Lyra Spectralsong

Lyra Spectralsong

Lyra Spectralsong, a mesmerizing High Elf bard, graces the realms with her enchanting melodies, breathed to life through the ethereal notes of her beloved panpipes. Hailing from the elvish settlement of Calimbar, Lyra's musical prowess is deeply rooted in the harmonious traditions of her mother's family.   Her mother, Elara, a graceful and mysterious half-elf, instilled in Lyra a deep love for music and the delicate nuances of melody. Together, they nurtured Lyra's innate connection with the mystical powers of sound, honing her abilities on the sacred panpipes passed down through generations. The haunting melodies that emanate from her instrument echo the whispers of the forest and the celestial symphonies of the elves. Her father strongly disapproved of this path as it was an embarrassment for him as he holds a very high position on the council of elves in Calembar. Because of Elora's nature, being a half elf, she was looked down upon greatly in Calembar and moved away to the nearby town of Beaumar. Lyra travels between both places, but spends most of her time with her mother.   Undeterred by the disapproval that veiled her familial ties, Lyra honed her skills with great passion, exploring the ancient melodies and forgotten harmonies that resonated deep within her elven soul.   Lyra also has a strange knack for understanding complex contracts and making deals. She sometimes has strange dreams that feel like memories when she is meditating. These dreams often times take place in the 9 hells of Baator. She doesn't understand why she has the dreams and visions, but she doesn't mind them as they fascinate her.   With her panpipes as her trusted companion, she has began an adventure beyond the protective embrace of Calimbar, embarking on a journey of self-discovery, musical exploration, and the eternal search for her place in a world that yearned to silence her melodic voice. Accompanied with her is her best friend Faenore and companions, Tempest, Leland, and Callun. What lies in store for Lyra's future? Only time will tell.   She just hopes that it's the opportunity to make the world a little kinder and more beautiful.   Lyra is best known for a poem she wrote about a dream she had about the 9 hells. It's called "Asmodeus's Golden Arse"

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lyra is a smaller petite young elf. She has a bit of a lanky appearance. She's very small, but fairly muscular for being so little.

Facial Features

Lyra has very long ears. Her eyes are also different colors. The right one is green and the left one is brown. Her nose is very narrow and slightly pointed. She walks around with a dreamy look on her face.

Identifying Characteristics

Lyra has bright auburn red hair that's long and wispy. Her different colored eyes make it easy to identify her.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lyra was born to a high elf father and half elf mother. Her father wanted Lyra to grow up to hone in on her elvish roots and traditions, but Lyra was more fascinated by the arts and music of her mother's side of the family. She loves to sing, write poetry and dance. She plays the pan flute which her grandmother gave her as a gift before she died. It is Lyra's most cherished possession.   Her father disapproves greatly of this, and when she visits him, he is quick to let her know what a disappointment she is to the family. This does not deter Lyra, as she is optimistic that her dad just can't see the beauty in things as he's just very busy with "important political matters" so she is quite understanding, although deep down, her feelings are hurt and she wants her father to accept her.   Lyra's parents are hiding a secret from her. When Lyra was very young, she found an artifact that her parents took from her. This artifact has brought her family great fortune, but it will be at the cost of half of her mother's lifespan. Lyra is unaware of this.   Lyra sometimes has dreams or memories when she is meditating. She remembers being in a place called Baator. She sees these memories from the perspective of a devil there. She isn't sure why she has the visions and dreams. She is able to speak and read infernal, and will sometimes start speaking this language without realizing it. She doesn't understand why this happens. It can be frightening to those that don't recognize the language.   Lyra's hobbies consist of singing and writing poems and music, playing her panflute, dancing, cooking, reading, and daydreaming. She's a hopeless romantic at heart, and just sees the world as beautiful and fascinating. Even when it's scary and bad, she tries to see the good in it.   Her best friend is another high elf from Calembar. His name is Faenore. She also hangs out with a dwarf leland and his water genasi brother Tempest. They've recently made friends with a woodelf named Callun.   Lyra is excited to see what adventure waits this group and can't wait to make the world a better place and make her father proud.


Lyra has had much education in the history of her people and Calembar. When she would stay with her father, he would have her tutored by the most intellectual elders of their city.   When she stayed with her mother, she would learn in the arts of writing, music and dancing.


She once worked for the local scroll company called "The Elvaan Herald".
  She would write poetry pieces mostly. Her most famous piece is called "Asmodeus's Golden Arse" and was inspired by a dream she had about the 9 hells.
  Asmodeu's Golden Arse
In the Nine Hells, where darkness dwells,
Lies Asmodeus, a devil of tales.
With schemes so grand, his mind so sly,
He plots and plans with an evil eye.

But let me share a little jest,
About his arse, quite unimpressed.
For you see, it gleams so bright,
Like golden treasure in the night.

Asmodeus, the lord so feared,
With a rear end that's quite revered.
His foes may quake and minions cower,
But his golden behind steals the hour.

He struts around with pride so bold,
His posterior, worth more than gold.
His subjects bow, their eyes aglow,
Asmodeus' arse, a sight to behold.

Morality & Philosophy

Lyra believes that real art comes from honesty and from within your true soul.   She believes that everything has glimmers of beauty and goodness, even if it's not obvious at first site.   She values all life, but understands that death is a part of life. She'd rather things live out the full cycle of life and die naturally, but if something must die due to un natural causes, she views it with great sadness and reverence.

Personality Characteristics


Lyra just wants to make the world a better place and help people see the beauty that they might otherwise miss.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

She's quick to create beautiful words and has a story for almost any situation.   However, she's can be a little spacy, and naive thus making her a bit unreliable at times.

Likes & Dislikes

Lyra loves playing the pan flute and writing poetry She loves cooking and learning about nature She tries to eat a diet that mostly consists of fruits and vegetables, as she doesn't like the fact that something has to die to be eaten. However, under the circumstance she does have to eat meat, she eats it with great reverence and understanding at the cost of her doing so.

Vices & Personality flaws

Due to Lyra's naivety and how easily distracted she can become, she can sometimes be a bit unreliable to her friends. she doesn't mean to be, but that's just the truth of it.


Hygiene is important to Lyra. she carries soap with her and uses prestidigitation often to clean herself and others as needed.


Contacts & Relations

Father- Lord Arandur Celeborian Mother- Elara Spectralsong   Has contacts in calmbar as her father is on the council there

Religious Views

Corellon Larethian is the leader of the elven pantheon, and the god of Magic, Music, Arts, Crafts, Poetry, and Warfare.   Corellon is the creator and preserver of the elven race, and governs those things held in the highest esteem among elves

Social Aptitude

Lyra is incredibly charasmatic and usually well liked. She's typically very good in social situations and always tries to play the role of peace keeper when possible.


she's very cheerful and happy. she has a good attitude and just wants to make her friends happy.

Wealth & Financial state

Lyra's father comes from great wealth and high status. Her mother is a half elf who comes from a family who makes their way by performing and singing. They don't have much money, but live a happy life.

Lyra is a lover of music and art. She sees beauty wherever she goes and just wants to make the world a better place. She's got a weird knack for understanding contracts and making deals.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Current Residence
Right eye green and Left eye is brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair skin
5ft 7in
Known Languages
Common, Elvan, Infernal

Session 43: A giant plan with a colorful distraction

It is CorellonEmber the 20th at around 9am.   We are talking to Aezlebov and he and Tempest have a confusing conversation about the weave. Faenor shows him the diamond half that we have. Aezlebov studies it and casts some spells on it.   We tell him about Pisou and ALL of Pisous plan. Azezlebov says if we can ge the rest of the shards, it might be able to absorb residual energies for the rift and sew the rift closed.   The shards would need to be in 2 halves for this though.   We discuss going back to Galvania to use the plinth to locate the other shards. Aezlebov is able to use the diamond to create a location spell to tell us where the remaining shards are. Lights point out on the map. He also creates a rod that can lead us to the shards once there so long as a spell slot if used.   There is one in New Galvania, Eldoria, and Lureamar. Dustera asks if we need to get to Lureamar. She says, her butler Lucian just visited and could fly us all there on Dinklewing. What the hell is a Dinklewing? She takes us out back to meet Lucian. He's a tiefling. He talks about Ash and how he doesn't like her.   She offers to escort us and then come back on her own. We would have to drink shrink potions to ride on Dinklewing.   We make the journey and get to the other side.   It's Corellonember the 21st around 9am. Dinklewing needs to rest   We find a place to rest. We're high in the mountains, and surrounded by clouds. Some of the cloud pieces are heavy fragments that we can step on. Faenor determines the may be a cloud giant palace. Tempest is like, "I'm totally gonna go check this shit out" and we all end up going with him.   We travel across a bridge and a cloud giant with two hill giants are on another bridge close by. He sends hawk because he thinks he hears something from where we are. Tempest casts a fog spell over us to give us cover, and we are able to hide. We try to convince Tempest that this is such a bad idea. The hill giants were decorated in beautiful jewels and armor.   Lufere is kind of on board now with pursuing them.   After a lot of arguing, it is decided that we will continue on.   we get into an open area and hide behind some busts as a couple of giants come down stairs   Tempest gets caught. The jig is up and the cloud giant asks us all to come out. He's actually very courteous. His name is Galong. Lyra ends up writing a haiku for him that she sells for a 300gp diamond.   We say our good byes. The cloud city floats up and away. We get back to Dinklewing and continue on our journey. We get to Ithilhithnal and land right outside the Shadowthorne mansion.   We meet a lot of the Shadowthorne family here. They are a strange lot. Dustera doesn't seem to really like any of them. A plant named Rupert tries to eat Leland, because it's grumpy due to a rash. Faenor heals the rash, and Rupert feels better.   We get some sleep. Dustera tells us that when we are done with Lureamar she will open the moon portal to Eldoria for us.   It is CorellonEmber the 23rd   We travel for about 8 hours to Lureamar. it's now roughly 5pm   WE use the rod to see if we can find the shard, and the rod is pointing east now. This means the shard is on the move. As we stop to rest 4 hours later, we find that the rod is pointing back at the city.   We decide to take a rest and try to figure it out in the morning. Leland falls asleep during his watch. When Faenor gets up from his trance, he finds that Leleand is gone. Very close to his bedroll is a mushroom circle. Well, shit.   We go after him. When we get there, we don't see Leland, but we see a pretty lady in the lake named Valera. She's looking for her friend, the color red. she says she will help us find Leland if we help her find red.   Meanwhile, Leland is lost in a sunflower field. He accidentally stepped on a sunflower and broke it. He props it back up and grafts it back together. It's pretty cute. Leland eventually leaves the field and looks for tracks. He sees a woman who is made of wood and naked up ahead. Her name is Greta. She ends up charming the shit out of him and he decides to try and stay and protect her tree.   Meanwhile, we are looking for red. Lufere flies up to look for Azure to see if Azure has seen red anywhere.   WE meet a satyr and the color verdant. They tell us we need to walk in circles to get where we are going.   We meet a pseudo dragon with a scorpion tail named Benedict. He knows where the sunflowers are, but doesn't tell us. WE get to a pond and talk to Azure. He kind of says mean things about red. We find out that Red wanted to feel the wind and go for a swim. We notice a little red frog jump in the water. It's the first red we've seen.   Lufere turns into a Quipper and swims towards the little frog. REd comes up and talks to us. We convince red that it's one of the best colors and that Valera is looking for her, because right now, everything is dull and boring.   Valera gives us scarf that turns to butterflies to help us find Leland. We each get a butterfly a different color of the rainbow.   We make our way to Leland and find that he can't leave the dryad he is with. We convince her to let him go and we will try to get her first love Dermish back from hell if we can.   The butterflies open up a portal to get us back to our camp. This is where we end.   On our way to Lureamar to find the original shard that keeps moving.     It's CorellonEmber the 24th.                                  

Session 42: A family reunion for Faenor and a working Moon Well

It is CorellonEmber the 19th at around 9am.   We are in Seg Raven about to head down to the mines. its gonna be about a day before they get us the records from the blue dragon parlay.   The miners give us some shit about going in, because it's to dangerous, but we're like, "We accept the risks" and head in. We get to a shine of Selune with a large pool of water. There are spider webs everywhere accept on the shrine. It seems to be some kind of moon pool. It looks like webs had been torn away leading to the pool.   WE find a pile of 10 giant spiders and a pile of 10 cocooned bodies. This seems to be where the cocoons were when we scryed them. Someone has already worked bringing them. They all have wounds through the heart as if someone stabbed them through the chest. We find the half orc husband of the agoraphobic tiefling. He is deceased.   Lyra casts Speak with Dead, and learns that these guys were killed after they were rescued by a group of elves. The elves didn't want anyone to know they were here. They discussed possibly letting them go, but eventually decided to kill them instead.   Lyra and Faenor find a lock of blonde hair. The elves were wearing heavy or medium armor. It likely isn't moon elves because moon elves wear light armor.   Lyra is able to scry the lock of hair. It's Drefor. Faemor and Lyra actually know him. He trained with Faenor as a paladin together. We see him walking and he's rifling through some equipment bags. He's in some kind of war camp. There are a bunch of elves everywhere. These are NOT magic breakers, but they are all paladins. He's rifling through a bag in a room. there is a map of Seg Raven. He pulls out some red beads. Takes a deep breath and starts to walk. They are now in a forest, and he's walking towards a moon pool. He then walks out of the moon pool by us.   He is startled to see Faenor. As he approaches all happy, Lyra stops him, afraid that he might hurt Faenor. Drefor realizes that we are not on the same mission as he is. He then pulls Faenor to the side to talk. Apparently they are here on orders from Pisou. Faenor convinces Drefor to tell him what's goin on. They have orders to secure the position here. They are bringing an army into Seg Raven. There are terrorists in Seg Raven that want to destroy the high elf region. they need to deal with it. He brought the necklace of fireballs here to destroy all evidence in the cave.   Faenor persuades him not to burn everything down. He says he can take Faenor to talk with the captain. and his dad who is at the other moon pool.   Lyra and Faenor decide to go talk to her dad and bring Lufere disguised as a spider If things go south, Lufere will come back to this moon pool to let people know what is going on and get information to Galadrian.   Leland creates grave markers for each of the deceased and has Tempest and Hazel set them up strategically just in case things go south.   Lyra, Faenor and Lufere go through the moon pool. When we get to the other side Drefor tells us that Pisou and the moon elves are in an alliance, and that is how they are able to use the moon pool.   As we walk through camp, we hear whispers about Faenor being with a devil and how that is sacrilegious. We get to a large tent with a throne where Pisou is sitting. He's going through paperwork and discussing this.   Faenor it like "Hi dad" and it's very happy reunion for the both of them. Pisou looks at Lyra and tells her he will have one of his priests help her with her condition.   Faenor and Pisou sit over food to get caught up on what is going on while Lyra is taken away.   Pisou has met with Adenazelians and is happy they are here, because he believes they are what the humans need as they will bring order to the humans. He knows Vesta, but has not met Light. He's heard things from Thandius that Light may seem to be a little bit erratic, and they are hoping for order. Probably not a good fit.   Faenor asks Pisou if he is trying to erect a barrier over the continent. Pisou admits he went to see Azelbohv and he is not in a good way and won't be able to stop the rift for much longer.   Pisou worries that Galadrian's heart is not in the right place. He was sent on the mission and he went missing. Pisou is now the central ruler of all of Energanad. The council fully supports him. Pisou says he's just trying to save the world the only way he knows how.   Faenor tell him that he will be destroying the world, and he gets a talking down to from his dad, because hes' not as experienced as his dad.   He throws the ring he found at the temple where he slept with that goddess. Pisou tells Faenor that this ring is part of his heritage and that he should keep it. It was his mother's ring. Faenor's mom is Elestre? HOLY SHIT!   Faenor tries to convince Pisou that he spoke to Corellon and that he told us that the world would be destroyed and that Corellon told him that Pisou had fallen. He accuses Pisou of taking Corellon's name in vain in an angry fashion.   Pisou starts to blame Lyra's condition on Faenor telling him he has lost HIS way.   Pisou tells Faenor it's time he comes back home with him, because he needs time to clear his head, and Lyra can stay with them.   Pisou sends Faenor to the chapel to go pray to corellon and sends him away with guards who have to make sure he prays for at least 3 hours before he is seen again.   Meanwhile, the priests are trying to restore Lyra without success. She says it's ok, and she'd like to get back to Faenor. However, they won't let her leave.   Meanwhile, Hazel is helping Tempest and Leland set up their spiders. When they were finished Hazel is like, "I'm bored. Let's go into the pool" She's convinced she can successfully pretend to be an elf.   Meanwhile, Lyra and Faenore are trapped and separated by guards.   Lufere goes back to the pool to tell the others what he knows. Hazel crushes him as she sees him crawl out. Leland and Tempest are really proud of their spider hanging above the pool. They continue to wait for Faenor and Lyra.   Meanwhile, Pisou goes to see Lyra. Pisou wants to see her dad, Galadrian. Lyra tells Pisou that the last time she saw him, it was in Galvania and Vesta had attacked him. Lyra tries to convince Pisou not to follow through with his plan, and at very least delay it. She tries to tell him about the black diamond and how if it is restored THAT is what will destroy Azelbohv's ability to hold the rift at bay.   Pisou says he's going to keep Lyra there, and will delay his mission if seh stays without trouble, in an attempt to get Galadrian there. He then escorts her to Faenor.   While walking, they see a giant spider bouncing in and out of the moon pool. Guards to go to check it out. One pokes it's head in and sees Leland ready to strike. THe elf asks if he's gonna hit him, and Leland's like, maybe not? The elf leaves .   Meanwhile Faenor tries to pray to Elistre for guidance since that's his mom. He sees a spider with a moon shape on it's back, but that's all he gets.   All of a sudden 10 elves with swords drawn walk through the moon pool in the cave. It seems they want to talk to Leland and Tempest and Lufere. They all get out of the water, and the elves slowly fan out around them. The captain asks who they are, and Lufere asks where Faenor and Lyra went. This elves are like, "We are here to collect you" for Lyra and Faenor.   Hazel accidently gives up the jig that Tempest is the orc, by calling him by name. Tempest is like, I'm not going anywhere with you. HE then casts stone wall around the pool so they can't leave. However, one of the elves dispel it. After a lot of arguing about who put the spider there they all agree to go with the elves.   everyone is now reunited, Except Lufere. Lufere had turned into an animal, so they end up going back to look for him.   Word gets out that the orc with us is Tempest. We tell Pisou his name is mac, and he casts zone of truth to confirm. they determine that he is/was Tempest   Pisou offers Tempest a full pardon to show everyone that we can trust him. Pisou suggests we go speak to Azelbohv. They have a moon pool they can take to get to him.   Tomorrow we will go see him. Lyra sends a message to her dad (see notes below)   Lufere goes back to the moon pool so the guards can find him to bring him to us.   While we are resting that night, Faenore goes to his father to tell him he has become enlightened and now wants to help him.   Faenor learns that they have not actually discussed his ideas to Azelbohv and he wants to keep it secret. Faenore asks about why Vesta would want to take the black diamond to the Fae Wild.   Even if it works, Pisou admits that he plans to cast the mithal no matter what. If they find a different solution for the rift, that is fine, but he doesn't trust lesser races anymore.   Pisou is still bitter that many elves died in the Runeforge wars over magic. He thinks humans and other races shouldn't have access to magic.   They have promised Adenizealeans that they will be able to keep their magic. This is a lie   Pisou believes he and his people will be able to get into the northern part of the world that has been locked away. He wants Faenor to sort out who is working against them, and find out who is on their side. Go undercover, gain the trust of people and find out. He believes a whole organization has formed to oppose him.   Faenor tells Pisou about Xantoine Jr. and Woe.   He also learns we are in Sadh Nanuial right now. Pisou gives Faenor a sending stone so they can stay in communication. Pisou wants to send Faenor in the place of Galadrian and give Faenor his station. He knows that Galadrian is old and has the moons in his eyes. His time is short.   Pisou also wants to get rid of the council totally and be the ruler of ALL the elves. He says it's his Corellon given right.   It's about 5pm the 19th of CorellonEmber.   Faenor gets back. Leland asks for privacy and the guards are like "We are ordered to protect Lyra" Faenor gets them to wait outside as he can protect me in here.   We decide to get some sleep and go see Azelebov tomorrow and then at a later time go see him on our own.   We rest and Pisou asks Faenor a favor the next day. He's got a lead on the traitor so he needs to be here. He tells Faenor to speak with Azelebov, but not to reveal the actual plans. Faenor agrees to this. We are escorted to the moon pool.   We go through the pool and see a farmer pulling some weeds out of a small garden. He's having a really hard time digging something up. We start helping him dig up the weeds. He says Azelebov is not here right now. He claims to live here with him though along with Dustera.   We figure out that it's actually Azelebov. We tell him about the shards. We tell him about Zozth and how he wants us to kill him. We tell him the shards being returned to the Fey Wild may reverse the rift. He does some math for a long while, and says that with the proper incantations, that could actually work.   He would need to find some information from an ancient civilization that has been gone for a very long time. The civilization of Ur. Only they would have what he is looking for. He can't leave here, so we would have to do it.   We end here. sitting and asking Azelebov questions. Are we going to tell him about Pisou's plan to hoard magic for himself no matter what? and tell him that if Pisou is successful before the rift is closed, then he will destroy the whole world?   It is CorellonEmber the 20th at around 9am.                      

