Wednesday Session 0 - Lurueamar Nights

General Summary

In the enchanting town of Lurueamar, during the mystical Equinox festival where the veil between the Feywild and the material plane is at its thinnest, a group of 11-year-old friends embark on extraordinary adventures. Let's meet our courageous heroes:   Jothilda Oakenfoot aka "Jo" - A young and spirited Hill Dwarf Druid, Jo comes from a lineage of hill dwarf families who settled in the mountain stronghold of Hammerfall three decades ago. As the youngest among her siblings, Jo possesses an insatiable curiosity. She spends countless hours digging in the earth, exploring underground ruins, and gazing at the stars. Her fascination with the cosmos deepened when she discovered a constellation star map hidden within the soil.   Dermish Rizzy Rizi - An ambitious and charismatic Tiefling, Dermish Rizzy feels stifled by the expectations placed upon him to follow a mundane path, crafting shoe buckles for an honest living. Yearning for a life of greater purpose and adventure, Dermish dreams beyond the boundaries of his small town, Lureamar. He seeks to discover his true calling and leave a mark upon the world.   Bael Ecra - A spirited Human Fighter, Bael comes from a well-to-do family renowned for their exceptional craftsmanship in creating fine light clothing. However, Bael longs for friendships and connections beyond his family's business endeavors. The desire to explore, test his mettle, and forge his own destiny drives him to seek thrilling adventures outside the confines of his comfortable existence.   Elias Hoccleve - A resourceful Human Rogue hailing from the illustrious city of ELDORIA, Elias Hoccleve's father was once a famous wizard, bringing great prestige to the Hawcleave name. However, tragedy struck when Elias's father abandoned him and his mother at a tender age. The weight of his family's overwhelming debts led Elias down a treacherous path, becoming indebted to a crime boss. Now in Lurueamar, Elias strives to make a living to repay his mother's debts and reclaim his family's honor.   Angst Oblation - A determined and righteous Tiefling Paladin, Angst experienced abandonment in his early years, left to fend for himself on the unforgiving streets. His fortune changed when a local quarter master overseeing a scouting school for the military took him under his wing. Angst acts as the loyal errand boy, devotedly carrying out his mentor's commands. With an unwavering desire to prove that Tieflings are not defined by prejudice, Angst aspires to become a proud knight or paladin, upholding honor and justice in the kingdom.   Ash Shadowthorn - A gentle and nature-loving Moon Elf, Ash's roots lie in the serene village of Ithilhithal. Her family orchard holds a special place in her heart, as it is home to the enchanting Luples. Ash tends to these magical plants, nurturing them with care and love. Her connection with nature and her deep respect for the cycles of life make her an empathetic and compassionate soul. Ash is currently on a mission to find a cure to a mysterious illness that has afflicted her mentor and friend Elysia.   As fate intertwines their paths during the Equinox festival in Lurue, these young heroes embark on a journey that will test their courage, forge unbreakable bonds of friendship, and uncover their true potential. Together, they will navigate the wonders and perils of the world, leaving an indelible mark on the tapestry of their extraordinary lives.  

