crime and ended up going out and looking for the demon behind the cultists activity. Icealdae was the mastermind behind all of it. The council was taking to long to make a decision on whether they should go seek her out. Captain Blackwood told them to wait, but Morpheus wanted to go. Morpheus was another child hood friend. Morpheus, Franz and QM went into a cave searching for Icealdae. This caused a cave in that killed a lot of people. Icealdae escaped during this time.   This cave in killed the council including some of Blackwood's family. Morpheus, QM, and Franz persuade Icealdae by commondearing a ship. They almost one the fight, but she regained power from the rift in the ocean and won. Morpheus was lost in that fight. We also think that Avalora is actually Icealdae.   We decide to sober up and go back and talk to QM. ON our way, we run into Blacwood and she is happy to see Franz. We learn that the reason she banished QM here, is because of the decisions he made on the day Morpheus died.   We tell Blackwood that we think Icealdae is back. We go to QM and he is already getting dressed to go fight. He insists that only Franz go help, but Franz tries to enlist the rest of us. QM finally gives in.   We learn that there are cultists are hiding in the city. Rosalin was seen selling bread at the time that we supposedly were at the cabin or when she was torturing's Mark.   We learn that Blackwood is consulting with a shady person. Elias heads to Lowtown to ask some of his contacts about Rosalin as he has contacts. Emilia Nightshade is their name. She's supposedly bad news.   Elias talks with a guy missing his ears with letter branded into his forehead. His name is Louis Toadmine The became friends after trying to kill eachother once.   As Dermish and Louis literally compare balls, Elias shakes his head questioning the decisions he made in life. Toadmine leads them upstairs where a 3rd party shouts "Toadstool! He's gonna kill you" He promptly requests them for some tinder and Dermish provides some parchment for this. Toadvine then wads it up and lights it on fire. Elias realizes Toadmine is using them to smoke out someone and have them as muscle. The fire lures the guy inside out. Toadmine tosses him to the ground and demands Elias and Dermish to kick him in the face. Elias, disguised as a beggar participates. Dermish steps bac. Toadmine runs in and steals the guys money and runs out. Dermish gains the nickname "Raisin Balls" in the low areas   The building continues to burn as they all walk away. Because they helped Toadmine, he gives them information about Rosalin. He says "Some say she's a witch" She's been feeding people bread to make them loopy and suggestible. She supposedly makes potions in the back of her bakery. The same potions she puts in the bread.   meanwhile, we learn that Blackwood is on the council now in Eldoria. Emilia is on the council and got it by being corrupt. She backs the criminal underground in Eldoria. A necessary evil that Blackwood hates having to work with. QM had brought up Blackwood knowing Emelia, because she made a rude comment about Elias, and QM said she knew worse.   Ash slight of hands 10gp into Elias's pouch without him knowing.   Rosalin has been captured. Elias comes back and tells us what they learn. We head to the bakery. It is closed. Elias sneaks around back with Dermish and Angst accompany him. It's a 2 story building with a staircase on the outside. As they are creeping, a window opens upstairs and they empty a chamberpot pouring some piss onto Dermish and Elias.   Meanwhile, Jo asks Franz what happened when they encountered icealdae, and we learn he got pulled into the rift, but he doesn't remember what happened after that, but he was on another continent for years. He came back on a boat using a route through the rift that a tiefling instructed him about. However, they were attacked by a giant sea monster and he washed ashore, went over the mountains, and then ended up with us again.   Meanwhile, the coast is clear as we get the cooing sound from Elias. Angst tries to sneak back, but is very loud. A window opens and it's the husband of Rosalin. He is promptly pissed and affter a shouting match, Angst goes back to the front of the house.   Jo and Ash turn into rats and go to the back. of the house. They climb up the stairs and check out the room. There is a guy in bed and a wheelchair. He is trying to sleep. There is no entrance to the downstairs portion of this house. Just the stairs outside. There are no ramps.   Jo and Ash find a hole in the floor and go down stairs and unlock a window and the front door and let everyone in. Jo sniffs out the bread and finds a tin covering some bread. It smells different from the other breads. Elias picks it up and finds it smells delicious. They put it away.   Jo finds a trap door to beneath the floor. There are supplies for baking bread. Fruit and meats and stuff. There is a barrel of liquid with a smell coming from underneath it. As everyone starts investigating the area beneath the barrel. Bael loudl moves the barel. meanwhile Angst hears someone approaching the bakery and sneaks inside and closes the front door. He tries to quietly call out to us, but who ever is approaching starts to unlock the door. Angst sneaks to the back window, exits and closes it.   Whoever is unlocking the door is having trouble figuring out which key it was, but they do get in. It's 3 women. Ash crawls up through a hole and goes outside to see who is in the house. She does not recognize the women.   