Session 41: Escaping an ancient civilization. Rescuing Miners in Seg Raven.

It is Ravenqueensea the 30th. Roughly 9pm.   Lithil had just attempted to dispel the magic of one of the crystals and The grey elf stops her. He tells us that letting them out would be a mistake.   The grey elf then free Drogus, and she falls out of the crystal as a naked lady. We are very confused, because Drogus was a giant insect creature the last time. Apparently that's what happens if she gets too far away from the moon here.   This grey elf's name is Zim. we demand he release our friends. He says it's a bad idea, but he complies. They fall out of their crystals, naked and without any of their stuff.   Zim tells us about his city and says it was destroyed long ago. His city had survivors and slowly but surely were unable to produce children. Zim is the last alive. He's been here for 1000s of years. His life is sustained by the moon crystal. If he leaves then he dies.   Any elf, human or dwarf exposed to this moon crystal will turn to a monster if they try to leave. Lufere ets Zim to take him to the library so he can do some research on this place. Lyra stays back with Faenor and Leland.   Hazel and Tempest make their way to the entrance to see if they will be safe leaving.   Zim shows Lufere videos of kpop dancing elves. He understands them saying something like "they grabbed the tablets. AO said he would never let us put our hands on them, we would never let go, as above, so below. yeah 5th circle 6th circle 7th circle and so on until they get to 12th.   Lufere tells Zim to go back to the others and try to show them around the city so he can stay back and "study" Zim agrees. Lufere is really just excited to confiscate all of the shiny gems. As soon as Zim is gone, Lufere pulls up a bunch of light cables/crystals that start to hum and vibrate to a higher and higher pitch. then they dim out. Now he's kind of stuck in the library.   He grabs another gem and it causes him to see his entire life in a moment. It feels like a lucky crystal to him. He pulls it and there is a fiber optic cable attached that breaks.   Meanwhile....hazel arrives back to the entrance. She puts her hand through the shadow outside of the crystal moon light. Her hand looks normal.   As they start to walk out, Hazel started to turn into something else immediately. Tempest grabs her and pulls her back to safety.   They get back and let us all know. Meanwhile, Lufere is destroying the library unknowingly destroying all of their data. Lyra tries to decipher how to use a control panel here. She actually starts to trace out the cables and map everything so she can understand how everything works.   Tempest tries to decipher some of the data that hasnt been destroyed, but Zim doesn't seem to know how anything works around here.   He grabs a crystal and thinks about how to not turn into a bug when he leaves. He sees a humanoid in the crystal who kind of knows how to do this. He now has the knowledge.   He tells Zim and Zim makes him swear to secrecy. Tempest is like "yeahhhh. I won't tell anyone" sike.   Tempest tells Lyra we need a second glowing power crystal to get out of here safely. He flies up to the moon crystals to try and break some off.   He needs to melt it down. he is going to open a portal to the plane of fire. Lufere is able to successfully melt down a huge crystal in the plane of fire and put it in his bag of holding. little did anyone know, this kills Zim. As soon as the crystal is destroyed, Zim poofs away because he was so old.   Everyone else that is human, elf or dwarf turn into monsters. It takes about 15 days, but Tempest, Remish, Dura, Lyra and Lufere are able to catch everyone and inject them to cure them   It's CorellonEmber 17th like 1pm   Everyone that wasn't monsters get punished with ailments. Lufere needs a Greater Restoration to fix his limp now and moves slower. Lyra has a minor scar on her face now that Faenore caused when she was trying to save him.   Anuway, we finally get out of this cave after a couple of weeks. Drogus and all her friends are saved now.   We find that there are chimpanzees all over this island. Lyra is like, yeah, I'm not sleeping on this island to fix our boat if there are a bunch of chimpanzees on it.   Lufere talks to them and they lead him to their king in the temple. there is a an armored monkey with a crown sitting on a throne up there. Lufere offers him good berries and explains he just wanted to meet the strongest of them. The monkey king gives Lufere a seed and tells him to eat it and for the rest of the day he will be able to have a great advantage over his foes.   HE also tells Lufere of a bridge that goes over to the crescent isle of Chelonia that only he knows how to get to it. Turns out this monkey king is a god. Lufere comes back to get the rest of us and we head back up to the temple.   Turns out the temple is an abandoned temple of Poseidon. Actually the bridge is gone now. I guess it's deprecated now? I' don't really know.   Tempest talks about wanting to rebuild this 75 mile long bridge. The monkey king says it's fine. It's overrun by Tortles anyway.   We all end up using Lyra's folding boat to leave the island since we've already lost so much time. Tempest insists on sailing the whole way through with no rest. We arrive straight to Seg Raven. We find a place to sleep and get some rest.   It is correlonember the 19th 7am   We meet the mayor of this city during breakfast. His name is Alaron.   Alaron wants us to look into an issue with miners disappearing in a mine.   He takes us to meet the wife of a half orc that recently disappeared to see if we can scry him. WE go meet his wife. She's an agoraphobic tiefling.   We scry her husband and see that he is in a cacoon hanging from the ceiling. surrounded by several other cocoons. Lufere notices that htere is something abnormal about these cocoons. Tempest is able to tell that there is something demonic about these cocoons. Like maybe related to Lolth. These could be driders or someting.   This started 2 weeks ago. A blue dragon came to town to parlay. This dragon came to speak on behalf of Xantoine Jr. Alaron offers to get us the record for this. In the meantime we'll go check out the miners situation.   This is where we end.   It is CorellonEmber the 19th at around 9am.                        

Session 40: Attacked by a Kraken and ancient civilizations discovered

It's Ravenqueensea the 29th 9am   WE are getting ready to depart on the ship Vesta gave us. The plan is get Galadrian and the others close to Seg Raven, then we will go around it.   Vest reads some yaro sticks for us saying It will not bode well for us.   She decides to want to go with us.   We detect that she has a path she wants to see come to fruition, and her helping us would ensure our success, or so she believes. We discuss what we want to do. It seems if we do not let her come with us, we cannot have the boat.   After like an hour of discussion and Vesta and Lyra throwing yarrow sticks and reading tarot cards, We all finally decide to let her come with us. Leland was completely against it and stood his ground on it the whole time.   Yole, Galadrian, Remish, Dura, and Lithil all decide she can travel with us.   Actually, Yole decides he's not going to be going with us, because Tempest and he get into family drama. Leland is like, "you dad, you have another son. You can't leave. " Yole is like, I'm not getting on a boat with that she witch, referring to Hazel.   As Lyra tries to talk him into coming with us, Leland throws a paralysis jelly fish in his face and paralyzes him. They force him on the boat. I'm not sure this is going to go well at all.   We promptly set sail and a minute later Mr. Magnus wakes up, and BOY is he pissed. Leland and Yole get into a pretty heated argument. Lyra is able to help calm things down a bit and Yole agrees to go, BUT Leland MUST treat him with respect. They hug it out in an uncomfortable way.   We continue heading towards Seg Raven.   We sail until the next morning   It is Ravenqueensea the 30th. 7am. Corellonember is the next month.   As we are travelling we encounter what we believe may be to be a Leviathan. Our boat starts to take crazy damage as a whirlpool starts to spin around us. Lufere summons a bunch of owls and most of us mount up. Tempest jumps into the water though to see what is going on.   He learns it's actually a Kraken. As everyone else is flying away on their owls, Tempest casts Banish on the kraken. It doesn't work. The Kraken attacks Tempest but critically fails both hits, missing. It's beautiful Brad fashioned luck.   Hazel leaps into the water to search for her love, Tempest.   Faenore tries using the wand of wonder, but it resists the effect.   Tempest then talks to it to reason with it. The Kraken asks to speak with Vesta to Parlay with.   It comes to the surface. Apparently the kraken is upset because the boat came into it's territory. The Kraken agrees to let everyone go if Vest goes back to tell the rest of them to no longer interfere in this area. WE are able to leave with our very damaged boat taking on water. We dock the boat on an island we happen to be near by.   While we are trying to figure out how to repair our boat, a paleosaurus approaches us looking for some fish. Faenore helps attract fish for it to eat, while we gather materials to repair the boat.   We find a cave to sleep in, but there is a strange carved crystal pulsating a color in there. Faenore remembers his dad telling him something about this once. There were stories of basically these crystals that contained an immense amount of arcane energy utilized by ancient civilizations. NObody has ever seen one. Only heard stories about it.   Vesta finds some prints that look like Mezaloth prints. They are human sized insect creatures. They are foot soldiers in the Ugaloth army. Violence and reward are their fundamental drives. If they are promised Violence or reward, they can be recruited. This creature is most certainly near by.   Meanwhile, Faenore wonders if we can use the crystal to power a moonpool. He gives it to Lufere, who is actually obsessed gems and will be difficult to part with it.   Lithil shouts out in abyssal at the mezaloth. We hear back what sounds like a whimper. Lithil asks if it's hurt and we all hear in common "I don't understand" His name is Drogus.   He is saying we have his gem, and he needs it back. He needs to enter the city again to find his friends. The underground city.   We ask him to come out and it is a mezzoloth....a very timid mezzoloth who looks terrified. He says he and his friends went down into the cave to find shelter, and they lost their minds. He thinks he is losing his own mind.   Lyra escorts Drogus out of the cave to get some fresh air and he is afraid of the moon. He thinks it's some kind of crystal moon like in the city. It is guarded by constructs. Drogus says a single elf lives in the city, and now his friends. The elf has grey skin and black hair.   there is a tunnel n the cave that goes underground. You get to a great gate that requires the crystal to open the door. He says he doesn't remember how he got here nor his life before.   He says he dropped the crystal a few minutes ago when he heard us and we startled him.   Faenor casts LEsser Restoration on Drogus. He is able to see that Drogus needs to be close to some kind of magical aura to remember things. As soon as he is away from whatever aura it is, he can't remember.   We ask Vesta to divine this elf, and she sees someone who is angry and lonely. He seems like he is ancient. Older than any elf should be.   Lyra tries to scry this mysterious elf, and succeeds, but just sees a mist and can't see past it. SOmething is blocking the detection. We suspect it's some kind of mythal.   We decide to go check out the gate. It's a couple of hours away. There is ancient sylvan text on the wall.   Lufere tells us that it's a recounting of a story where the gods erased the world through a flood. There was a magical war. There were very high level spells higher than 9th level that were used against each other. The gods destroyed the world and humanoids had to rebuild everything from scratch. This is supposedly a city that was beginning to try and rebuild the same kind of city with the same technologies and magic from that time.   Drogus tells us he found this crystal inside this city. They were hiding from the constructs, and his friends ended up losing their minds and attacking him. He ran and with the crystal was able to open the gate and escape.   He now wants to try and save his friends if possible.   Lufere casts dispel magic on the gate which dissipates the magic now. We use a crowbar to try and pry the door up as it seems to slide up. However, the door is impossibly heavy and big to open this way.   Dura and Leland are able to smash out a hole to walk through.   On the other side is a huge city with intricately designed stone building and bridges. The city seems to have multiple levels and layers. Underneath is a beautiful blue clear crystal lake. At the top center there is a cluster of crystals shining down a light over the city.   AT that time, a bolo comes flying out at Drogus. Lyra goes to push him out of the way, and succeeds, but Faenore sees that Lyra is going to be hit, so he intercepts the bolo with his sword and it causes him to disappear in a poof of sparkles.   The construct goes to throw another bolo and Lufere casts heat metal on it, causing the construct to die and not throw the bolo.   Tempest banishes Drogus causing Lyra to immediately attack him because Faenore now just died for no reason. She misses, and Leland grabs her holding her back. Tempest points out that Lyra still has her bracer on, so it must meant that Faenor is ok.   Lyra tries to scry Faenor. It succeeds, but it's just smoke. she can't see anything.   She carves out on her bracer "you ok" but doesn't immediately get a response. She starts to walk towards the center of the city.   We are spotted by 2 constructs. Leland is able to pull them off their towers with Eldrich blast, but they are able to throw a total of 3 bolos. Leland as well as Drogus disappears.   We make it to the center of the tower that is locked with a gem slot. Lufere dispels the magic and LEland and Tempest smash it open.   Inside we see crystal pod type things with vague shape s inside. There are 3 shapes. We determine that these are likely our friends.   Lithil goes to dispel the magic of this crystal and a grey elf with long black hair approaches and says "No! Don't do that"   this is where we end.   It is Ravenqueensea the 30th. Roughly 9pm.            

