House Draxen

House Draxen is the second House of Nexerith and none are more fearsome than their unscrupulous assassins. First and formost House Draxen values independance. While other houses rely on temporary alliances House Draxen relys only on themselves, well and the demons they draw there power from. It is said that the males of House Draxen drink the blood of a demon and it gives them great powers.
Matron Drilith Draxen Draxen rules with an iron fist, demanding unwavering loyalty from her subjects. House Draxen maintains a tenous relationship with other houses at best, preferring to keep to themselves and avoid entanglements in the politics of the Underdark. They are located in the central region of the Underdark, near the volcanic depths of the Infernal Rift Rift.


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