Meanwhile the group finds that there is a cage of lights in a hole under the barrel. It's "hello" fairies.   The 3 women grab the tin that the bread was in and then grab an apron. They go over to the door and leave. Angst intercepts them pretending that he is on guard duty, and he heard someone breaking in. They tell him that they were checking on Rosalin's husband and try to just leave.   Angst recognizes the women as the local book club of the town.   Ash starts to follow them in rat form leaving little druid symbols on the ground so they can be followed.   Dermish finds out that the bread does have magical properties. There is also a flask of opalescent liquid in a bottle that appears to be magical and it smells like the magical bread. It's extremely sweet and exotic smelling that is fermented.   meanwhile, Ash is following the women, and they find a pale that they throw the apron into. They then cast firebolt on it and watch it burn away. This apron had a missing piece from it. They then say that they are going to kill the QM first and call him a medaling piece of shit. Ash follows them to a house. There seems to be a man that is very angry as one of them says she was just out with the girls. They get into an argument. She walks up to him and says shhhhhhhhh and he starts to calm down a bit. The 3 go inside and they talk about the cult. they talk about getting Rosalin out, because they have plenty of folks vouching for her. They talk about Icealdae. (Isolde)   Meanwhile, the rest of the gang investigate the hello fairies in the cage. Bael gets triggered as the sound they make remind him of the mindflayer incident from a few years ago.   These little faries make them feel very fey like. Similar to the feeling you get when you are next to the statue in the center of town. The group take the potion, the bread, and the fairies from the bakery. When they cover the cage of faeries they quiet down.   Elias takes the faeries to the QM. Everyone finds the trail that Ash left behind and follow it.   Meanwhile, Ash spies on the 3 women. They talk about dealing with the captain of the city watch (Blackwood). They talk about poisoning her. They decide they want to call a meeting tomorrow as they are exhausted. They talk about getting the other ladies together and meeting in their usual place. Luckily one of them couldn't remember where it is, It's the old abandoned house. They argue about it being haunted. They do not mention a time. They decide to go to bed.   Ash meets back up with the group, and they run back towards QM. As we approach the barracks we hear a horrible wailing coming from inside. Mark is tied to the bed shouting obscenities' in Abyssal.   QM and Blackwood had to tie him up so as not to hurt himself or others. Mark has black veins. Ash tries to healing word Mark to no avail. Angst tries to divine smite punch the demon out. We find that something is in his arm and it seems to be the root of this possession. As Angst tries to use his faith to suck out the blackness from his veins, a horrible room smells the room damaging Elias.   Out of Marks veins forms a goat creature. As this creature appears in front of us, we end session.                

Session One: Shadows of Deception- There's demons in town

It's been 6 years and it's the last day of 1082. Mistrasea 30th. Tomorrow will be the first day of the year. Weeks are 10 days long. The weekend falls on the last and 1st 2 days of the week. 1st month of the year is Tempussember   It's the last day of the festival of Lureumar.   We are in the Wyvern's Egg Tavern. They are starting a Guild hall here. Maybe we can join it at some point?   We talk about Elias's past. His mom and he moved here to try and pay for their debts. The crimelords ended up taking Elias as the debt payment, so he now works for them, and pays a local smuggler and does their bidding. Everytime he inquires about when he will be free, they tell him soon. Maybe another 5 years. He never gets a straight answer.   Dermish talks about the time he died. He says he met a devil and an angel before he came back. He must pick a path to determine where he will go after life.   Angst, who does a lot of work in the town and volunteers as a patrol office. Elias uses Angst's knowledge of patrols to schedule his questionable activities.   We see the Quarter Master of Bael and Angst drinking whisky, which is very abnormal for him. It's review time for Quarter Master. He gets reviewed every 5 years. QM did not come here willingly. QM is from Eldoria as well. He's supposed to be able to leave soon, but every review, they tell him 5 more years.   His review was early. He says things went fine, but he seems very down.   A woman walks into the bar. It's the mom of one of the other recruits, Johnathan. He's a friend of Angst. He's a young recruit who often annoys QM, but he means well. (Quarter Master's name is actually- Alestair thorn)   She can't find Johnathan, and is looking for him. He didn't show up for dinner today after training, and this is very abnormal. QM suggests he may be with Corrina Blackwood the captain of the guard. We offer to go look for Johnathan.   We go to the training grounds to see if Johnathan and/or Corrina are there. We find Corina and she is looking for Private Winston Mark (her underling). She says Johnathan and Private Mark were together a little while ago. We learn from Captain Corina that Quarter Master is being reassigned and that Angst should say his good byes. She says that QM is no longer needed here and she is disbanding the unit here.   