Session 39: Shards, Betrayal, and the Choice of Fate

It's Ravenqueensea the 28th roughly 12pm   We decide to move to inside the cavern to short rest and are promptly greeted by Vesta.   We decide to just ask her if we can have Yole, like instead of fighting, can we just have him? or make a bargain. She says she'd love to, BUT he'd just come back anyway.   She then asks us about the shards that we have collected. She speaks of Azelbohve holding the world in balance and how the elves are trying to rebalance it in their own way.   Vesta tells Leland and Tempest they were at the Runeforge when they were very very little. This does spark a memory for Tempest of his dad bringing him to the entrance when they were little.   Lufere is like, why is Yole here and why is he refusing to not be here.   Vesta says "he's like any other dwarf, and wants to take it all on himself" He wants to take on the rift himself???   Vesta actually agrees to release Yole to us, but we have to try and keep him from coming back. While we all talk over each other and ask questions, Faenore prays and is able to heal us all a bit.   Vesta tells us that as things are now, the elves will be successful in casting the mithal, and the rift will still tear the whole world asunder anyway. Everyone will die.   Also, the shards being brought together is making things worse and making it difficult for Azelbohv to hold the rift at bay. Vesta seems to believe taking the shards to the feywild could possibly stop things???   We ask why she's here. She says, we would come in, destroy the castle, destroy many of her men, and walk out with Yole anyway. If she just gives us Yole, it will stop the murder or her men.   She says, when the Queen of Air and Darkness threw down her diamond, she intended to destroy the whole material plane. BUT the diamond split causing some destruction. Making the shards whole again will complete her original goal.   Feynore asks if throwing it in the Far Realm would resolve the issue. Vesta believes that a powerful entity there would likely get it. The Queen of Air and Darkness would get it back somehow.   Faynor asks if maybe we should draw the last card from the Deck of Many Things. Vesta throws her yaro sticks down and says that htis could work, but whoever draws that card would be lost.   Vesta offers to take us up to get Yole. We walk by a Hydra with 3 heads of women's faces. They seem to think we are food, but Vesta says that we are not for them.   We continue on and she takes us to Yole. Tempest and Leland find him passed out. He seems to be poisoned. She tells us that he is important to how things play out.   At some point in the future, Vesta will bring us to Adenazeal, she says.   Anyway Vesta kind of flirts with Leland, and it's kind of cute and lets us go.   While going back to the village, Yole wakes up. He's like, we gotta go back to the Castle. There is a plinth there, that is setup to be able to find the stones. He is looking for the stones so they can't be found and be reassembled.   I guess Yole and Galadrian, Dura, and Remish were seeking them out years ago. Yole wants to get back to Galadrian, and we are like, he's back in town. We walk in and see Dura and Remish there. I guess Yole, Dura, Remish and Galadrian were the ones who officially sealed the forge a long time ago. I guess Drizzt is here too.   So they are all looking for the shards. Remish should know that we already have 3 of them. Lufere pulls him to the side and is like, maybe we shouldn't let them know about the shards right now.   Turns out Galadrian kind of already suspects we have some of the shards.   WE learn that his bias to Lyra is what really caused him to lose his station. As Lyra and Galadrian argue about choices made, Lyra states that her and her friends do make a really good team, and that her capabilities come from their help. As Lyra looks at Faenor in that moment, her heart skips a beat. Everything starts to swirl around her and she collapses. Faenor catches her.   Lyra is now in a place called Arvandor. It's a very beautiful place surrounded by deep woods. It feels a lot like home. This is where, when elves die, they come back too. She confronts Corellon about things, and Corellon basically tells Lyra that her turning into a devil is fully self imposed. I guess she made a deal in another life with Corellon. She was a devil and wanted to become an elf. Corellon was like, I can do this for you, and Lyra is like, in return, I'll give you my heart. So when Lyra gave Faenore her heart, she somewhere deep inside feels that she betrayed Corellon and is turning into a devil.   Corellon tells Lyra she is a chosen one and if there is ever a situation where she is in desperate need, whether directly from him or another god/goddess, he will be there for me. Lyra gets one time to call on his help.   Lyra wakes up and tells everyone what happened. She looks at Galadrian and notices he has a half moon shape at the top of his cornea which is an indication that he is nearing the end of his life.   Galadrian basically gets it out of Lyra that we have some of the shards. Yole is like, my sons would hide this from me? and he's a bit hurt by it. Yole kind of gets insulting towards Tempest, and Hazel steps in and cuts his beard off. Now the whole room is completely quite and nobody know how to react.   We discuss maybe unlocking the gate of the snowy area and maybe set a trap or something to try and stop him?   As we discuss this, Tempests mentions having no issue killing his father if he had too. This upsets Yole.   Lufere has a good idea to possibly have Lyra use her one ask to Corellon to talk to Pisou telling him that his plan will destroy the whole world.   We don't know if this is a good idea. We think to definitely head north for sure.   We decide to ask Vesta for a boat to take up the coast to the north.   Galadrian is like, I think we should take the shard to the feywild, and get it back to the Queen of Air and Darkness? We are a bit confused by this. She had only tossed it down because she was being attacked by Serule and Lerue? Wait, so who are the good guys? I guess a guy sname Graz'zt was manipulating things as well as the Goddess Shar, as well as Zozth involved, all trying to get what they wanted. He doesn't know why they were fighting, but Serule and Larue were trying to trap her, and she threw the diamond at that time.   That night, Faenor prays to Serule to find out what the fight was about. She tells Faenor that The Queen of Air and Darkness wanted to change the feywilds so the gloaming court would be over the seelie court. While fighting her they lost. The Queen of Air and Darkness was corrupted by the diamond which was initially meant for the Summer queen. Faenor asks if there is some way to purify the diamond. Serule had never considered this, but if there is a way, then it could restore the Queen of Air and Darkness.   Serule says that bringing the shard back to the feywild could start to repair the material world and possibly close the rift??   Faenor and Serule discuss Corellon. Faenor is pretty mad at him and things are about the same between them. Serule offers to take Faenor to Corellon and he accepts.   They go to Arvendar. Faenore confronts Corellon about if Lyra is one of his chosen, then why does she look the way she does. He tells Faenor that Lyra is punishing herself. Faenor is like, bullshit. Corellon is like, gifts aren't meant to be kept, but just enjoyed and appreciated for what they are and for as long as you have it, but if it goes, that is ok too. Remember it. Don't possess it. or try to hold it. Like a nice breeze that comes along your way. You can't hold onto it, but you can appreciate it and remember it.   It's an interesting conversation. Faenor feels a bit gaslit in a similar way that Lyra did.   Corellon tells Faenor that Lyra was ALWAYS a devil, but was an elf because corellon allowed it. He didn't require her heart at all. She can return to being an elf as soon as she decides too. It's up to her.   They then talk about Faenor's dad. Pisou. They drink opalescent liquid in a wine glass. Faenor asks about his father's intentions, trying to understand what is motivating him.   they then talk about not resisting change and just going along with things? change is death or something, but faenor is like if I don't resist this change, it actually will lead to death...this makes no sense.   Corellon is like you hold onto your plane as if it is his possession. Just let it go.....hahahaha.   Pisou has followers whom he brings to Corellon. His endeavors are his own. Corellon says that Pisou does not love him nor care about him, and is out for himself. None the less, he does bring followers to Corellon.   Pisou does what he does for himself and nobody else.   Faenor is like, is there any way to save Aezelbov, and he's like if he dies, he'll be ok. He'll reincarnate. and Faenor is like, yeah, but he's holding the rift in place so it doesn't spread. Corellon is like, maybe there is another way to stop the rift. Maybe you shouldn't be so so resistant to change. hahahaha   Faenor leaves him with more questions than answers. Corellon ends with him admitting he is not happy with Pisou. But he knows that in time, Pisou will learn and Corellon will not take action against him.   They end their conversation on decent terms. Corellon happier than Faenor, but it was good none the less.   We all wakeup.   It's Ravenqueensea the 29th 7am.   Faenor tells us of his conversation and as long as Lyra looks the way she does, she and corellon will not be good. She says that Corellon and Serule both think the shards should go back to the feywild to allow our land to heal our land.   We discuss maybe finding a way to purify them. and/or maybe forge a chest of cold iron and maybe try to block it from magic? We also have to be very careful going into the feywild, because of the time issue. if we go in, who knows how much time will pass here and we may miss our chance to stop Pisou.   We decide to go ask Vesta for a boat. Galadrian, Lithil, Yole, Remish, and Dura are going with us.   We actually run into Vesta in town. We get Leland to ask her for the boat since she seems to have a thing for him. She points out that we are going to need a large crew for a ship. She offers to order some of her men to accompany us, but we decline this. She tells us also if we take one of her ships through Seg Raven, they will stop us and we will have to deal with them.   WE decide to drop off Galadrian and his company off near SegRaven, but we will sail around it to avoid direct contact. WE then want to head to Calimbar to talk to Pisou before heading to the Frozen Vale.   This is where we end.   It's Ravenqueensea the 29th 9am.                        

Session 38: Family Reunion and new enemies

It's Ravenseaqueen the 27th about 10am   We all go into the moon pool that Serule opened up for us. This takes us to the center of the Greatspear region.   The first thing we notice is that the area is eerily quiet here and we immediately expect that something has scared away all of the wildlife.   We are approached by 5 soldiers of Adenazeal. As they approach us they shout "We found them. They are here!" At that moment A woman walks out talking about some kind of yaro stick fortelling this? Her name is Vesta. She is the daughter of Thandius. Light's cousin. She is some kind of divination specialist. She knows who all of us are and says that she recently saw Lyra's father meeting with Thandius.   She's looking for Light. The last time she was trying to divine him, he was on a boat. But he disappeared and she hasn't been able to diving him since. We are like, we don't know where LIght is and haven't seen him. She wants to take Lyra as collateral as Galadrian is against Adenazeal and wanting to attack them.   Lyra is like, yeah, none of us are going with you. As we start to become surrounded, We cast magical darkness and then fly away. ONe of their magic casters went to stop the spell, but Vesta said to let us go that it will be better this way. She waves us goodbye and seems to be able to see us in the magical darkness. I guess Lyra has Devil Sight now somehow?   We fly away and towards Galvania.   We eventually land, and as we are travelling we are surrounded by 4 chimeras. We fight them and are able to kill 2 and escape from the other 2 while they are banished.   We make it to Galvania. We see a bunch of dead soldiers all over the ground. They are elves of Correlon. We find Lyra's father Galadrian barely alive and with badly broken ribs. One other magic breaker is barely alive. We save both of them. We find a church where they hook us up with a safe place to stay.   A lady with the last name Beauridge hosts us and tells us we are always welcome with them. The Beauridge family is famous for having driven out the Magnuses from Galvania a few years ago.   Galvania has bent the knee to Adenezeal and Vesta is now residing in the castle.   We learn that Yole was here and went to fight Vesta a week ago. He has not returned.   Lyra ends up having a funeral for the fallen elves to send them off. We then take a long rest. Lyra stays up all night with her dad to help him.   It's Ravenseaqueen the 28th 6am.   Lyra wakes up Lufere and has him cast Greater Restoration on Galadrian.   Galadrian tells Lyra that her mom knew about the devil situation, and has been holding back this curse using her life force. She probably only has a few years left because of htis.   We also learn that Galadrian spoke with Thandius about the mithal that is going to be put up. and Thandius sent an army to attack Galadrian later, which is what happened before we found him.   Also, Faenor's dad, Pisou, is behind the mithal plan. Galadrian is no longer on the council.   Also, the magic breaker who survived is named Lithal, and she's Lyra's half sister.   We also learn that Pisou is headed the tower in the snowy area that we have a key for. He wants to get to the highest point of the tower to casat the mithal spell from the highest point.   Galadrian did not know Yole was here, but he believes that Yole is likely alive. Galadrian also asks if we can escort him and Lithal to Segraven.   Lyra talks to Lithal and finds out that she actually had a really close relationship and he always talk to her about Lyra. She knew she had a sister, but Lyra never knew.   Faenore gives Lithal a second set of armor he had so that she will have a better chance of survival. Lyra tries hard not to be jealous about Faenor giving her a gift.   Anyway....We learn Vesta has returned to the castle at this point.   We decide to try and find a secret entrance along the coast. We know she'll likely be waiting for us, but do it anyway.   We do find an entrance, but there are 2 gargoyles guarding the entrance. We get into a fight. The gargoyles are a bit tough. They kill Lithil and fly away with her body. Faenore tries to get her but is not able to catch her. Lithal falls to the courtyard. Lyra uses Dimension door to retrieve her and get her back to the group. Faenor revivfies Lithal.   We end here stunned we've survived.   It's Ravenseaqueen the 27th about 12pm                  

Session 37: All paths lead back to Summer Camp

It's Ravenqueensea 14th 10am   We have all just reunited in Temperforge. Leland is staring at a half orc holding Tempest's hammer. Hazel immediately explains that this is Tempest and blames Lufere for everything happening. We explain briefly what happened.   Lufere confronts Hazel that she was seemingly flirting with Light, and Hazel is like "wtf"...I was just talking to the is that flirting?   Lufere just tries to defend Tempest's feelings and stress, and attack of Light.   Hazel is a bit flabbergasted by the whole thing. Anyway, Lyra hugs Faenor and immediately turns completely devilish again.   We are inside a Temple of Muriden. We are greeted by a dwarf and we tell him we are seeking an audience with the leader here. He has a guy named Creedace take us to the king. Leland and Faenor have a small group of 20 soldiers to take. The captain's name is Louie.   WE all go in and meet the king here. We explain to him what is going on with the Adenazeal invasion and request help. We learn that they sent some men to Forgestone as requested by their father Yole Magnus.   We learn that Captain Louie was actually planning to see Yole Magnus here, but Yole has already left. The king tells Leland that Yole is part of a legacy. It was Yole's people who built the castle in Galvania. They are wanting to infiltrate that castle and left about 5 days ago. This king gave Yole 25 of his best men.   Faenor finds out that Captain Louie was supposed to help Yole Magnus infiltrate Galvania. The king tells Leland that the elves of the land are trying to nullify the weave to deal with the rift issue, which would make it to where everyone can only cast cantrips. We learn that Pisou Arvala is actually running this initiative. That is Faenor's dad.   We decide to gather up CAptain Louie and his men and try to somehow catch up to Yole Magnus.   As we go into the pub, we see some hostilities and tempers rising. Lyra and Faenor are able to lower tempers and get the army out. WE then head to the Temple of Muriden to see if we can get teleported closer to where we need to go. Lufere goes ahead of us because he can't stand the lack of nature and life down here. WHen he gets outside he sees a circle of mushrooms and decides to sit right in the middle of it.   As we are getting back above ground, we can't find Lufere, but we detect he went to the the center of the mushrooms.   We decide to go after Lufere, so Leland writes a note to his dad and his warhammer and gives it to Captain Louie to give to his dad.   Hazel and Lyra jump into the circle and disappear. Nobody grabbed the rope they were tied to, so everyone ends up jumping in. We find Lufere immediately. We are in a snowy area and it's very cold. TEmpest tries to immediately open a portal to the material plane, but it doesn't work.   Lyra is like, Where are we? and behind us we see a beautiful ice castle with frozen humanoids in blocks of ice in a garden. Lufere notices this is the Prince of Frost's castle.   As we look around, we realize we are stuck in some kind of maze garden and have no idea how to get out. Lyra builds a little snowman golem. Hazel wants to save everyone, and Faenor grabs a frozen bird in a block and says once we figure out how to save this guy, we can come back and try to save everyone else.   Lufere starts to lead us through the maze. We decide to follow the left side of the wall. WE make it to what looks like the center of the maze.   There are a group of satyrs and animals wearing top hats and fancy clothing. They are looking down at something in the very center. They are yelling and screaming and seem excited. They are throwing gold coins down.   They are looking at a tiny maze, and rats with stripes and numbers are racing around in that maze. Leland asks whose winning, and the rat that has number 1 stops and says "I'm winning" causing the other rats to pass him, kind of upsetting all the onlookers because they were betting on number 1. Now number 5 won.   A cat in a tophat and monocle go around collecting money from the loser and handing money to the winners. WE discuss ways to get out and the cat in the top hat says he knows a way out. Faenor is like, I bet you don't, and the cat is like, I bet I do. the cat pulls out a soul coin and is willing to get that soul coin that he does know. There is a soul of a moon elf in it.   We end up just trading a unique story and a pipe of smoke monster for a safe lead out. Grandius, the cat agrees to lead us out, and runs through a bush. We can't follow him, because we are too big.   We all drink our potions of shrinking and Lufere turns into a weasel so we can keep up. HOwever, we all turned WAAAAYYYY to small, so we all get on Lufere's back and he takes us. We follow after Grandius and are able to keep up.   WE get up to a granite wall eventually. It's eerily quiet here. There is a crack in the wall here. Grandius tells us this is the exit. Lyra is like hey, this isn't have to lead us out, or you owe us the soul coin. Grandius is like, man, you beat me at my own game and drops the soul coin and runs off.   Lufere turns back into himself and puts the soul coin in his bag. He then transforms into a spider, creates a web so we can wrap it around our waist and tie our selves together. We follow the path through the cave which may go nowhere or somewhere. We don't actually know.   We come across a "giant" snake that hisses at us and welcomes us to his crack. He says we can get around him by going through his mouth. Lyra ends up charming the snake with her flute and everyone is able to get around it safely.   We find we are able to open a portal to the material plane, so we do so and go through. We end up on a huge swampy island that we don't recognize at all.   It's also nighttime. We don't know the day, but it's Ravenseaqueen the 27th midnight.   Lufere has a scroll of teleport. We use it to teleport to summer camp as it's not to far from where we are headed and we think it may be easier to travel from there rather than anywhere else.   We teleport there successfully. It's abandoned, because it's the off season.   We find some food and get some rest here.   On our travels towards the ocean, we come upon Serula's shrine, and find her there. We learn that a long time ago, her and Lerue got entangled with the air and darkness. The queen through the shard at them both to try and destroy them. It shattered the world and trapped both of them separately.   We learn that she was freed when we found the 3 shards and combined them. If we can find the other 3 shards and combine them, then Larue would be free.   Lyra reads her journal now that it's almost caught up. This reveals to us how much time has passed since we got back from the feywild. We know that the other group were on their way to New Galgania, and Morpheus betrayed them summoning a Kraken. The boat took a lot of damage. Galadrian and Pious are actually planning to cast a giant mithal over the lands to make sure the rift doesn't explode a part and destroy the whole world. They want to have this completed by the beginning of the year, about 3 months from now. It would basically create an anti magic zone over the continents.   We talk to Sarula and ask her what she would do to deal with this issue. She suggests trying to learn about the rift first and go from there. We know Morpheus would probably be good resource, and we are able to summon him if we want.   We also know that Malachoz might know about the rift. What we do know is it is connected to the abyss. Any demon would likely know   So we're gonna continue to focus on finding Yole in Galvania. We don't know that they are 13 days ahead of us at this point. While we focus on that, we will think about the future mithal problem. We can also try to learn about the rift from Morpheus.   Serula says we can user moongate to travel if we like. She has the power to make it work. It will take us to another moongate. There is one located in the center of the Greatspear area. We decide this might be the way we decide to go.   Faenor decides to follow Serula since Corelon has cut him off. However, Serula, who is under his court says she can allow Faenor to follow him, but Faenor can only get the full power of her if he rights things with Corelon. Serula does give Faenor a boone of combat prowess. When Faenor misses with his weapon, he can choose to hit instead once per short rest as well as cast misty step.   Serula takes a white flower with a yellow center and 5 petals and opens a pool with it. Apparently there was a soul of one of her followers in her flower and now this pool of water is a moon pool.   Lufere gives her the soul coin that has an elvaan soul in it in return. She then grants Lufere a boone, of irresistible offence which bypasses the resistance of any creature he attacks.   Serula releases the sprit from the coin growing a new flower and gives us the coin back with no soul.   We discuss how Lyra could put a soul in the coin now that she's technically a devil, but she says she never will. Serula offers Lyra to become a follower and she accepts. This won't make her an elf again, but if she can make things right with Corellon she might be able to do this. This gives Lyra a Boone of Luck.   We end here ready to jump into the moon pool.    

