House Myrlochar

The Sixth house of Zennanon'lazobrine, House Myrlochar is comprised mainly of female drow. Male drow are locked in Myrlochar Hold from the time they can walk. Myrlochar Hold is holding place for male drow of House Myrlochar until they die or leave to become a breeder.   House Myrlochar feels that they are stronger for eliminating the weeker race. The priests of the house are highly skilled in offensive magics derived directly from Lolth herself. Their fighters and archers are all female drow. Matron Myrissa Myrlochar is a formidable priestest who commands the respect of her house through her mastery of magic. House Myrlochar maintains a neutral stance towards other houses, preferring to focus on refining themselves rather than involve themselves in petty politics. They are located in the central-eastern region of the Underdark, near the crystalline caverns of the Shimmering Depths. The Shimmering Depths are home to Giant Wasps which the house has learned how to domesticate and ride.

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