Year 1: Trauma Bonding


Day 1: Ba, Ba, Bees

  The first day of their remarkable adventure dawned upon our group of intrepid young heroes. The mischievous act of some conniving teenagers had caused Jo, the spirited Hill Dwarf Druid, to lose her parents' hard-earned 20 sheep in a rigged dice game. Determined to right this wrong, Jo shared her plight with the rest of the group, and together, they resolved to reclaim the sheep.   Seeking guidance and solace, they made their way to the statue of Laruemare, the revered figure that watched over the town of Lurue. Little did they know that behind the statue, a man named Liam Rhexx awaited, his toothpick poised as he regaled them with captivating tales. Liam's words transported their imaginations to the wondrous city of ELDORIA, where dreams and wonders abounded.   In the midst of the storytelling, Jo mustered the courage to ask Liam about the fateful dice. To their astonishment, Liam revealed that he indeed possessed the very dice used in the rigged game. In a gesture of goodwill, he handed them over to Jo, igniting a glimmer of hope in their hearts.   With loaded dice in their possession, the young heroes concocted a daring plan to gamble back their cherished sheep. Should luck elude them, they had "Plan Bee" as their daring backup plan—a sack teeming with buzzing bees. Confronted with the challenge of lacking funds, Liam, with his generous spirit, entrusted Ash, the gentle Moon Elf, with a bag of gold meant for the feywild fruit harvest known as Luples. It was a weighty responsibility, as the gold represented the year's payment for the harvest.   Unfazed by the consequences, Ash resolved to use the gold for a high-stakes double-or-nothing gamble, hoping to reclaim their lost sheep. Their journey led them to a gang hangout, where two teenage boys stood guard. Undeterred by their intimidating presence, our young heroes gained entry, and Jo confidently declared her intent to use the loaded dice.   Pete, the gang's leader, seemingly agreed, but his true intentions lay hidden beneath a facade of cooperation. With a feigned sneeze, he cunningly tossed the dice out of the window, attempting to sabotage their endeavor. However, in that pivotal moment, Jo's decisive words rang out, and she unleashed the swarm of bees from the sack—a hail of buzzing chaos that disrupted the scene.   Amidst the chaos, the group swiftly reclaimed the sheep and made their triumphant return to the village. Yet, their actions inadvertently disrupted the Festival of Penninor, an event meant to celebrate the veil between the Feywild and the material plane thinning. The villagers, understandably perturbed by the ruckus caused by the sheep, insisted that the young heroes make amends.   Their punishment took the form of a performance scheduled for the next day—an opportunity to showcase their talents and redeem themselves in the eyes of the community. Little did they know that this moment would set the stage for further challenges, strengthening their bonds and shaping their destinies as they ventured forth into the unknown. What awaited them on the following day? Only time would reveal the answers as our brave heroes prepared to take the stage.  

Day 2: The Faltering Performance

  Anticipation filled the air as our young heroes took to the stage, determined to make amends for the chaos caused by the sheep. However, their dreams of redemption were shattered as their performance turned into a calamity. The villagers, disappointed by their lackluster display, unleashed a chorus of boos, effectively shattering their confidence. It seemed that their efforts to win back favor had faltered, leaving them disheartened and uncertain of their next steps.  

Day 3: Mystical Musings and Second Chances

  Seeking solace from their recent failure, the group ventured into the enchanted woods surrounding Lurue. There, they stumbled upon a cluster of peculiar mushrooms, their vibrant colors and intoxicating aroma tempting their curiosity. Succumbing to their adventurous spirits, they partook in the mystical fungi, unknowingly setting in motion a chain of events that would alter their perception of reality.   Under the influence of the mushrooms, the world around them transformed, painting vivid and fantastical images in their minds. Laughter and joy filled their hearts as they embraced the whimsical experience, reveling in the surreal beauty of their altered senses. Returning from their woodland escapade, they decided to take another shot at performing, driven by newfound determination and a sense of camaraderie.   This time, their efforts were met with resounding success. Their act on the town's stage captivated the audience, who had previously dismissed them. Applause and cheers replaced the jeers of the previous day, fueling their spirits and reinforcing their belief in their abilities. Unbeknownst to everyone, the secret ingredient in the potluck soup they shared with the villagers was none other than the same mushrooms that had granted them their extraordinary experience. The thinning of the veil between the Feywild and the material plane during the festival provided the perfect cover, leaving the villagers convinced that their visions were simply a result of the magical convergence.  