Session 36: Matters of the heart in Ardenia

Hazel, Lufir, Tempest, and Lyra are in Ardenia and their plans are to find out about the teleportation circle and try to gather an army, BUT that probably won't work out because the invaders are already here.   Faenore has just woken up and found the note that Lyra left. He's sad, but he and Leland decide to head out towards Forgestone.   While traveling, they come up on a somebody lying face down on the ground.   They help him and learn his name is Jaran Silverleaf. He's looking for his friend Brotar who is in Ardenia. He got lost and is now going in the wrong direction.   They tell Jaran that Ardenia has been invaded. Jaran asks if they would like to invest in his business, but Leland and Faenore decline. They all get some rest. They travel a total of 3 days without much incident.   Meanwhile....   It's Ravenqueensea 13th 12pm   In Hazels room, she confronts Tempest about never bring her flowers. At that moment Lufir offers a flower from his staff for Tempest to give to Hazel. It's really sweet. It's a yellow daffodil.   Tempset bring up that Hazel's mother wasn't in the throne room as asks where she was at. Hazel says theyll find her, but first she wants him to meet someone else.   She takes Tempest down to the kitchen and she introduces her to one of the cooks there. They bake some refreshments. Hazel introduces Tempest as her husband and the cook seems shocked about it.   She learns from cook that Hazel's mom is in "The Tower" Cook advises her against it, cuz her mother be crazy. Hazel is like, I'm gonna do it anyway.   Lyra notices that the color of her skin has faded to a less bright red and her horns are getting shorter now. Is this because she has separated herself from Faenore?   we all go to the tower to meet her mother. Hazel introduces Tempest as her husband and that she is carrying his child.   This infuriates her mother. Tempest and the mom throw insults back and forth at each other for a while. She tells Tempest that he will be hanged for his crimes. She says the guards are going to come for us soon.   As we are descending the tower, we are approached by 11 guards.   Meanwhile...   Leeland and Faenor continue their travels.   When they get to the mountains they are approached by a red dragon.   Both groups respectively fight their foes.   Tempest ends up getting decapitated and his head getting thrown off a balcony.   Leeland and Faenore don't kill the dragon, but they do scare it away.   They complete their long rest.   Lufir summons a giant eagle to fly us away, but Hazel insists on going to confront her mother. Lyra convinces her that this is bad idea and that we need to focus on getting Tempests body back. If Hazel chooses to go confront her mother, Lyra will not be assisting, as she cannot risk losing Tempest's body or getting into a situation where we can't get him back.   Hazel agrees to fly away with us. We get Tempest to a temple. The priests at the temple refuse to pray to Lathander as it is forbidden. He no longer has his power from Lathander.   This angers Hazel. She nearly kills the guy, but Lufir tells her in the morning he may be able to revive Tempest, but we have to leave and he needs to rest   We fly and find a cave that has a large metal structure in side. Shaped like a cone with 7 different layers.   We decide to avoid this for now and go get some rest somewhere else.   After we long rest, Lufir casts Reincarnate on Tempest.   A half orc body shows up with Tempests spirit in it. This INFURIATES Hazel. She eventually settles down, but is still horrified. Lufir says we can try again tomorrow and every day. until we get it right...BUT we would have to kill him again to do it.   It's Ravenqueensea 14th 8am   Leeland and Faenore part ways with Jaran Silverleaf. Faenore gives him a letter for Lyra in Ardenia when he gets there.   Lyra, Tempest, Lufir and Hazel decide to sneak back into the city and find the teleport circle there and see if it's in service and see if they can use it to get to Forgestone. We disguise our selves as best we can and sneak back into the city. We meet Hazel's wizard friend Albert. He has a teleportation circle in his house that will send us to Temperforge.   Inside Albert's house is Light Lockmarch? He's looking for a way to teleport out of I guess the invaders DO know about this teleportation circle? We learn Light wants to leave, because he believes Thandius wants to kill him and raise his daughter up to lead Adenizeal.   He wants to go to Segraven. WE discuss what we want to do. The plan was for us to protect this circle so Leland and Faenor could bring in an army. We have an old man wizard that can help us. Hazel and Light Lockmarche are giggling and talking.   Meanwhile.... Leeland and Faenor see a group of Verdeau soldiers walking through.   They approach them. They learn they are going to Frogestone because they want to talk to the Magnus dwarves who would know how to infiltrate the secret passages in Galvania to get to the castle. If they can take it back, they think that it will tip the balance of the scales of this war. The dwarf Magnus's were the ones who built the castle in Galvania They speak about the Magnuses and how they are vampires that were driven out of Galvania by Tremon Belridge.   Meanwhile... Hazel tells us Light Lockemarch is joining our team. Tempest and Lyra are like fuck no he's not. An argument kind of breaks out about it. Lufir sneaks up on Light and attempts to knock him in the head with a tuning fork and send him to the Far Plane.   However, Lufir misses. Tempest then opens up a portal to the fire plane and manages to push Light into it. Lyra tries to stop this but fails. She does manage to help pull him out of the portal.   Light takes a defensive stance and doesn't actually attack us back. Lufir and Tempest attack him anyway. Lyra ends up using dimension door to get Light out. He thanks her, but this may have made things worse...we aren't sure.   Lyra gets back to find Hazel and Tempest having a huge fight about all of this. Hazel is like, you can't just kill people because they can't be trusted, or because they say mean things or make you feel paranoid.   She thinks his orcish skin is turning him into a monster.   She ends up leaving our group. She's so angry with Tempest. Lyra tries to convince her to stay, but Hazel has made her mind and she leaves.   Lyra scolds Tempest for being so heartless and tells him that he should go after Hazel and fight for her.   In the meantime, Lyra tells Leeland and Faenor that they are actually going to leave Ardenia and meet them in Forgestone.   Turns out the teleport circle here is actually just a destination point. Lyra makes a sketch of it.   Tempest finally does run off after Hazel. He tells her that he's actually less psychotic when she is around. She asks him what made him do what he did. Tempest explains that Light was trying to manipulate her. She says she can take are of herself. She tells him that if he is to be the King of Ardenia, he cannot just go killing people he doesn't like, and he has to admit when he is wrong, which he does not believe he is wrong right now.   Tempest tells Hazel that she's trying to protect her people, and he's trying to protect his people. He believed Light was going to collect information about invading the dwarves, and that is why he did that.   the conversation isn't going anywhere. Hazel tells him she will come if he will just consider that he could be wrong and he cannot attack anyone else unprovoked.   Hazel rejoins us. She also gives Lyra a letter that Faenor gave to Jaran Silverhand that somehow got it here.   We end up teleporting to Tempursforge. Tempest, in his half orc form is staring at Leeland who just seens a half orc with his brothers hammer.   this is where we end.                

Session 35: Adventures back to Ardenia

It's Ravenqueensea 11th roughly 8pm   We are in the templer of Woe. We take a long rest. Lyra wakes up early and gets Tempes and Lufir and Hazel and takes them to their mission. They are going to go gather the barbarian armies in the south before heading to ardenia.   She leaves a note for Faenore. As they start to leave, an orc ends up escorting them to a dragon with instructions to fly us all to Greatspear to infiltrate Adenizeal. WE tell the orc that we need to go to the river to take a boat down. Our goal is to rally barbarians as allies.   We start walking there and tell the orc that he can get permission and pick us up later, but we are heading out. Faenore and Leland are left behind. Their mission is to go back to Forgestone to try and amass an army there.   We get to a cave in a mesa where we find a dead guy who is about a month dead. He has wounds all over his body and he is missing his clothes. We do speak with dead and learn that he was a paid guide leading a person. This person's name was Glen Amberson. Amberson ended up killing a person, and when this guy said they needed to call authorities. Glen Amberson then made him strip down and then hunted him until he succumbed to his wounds. Glen Amberson was a noble from Pontimude.   We go through the backpack here and find a handkerchief with the initials G.A. We also see fairly freshly killed birds in the area.   We decide this isn't our business and decide to leave. Lufir does take the handkerchief. As hazel walks out of the cave, she is struck by an arrow. This is followed by Tempest and Lyra getting hit as well. However, Lufir is able to see that he is hiding 600 feet away. This allows Tempest the opportunity to cast Ice Storm successfully hitting this asshole. We decide to head over there and find a lot of holes dug, but do not find Glen.   It seems he has escaped us. We are worried that he may try to hunt us down if we continue. Lufir summons 8 giant badgers. We detect that he is 600 feet further away and send the badgers after him. This does put him on the run. We decide to head back out. We et to the bank of the river around night fall.   We find some ripped clothing, blood, a steak in the ground and a piece of cut rope attached to the stake. We figure out that Amberson made it here, and took a boat to escape the badgers. We take our boat and Tempest is able to get us down the river really quickly. We get to a stop and hear a ruckus coming from an inn.   Inside the inn, we see Glen telling a story to a group of military men. We barge in and interrupt his story shouting he's the one who attacked up. Lyra goes to destroy him, but Tempest stops her by telling her that she will become the monster she looks like if she does this.   Lyra convinces them of the truth, but they don't actually give a fuck, because Glen is the uncle of the captain of the group, and he has the same psychotic eyes that Glen has.   Tempest Banishes Glen causing a moment of confusion. They decide to let us leave though. As we leave, Tempest tells them about the invading army. Tempest ends up starting a fight with wording things poorly.   It gets really insane, but we kill that fucker Glen and leave one soldier alive to report back to Pontimunde the threat here. We burned the inn down, but gave the innkeeper gems to more than cover the cost.   We take a long rest. The next morning, we are get in our boat and because we can travel 17 miles per hour we get really far. All the way down to Black Tusk. We see some barbarians.   It's Ravenqueensea 12th roughly 4pm.   We advise the barbarians of the invading army. They agree to notify all the tribes in this area. A blue dragon shows up and takes us on our way to GreatSpear. We get there around midnight.   We land just outside of Ardenia. We see that the invaders banners are hung everywhere. WE learn that Hazel was previously supposed to be married to someone named Light Lockmarch....who is from Adenizeal.   Hazel ran away away and married Tempest, and immediately consummate their marriage so that she will no longer be desirable to this Light Lockmarch fellow.   We sneak into the city through the sewers. We find an inn to sleep in.   It's now Ravenqueensea 13th 8am   We talk to Hazel and she wants to go confront her parents about marrying Tempest and how she isn't going to to marry Light Lock march.   Lyra tries to talk her out of it. Lufir talks her into taking Tempest around the city while Lufir and Lyra go gather some information.   They learn that back when this city was Verdeau, this city easily bent the knee to the invaders of Greatspear, and now they've done it again to the Adenizeal invaders.   The king and Queen are still in place, but report to Adenizeal. Anyone who is holding onto the idea of Greatspear and claim to be Greatspeareans are being killed.   The Adenizeal city appeared magically in this area and is blocked by a magical barrier.   WE meet back up with Hazel and convince her that she should at very least go to her parents secretly. Not through the front door. She takes us through a secret passage way. Lyra makes everyone invisible and Lufir casts pass without a trace.   WE get to the throne room. Only her father is sitting there. Hazel insists on talking to him. Her and Tempest go poof in front of the father. Hazel tells her father that she is now married to Tempest and possibly pregnant with his child. Lufir and Lyra are still invisible in the halls.   Hazel's father is confused, because Hazel is supposed to be engaged to Light Lockmarch.   At that moment a 6ft tall handsome muscular man walks in. It's Light. He doesn't seem to concerned with any of this. It's kind of weird. Light offers to become acquaintances with both Hazel and Tempest and see the city. Tempest says they are just going to leave, but Light asks if they can have a conversation first.   The king leaves the room to let them all talk.   LIght actually seem a little sympathetic to them feeling weird and out of place here. His parents are dead and some guy named Thandius is ruling, and Light can't become ruler until he's 25, so he must do what he is told. He doesn't believe in any of this. His people are worshiping this new goddess Salfa now and they used to worship Lathander. It's all very strange to him. He doesn't actually want to be a conqueror. He tells them that Xantoine has joined their military recently, and Light believes he will ruin everything they stand for. Light thinks that Thandius doesn't really appreciate Light as the next ruler and wants to rule the entire world.   Xantoine wants to lead a bunch of orcs and have them integrate with humans. Light does not think this would be a possible or good thing for Adenizeal.   Their plan is to take over all civilized cities. Verdeau , Windspire, and Greatspear are in up heaval and/or fighting back. They've so far taken over Ardenia and Valtara.   Tempest asks how they could get into the city, and Light tells them that he could get them in.   Lufir detects that Light is a very strategic person and may be saying what he thinks would go over best with Tempest and Hazel.   lufir decides to follow Light when he retreats. Lyra follows after Hazel and Tempest to keep an eye on them.   Lufir sees that Light rights down his events in his journal. He writes about Hazel being naive and foolish but headstrong. He just continues to read over his shoulder.   Hazel is in her childhood room telling Tempest about it.   This is where we end.   It's now Ravenqueensea 13th 12pm                

Session 34: Zeus is a perv and Syfans start an invasion.

It's Ravensqueensea 10th 10am   We are with the dynatin council. their names are: Alsa, Omsla, Zelsa.   They are going to consult the oracle. We tell them they already told us that Orsaris is going to lead us. They tell us we can have 300 men. We decide to go shopping and hope they meet with the oracle quickly so we can make a plan.   We decide we will head out in the morning no matter where the dynatins are in their plans.   Meanwhile Hazel goes to find a bathhouse so that tonight she and tempest can consummate their marriage. We give Tempest shit about his weiner being probably gone and he's gonna go try to find a priest to help cure this curse on him.   We meet a priest who helps Tempest. They lather Tempests body in lard, but Hazel walks in and gets upset and tells them SHE"LL be the one to lather his body. They perform the ritual and he gets cured.   We then get introduced to a blacksmith named Odis. Between him, Tempest and Leland, they are able to crumble up the dragon scales that Lyra has and turn them into a dust and create a cloak that will give her lightening resistance.   We go see the Oracle. While there, Lyra speaks up and when the oracle throws in the sand it turns orange which means that only Lyra can ask the question.   She goes up and gets dressed and does the dance, and then she is is dancing with Zeus himself. He's just being a pervert. She asks the question if the Dynatins were to hold back the orcs while we attack woe, would we stand a chance at defeating Woe. Zeus says that if the dynatins attack the approaching army headed to Souk, they will all die.   Zeus says he can save everyone, but Lyra has to sleep with him. She's like fuck no, and this pisses off Zeus. She then disappears, and throws sand in the fire and it turns black alarming everyone because the gods have now abandoned everyone.   The next morning, we find that an army of about 5ooo is approaching. They are wearing red and white. Their symbol is a circle with 4 rays coming out of each corner?   They appear to be human. They look to be about 4 hours away. We all fly down and head towards their "welcoming" party.   Alsa is with us, and we escort him to them.   We learn they here to parlay with the leader. They respectfully request the subjugation of Souk. They are not from this world and are here at the request of Salfa, their goddess. Salfa brought them here and they are here to do Salfa's bidding. They want to spare bloodshed, but will subjugate the city one way or another. They are from a city named Adenizeal in a place called Ferun.   Lyra tries to convince Alsa that he should talk to the dynatins about maybe "surrendering" and then having this army go fight Woe and wipe themselves out.   Hazel says she will gather armines from Ardenia and bring them here and learns that these soldiers already took over Ardenia as well Valtara. Hazel asks about the king/queen of Ardenia, and they tell her that they bent the knee. Hazel has a hard time excepting this. This army's leader is named Thandius Bavalon D'Arthur. He is their Paragon or leader in Andenizeal.   We ask this group to take us to their leader, Alpha, as we want to try and convince him to send part of their army with us to help fight Woe.   They escort us to their army encampment. WE talk to their leader, and tell him about Woe. He decides that if he waits and does nothing, then Woe would decimate them and then he can move in with better chances, so they are actually going to wait.   WE decide to head towards Woe ourselves. WE take a long rest   WE are approached by a small group of orcs. Hazel and Lyra go greet them.   Woe has been possession Xantonine Jr. for a while now. Sometimes the orcs hear him crying in his sleep crying about his dad. Woe and Xantoine Jr. have been inseparable and are kind of as one. Because of his Woe may be aware of what is going on in Paul's mind. The orcs think this may be why Woe wants to meet with us.   We decide to go meet him. We decide to maybe see if we can get him to go after this mysterious army.   During our last rest. hazel talks to Faenore and Hazel about sex, because she doesn't know what to do. Lyra gives her a book to help her out.   We get to the temple where Woe is and there are 2 young dragons sitting at the door.   They let us inside. We learn that blue dragons are actually lawful and they have a lot of traditions. They serve us dinner and wash our feet, and they have these dancing mating rituals they do. It's actually pretty interesting.   When we walk into to talk to Woe, there are naked female orcs tied up on the walls. We see Woe sitting in the center and Xantoine Jr. I sitting up on his neck.   Xantoine jr. hops down and greets us.   Paul is concerned about the army in the dessert. He says their strategist is his father. Xantoine Sr. went to the 9 hells and escaped. He is now in Adenizeal pulling strings.   WE learn that Woe would be glad to get rid of Souk, but he'd be willing to overlook Souk and leave it as it is if we were to bring Xantoine Sr. to him.   Currently there is a giant orb around Andenizeal preventing anyone from getting in. Lufere asks about Woe's wife, Spain, and Woe seems ot want to repay her for keeping him imprisoned for years and years. I guess they are not on good terms.   Anyway, we end up kind o fupsetting Woe, and he says he doesn't even know why he invited us here. We figure out that Paul is the one who invited us here. He wants us to bring back his father. Adenizeal has apparently appeared on this plane of existence. It's now in the region of GreatSpear.   This army of 5k in the dessert is just a tiny fraction of the amount of people they have invading this continent. We send Orsaris to let his people know what we know and that we are going to Ardenia to try and gather information. We also remember that we sent couriers to Calimbar weeks ago letting them know that Woe was back.   WE have a discussion about possibly splitting the party where Leland, Faenore and Lyra go back to ForgeStone to see if they can amass an army while Lufere, Callun, and Tempest and Hazel go to Ardenia and gather information.   There may be a teleportation circle in Arednia that we can use to meet back up, but we need to find out if this is safe or even in commission.   We take Woe's deal that if he leaves Souk alone, we will go retrieve his father.   Lyra discovers that the more she is around Faenore, the more her red starts to appear in parts of her body, and there are knots in her head where horns are trying to come back. She hides this from everyone while she tries to figure out what is going on. She actually knows that if she continues oing with Faenore, she absolutely will turn back into a tiefling. She is stuck on what she's going to do.   She may sneak away with the other group early..she's not sure.   This is where we end. About to go our separate ways.          

Session 33: Let us introduce Tempest and Hazel Arden- Prince and Princess of Ardenia

We are standing as Hazel is demanding that Tempest marry her right now.   Faenore officiates the wedding while Stefan and Lyra create the music. Lufere is the maid of honor and Leland is the best man.   Tempest and Hazel say their vows to each other. It's pretty adorable. Hazel tells Tempest after the wedding that them getting married means something else for Tempest that he doesn't know about. She never said anything, because she didn't want us to look at her differently.   First, he kind of needs to take HER last name. Arden. She can't be a Magnus, because she is the princess of Ardenia. He also worships Lathander now. This technically makes Tempest the Prince of Ardenia....Lord what have we done?   As we talk about what to do next, Remish says that the entrance is starting to melt out front. He thinks that the heart/fallactory we had may have been keeping the ice frozen.   We check it out and determine that the ice will likely be fully melted in 2 days. We determine that Woe has been completely aware of everything for the last 1000 years.   We decide to monitor this for the next couple of days and melt part of the ice with fire.   Remish set up a meeting place for Faenore and Lyra as he's playing matchmaker.   Lyra opens up to Faenore and tells him he deserves someone who has never abandoned him and someone who isn't a monster who is rejected by Corellon. Faenore tells Lyra that if Corelon won't allow him to be with her, then she doesn't want to serve Corellon. At that moment a glow leaves Faenore and it seems Corelon has left Faenore.   At this very moment, the ice explodes and Woe starts flying up in to the air. Stefan shoots an arrow at him but misses. Tempest attempts to stop him with a tidal wave, but it doesn't work.   We are able to use a crystal ball to see that he is headed towards the Suzerain stronghold.   We believe that Zozth was the one who taught Woe how to make a falactory. So we don't know how much time it would take for him to create a new one.   We figure out that a falactory is sometimes called a jar that stores the life force of a lich. A cleric or mage would have to make it. It's incredibly expensive (100,000 gold) and taxing to perform. The item choses has to cost $2k gp or more. You would have to cast spells that would enchant the item and cast spells that would trap the soul on the item.   We decide to go get Osaris. We are able to retrieve him within a day without exhaustion. While there we look through their library and learn that the drow would get to take all the riches from the dwarves during the runeforge wars, and that's why they had the moon elves betray the dwarves.   We learn that Woe did in fact defeat the original Suzerain and is now the Suzerain and has all of the power. We learn that Tasha was responsibe for the Fey Branch's access to the fey wild.   They also seemed to know about the shards and have everything documented about them.   We also learn that blu dragons, when they breathe their lightning out, they shoot it from the cleft of their chest and ist stretches out in a fork. Right in the cleft of it's chest- It has +5 AC, and if you claim you are hittin that point, and you do hit it, YOu will do double damage.   At this really bad moment, Hazel convinces Tempest to draw some cards from teh deck of many things because we have so much time for this.   Tempest draws:   The Throne: You gain proficiency in the Persuasion skill, and you double your proficiency bonus on checks made with that skill. In addition, you gain rightful ownership of a small keep somewhere in the world. However, the keep is currently in the hands of monsters, which you must clear out before you can claim the keep as yours.   Euyryale: The card's medusa-like visage curses you. You take a −2 penalty on saving throws while cursed in this way. Only a god or the magic of The Fates card can end this curse.   Flames: A powerful devil becomes your enemy. The devil seeks your ruin and plagues your life, savoring your suffering before attempting to slay you. This enmity lasts until either you or the devil dies.   Vizier: At any time you choose within one year of drawing this card, you can ask a question in meditation and mentally receive a truthful answer to that question. Besides information, the answer helps you solve a puzzling problem or other dilemma. In other words, the knowledge comes with wisdom on how to apply it.   Star:Increase one of your ability scores by 2. The score can exceed 20 but can't exceed 24.   Sun: You gain 50,000 XP, and a wondrous item (which the DM determines randomly) appears in your hands. (Manual of the Flesh Golems)   Hazel draws 2 cards:   Ruin: All forms of wealth that you carry or own, other than magic items, are lost to you. Portable property vanishes. Businesses, buildings, and land you own are lost in a way that alters reality the least. Any documentation that proves you should own something lost to this card also disappears.   Knight: You gain the service of a 4th-level fighter who appears in a space you choose within 30 feet of you. The fighter is of the same race as you and serves you loyally until death, believing the fates have drawn him or her to you. You control this character.   This causes Fredrick to appear- her mentor and first love. She's so excited to see him. He's a DeathKnight servant to her.   Lufere draws three cards:   Comet: If you single-handedly defeat the next hostile monster or group of monsters you encounter, you gain experience points enough to gain one level. Otherwise, this card has no effect.   Rogue: A nonplayer character of the DM's choice becomes hostile toward you. The identity of your new enemy isn't known until the NPC or someone else reveals it. Nothing less than a wish spell or divine intervention can end the NPC's hostility toward you.   Key: A rare or rarer magic weapon with which you are proficient appears in your hands. The DM chooses the weapon. (Gulthias Staff not purified)   Stefan draws 5 cards: He loses his spear, but we think he can call it back.   Balance : Your mind suffers a wrenching alteration, causing your alignment to change. Lawful becomes chaotic, good becomes evil, and vice versa. If you are true neutral or unaligned, this card has no effect on you. (chaotic neutral)   Void: This black card spells disaster. Your soul is drawn from your body and contained in an object in a place of the DM's choice. One or more powerful beings guard the place. While your soul is trapped in this way, your body is incapacitated. A wish spell can't restore your soul, but the spell reveals the location of the object that holds it. You draw no more cards.   Talons: Every magic item you wear or carry disintegrates. Artifacts in your possession aren't destroyed but do vanish.   Jester: You gain 10,000 XP, or you can draw two additional cards beyond your declared draws.   Gem: Twenty-five pieces of jewelry worth 2,000 gp each or fifty gems worth 1,000 gp each appear at your feet.   Skull: You summon an avatar of death—a ghostly humanoid skeleton clad in a tattered black robe and carrying a spectral scythe. It appears in a space of the DM's choice within 10 feet of you and attacks you, warning all others that you must win the battle alone. The avatar fights until you die or it drops to 0 hit points, whereupon it disappears. If anyone tries to help you, the helper summons its own avatar of death. A creature slain by an avatar of death can't be restored to life.   Fool: You lose 10,000 XP, discard this card, and draw from the deck again, counting both draws as one of your declared draws. If losing that much XP would cause you to lose a level, you instead lose an amount that leaves you with just enough XP to keep your level.   Idiot: Permanently reduce your Intelligence by 1d4 + 1 (to a minimum score of 1). You can draw one additional card beyond your declared draws. (5)   The Fates: Reality's fabric unravels and spins anew, allowing you to avoid or erase one event as if it never happened. You can use the card's magic as soon as you draw the card or at any other time before you die.   Stefan undones the single moment that Lyra turned into tiefling, restoring her to an elf. Corellon is ok with this apparently. However Faenore is still an oathbreaker.   Remish draws the Moon card. He gets 2 wishes. He wishes that Dura comes back to life and lives as long as he does. And he takes off   That leaves a single bad card. Don Jon Nobody draws it.   Stefan starts to slowly disappear after he rolls void. We can't do anything to stop it.   We decide to try and get some rest. It is now the 4th of Ravensqueensea 7am.   Lufere starts to purify his new Gulthias staff. He sees the magnuses ruling the world. Tempests and Leland's forefathers are begging to be released. The Magnuses offer to turn the dwarves into vampires but the dwarves are like Fuck you!   It's roughly 9am   We scry Paul aka Xantoine Jr. and see that he is in the underdark talking to a dark gnome who is telling him that Woe has been freed. paul says they will march down and meet Woe and rule ALL.   We decide to travel to Souk and speak with the Dynatins. We make it to the ridge. we meet an old Dynatin named Gyro. He knows Orsaris, and says that now that he has fallen he cannot be allowed back. He agrees to have not seen anything though and we put him back in the bag.   We tell him about Woe getting free and he actually invites us up to the top of the mesa to recount what we have seen. We all get to the top and Gyro takes us through the city. We get to a temple that seems to be empty and Gyro has us wait.   We tell them that Woe has escaped because his fallactory is destroyed. We learn that this was the worst things we could do. Anyway we convince them to join us in our attack against Woe. They know a way to avoid danger in the dessert.   They ask us to bring out Orsaris, and they restore him so he can lead us. They also restore his wife. It will take more time because she's actually dead. They tell Orsaris that when he returns she will be here waiting for him. If he doesn't return, to come back on his shield so he can be burried by his wife.   We start to prepare for the fight to come and end here. Just before we end, Stefan's body falls to the ground (due to the void card he pulled) He is breathing but we cannot restore him.                                        

Session 32: Defeating Zozth and Operation Save Fuzzball

We stand around the dead king dwarf with our questions ready.   Who are you? My name is McConnor- Connor McConnor-   What was the cause of the Runeforge war? Verdeau wanted to hold its colonies up in the north and New Verdeau rebelled.   Tell us what you know about the source of magic for the forge? There is a big pyramid thing that shoots up arcane energy, but we couldn't harness it. We made good weapons from it, but it wasn't until the elves came and enchanted the forge during the war, that's when we were really able to utilize its potential.   Tell us about the bloodline of Doomstone Caustic new how to make cold iron a long time ago- they were hill dwarves that became slaves in Galvania to the Icemans. They had to go up into the mountains and get ice and bring it down. I believe they were servants of the Magnuses.   Just before we can ask the last question, a drow runs up towards us. Her people were turned to stone, and she saw us do it, but instead of us being mad, she's happy that we saved her from her oppressive and abused life. She is very shy and doesn't really talk to us, but we let her hang with us. Her name it Ty.   We ask the final question.   Tell us information that only the kings' know. Someting that I only knew was that the moon elves betrayed us. It was because of them that we fell. They were supposed to be our allies.   We decide to spend about a month forging weapons and documenting processes and such here. During this time Sonaj brings us the chains he has made. and we have it documented. Lyra tells Sonaj that he is free to go now that he has kept his word, but he chooses to stay with us and hang with Ty, telling her that we aren't so bad that maybe everything they were ever told about surface dwellers may not have been accurate.   WE find a book on purification of the Gulthyias staff. We would need to know the last name of vampire that brought it into existence. Lufere is able to speak to the staff to get this information.   He learns that the blood in the veins of the staff is Magnus. NOw that he has the name, he can perform a ritual to purify it.   Did Tempest and Leland come from a family of vampires? The Doomstones did server the Icemans, and the Icemans did serve the Magnuses.   Lufere is able to purify the staff after a couple of weeks. He is able to fashion it into a staff for the Great Spear. In theory, we should be able to talk to the dragon brother that inhabits the Great Spear weapon.   Lyra tries to meditate to understand why she has turned red and horns. She can't go ointo a trance anymore and has to sleep for 8 hours, and she hellish nightmares of Bayotore.   Faenore starts to study how to become the top person in his religion so that when he brings Lyra back, nobody can oppose her being there. He also studies for a way to possibly restore her.   Ty has been playing a lot of chess with Soran, and she notices that he lets her win a lot.   Callun talks to Faenore about Religion, trying to figure out his own beliefs.   Everyone works on forging their own equipment/ armor while we are here.   Faenore learns that lyra transformed because her heart was given to Faenore instead of Corellon and Corellon took this as a slight. However, because Lyra avoids him at all costs, he hasn't been able to tell her this.   One night Lyra sees a woman walking up to her while sleeping. She's a human, young woman with long dark wavy hair. She tells Lyra that she is trapped in the runeforge.   She's been trapped her by Zozth for so long. She's his wife. She doesn't know how to become free. Lyra brings out the Zozth skull so they can converse it out.   She's still mad because he sacrificed children for her. They get into a fight about everything, and he finally agrees to let her go, but now he's going to destroy everything and annihilate everything now. He lets her go and she leaves, but now we have to fight this asshole.   We defeat him, but it is a difficult fight. Faenore gathers up the pieces of his skull and melted it all down.   We try to get in touch with the blue dragon spirit inside the Great Spear , named Tar'tberrin. We talk to him a bit and he admits he was a fool for picking the elves, because they were too smart and immediately detected him. He doesn't know what happened to his other brothers. They had intended to rally together the humanoids to fight against the Suzarraine. Galarian was the one who originally separated the spear into two swords. he will kill Galadrian if ever given the chance.   His brother wielded his spear for a while. Does this mean Stefan is from a line of blue dragons?   We decide to head to the plane of fire to try and destroy the falactory of woe.   I guess at some point Tempest used his new weapon to get Hazel back and she is now back with us.   She doesn't care that his face is missing a nose. She immediately wants to bahe him because he stinks. then She wants him to make her a woman.   Tempest and Leland investigate their family. They learn they were mountain dwarves who became hill dwarves. Dwarves died, and some kids to adopted by the Magnuses, which were the rulers of Galvania. They were named Jezabel and Franz Magnus. One of the ancestors ended up in the Rune Forge   We decide to speak with dead on an elf to find out why they betrayed the dwarves.   Why were you attacking the dwarves? We had made a deal with the Fey Branche.   What was the deal? The Fey Branch had a hold on us? They were able to defeat us and destroy us. It was their request that we would help destroy the dwarves in exchange they would let us keep our city Amrun Rod.   How does the portal in Amrun Rad work? You just walk into it?   If the portal was deactivate, how could one reactivate it? You would need a group of high level magic users to reinstate the mithal.   We accidentally as what elf is it? and it says It's me and goes back to death sleep.     We scry for Fuzzball, and find that he's in a weird floating city. The city is rounded in a complete circle. We know that there is a portal in this ringed city inside the runeforge.   We are able to find a key to this portal so we can walk through it. We are in a gigantic city that is shaped like a ring. if we look down , we see some kind of pointy mountain below.   WE see a tiefling in the an ally digging through trash. Her name is Strix. She gives us a moldy doughnut. We scrye Fuzzball and Strix tells us that he's at the palace of the Lady of Pain. She warns us that it would be a terrible idea to go there.   We decide to go save Fuzzball anyway. As we travel, we see this mysterious Lady of Pain completely and telekinetically flay someone in the street for trying to worship her.   As we walk we see a gaggle of mind flayers. Tempest asks who the ruler of this city is and he tells him it's the Lady of Pain. They talk to him about about it and tell him to not worship her and she may or may not be able to see what we are doing at any time.   Everyone goes shopping in the market. There is a beholder with wares. This place is so scary and fantastical. Tempest gets a HOly Avenger for his girlfriend, Hazel.   Callun trickily gets a deck of magic cards. Harley doesn't even make him roll for it. I wonder what will go wrong. It's a deck of many things.   Stefan got a Tome of Clear thought. He gave up his GreatSpear for this under the idea that he can summon it back.   We get to the palace. Fuzzball is tied up. We free him, BUT he flies off. Leland starts to call out to him. He turns around and comes back. Tempest opens a portal and we all jump in. Stefan summons his spear back from the beholder. It's a portal to the plane of fire. This immediately sets Fuzzball on fire. Leland shrinks fuzzball immediately and puts him in a bag of holding.   We see a large city before us. Everything is covered in fire, but not the city? I'm not sure.   We go talk to some guards at the palace and tell them we are lookin to destroy the heart of am earth elemetal. They tell us that unless we are Sheeba, we cannot be permitted in as it's Shiva's appointment right now. Faenore points at Ty and says, "but that's Shiva" and they buy it and let us in. They bow to Ty and have a feast ready for her. They dress her and adorn her in appropriate gold and clothing.   Som efreeti comes out and says something we don't fucking understand, but then refers to Sheba as his bride saying she looks gorgeous. They start the ceremony and STefan is like, but tradition says when you start something new, you must destroy something old, and gives the Efreeti the falactory to destroy.   He throws it into a brazier and chucks it in. Spirits start flying out of it screaming in pain. There is a spirit of dow looking mad at us. We determine that the falactory is destroyed.   The ceremony commences. Just as the bedding ceremony is about to start, Leland opens a portal to the Rune forge. As we're all escaping, the real Sheeba runs in and it's confusing and is like WTF is going on here?   We get away and nobody is able to follow us.   I guess we have a new enemy with the guy in the Plane of Brass. I guess we were successful in our destruction of Woe's falactory.   WE decide that we want to deal with Malachoz first and THEN deal with Woe. But Tempest doesn't want to risk Woe somehow making another falctory, so we decide to deal with him first?   We decide to try and join up with the Denightons to maybe try to fight and kill Woe?   Or should we go back and Orsaris from the Underdark. We will decide next week.   As we discuss this, Hazel tells Tempest he must marry her now. Faenore offers to officiate this. This is where we end.                                      

Session 31: Into the Runeforge we go

We decide to try and get some rest. We hear noises coming from the next room. There is a door that we can't close. Lufere sends his hyenas in to one of the rooms check it out. We learn there is a staircase with a statue at the top. The other room has 2 statues of sphinxes. While resting there are 12 jackal heads with glowing red eyes resting on the shelves above. These cause Fenore and Lyra to feel tightness in their chest.   We get a long rest. We decide to go check out the sphinx room. Their eyes are pulsating a gold color. Lyra s able to tell everyone that sphinxes are typically guardians sent down by gods to guard shit. If you cross them, they will definitely kill you.   As we walk into the sphynx room, magic missiles fly from their eyes hitting Faenore and Stefan. WE find that everyone gets hit with these missiles except for Remish and Faenore.   WE get through. There is a room full of skeleton corpses. The next room causes you to kind of disappear and see a floating rock in space. There is a planet in the distance, and some nebulas. Tempest goes in and disappears to the rest of us. Inside, he sees giant lion type prints on the ground with smaller foot prints.   Callun ends up going in after we pull Tempest out. He tries to call out for the sphynx, but gets no response. He notices it's very peaceful here. He asks if Malachoz has ever experienced anything like this before, but Malachoz is like, "Dude, we should go. I can't feel anything here" Malachoz takes over forces Callun to leave the room.   WE discover the locked door has 2 rescesses for 2 swords. Lyra goes to hold her vorpal sword up to it and everyone hears "Hault" as a Sphynx walks out of the hidden star room.   She's topless, and as we are trying to avert our eyes, shes says, "Remish?" He's like "Faccaniya?" and she's like "You never came back", and he comes up with some cock n bull story and she doesn't buy it.   Faccaniya recognizes that there are 2 Runeforge dwarves here and 2 vorpal swords. She says even though we meet the requirements she cannot let us pass. She tells us Woe is not really a threat as his people are having a hard time freeing him.   We offer to leave her Remish, and she considers but ultimately declines. We convince her that we are trying to save the world and she asks that the best of us step forward.   We end up having Faenore and Lufere both step up. She has them follow her into her star room and tells the rest of us to stay behind. A door closes behind them. Lyra gives Faenore her grandmother's locket and makes him promise to bring it back.   As they leave Tempest and the others discuss just going into the forge. Lyra starts to say that she doesn't want to risk Faenore and Lufere being hurt, so we should wait....but before she can even finish that sentence, Lyra collapses and has no pulse. The group tries to revive her.   Meanwhile, Faenore and Lufere are on a boat travelling on an ocean of sand. They approach Anubis and Lufere immediately lights his Anubis candle and asks him if anything bad is going to happen in the next 10 minutes, and Anubis just answers with it depends on what you think is bad.   Anubis weighs Lufere's heart and and it is lighter than the feather, and Anubis tells him he may proceed. Lufere is like, "Wait, am I dead?" and Anubis is like "yeah"   Lufere is like, but we were just following the sphynx, and then Remish comes up, and Anubis is like, you know that guy?   Anubis is like, let's just figure this out.   He then puts his hand into Faenore and pulls out his heart. HE takes apart the falactory and Lyra's heart and puts things back in the order they should be, restoring Lyra's heart.   Lyra tries to half her heart again.   As we explain to Anubis what is going, he ends up sending Lufere back   She explains to Anubis everything that has happened and how Faenore has always had her heart and that is really his heart. Anub takes Lyra's heart and puts it into FAenore causing him to disappear.   Anubis tells Lyra that she cannot go to Heaven and Lyra accepts this with peace and then starts to fall until she falls into Avernis next to Charon. Charon says he's going to take her to her real father, which confuses Lyra.   He takes her to someone named Myra, who informs Lyra that she was born a devil. But then made a deal with Corellon to fall into his graces and get to reincarnate as an elf. However, it seems Lyra did not meet whatever deal that was and is being returned to hell.   Lyra's real father is Mistophalese and Myra is her handler. Lyra is returned to her body but now her skin is red and she has black horns.   Lufere confronts Faccanyia about what happened and asks what god she serves. She says she serves Muriden and he's like "yeah let's test this shit" and pulls out his candle to Muriden and casts divination. He asks if Foccaniya has told us the truth and if she will continue to tell us the truth. Muriden replies "I'm sorry about that. She does serve me. I can tell in her heart that she is upset over Remish. Those swords you have are the key to get in." Muriden gives Lufere some Bacchas wine.   Lufere is not pleased with any of this, but accepts the answer. Turns out all of this seems to be because shes mad at Remish and taking out on us.   She leaves. We now have the falactory. Faenore realizes that when Lyra is feeling nervous his heart starts to beat nervously too.   Lyra and Stefan end up putting the swords in the recesses, which causes them to turn red hot, melt and then form into a giant spear. We find that Stefan is the only one who can pick up the spear. He uses it to open the door as it's used like a key.   When he puts it into the recess, the door begins to lift up. Stefan removes the spear before it can get carried up with the door. We go through.   We find corpses of dwarves wearing the clothing of Amrun Raad. While we travel, Lufere takes a sip of the Bacchas Wine and immediately gets wasted.   He ends up getting a little lost. HE ends up trying to get a body out of a sarcophagus- after specifically being told not to touch it please.   A crown falls to the ground as Tempest picks it up, we see a gem in it. The 2 shards we have and the crown start to make a light that converge into a single direction. It turns out the crown has a 3rd shard in it.   We hear a voice of Serule. It says "These are the chains that bind me. You need to sever the lines" and the lines disappear. It seems the shards are keeping the goddess Serule   Tempest and Leland are torn about taking the crown with the shard in it. Tempest ends up putting it on and the crown breaks causing the shard to embed in his head.   Leland ends up accidentally absorbing the second shard in his other hand. As we continue, we find a pedestal that seems to have recesses for all the shards. the jeweled skull that Lyra has starts to float towards the pedestal and sits itself down. This causes the 3 shards we have to be magnetized towards it.   Lurfere, in his drunken state tries to pick up the skull to put it into the portable hole. When he does this, he hears a voice come from the skull. "it says, "why have you awakened me?" Stefan takes the flask away from Lufere so he can't do these drunken escapades anymore.   Meanwhile, Leland's hands are being stretched towards different recesses in a door nearly ripping his hands off. Tempest's head is being magnetized to the top of the door.   Faenore puts a bag of holding over Leland's hand to stop them from being ripped apart.   The skull then says "you must not enter the runeforge" It turns out this is the 3rd guardian. It's Zozth. He doesn't seem to know why he is here., but he's pissed.   Callun hears a voice in his head that says " I will remove the demon from you, but you must serve me" It's Shar. She's telling him to take off the bag of holding from Leland's hand. . She promises to take care of his friends if he does this.   Callun accepts. Malachoz's fights against Callun. The stone from Leland's other hand falls out into the bag of holding. The stone in Tempest's head comes out allowing him to fall to the ground.   Lyra tries to grapple Callun as he tries to remove the bag of holding form Leland's hand, and when she grapples him, she falls to the ground and has Malachoz instead. Malachoz is free and he disappears. WE all desperately try to stop Callun. two of the stones end up in the wall. Leland is able to paralyze Callun.   Faenore ends up using the wand of wonder on the top shard, and it ends up causing it to disappear into the Ethereal plane. This pisses off shar and she immediately returns Malachoz back to Callun's body.   Zoth tells us to cut the lines with a silvered sword to the stones. This will release Serule. He wants to do this to piss off Shar. Stefan cuts all 3 of them.   We see Serule appear. She's pretty grateful that we saved her. She helps get all 3 stones back an into the bag of holding. they fuse in there to form one stone and the demonomicons are gone. this causes the skull to go quiet and fall down.   Lyra keeps it because she still intends to use for her spells later.   Serule allows us into the Runeforge. We figure out that the forge itself is made of cold iron, and there are carts of cold iron everywhere. We ask Sonaj (our drow slave) to teach us to make cold iron weapons here.   Tempest and Leland also get to make powerful weapons as is their birth right here.   It will take some time to accomplish all of this. Sonaj starts get to work on the chains while Lyra starts to take notes on everything. We take a break after a while and go to cast "Speak with Dead" on the dead king that is on the throne.   Lufere and Remish pass out drunk in a corner somewhere.   The questions we ask are:   Who are you? What was the cause of the Runeforge war? Tell us what you know about the source of magic for the forge? Tell us about the bloodline of Doomstone Tell us information that only the kings' know.   This is where we end, just before we ask the questions.                                                    

Session 30: Guardian Number One- The Mummy Lord

We are outside the pyramid, next to the entrance that goes underground. there is a pool of water on the left side of the temple. the very top of the pyramid is made of gold and has a bright beam of blue light flying up from it.   We are able to easily get to the entrance under ground. We pretty quickly get to a dead end. Lufere discovers that the limestone walls are magical.   There is a ceiling above with little circles in it. Lufere wild shapes and crawls up there and can tell there are sliding ceiling that seem like they can open up, but that's all he can see.   We end up finding an underground tunnel that we all go down. It leads to a hallway attached to a few rooms. One room is filled with deep water. We catch a fish form the water and it's a type of piranha.   Tempest tries to fly Faenore across and drops him. Thanks to waterwalk, he is able to get out. Stefan uses his folding boat to get us all across.   The next room has 7 sarcophagi and a circle of 7 sets of foot prints. Meanwhile, Tempest goes to check out the port collus in the first room. He flies up and sees that it seems to be the energy source of this place. tempest tries to use a potion of shrinking to shrink it down and take it, but it just absorbs the magic.   Meanwhile, the rest stand, barefoot in the footprint circle causing us to hear a lows cachunk sound from the water area.   Tempest casts lighting in the water to kill the piranha. As he does this, it causes the water to magically pull itself and then shoot itself up into the portcullis above being absorbed into the energy beam, before the water shoots back down.   We learn that if we let our feet off the circle, whatever opened in the water closes.   Tempest swims down to check out the entrance and see that we need 2 more people to go down and stand on foot prints under the water down there.   They get Lyra and she swims down with Tempest and reads on the wall:   "The gods need to sit on their thrones in the order of the tale, but first in order to find the gods you must stand on the feet"   Lyra and Tempest stand on the plates causing the water to drain. Now all doors are sealed and the groups are separated, even if they stop   On the left side of the room is the Head of a jackal, an obsidian circle with a ring of amethyst, Ibis (a bird thing) On the right side of the room are seats for each symbol.   We have to put them in the correct order. We figure out the order of the heads based from the story of Zozth. This causes the room to be full of magical darkness. The mummies upstairs open the door and go back to their sarcophagi. The upstairs group go through a door that leads down, and Tempest and Lyra go up a walkway and the groups meet together again.   We get to a room with necromantic jars on the walls and a sarcophagus in the middle of the room.   There is an epitaph that says:   This pyramid was created by the Abandonlyse Empire. Powerful sorcerers and architects created it, and it's at the intersection of many laylines. There was a pharaoh that wanted to be buried here named Nepharoo. It explains that he would have rather sacrificed his people than to pay for his crimes. It's ironic that he's buried here.This epitaph was written by Zozth.   The sarcophagus opens up and it's a mummy dressed in full garb. He's like "I have visitors". He asks us who we are. WE tell him we are looking for the Runeforge. He says he and his men are under Zozth's command to stop anyone from entering the next room. Which holds another guardian.   Apparently there are 3 guardians in total.   He tells us that the only way to stop him from having to fight us is to destroy Zozth. Shar would never allow this though.   We try to talk our way through it, but he says IF we try to open this door, he will be compelled to kill us. He tells us even if we kill him, he will come back. Unless his heart is destroyed, which he has and shows us.   He wants to die, but really can't. He doesn't want to fight us, but will have to if we do anything to try and hurt him or proceed on.   He tells us that this pyramid used to allow everyone to cast magic because it had a magical mesh around it allowing this. However, something was built to block the energy of this place making this no longer works. We aren't sure what it is, but it's something metal. Maybe the forge? is the forge. If it were moved, everyone would have magic again.   We end up fighting the Mummy Lord and his mummies.   We kill one mummy. Tempest Fireballs the room destroying the mummy heart and doing a shit ton of damage Remish ends up being turned to dust, but Faenore saves him with a super inspiration.   We defeat the Mummy Lord and his mummies. This is where we end. WE decide to try and get a long rest. Lyra scoops up Remish's ashes. The door opens and we see a statue of 2 sphinxes and a second doorway.   Leland has Mummy Rot Lyra has Protection from Good an Evil (undead) Faenore (concentration) Faenore has a bardic inspiration Leland has a bardic inspiration Lufere has 2 hyenas                

Session 29: Lyra commits genocide to save Faenore

We loot the place of the Oni and find a trap door under the hookah. Faenore sees something glinting in the cracks of the floor board. It's a fancy box with 12 healing potions, and a coiled up rope. Its a rope of entanglement We decide to hang out here until we take a rest.   we hear some rumbling that sounds like it could be some kind of cave in. We run out and check it out. The tunnel where the kobolds were has caved in, and there are orcs of woe, and Remish running away being pursued by a red dragon wearing a weird necklace. We see that they are all being chased by a MUCH larger ancient red dragon. This is why there is a cave in.   We get ready to defend ourselves and save Remish.   During the chaos Tempest yells in Draconic to this dragon that we mean no harm, which causes everyone to kind of go quiet for a moment. The ancient red dragon then looks at the red dragon and yells. at ti to give him back his necklace. Tempest then tells us he doesn't want us. He wants his necklace from the smaller dragon, and we should run.   The ancient dragon bites the head off the smaller dragon and takes his necklace back. We run away as the ancient dragon completely melts the orcs that were there.   We learn that this dragon is The Living Flame. It has that title, because it has a necklace that bears it to anyone that is in possession. The smaller red dragon was the Living Flame, but this larger dragon was recently released by Mammon as he was the ORIGINAL Living Flame. This guy then went and hunted down the smaller dragon to get his necklace back. This necklace was thrown into the Abolith Water by the other group somehow. So, the little dragon was able to escape the abolith somehow? Who knows.   We find 3 books on a dead orc. a couple of chronicles by John Harrison and a book on Morpheus Nightwood.   Faenore offers the Living Flame gifts if he will give us information. Faenore empties his bags and the dragon accepts the offer. Faenore asks about the Fire plane and what it was like. He apparently never wishes to return to the City of Brass as it was his prison. He is on his way to Eldoria, his old home.   The Living Flame agrees to let us stay here and spread the word about him and he may come back eventually to challenge the dragons for this land. He also gives us directions on how to get to the City of Brass if we ever do make it to the plane of Fire.   Lufere teleports The Living Flame back to the other continent.   WE decide to keep heading to House Hunzr in to get cold iron chains. WE travel for a few hours. it's about 6pm. WE get to a point where we can decide to cut our trip in half if we go through a tunnel of Ropers, and we decide, Why Not? Let's do it.   WE decide to travel a bit and setup camp around 9:30pm   WE get some rest and we see some drow hanging out a couple of miles away. We read the books that we found from the dead orc. We learn about a secret entrance to the Runeforge at a black pyramid. The Magnus's believed if they could get ahold of THE GREATSPEAR they would be able to rule over all the kingdom of Greatspear. Legend says there will be a great conflict in the land, kings will vie for control of the land. Peace will only be restored when a descendent of the first King of greatspear that carries the ancient relic Turahte back into the kingdom with finally bring peace.   There is also a scroll that mentioned a story about a guy who had his heart turned to stone by a hag, and he makes a deal with Anubis, he god of death and judgement. to restore it. It was a harsh pact that would test his faith. The story was cut off. Anubis has something to do with the pyramid. We have an idea of where this is, as it describes an area of glowing green mushrooms. Soran knows this place. It's called the Fey-branchu- The Enchanted Glades.   We decided to continue to House Hunzrin. it's on the way anyway.   We find a very suspicious looking Stalagmite that looks like a bloody person was around. Stefan approaches it carefully while invisible and hacks at it with a hand axe....its is just a rock, but we find a bloody spell book on the ground.   We find that the roper is ACTUALLY above us. We quietly all attack it at the same time and kill it. It's roughly 11am the 27th of Azuthaire.   WE make it to House Hunzrin. Soran MOras offers to go inside and try to make the deal and have someone come to us, as it would be quite dangerous. He tells us if he doesn't come back within 1 hour it means he is dead. Lufere accompanies him as a flying snake.   He is successful. He learns that HOuse Draxon has slowed down the flow of lava here. He says if we offer to destroy the dam that is being made above, they may let us go. Either way, we have to meet with the mother matron. We agree.   Her name is Hildra Hunzrin. When we meet her, we must bow with hands and knees on the ground. She will also be duplicated into 5 copies of herself so nobody will know who the real one is. She's also missing a pinkie finger.   We speak to her and tell her what we want and offer her the Drow in our body bag and the tentacle rod. In return we would like cold iron chains. She ends up offering a slave that knows how to forge it. Also she wants us to destroy the dam slowing down the lava flow. We offered a future favor for that.   We are allowed to leave with the slave. Stefan stops by their weapons/armor shop. We buy/trade shit. It's roughly 6pm on the 27th of Azuthaire.   Sonaj is the name of the slave. Lyra thanks him for his help and we dress him. We tell him that once he helps us make cold iron, we will give him his freedom.   We head to the dam and Leland and Tempest are able to find a structural flaw in the dam.   Remish gives us a necklace of unstable fireball beads. Stefan uses Gunner to kamakazi himself into the dam with the beads. It works and we are able to bring the whole dam/bridge down. Many of the drow die.   It's 8pm.   We decide to take a long rest. It is successful.   We continue and fight some giant wasps and drow. We definitely kill someone important. Apparently we killed a priestess.   We get to the forest of green mushrooms. Some dryads try to trick us into dancing and protecting their mushrooms.   Lyra hears a voice in her head saying "I can help you with Faenore" It is able to tempt her into the forest. A fog comes in out of nowhere covering everything. This scares the dryads away.   The group start to look for her and cannot find Lyra.   Meanwhile, Lyra is walking into a hut with an old women. It's Babba Yagga. She tells Lyra that the drow house Feybrunch is trying infiltrate her. She wants us to give Thalia Feybrunch a poppy. Lyra convinces the rest of the group to go alongwith this, but she doesn't reveal that it was Babba Yagga that she made a deal with.   We decide to put together some gifts to give as tribute, the poppy flower being one.   We go back to house Feybrunch. They are kind of chill with us and don't allow their giant plants to eat us.   WE walk up to Thalia, and she is confused that we are not eaten. Just as she is about to have her venus fly traps eat us, we offer her the gifts. Lyra accidentally falls into the "thanks trap" and then gives Thalia the poppy. Thalia pricks her finger on it and then starts to turn to stone. Everything here starts to turn to stone. We are able to outrun it, but Osoris gets caught up and turned to stone. It's horrible.   After we escape, everyone is like What the Fuck Lyra!! Lyra then kisses Faenore and half of her heart goes into Faenore and half of Faenore's stone heart goes into Lyra. Everyone is just stunned, and Lyra is torn up with guilt and shame, She's worried that Faenore will hate her after what she's done.   As they are sitting, a black cat approaches Lufere, and tries to get him to follow it. We decide to follow it, and it leads us to a giant hole next to a mushroom. This seems to be where we may need to go to get to the pyramid.   Lufere offers the cat a piece of dragon heart as a thank you, and the cat turns into a beautiful woman. She has a mark on her cheek. She says "have a good journey" and walks away.   We start walking down into the hole. We see the pyramid. there is a hole dug in the ground that serves as an entrance.   There are hieroglyphics on the pyramid that talks about someone named Zozth and an ancient city named Kathera in an empire that no longer The Bandonallese Empire. HIs wife Akilla saved some kids that the pharaoh wanted to kill. the pharaoh ends up killing the kids and Akilla and Zozth. In his death, Zozth met Anubus, who struck a deal with Shar. Zozth came back and got revenge on all the pharaohs men. Sending plagues across the land. There was an ocean around Kathera. All of that water because cursed and turned to sand. All the sea creatures were turned.   The only way to cure this was for the people to rise up and kill the pharaoh, but the people did not do this. He left the pharaoh alive and sunk their city into the sands.   After this he begged Shar to release him, but she wouldn't acknowledge him. He was unable to die, so he threw himself from a cliff ending up in the fey wild. He met the queen of air and darkness and then realized his falactory was the black diamond. This made him want to destroy it.   He eventually mummified all the pharaoh's men in the temple and engineered the destruction of the black diamond, and that is what he's going to do....that's were this ends.   He was responsible for the Shards of the Sundering.   Lyra accidentally reveals that she worked with Babba Yaga, and she feels terrible about what she's done. Lufere gives her the book on Baba Yaga, and she realizes that the black cat was actually Ilgueve.   This is where we end. Just outside of the pyramid.   We talk about going back to grab Orsaris so we can bring him back somehow later.  

Session 28: Exploring Islands and smoking with and Oni

We are headed to the 8th house Hunzrin with the tentacle taff and the paralyzed body of Zeltherin in the body bag. Every 10 minutes, we give him air. It's the 26 of Auzuthair 1083 10am.   As we travel, Lufere lets us know that it seems we are being followed. We put down some spike growth behind us to slow down whomever it is.   We decide to set up an ambush. Callun and Stefan hide and stay back and wait for whomever is following us so we can see who it is. The rest continue slightly ahead slowly. and as the follower approaches the group we will turn around and confront them with Stefan and Calllun coming up on their other side.   Stefan and Callun notice crevices in the walls periodically about 3 ft circular. Lyra notices these same holes and pokes her head in one to see what it is, and sees 2 glowing eyes that scuttles away.   In the back, Stefan and Callun hear a little noise of something running through the trap as it leaves a whole to go towards another one, and it dies from the damage. It's a kobald. It seems we are being followed by kobalds. Stefan messages Lufere letting him know what happens.   Callun tries to pray to Elistre, but isn't successful in getting anywhere as Malachoz just punches him in the face constantly.   Stefan and Callun catch up with the group. Soran Moras tells us that he knows this area and has never seen Kobalds here before, and a couple of months ago at least, there were no holes in the wall.   Stefan ends up lighting a torch and definitely seems more creatures looking at us from the holes. They look like they are bearing their teeth at us. Leland starts to talk to them in draconic and finds out they want us to pay them gold to travel through this tunnel. 2 piles worth.   An old kobald with wings comes out and says in common that they have to be 2 medium piles. Lyra tells him the best we can do is 2gp per person or their lives. The old kobold growls and heads back to the hole. Lyra attempts to casts suggestion on him to make him tell his leader the deal we want to go with, but it doesn't work.   HOwever, we are able to travel through the tunnel and get to a larger open room. We realize we will be at a huge disadvantage walking through this room as there are 15 ft high walls on either side of us where we could be easy targets from.   Stefan throws in his ever smoking bottle and fills the room with smoke so we can run through without being seen.   As the bottle hits the ground, kobolds from each side of the walls peek over and look down and throw rocks at it. Once everything is obscured, we decide to run through. The kobolds pelt down rocks anyway. We get through without issue.   WE get to a place where there is an island out on the water, some vines we can climb up or go around the vines. If we climb the vines, we can get to our destination in 4 hours. If we go around the vines, we can get there in 6 hours, or we can go explore the island which has nothing to do with why we are here.   Soran tells us there are Duregar on the island along with some Aroathey. Soran says if we wee to go get an Aroathey. Stefan and Tempest REALLY want to go to the island. Callun Lyra and Faenore really want to just get on with our journey so we can save them both.   Lufefe is like, "I can just conjure cows" and decides to go up the vine. Tempest decides to fly to the island as Leland tries to talk him out of it. So this is what happens. The party ends up splitting.   Soran Moras, Stefan, Callun, Tempest and Leland decide to take a boot to the island. Osiris, Faenore, Lyra, and Lufere climb up the vine. They walk a little forward and realize they don't know where they are going as their guide went to the island.   We turn around and see the other group sailing across with Tempest flying across. Something hits their boat as they are sailing, causing the boat tip quite a bit. Tempest is able to see this is a long serpent type creature in the water, because he can see it from his viewpoint in the sky.   Meanwhile, the other group who climbed the vines encounter something large that pops out of the ground. It's a Bulette. Meanwhile....   The sea serpent thing wraps itself around the front of the boat. They fight it, and as the serpent raises up and blows cold shit at them a second tail wraps itself around the back of the boat. They defeat one of the serpents causing the loss of weight to almost tip the boat.   Meanwhile, Faenore gets knocked off the vines place, and falls 60ft. down. Lyra talks to a ghost and finds out this bullette is somebody's pet. The fight continues and as the Bullette dives off the edge towards Faenore, suiciding itself into the ground. This means the Bullette killed itself and we can tell it's owner as much.   The folks in the boat are in severe danger. Lufere summons two large octopi and has them save Callun and Leland and get them back to the boat. Stefan gives Callun a potion but he isn't breathing. He's able to get him to cough up the water saving his life.   They make it to the island all very perturbed with Tempest for getting them into this mess in the first place. They finds some Roathay, but see no duergar.   Tempest sees a waterfall with a dam...he thunderwaves the dam, causing the water flow a lot more. There is a roathay that has a glittering horn that runs from behind the waterfall. It's a golden necklace. Stefan coaxes the roathay with grass and is able to take the necklace off it's horn.   The necklace has a symbol with a circle with a line through the middle with lines coming off the half circle. Almost like sun rising over a horizon.   They find another tunnel that goes deeper under ground. They find a bed roll there, a fire pit and some weapons and armor lying around. There is a stalagminte on the ground with a rope tied to it piled next to it. It could be used to go down deeper.   Leland starts shooting at Tempest in an attempt to make him go to sleep so they can get out of there. They seem one of the octopi walk up to Leland in a friendly way to try and grab him. Leland begs the Octopus to go after Tempest first, but it starts to try and pick Leland up like a baby. Stefan sneakily stabs Tempest with a sleep dagger to put him to sleep, however, Tempest resists the sleep and it doesn't work.   Soran is trying to get a Rowthay on the boat during all of this time.   Stefan gets to a point where he's just ready to leave Tempest. He decides to go back with the Octopus and Leland.   From the shore we see that they landed on the island. We hear the blast from Tempest's Thunderwave. Lufere sent his 2 octopi to try and fetch our friends. The rest of us decide to go find the guy who had the bullette as a pet. One of the Octopi brings back Callun. We head up to the guy with the pet's house.   We get through a lit up tunnel that leads to a small temple. Inside are big colorful pillows and textiles on the walls and a hookah in the middle. There is a very large humanoid fellow smoking from the hookah. He has tiny horns on his head and tusks coming out of his mouth.   He invites us to sit and smoke without even hesitating.   His name is Mig'ged, and he has a single friend in this world. (I wonder who that could've been. Surely not the bullette)   Callun, Lufere, Osiris and Faenore smoke with Mig'ged. Lufere and Osiris get fucking high.   Mig'ged is from a land called UR. WE ask him if that is close to the City of Brass, and he says no, it's on the plane of fire and the royal family are Ifritie that live there. He visited once and was able to survive the area with a ring of fire resistance, which he has a few.   Meanwhile, Leland, Stefan, Soran, and the Rothay make it to the shore. Soran ties it up and the climb up the vines making their way to Mig'ged's house.   They hear a bunch of giggling coming from inside and walk in.   Meanwhile, Tempest, in his cavern explores. He finds a cavern with running water, a lantern on the ground, a banjo against the wall, and small row boat without oars tied to a stake in the ground.   There is also a couple of piles of gold pieces and gems. He takes some of the coins and notice they have a stamp of a spear on them. Tempest recognizes these to be Great Spearean gold pieces.   He explorers further and finds a giant ship. As he flies towards it a cannonball flies passed him. He's able to dodge it but is hit by another one which knocks him out immediately. He falls back into the water, and thankfully can breathe under water. He is out for 2 hours. Meanwhile, Lufere's octopi have made it back to the island are are looking for him.   Meanwhile,   Everyone else is getting high or fighting against getting a contact high. Lufere sees hallucinates his octopi coming back, wearing veils and dancing. He dances with them.   Callun is fucking high which seems to have maybe calmed Malachoz down.   Mig'ged is talking to his sword. Mig'ged says it talks a lot about recipes. He must have been a cook in another life. Anytime he talks about a recipe, the sword just drones on with an antedote and takes forever to get to the recipe if he EVER gets to the recipe.   Mig'ged cooks some meatloaf for us.   Stefan starts to feel super high and decides to get some fresh air. While he's out there he finds a pile of bones. He recognizes them to be human bones.   OH NO!! I think we ate human meat loaf. Stefan also sees an octopus dragging an unconscious Tempest, but he's not sure if that's a hallucination or not.   Everyone is coming down from the high except Callun. They see Stefan walk back into the temple. He looks super nonchalant, and just as he attacks with this vorpal sword he yells "This guy is bad news!!" Mig'ged wrestles Callun down to the ground and now he looks exactly like Callun. We can't tell them apart.   Faenore tries to provoke Malachoz, but gets no response. However, Stefan is able to figure out which one is the Oni. He transforms into his actual state. WE fight him and do pretty well. He eventually credits us for being formidable foes and stabs his sword into the ground, and disappears into black smoke.   Callun picks up the sword and immediately hears a voice that says "Perfect!" You will be a suitable host. My name is Magnus" which is the same surname that Leland and Tempest have.   We loot the place and find a trap door under the hookah. Faenore sees something glinting in the cracks of the floor board. It's a fancy box with 12 healing potions, and a coiled up rope. (Remind harley next week and he tell us about it)   Stefan's necklace will also be explained. Have Harley confirm the duration of the shrink potions   This is where we end. (we want to take a long rest)                                                          

Session Twenty Seven: A quest for Cold Iron

We start with Faenore having just disappeared after wishing for Woe's falactory.   He is inside a hut that smells familiar. Faenore fills an icy cold that is emanating from his chest. There is a frosty, but empty pedestal in front of him. The hut feels very familiar.   There is one door here. He hears voices on the other side. He recognizes it to be Spain's voice.   He strangely doesn't see the falactory anywhere...It is then that he realizes that the falactory is inside of his chest. It is cold, incredibly painful and it is evil. Faenore has this really solid thing inside of his chest.   Faenore just walks through the door, because what else is he going to do? Spain asks what he's doing here. Faenore falls to his knees and begs for help.   She asks "Where is the heart of Woe" and Faenore is like, "heart?" Spain is like, yeah, it's made of diamond. Faenore is just like, "Fuck!"   Spain says Faenore can't go anywhere without getting that heart out. Faenore tries to conivnce Spain that he traded spots with the heart. The heart is with his friends.....just as he's getting tunnel vision and passing out.     Meanwhile... Lyra gives Lufere a holy symbol of Corellon so he can casat Divination. He asks the question. "What will Faenore's location be in the next 30 minutes" Lufere gets a vision of Spain.   We then all rush back to the Orogs.   They take us to Faenore. He is passed out and is cold as ice. He wakes up. Spane tells us Faenor's heart seems to have been replaced by Woe's heart.   Callun all of a sudden gets paranoid and afraid, and realizes that he has no idea where he is at and the last thing he remembers is when we were at Amrun Raad fighting the Death Knight. WE try to calm him and catch him up on what is going on. We learn that he is actually now possesses by Malachoz. Malachoz doesn't how how he got where he is, he just suddenly appeared.   We learn he was in the Abyss before he came to be inside Callun.   HE goes quiet.   We talk to Spain about Woe. We ask her how he was trapped. A human and elf with vorpal swords did it. Lyra speaks to Spain in private and convinces her to let us take Faenore with us by telling her that She is in love with Faenore and that she won't let anything happen to the falactory. It's for love, and Spain agrees to let us to take Faenore.   SHe also confesses there may be a way to destroy the falactory, but Lyra tells her she doesn't want to know anything about this. Lyra leaves the room and everyone quickly detects that she is hiding something from them. She eventually reveals that Spain knows of a way that the falactory can be destroyed.   Stefan goes to speak with Spain and finds she doesn't actually know how to destroy it.   The only people that would know how to destroy the diamond heart of the elemental that was turned into a falactory are the royalty of the "City of Brass" This thing isn't actually Woe's heart, but is just named that.   We have no idea what any of that means.   Lufere has a book that tells him about how liches become liches. It's completely brutal.   We decide to go collect cold iron since we are here, and as soon as we start talking about cold iron, Malachoz starts punching callun in the face. Lyra tries to tie up Callun's hand, but Saran Moras says he has seen this kind of madness before and he helps Callun ground himself. Soran Moras says we need to hurry if we are to help him.   We approach the Deep Gnomes and we find that they have been killed.   It looks like they were killed with blades from House Hunzrim, famous craftsmen in the drow society here.   We look through the village and find a single survivor. Lufere stumbles upon the frightened gnome while searching for survivors.   The poor guy doesn't speak our language, but does know a primordial terran language that Tempest knows.   We learn that drow came through and killed everyone. They had traded with these drow. Someone was asking questions about something that only the elder knew. The elder refused to give the information, so the drow killed everyone. The drows name was Zeltherin of House Valeinan. (the 10th house)   He has heard that House Moras has fallen, so maybe he's the 9th house now. We learn he survived because he had fallen asleep in the mines. We learn the drow took everything they had including Cold Iron that had been mined.   He allows us to investigate to try and find out what information the drow wanted to know. They aren't allowed to mine cold iron, but were doing it anyway.   Callun and Soran Moras sit as we are investigating everything. Soran starts pulling his hair out. He asks Callun for a favor. When they do a watch, he wants Callun to do the watch with him. He has some secret he wants to share. He's losing his nerve about something.   Meanwhile, we are investigating, and we find some kind of list...we have our gnome friend tell us what they say and they are very rare recipes that requires rare ingredients for their area.   The gnome is so excited about this recipe book.   We do find a small piece of cold ore, but everything has been ransacked. The gnome believes they want to make weapons that can fight other drow.   The gnome thinks Zeltherin got House Hunzerin to do his bidding.   We end up finding a bunch of cold iron in a mine cart. It's enough for us to make the chains we need. Malachoz tells Callun that he'll be dead long before we forge it. Callun just tries to ignore him.   We escort the gnome to the neighboring city. He puts us up in a room and tells us he has to take care of some shit and will come talk to us tomorrow.   While we are resting in the room, Lyra sits with Soran and thanks him for helping Callun, but he is kind of having a panic attack and says he has to leave the room and leaves. Callun goes with him, He pull some shit out of his bag. It's a cat of 9 tails. He pulls off his shirt. He says he's tormented by what he did wrong. He blames himself for killing his mother, and says this is how she would punish him. He needs CAllun to punish him.   Callun takes the cat of 9 tails and MOras tells Callun not to hold back. Callun obliges. The rest of hear noise coming from their room, and Lyra just has to check on them. She walks in to find a traumatized Callun crying and beating Soran with the cat of 9 tails. Lyra puts an end to it.   She is just shocked and doesn't totally know how to deal with it. She helps clean up Soran's back and she sits with him that night and they talk about their histories and families and what it was like growing up. Soran has purple eyes which would mean something if he was a female drow, but because he's not it means nothing.   While Faenore was meditating, he had visions of Woe and many orcs chipping away at the ice that is holding him. Much of the bone is already exposed.   Callun had visions of Graazt and being whipped   We wake up. Soran offers to get Lyra breakfast and when they go down they see Zeltherin sitting by himself. Soran tells us he's actually been searching for something called the Gulthias Staff. Lyra of coarse realizes this is Lufere's staff. They get their breakfast to go and go tell everyone about him.   Stefan and Callun go down for breakfast. Stefan has Callun go distract Zeltherin, and Stefan walks by eating his portabella mushroom and dripps it all over him as he tries to sleight of hand Zeltherin. He rolled a 30, so he basically gets a small figurine of some kind of animal, his coin purse, his journal, and his weapon, which is a mythril dagger. (can be identified)   Stefan winks at Callun that they can go now. As they go back up stairs, he give Callun the coins and the dagger. He keeps the journal and the figurine though.   We wake up our gnome friend and tell him that Zeltherin is here, and he immediately wants to leave.   Stefan looks through Zeltherin's journal and there is so much information about it, and there are also instructions about purifying it at the rune forge.   Every morning Callun is having to roll a d10. This morning he becomes super paranoid and is obsessed on his situation with Malachoz. Poor Callun.   Tempest ends up seeing that Stefan has Hazel's book. He doesn't reveal that he saw this though.   Lyra casts suggestion on Callun to tell him to be calm and unafraid, and htis helps a lot with his panic attacks. (THIS IS CONCENTRATION AND LASTS FOR 8 HOURS)   We go down to try and talk to Zeltherin in an attempt to possibly trade information about the gulthias tree. When we go downstairs he is gone. We find out from the bar keep that he went up stairs and DIDN"T pay for his food. The bar keep sends us up to collect. We knock on the door, as soon as Zerethin sees us all, he closes the door, Faenore storms in and knocks something out of his hand that he was speaking into. Faenore knocks it out of his hands   We learn this place is going to be surrounded by his house soon.   We ask why and he doesn't answer. We offer him the mother matron staff and tell him that he could use it to frame another house, and he considers this.   He tells us that House Hunzrin may know how to forge cold iron. He offers to introduce us. We tell him we will hand off the staff once he makes the introduction. or gets us the staffs.   Soran MOras says his sister is going to become the mother matron of the 10th house. She has a problem with the 2nd house. Faenore suggests the drow planting the staff at the 2nd house. Ultimately, we are like we give you the staff if you give us some cold iron chains.   Zeltherin calls off his guards and sets up a rendezvous point for us to meet with his contact.   The Rendezvous point is in the market place of Nexerith. (The major drow city here).   Hunzrin casts Nystul's Magical Aura on the tentacle staff we have so that nobody notices it when we hand it off. We go to Nexerith. We wonder through the market place. WE notice that there are A LOT of elvaan shit you can buy.   Lyra buys a winter fur coat for Faenore, and in side the pocket he finds a key with a snowflake on the end of it.   Everyone trades/buys some things   We head to the Rendezvous point. We walk through a club type place with male drow strippers and gambling and stuff. There is a fancy drow wearing colorful shiny gems and stuff.   We speak privately with him. He agrees to get us some cold iron chains in exchange for the tentacle rod. However he says it'll take a couple of days. We ask if there is any way to speed things up, and Faenore offers some dragon hide to turn into leather.   He tells us he will get it for us tomorrow.   Stefan convinces him to meet us in the market place tomorrow to make the trade.   We get the fuck out of this place cuz it's weird and it's creepy and this guy is creepy and hot for Lufere.   We get back outside and see a drow with 2 shambling skeletons behind him. Soran tells us it's a guy named Daris Velkun of the 5th house. He's a necromancer. The high wizard of his house.   Zetherin helps us find a place to stay for the night. Faenore and Lyra stay in the room so as not to bring any unnecessary attention to themselves.   They discuss the key that Faenore found in his coat and recognize it to be the key that goes to the gate to the snowy place north of calimbar with the tower that they've never been able to get to before. There is a spire there like the one in Saad Naual. How did this key get here? Who could've had it?   Stefan gets everybody food. We rest for the rest of the day and night.   The next morning when we wake up, we hear a knock at the door . There is a box at the door and Lyra chases off after whomever left it. She catches him and makes him stop.   Apparently, House Drax House 2- the mother matron has an interest in us. They are at the central region with the Vulcanic region of the rift. or something like that. He says "It's the chains for the staff" and he leaves.   We open the box, and it's the head of the pimp we talked to the day before with an invitation.   Callun has an episode. He is standing next to Malachoz and Malachoz is whispering in his ear that he's going to die.   We decide that we don't want to deal with House Drax. Besides it's house Hurzin (the 8th house) that we need anyway. The group decides to try and capture the package deliverer, kill him and leave the staff on his body.   Lyra uses the suggestion command to get this guy to come back up stairs with her.   WE tie him up and Leland paralyzes him with a jelly fish.   we decide to put him in the bag of holding, but every 10 minutes make sure he gets some air, otherwise he is going to suffocate. We put the tentacle rod with him.   We decide to go to the 8th house and try to trade him and the staff for cold iron chains.   Just walk right in there and demand trade. What could go wrong?   This is where we stop.                                                                

Session 26:Parties are split. Beholder fight and a fight for love against a warchief

We are standing inside the temple of Elistre. Lyra is holding Faenore in his arms. Quill knows what has happened to Leland, but his body is still with us. It seems to be convulsing even though his brains are all over the ground.   WE learn Leland is with his brother in the axe.   Saran Maras asks us what happens to us when we die, and Lyra explains that the elves go to Correlon and then get to be reborn. We learn that when the drow die, nothing happens as they have all been cursed by Corellon. Lyra says she'll talk to Corellon on Saran's behalf and see if she can get this curse removed.   WE learn that Saran's mother is of a 3rd rank in his city. He imagines his sister will now be the new matron mother. Saran Moras believes we are now on borrowed time and we must leave the under dark or be killed.   We put Leland's body in the bag. Saran asks that we leave his mother here. He tells us the deep gnomes and cold iron mine is about an hour away. He knows a shortcut, but there or Orogs there, and they are very dangerous.   We take one more look around this place before leaving and Faenore finds an Origami Unicorn. Quill also gives him the ring she found.   We head out, and come up on a large open area. We see a hut with a large orish looking woman with children running around. She sends her children away as we approach.   We explain we are here in peace and just need to pass through. We have to bestow a gift to the war chief. We head up to talk to the war chief WE meet the chief, whose name is Spain. She confronts Lyra and FAenore about their worship of Corellon. an intemidation tactic is used to try an intimidate Faenore, but he comes back with a pretty good retort that makes Spain laugh. She then challenges Faenore to a drinking challenge. Faenore convinces them to let Stefan do the drinking challenge, and he convinces them to allow the use of his specific tankard (which makes all alcohol drinks non alcoholic) due to religious reasons.   Stefan and Spain talk about Great Spear and their philosophies. Stefan says he doesn't like to discuss politics with friends. She is contemplating his friendship and is still undecided.   As Stefan points out that we come bearing gifts, we learn this would be the first time that an elf has ever bought Spain a gift.   We learn that she does NOT want the gift of the staff of the mother matron. She looks at us and asks "What have you done?"   She wants nothing to do with the weapon we have. Stefan steps up and apologizes for any insult. He offers her some dragon hide which she finds to be acceptable.   This blue dragon hide seems to be meaningful to her. WE learn that she has ridden a dragon before, and not in the way that you would think.   She tells us to leave immediately and we get on our way.   Meanwhile....   Leland is on the wings of a raven. He sees Xantoine with his axe held high looking at an imprisoned woe. Leland lands on the axe and is inside what looks like a long field of grass with turbulent skies of auroras and twinkiling stars.   Next to him appears to be Tempest. He immediately throws a punch at Tempest then immediately hugs him. Xantoine the dad is like, so, Xantoine Jr. just have obtained another soul through the axe, and Leland explains what has happened and exactly how he got here. They argue about whether or not Leland know how to get out of this thing or not, and it's pretty adorable.   Leland lies about how hazel when Tempest asks how she fared against the matron mother. Tempest believes what he says though.   Xantonine then just says that he's been protecting them or something,a nd now that barrier is falling, because it wasn't meant to hold so many people? They start seeing orbs fly through the cracks of this protection bubble.   Inside the orbs they see something playing out inside the orb, and they all stare in confusion.   There are now hundreds of orcs around them that look blood thirsty and mean.   Tempest then asks out loud, "If we die in here, what happens?" Xantoine responds that they likely cease to exist.   They end up having to fight this really large group of orcs. Leland then hugs Tempest, wraps his legs around Xantoine, and Tempest casts fly, so they can fly out. The more they fly up and out, the more they fly over this infinite amount of orcs. They are still surrounde b the weird orbs.   Leland Eldritch Blasts an orb, and it kind of absorbs the blast and hits the ground in front of a figure running in that orb.   Leland then decides do tly towards the orb and flies into it. He is now surround by ugly green mountain orcs rallying around a main orc changing something. Xantoine points out they have not been seen yet, so to be careful.   The orc in the center is speaking to the orcs trying to inspire them for battle. He is holding THE axe as he inspires his warriors.   When Leland looks at Tempest and vice versa they see each other as orcs. Xantonine also looks way more orcish. They then realize they can actually understand what the leader is saying in orcish.   He's saying everyone has been repressed and the reason they have nothing is due to all other races taking all the resources, and the gods of those races overthrowing Grumsh unfairly. and the only way to thrive is to destroy those other races.   Another orb collides with the orb they are in. Now they see the same orc (woe) laying in a field calling out for his brothers. He feels utterly alone and he beings to think about when he was an actually dragon and when he was with his brothers, and they were always better and faster at everything they ever did. He was always ridiculed by his brothers and feel less. He always tired to keep up with his brothers and laugh it off, but instead of building him, they only saw him as a failure.   He sinks into these thoughts and time moves on. NOw Woe is near death and incredibly thirsty. He is approached by a giant white wolf with a woman orc on it's back. She offers him water. She saves him. She says she should've let him die because he's weak, and they talk about where he fairs from. Woe came from the Fey Wild originally and ended up here. He confesses that his war chief is dangerous in making his orc brothers a living hell and that they plan to take his throne by force, and this is where he starts.   She calls him a fool and tells him he will die here. She throws down her watershkin and rides off.   Woe builds his strength and finds a village of orcs. All of their orcs skins are grey here, which is different fromt he green skin he knows. He goes to see the warchief, and beside the warchief is the woman who saved him. He confess he lost his tribe and wants to join this tribe. The warchief says he must defeat his daughter. The one who saved him before. Her name is Spain. Was Woe the blue dragon she was thinking of when we gave her the blue dragon hide. they collide into another orb. the other group is heading towards the deep gnomes. We hear a noise from the top saying What are you doing in my laire?" We tell him we are just passing through and then are attacked by his minions...some hobgoblins. A fight breaks out.   Meanwhile....Tempest is now Woe, and Leland is now Standing in front of them is a warchief. Spain and Woe are to fight the warchief. Tempest (woe) lightening bolts the chief.   These 2 fights happen simultaneously.WTF?   the fight with the group is fighting a beholder and hobgoblins. The beholder disintegrates Quill. it's terrifying.   As Quill dies, her spirit is standing in the shadow fell with a raven scolding her for even being here in the spirit world. She now has a choice to help the friends she was heling. or she goes and she helps Tempest. She decides to go back to the group, because we actually have the body.   The rest of the group sees a spiritual Quill run up and hit that mother fucker just a little bit. I guess the Raven Queen sent her back to us.   TEmpest gets to a point where he takes a shit ton of damage in his fight. Both of Brad's characters are down. He has to pick one of his characters to move on.   We put up a timer and continue the game.   Meanwhile, Callun takes his turn.   He misses.   Fights Continue for both parties. Quill disappears after a few minutes, because Brad chooses Tempest to be the one to survive. Quill return to the Raven Queen   Faenore deals the killing blow to the beholder in the large group fight and we defeat it.   Leland, is able to defeat the warchief . Only 2 orcs left. He maims one of them and then demands the bow down. They decline and he has only 1 hp left.   He is able to defeat the orcs. He helps Woe (Tempest) up and carries him off the battlefield.   The other group defeat the beholder. They decide to try and rest in his lair and find a little puppy up there. Lufere plays fetch with it.   There are 3 chests up there as well We figure out if one chest is open, the other 2 chest disappear.   WE decide to take a long rest before doing anything. We rest and are ok.   Tempest and Lelan as Woe and Spain win their fight.   Woe liked Spain, but he had to go back to his brothers. He chose his brothers over being with her. That doesn't mean he doesn't love her. That's what they know.   They are sitting with Zantoine in the axe right now.   Leland claims to know how to get them out of the axe, but that's a lie and they believe him.   Zantoine sees a slit in the reality and they all see orcs chipping away at ice to break Woe free. Leland approaches this slit in reality. When he approaches it, he feels as if he is being pulled out of it. Leland turns and looks at Tempest, says "I told you it would take time" and then moves forward through the slit. He disappears.   Zantoine follows suite as does Tempest. They are now standing in the Raven Queens's quarters. There is a raven there that says that they just need a resurrection spell on their bodies.   Tempest has Gentle Repose cast, so we can cast Revivify, wich Lufere can prepare, and Lyra has prepared with her spirit session. They can bring back TEmpest with this, but Leland has to have a real resurrection spell, because we couldn't bring back Leland due to him not having Gentle Repose.   Faenore did cast gentle repose on Leland once the spell was repaired again. