Fugue Plane

The Fugue Plane is a neutral plane within the Astral Sea where the souls of mortals are drawn when they died. The vast majority of this plane is flat, gray, bland and nondescript, with no notable topographical features. The sky overhead is also gray. The plane's only significant feature is the City of Judgment, in the middle of which stands the Crystal Spire where Kelemvor and Jergal resided, and it serves as the former's dominion. There were three typical methods of getting to the Fugue Plane: as a divine servant collecting a deity's future petitioners, through non-permanent portals from the Nine Hells or the Abyss, or through death. One could also enter the Fugue Plane using a gate in the temple of Myrkul in an unknown location. There were reports that this plane also connected with the Shadowfell.


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