Corina also tells Angst and all the trainees that she will need their badges by tomorrow.   We all split up to try and find Johnathan. Jo goes to the city square, Dermish tries to go back to Pete's old house while drunk, but Elias stops him. Elias goes to the slums to ask around. Bael heads to the lake. Ash heads off in a random direction and ends up at the town statue. Angst checks other places.   Elias approaches an undesirable and drunkenly threatens to cut a guys throat. The guy laughs at him and asks for money. Elias tries to pick pocket him but fails. However, the guy notices and laughs it off while he takes all of Elias's money. He also tells Elias that he saw Johnathan and Mark walking at the edge of town near the entrance.   Ash at the statue where it seems shrouded in shadows and darkness and runs into a female tiefling with ethereal dogs. Her name is Avelora. She has 6 fingers on each hand and 6 horns on each side of her head. She says she may have seen a couple of youths wandering into the forest where they shouldn't have. She alures to the fact that demons may have taken them. She has a smile that literally spreads from ear to ear. She explains that demons love chaos and are quite unpredictable.   She sees Bael and ask if she is Alestair's adopted son, as he is wearing soldier clothes. Bael denies this. Angst walks up and she says that he MUST be Alestair's adopted son. She's been looking for him. He knew QM back in the day as they were lovers? She says if we survive getting Johnathan back, then we can tell Alestair she said hi.   At that moment Johnathan runs up. He's not with Private Mark. They were accosted by cultists. He tells us where they were. We sense that he is not possessed. There were 3 cultists and they summoned demons. The head of the cultists is a commoner we know named Rosalin. Rosalin runs a bakery and supports her disabled husband and has a hard life, but she's seems very sweet.   We get to the river and find Quartermaster's wagon fallen over. As we run over to the horse and out of nowhere a tiny little creature appears on top of the horse. It's a bunch of quasits. We defeat them, but they do a number on Angst and and Dermish.   We find some foot prints and where it looks like someone was dragged away.   We get to a cabin in the woods. All the windows are boarded up. Elias sneaks in to lead the way while Angst and Bael stay back. Elias sees two very stubby ugly chubby monster demons in the corner and becomes very startled. He exits and decides climbing on top of the roof is better. Angst helps him climb up, but he can't get up to the roof.   We go in and are attacked by manes, a cultist and some abyssal chickens. We take out the cultist before she can alert anyone. Ash is taken out by an abyssal chicken, but thanks to Jo's cure, she was ok and survived.   We are able to defeat the enemies. Elias finds a necklace with a demonic holy sigil on the cultist. Elias uses disguise self to look like the cultist we killed who he recognizes to be 6 finger Aggie from the slums. Her sister owed him money. We found her sister 1 eyes mary in the a pile of cut up body parts.   We search the house and find another room with a treasure chest and other items. Angst takes some damage from a trap on the treasure chest. He also falls into a hole in the floor. We find a couple of bottles of mystery liquid.   We search another room and find that there is someone sleeping inside. Elias walks in while disguised and 2 quasits appear. They seem disinterested. Elias sends them away and as they run out, the rest of us attack them as they run out and we kill them quietly.   Elias slits the throat of the other cultist while they sleep. We continue investigating the building, and we get to a room where we can hear somebody hurt inside. We also find a single window where the wood boarding it up were knocked out. We find a small piece of cloth that looks like it was part of an apron at the window. We think this could be Rosalyn's apron. It's got a blue flower on it indicating so.   Elias, in disguise opens the door where the injured kid is, causing a giant bell to fall and alert the whole place. Luckily we cleared most of this place out.   We find Private Winston Mark in a cell. He's badly hurt. At first Elias's appearance frightens him, but Elias reveals himself, letting him know we are here to save him.   We find sigils used to summon demons where they were using blood sacrifices.   We patch Winston up as best we can. We get him on the hoarse outside and we head back to town. We get to the city gates and see that Captain Corina is standing with the Quarter Master. She runs up to Private Mark. He explains they took QM's horse originally. He explains about the 3 cultist, one of them being Rosalin. There was another person in the cell that they had cut up and they were summoning demons. He heard them praising a demon by the name of Graazit, a six fingered demon. He is a male demon and is a very powerful prince of the abyss.   Captain Corina decides to let the QM stay here since he has people that were willing to sacrifice themselves to help one of her men, and there is a demon issue that needs handling. QM gives Angst a knowing nod of appreciation.   We go to the tavern to celebrate finding Mark and saving QM from leaving, and were invited to join the Guild Hall.   We need to go find Rosalin, and this is where we end.   We need to get Elias 15GP for the guy he needs to pay. We get level 2!