Day 4: Confronting Bullies and a Harrowing Rescue

  As the sun cast its warm glow upon the town, the tranquility of the day was shattered by the return of familiar bullies. Pete and his accomplices sought revenge for the bees and the humiliation they had suffered. Spotting Elias, they launched a brutal assault, attempting to drown him in the river. The situation escalated rapidly, with Dermish and the others joining the fray to protect their friend.   In the midst of the chaos, Angst, the valiant Tiefling Paladin, fell victim to a blow to the head, losing consciousness and plummeting into the unforgiving waters. Elias, determined to save his fallen comrade, braved the depths despite his inability to swim. Desperation filled the air as Elias struggled to keep Angst afloat, gasping for breath himself. Just as hope seemed to slip away, Bael, the courageous human fighter, leaped into action, diving into the water to rescue Angst from the clutches of danger.   Meanwhile, Jo and the others managed to save Elias from a watery grave, their combined efforts combating the bullies. Angst, revived from the brink of peril, delivered a final blow to Pete, rendering him unconscious. The other boys, seized by fear, fled the scene, leaving Pete to face the consequences of his actions. Jo, fueled by righteous anger, pushed Pete into the water, watching as the bubbles gradually ceased.   With their adversary vanquished and the immediate threat eliminated, they searched for Angst. However, the presence of a menacing snake forced them to abandon their pursuit. Reluctantly, they left the waterside, carrying with them a mix of relief and unresolved emotions. The events of the day would undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on their young souls, shaping their future interactions and decisions.  

Day 5: Journey to the Beach and Mystical Encounters

  Eager to embark on a new adventure, our young heroes set their sights on the beach. With the assistance of Ash's family and their magnificent giant goats, they braved a two-day arduous journey through the treacherous mountain terrain. As they reached the shoreline, a breathtaking sight awaited them.   Stretching across the water, a massive black rift divided their landmass from the neighboring one. Ash, ever knowledgeable about the mystical aspects of their world, explained that this rift was a consequence of the lands being torn asunder and separated long ago. Despite the vast distance, they could make out a minuscule tower-like structure on the distant beach, piquing their curiosity and igniting their sense of adventure.   After their beach excursion, the group returned to the festival, their exploratory spirits still aflame. While delving into the nooks and crannies of the festive grounds, they stumbled upon a hidden cave. Inside, they encountered a woman of ethereal beauty, radiating an angelic aura. "Hello, children," she greeted them with a gentle voice. Her name was Mielikki, and she revealed that she had lost her dear friend, a unicorn named Lurue. Mielikki implored them for a favor—to keep an eye out for Lurue and inform her that Mielikki was searching for her. Just as mysteriously as she appeared, Mielikki vanished from their sight whenever they glanced away.   Feeling a deep connection to the enigmatic encounter, our heroes decided to transform the cave into their secret hideout, aptly dubbing it "The Leaky Faucet." It became their sanctuary, a place where they could gather, plan, and nurture their growing bond as a team. Little did they know that this hideout would serve as a crucial hub for their future endeavors.   Excitement and intrigue filled their hearts as they contemplated the mysteries that lay ahead, united by their shared purpose and the friendship forged in the face of adversity. The journey was only beginning, and with each passing day, their destinies intertwined with the threads of fate, propelling them further into a world brimming with wonder and peril.  

Year 2: Trials and Trepidations


Day 1: The Mushroom Trip and the Mind Flayer

  The day took an unexpected turn when Elias and the rest of the group experienced a harrowing mushroom trip. Elias, realizing the body's high water content, became overwhelmed with existential dread and fled into the wilderness, disrobed and disoriented. Concerned for their friend's safety, the remaining members set out on a search to find Elias. Along their journey, they encountered a forked path—a cheerful trail with curious animals popping their heads up and a dark, foreboding path. While the majority chose the animal-filled path, Ash's intuition drew her towards the ominous one, with Angst faithfully accompanying her for protection.   Meanwhile, the group on the animal path unwittingly encountered tiny fairies who led them straight into the clutches of a sinister mind flayer, unknowingly manipulated by Bael, who had fallen under the creature's sway. In the depths of the dark path, Ash and Angst stumbled upon a shocking sight—Elias suspended in mid-air, surrounded by a swarm of tiny brains crawling on the ground. Acting swiftly, Angst tapped into an inner reserve of fiery strength, breaking the vine that held Elias captive. Together, they hurried back toward their friends.   In a horrifying turn of events, Bael, under the influence of the mind flayer, attempted to sacrifice one of their own to the insidious creature. Dermish found himself targeted, but Jo's quick thinking and mastery of entanglement magic disrupted the mind flayer's hold on Bael, allowing the group to break free from its clutches. Escaping the mind flayer's lair, they returned to town, their hearts filled with relief and a renewed sense of vigilance.  

Day 2: Training and Secrets

  Reuniting within the safety of the town, our heroes sought to fortify themselves against future threats. They gained permission from Angst to utilize the training facilities at the Quarter Master's establishment while he was away, on the condition that they maintained cleanliness and removed their shoes before stepping on the mats. They dedicated themselves to rigorous training, honing their skills and abilities to better protect one another. Unbeknownst to the Quarter Master, they discreetly took training weapons back to their hidden sanctuary, The Leaky Faucet, ensuring their ongoing practice and growth. Angst, harboring a deep fear of retribution from the Quarter Master, remained apprehensive about their actions.  

Day 3: Encounter with a Hag

  Fate threw another twisted encounter their way as they stumbled upon an injured hag. Deceptively pretending to be in need, the hag swiftly aged Dermish, stealing away five years of his youth in a malevolent act. Fleeing from the hag's clutches, our heroes managed to escape her vengeful pursuit. Determined to protect others from the hag's wickedness, they alerted the town's militia to the presence of this dangerous creature in the woods. However, this act also forced them to confront the militia about Dermish's sudden aging, a perplexing situation that required explanation and understanding.   The trials and trepidations faced by our young heroes tested their resilience, compassion, and quick thinking. Each challenge fueled their determination to grow stronger, protect one another, and seek justice in a world fraught with darkness and danger. As they pressed forward, bound by friendship and a shared sense of purpose, they remained prepared to face whatever perils lay ahead on their winding path.  

Year 3: Haunting Encounters and Revelations


Day 1: Siren's Call and Undead Pursuit

  As our heroes entered their thirteenth year, they faced a new and perilous encounter at the lake. A siren, adorned with a skull necklace, lured Ash's attention, captivating her desire to possess it. Undeterred by the potential dangers, Ash bravely swam towards the siren, only to be pursued by a horde of zombie drowned children, including the bully Pete from years ago. In a moment of unintended consequence, Bael's attempt to disarm the siren resulted in a wooden sword accidentally striking Ash, rendering her unconscious.   Drawing strength from his bond with the Quarter Master and his unwavering faith, Angst channeled his abilities to create a protective barrier against evil. With his newfound power, he fearlessly swam out to rescue Ash and Jo, causing the undead horde to turn and swim away. It was revealed that the siren was, in fact, a hag with green skin, who retreated in fear of Angst's formidable presence. The undead released Jo, allowing her to escape after vanquishing the zombified Pete.  

Day 2: Pete's Haunted House

  During their journey, the group stumbled upon a haunted house, which turned out to be Pete's former residence. Dermish, now the oldest among them, became separated from the rest and was ambushed by the boys who harbored resentment towards their group. They subjected Dermish to a frightful ordeal, using the haunted house as a backdrop to instill fear. However, their plans took an unexpected turn when the ghost of Pete himself materialized and turned on his former friends, scaring them away. Recognizing Jo's role in freeing him from his undead state, Pete allowed them to leave unharmed, granting them a reprieve from the haunting.  

Day 3: The Restorative Tree

  Continuing their journey, our heroes chanced upon a mystical tree with the power to restore Dermish's life force, reversing the aging effects inflicted upon him by the hag. This fortuitous encounter brought hope and rejuvenation to Dermish, renewing his spirit and reuniting him with his youthful vitality.  

Day 4: Bael's Hidden Family Secret

  In an unexpected twist, Bael's family harbored a dark secret that had remained concealed until now. The group stumbled upon the revelation, unearthing a hidden truth that held weighty implications for Bael and his family. The full extent and consequences of this secret remained to be discovered, casting a shadow over their already tumultuous journey.  

Day 5: Elias's Festival Mishap

  Elias, in a moment of misjudgment or unfortunate circumstances, committed an act that resulted in his exclusion from the festival for the following year. The specifics of Elias's mishap remained to be fully revealed, but the consequences of his actions became a heavy burden for him to bear, as the festival held great significance for their community.  

Day 6: Angst's Consequence and Latrine Duty

  As the truth unraveled, the Quarter Master discovered that the missing weapons were a result of Angst's actions, leading to a grave consequence. Angst found himself assigned to latrine duty as punishment for his mistake, bearing the weight of his error while also contending with the expectations and discipline of his superior.   Year 3 proved to be a year of haunting encounters, inner revelations, and the repercussions of actions taken. Each challenge pushed our young heroes further down the path of maturity and self-discovery, as they confronted the darkness lurking within themselves and the world around them. The journey was fraught with dangers and consequences, testing their resilience and determination, while also unveiling hidden truths and secrets that threatened to alter the course of their adventure.    

Year 4: Unveiling Secrets, Sacrifices, and Unpredictable Alliances


Day 1: The Rust Monster and Family Secrets

  Ash stumbles upon a pet rust monster that once belonged to Bael's family. Unbeknownst to her, the rust monster was used by Bael's family to gain an unfair advantage by rusting their competitors' equipment. In a hushed agreement, Bael's family provides Ash with money to keep their secret under wraps.  

Day 2: The Lost Prince and Familiar Tragedy

  During their exploration of underground ruins, Jo discovers the remains of a lost prince—a deep gnome child who fell victim to the cruelty of the drow. With a personal connection to the prince's family through trade, Jo ensures that the young gnome's remains are returned safely to his grieving kin.  

Day 3: Kidnapping, Sacrifice, and Renewed Life

  Dermish falls victim to a kidnapping by the notorious pirate gang, including the former bullies. The group swiftly involves the authorities, but tragedy strikes as the gang kills Dermish in the presence of law enforcement. Determined not to let their friend's death be in vain, they bring Dermish's body to the restorative tree. However, the tree alone is unable to revive him fully. Through a selfless act of sacrifice, each member of the group contributes a portion of their life force to restore Dermish, with Ash and Jo offering thirty years each. The combined efforts grant Dermish a renewed life with a total of 114 years.  

Day 4: A Dire Premonition

  Jo, while studying the stars, receives a chilling premonition that foretells the return of Pete, the bully from their past, and its catastrophic consequences that may initiate the end of the world. The weight of this knowledge weighs heavily on Jo's shoulders as the group becomes aware of the impending doom.  

Day 5: Deception, Choices, and Sacrificial Bargains

  The group falls into a seductive mirage that ensnares them in a trap, forcing them to choose between saving Ash or Bael. Ash and Bael mysteriously disappear, leading the rest of the group to discover a hag's hut. Pete's spirit taunts them from within, revealing that he orchestrated the abduction as revenge against their group. Pete presents a dilemma, informing them of a rope a mile apart that requires four people to pull up and save a friend. To the east lies Bael, while to the west is Ash. The group decides to strike a deal with the hag, hoping to save both friends. This infuriates Pete.   The hag presents Dermish with a choice, asking what he values most about himself. Dermish, valuing his ambition and his blue eyes, agrees to sacrifice one of his eyes to save a friend. Angst offers "another Pete" as a substitute, thinking they could provide another corpse for the hag. However, the hag insists that one of their group must fulfill the role. Dermish ultimately decides to give up his left eye, but demands to know which friend the hag will save—a question that only receives a sinister laugh in response.   The group splits, with Jo using her powers of sight to determine the direction the ghosts took. They manage to save Bael just in time, while Ash is rescued by a ghost. The harrowing experience leaves a lasting impact on their group dynamic.  

Day 6: Favors and Inspiration

  In an act of gratitude, the parents of a child saved from a tree surrounded by wolves offer Angst a favor to be redeemed in the future. Angst chooses to use this favor to acquire greater restoration for Dermish's eye, seeking a means to enhance their friend's sight and ensure his well-being.

Original Notes

        Session Zero Summer Camp years by Asharene Shadowthorn Chelsea- Jo "joselda" hill dwarf druid Maybe accidentlaly drowned a kid Hill dwarves moved in about 30 years ago. youngest of all her simblings. Spends a lot of time digging in the dirt and exploring underground ruins and staring at the stars because she found a constelation star map in the ground. From Hammerfall   Nash-Dermish Rizi- Tiefling ambitious and charasmatic. feels restricted with parents expectation of him making shoe buckles for an honest living. looking for meaning in life and dream bigger than his town could offer, so he went to summer camp. From Larueamar   Abel- Bael human fighter parents are wealthy because they make a very find light clothing and he wanted friends and not be a part of his family business.   Eric- Elias Hawcleave- human rogue from Eldoria. father is a famous wizar to the extend that the Hawclave name is known for greatness, BUT he left Elias and his mom when he was little. Elias's family owed a lot of money and he became endentured to a crime boss to pay his mom's debts. HE got to summer camp, his mom got him here so they can make a living to pay off the debt.   Noah- Angst- Tiefling- Paladin- abandoned when he was young on the streets. Local quarter master in charge of a scounting school for the military took, him in. He's the errand boy and does what he asks and follows his code, and wants to be like this quarter master and be a proud night or paladin of the kingdom to so show folks tieflings aren't all bad.   Randi- Ash- moon elf (wood elf stats) grows Lupal's in her family garden land From Ithilhithal     some teenagers tricked Jo into gambling her livestock away They went and prayed to the statue of Laruemare Released some bees??? weird guy gave a loaded dice and 50 gold for families harvest   Ash's family is rich and has a grove that is harvested once a year     Year One 11 years old Hearded all the sheep back to the festival and they ran amuck We got punished and had to do a project for the festival Did a shitty performance and were booed off stage   went in the woods and got high   were really good the second time around in the town.   Added mushrooms to potluck soup that everyone ate. The fae got blamed   bullies came back at a river, and grabbed Elias and tried to drown him. Nocked Aongst out. Jo then kicked the bully's ass and drowned him? But he disappeared in the murky water. We saw a snake coming towards everyone and they got out of the water.   Lot's of shared trauma. LOt's of Trauma bonding   WE go to the beach and use giant goats provided by Ash's family to get over the mountains. It's a 2 day arduious journey. We see a giant black rift going through the water between our landmass and the one next to us. Ash tells everyone the black rift formed when the lands were torn asunder and separted. Even though the land mass is so far away, we can see what looks like a tiny tower to us stuck in the beach.   After the beach trip, we go back to the festiva and while exploring, we find a cave. We see a woman who looks very angelic. "hello children" Her name is Milekie. she is stuck in the cave and has lost her friend. She asks for a favor. If we see her friend is a captive somewhere in Rimstone Reach. Her friend is a Unicorn. HEr name is Larue. If we find her to tell her that Milekie is in this cave. She disappears when we look away.   We decide to make this cave a hideout. Pending name "The Leaky Tab" or "The Leaky Faucet"       Year 2 12 years old:   Ash gets an award for an accomplishment and gets a tool. which will give her proficiency with them.   Elias and the rest have a terrible mushroom trip. Elias realizes we are mostly water and freaks up and runs away naked. While tripping, we find that someone is being controlled by a mind flayer, we aren't aware of it though. Elias is lost, so we all go to try and find him. WE get to a path that splits. one side has animals popping their heads up. The other way is a dark and spooky trail. Ash is insistent on going down the dark spooky path. Angst follows along to keep her safe.   Everyone else goes down the animal paths and are approaced by "Hello" fairies.       Ash and Angst find Elias floating in the air with a bunch of little brains crawling on the ground. The group that went to the animal path were lured to a mind flayer by Bael. Bael is being controled by a mind flayer.   Ash and Angst see Elias is being held up by a vine. Angst looks inside of himself and somehow channels fiery strength to break the vine. we save Elias and we head back towards our friends.   Meanwhile Bael....starts to try and feed one of his friends to the mindflayer. As they try to feed on Dermish, Jo is able to channel a ppower of entanglement pulling one of the mindflayers off of him. This cause them to loose concentration on Bael and they all escape.   We meet back up at town. we use the training facilities of the Quarter Master facility since the QM is out of town, and as long as we promise to keep everything clean and keep our shoes off the matts. and we train for a while so we can protect ourselves. However, we decide to take the training weapons to the Leaky Faucet so we can continue training. Angst is very afraid the QM is going to kill him for this.     Later we are stumble upon an injured hag. she ages Dermish to a 17 year old kid (5 years) as a trick. she chases after us, but we get away. WE alert the militia about a hag in the woods and then have to explain what happened to Dermish and why he's older now.     Year 3 13 years old. There is a siren in the middle of the lake with a skull necklace. Ash really wants it and swims out. She is purseued by zombie drowned children. One of them being the bully, Pete from a couple of years ago. In an attempt to disarm the siren, Bael throws a wooden sword at her and accidentally knocks out Ash.   Angst, channels his QM's wisdom and his faith and bond, and creates a barrier against evil around himself so he can swim out to save Ash and Jo. The undead all turn and start swimming away. the siren was actually a hag with green skin. She slinks away in fear of Angst.   The undead release Jo, and she is able to get away having destroyed the zombie Pete.   The group finds a haunted house. Dermish (now the oldest) gets separated from everyone. This is Pete's old house. the boys that hate us, beat up Dermish and brought him to the haunted house. WE find Dermish tied up down stairs. They try to frighten us. However, Pete's ghost shows up and is angry with his friends and scares them away. He lets us go, because Jo freed him from his body with the hag.   We later stumble upon a magical tree that restores Dermish's lifeforce back into him.   Bael's family has a horrible secret that they have hidden.   Elias messes up the festival and gets barred for the next year.   The QM found out that the weapons missing was Angst's fault, and now he is stuck on Latrine duty.     Year 4 14 years old Ash finds a pet rust monster that used to belong to Bael. We learn that the rust monster is used by his family to cheat out competitors by rusting their equipment. They give Ash hush hush money.   We find the remains of a lost prince- Jo finds his remains while exploring in an underground ruins. It's the body of a deep gnome child. He was killed by drow. Jo knows the family as they trade with them, and she made sure his body got back to them safely.   Dermish gets kidnapped by the lost pirates (the bully gang) WE get the authorities involved. The gang kills Dermish when the authorities show up. We take his body to the tree. However, the tree isn't stron enough to raise him. We all pitch in some of our life force. Ash and Jo provide 30 years of their lives. The tree gives 30 years, and the others give him 1 year of their lives. So far he has a life of 114 years.   Jo, gets a preminition while studying the stars. she knows that Pete will return one day and it will start the end of the world.   A seductive marage lures us into a trap and makes everyone choose between Ash and Bael. A and B went missing. The group finds a hags hut. Pete's spirit was there and is laughing at everyone. Pete took 2 of us to get back at our group. He tells them, that about a mile a part there is a rope that will need 4 people to pull up to save a friend. they have to decide which one they are going to save. The the east is Bael, to the west is Ash.   The group decides to make a deal with the hags to try and save both. This upsets Pete. The hag tells Dermish she'll save us, but at a cost. She asks what he likes about himself. He says him ambition and his blue eyes. She says she will save one of the friends at the cost of one of his eyes. Angst then offers up "another Pete" thinking that he can get another corpse for her, but she want one of our group to do that.   Dermish decides to give one of his eyes. Elias says that the witch has to tell us which friend she is saving, and she just laughs.   Dermishh gives up his left eye. She drips a hot liquid into his eye, takes the eye, and sends some ghosts to go save one of the friends.   JO was able to see that they went west, so the group goes east. They are able to save Bael in the nick of time. Ash is saved by the ghost.   We save a kid from a tree surrounded by wolves. the kid's parents offer a favor to Angst to cash in at a time later. He uses it to get a greater inspiration for Dermish's eye.       Ash has a skull necklace


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