Drilith Draxen

Matron Drilith Draxen Draxen rules with an iron fist, demanding unwavering loyalty from her subjects. It is said that she helps maintain the strength of House Draxen by making an unspeakable sacrifice to Pazuzu at the edge of the Infernal Rift. Drilith does not take on a consort like most other matrons do, instead she copulates with any drow males she chooses.   It is said that she takes mates that outside the race of drow. She is always scantily clad wearing metal bras and thongs adorned with sheer black silk that billows down from her waist and from her choker.   She is quite sudductive in her manners and enjoys torture, when one would fail her or cross her, a twinkle of excitement flashes in her as knowning she will soon have the pleasure of torturing the poor soul.

Matron Drilith Draxen rules with an iron fist, demanding unwavering loyalty from her subjects.

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