Session Zero Summer Camp years

Chelsea- Jo "joselda" hill dwarf druid Maybe accidentlaly drowned a kid Hill dwarves moved in about 30 years ago. youngest of all her simblings. Spends a lot of time digging in the dirt and exploring underground ruins and staring at the stars because she found a constelation star map in the ground. From Hammerfall   Nash-Dermish Rizi- Tiefling ambitious and charasmatic. feels restricted with parents expectation of him making shoe buckles for an honest living. looking for meaning in life and dream bigger than his town could offer, so he went to summer camp. From Larueamar   Abel- Bael human fighter parents are wealthy because they make a very find light clothing and he wanted friends and not be a part of his family business.   Eric- Elias Hawcleave- human rogue from Eldoria. father is a famous wizar to the extend that the Hawclave name is known for greatness, BUT he left Elias and his mom when he was little. Elias's family owed a lot of money and he became endentured to a crime boss to pay his mom's debts. HE got to summer camp, his mom got him here so they can make a living to pay off the debt.   Noah- Angst- Tiefling- Paladin- abandoned when he was young on the streets. Local quarter master in charge of a scounting school for the military took, him in. He's the errand boy and does what he asks and follows his code, and wants to be like this quarter master and be a proud night or paladin of the kingdom to so show folks tieflings aren't all bad.   Randi- Ash- moon elf (wood elf stats) grows Lupal's in her family garden land From Ithilhithal     some teenagers tricked Jo into gambling her livestock away They went and prayed to the statue of Laruemare Released some bees??? weird guy gave a loaded dice and 50 gold for families harvest   Ash's family is rich and has a grove that is harvested once a year     Year One 11 years old Hearded all the sheep back to the festival and they ran amuck We got punished and had to do a project for the festival Did a shitty performance and were booed off stage   went in the woods and got high   were really good the second time around in the town.   Added mushrooms to potluck soup that everyone ate. The fae got blamed   bullies came back at a river, and grabbed Elias and tried to drown him. Nocked Aongst out. Jo then kicked the bully's ass and drowned him? But he disappeared in the murky water. We saw a snake coming towards everyone and they got out of the water.   Lot's of shared trauma. LOt's of Trauma bonding   WE go to the beach and use giant goats provided by Ash's family to get over the mountains. It's a 2 day arduious journey. We see a giant black rift going through the water between our landmass and the one next to us. Ash tells everyone the black rift formed when the lands were torn asunder and separted. Even though the land mass is so far away, we can see what looks like a tiny tower to us stuck in the beach.   After the beach trip, we go back to the festiva and while exploring, we find a cave. We see a woman who looks very angelic. "hello children" Her name is Milekie. she is stuck in the cave and has lost her friend. She asks for a favor. If we see her friend is a captive somewhere in Rimstone Reach. Her friend is a Unicorn. HEr name is Larue. If we find her to tell her that Milekie is in this cave. She disappears when we look away.   We decide to make this cave a hideout. Pending name "The Leaky Tab" or "The Leaky Faucet"       Year 2 12 years old:   Ash gets an award for an accomplishment and gets a tool. which will give her proficiency with them.   Elias and the rest have a terrible mushroom trip. Elias realizes we are mostly water and freaks up and runs away naked. While tripping, we find that someone is being controlled by a mind flayer, we aren't aware of it though. Elias is lost, so we all go to try and find him. WE get to a path that splits. one side has animals popping their heads up. The other way is a dark and spooky trail. Ash is insistent on going down the dark spooky path. Angst follows along to keep her safe.   Everyone else goes down the animal paths and are approaced by "Hello" fairies.       Ash and Angst find Elias floating in the air with a bunch of little brains crawling on the ground. The group that went to the animal path were lured to a mind flayer by Bael. Bael is being controled by a mind flayer.   Ash and Angst see Elias is being held up by a vine. Angst looks inside of himself and somehow channels fiery strength to break the vine. we save Elias and we head back towards our friends.   Meanwhile Bael....starts to try and feed one of his friends to the mindflayer. As they try to feed on Dermish, Jo is able to channel a ppower of entanglement pulling one of the mindflayers off of him. This cause them to loose concentration on Bael and they all escape.   We meet back up at town. we use the training facilities of the Quarter Master facility since the QM is out of town, and as long as we promise to keep everything clean and keep our shoes off the matts. and we train for a while so we can protect ourselves. However, we decide to take the training weapons to the Leaky Faucet so we can continue training. Angst is very afraid the QM is going to kill him for this.     Later we are stumble upon an injured hag. she ages Dermish to a 17 year old kid (5 years) as a trick. she chases after us, but we get away. WE alert the militia about a hag in the woods and then have to explain what happened to Dermish and why he's older now.     Year 3 13 years old. There is a siren in the middle of the lake with a skull necklace. Ash really wants it and swims out. She is purseued by zombie drowned children. One of them being the bully, Pete from a couple of years ago. In an attempt to disarm the siren, Bael throws a wooden sword at her and accidentally knocks out Ash.   Angst, channels his QM's wisdom and his faith and bond, and creates a barrier against evil around himself so he can swim out to save Ash and Jo. The undead all turn and start swimming away. the siren was actually a hag with green skin. She slinks away in fear of Angst.   The undead release Jo, and she is able to get away having destroyed the zombie Pete.   The group finds a haunted house. Dermish (now the oldest) gets separated from everyone. This is Pete's old house. the boys that hate us, beat up Dermish and brought him to the haunted house. WE find Dermish tied up down stairs. They try to frighten us. However, Pete's ghost shows up and is angry with his friends and scares them away. He lets us go, because Jo freed him from his body with the hag.   We later stumble upon a magical tree that restores Dermish's lifeforce back into him.   Bael's family has a horrible secret that they have hidden.   Elias messes up the festival and gets barred for the next year.   The QM found out that the weapons missing was Angst's fault, and now he is stuck on Latrine duty.     Year 4 14 years old Ash finds a pet rust monster that used to belong to Bael. We learn that the rust monster is used by his family to cheat out competitors by rusting their equipment. They give Ash hush hush money.   We find the remains of a lost prince- Jo finds his remains while exploring in an underground ruins. It's the body of a deep gnome child. He was killed by drow. Jo knows the family as they trade with them, and she made sure his body got back to them safely.   Dermish gets kidnapped by the lost pirates (the bully gang) WE get the authorities involved. The gang kills Dermish when the authorities show up. We take his body to the tree. However, the tree isn't stron enough to raise him. We all pitch in some of our life force. Ash and Jo provide 30 years of their lives. The tree gives 30 years, and the others give him 1 year of their lives. So far he has a life of 114 years.   Jo, gets a preminition while studying the stars. she knows that Pete will return one day and it will start the end of the world.   A seductive marage lures us into a trap and makes everyone choose between Ash and Bael. A and B went missing. The group finds a hags hut. Pete's spirit was there and is laughing at everyone. Pete took 2 of us to get back at our group. He tells them, that about a mile a part there is a rope that will need 4 people to pull up to save a friend. they have to decide which one they are going to save. The the east is Bael, to the west is Ash.   The group decides to make a deal with the hags to try and save both. This upsets Pete. The hag tells Dermish she'll save us, but at a cost. She asks what he likes about himself. He says him ambition and his blue eyes. She says she will save one of the friends at the cost of one of his eyes. Angst then offers up "another Pete" thinking that he can get another corpse for her, but she want one of our group to do that.   Dermish decides to give one of his eyes. Elias says that the witch has to tell us which friend she is saving, and she just laughs.   Dermishh gives up his left eye. She drips a hot liquid into his eye, takes the eye, and sends some ghosts to go save one of the friends.   JO was able to see that they went west, so the group goes east. They are able to save Bael in the nick of time. Ash is saved by the ghost.   We save a kid from a tree surrounded by wolves. the kid's parents offer a favor to Angst to cash in at a time later. He uses it to get a greater inspiration for Dermish's eye.       Ash has a skull necklace


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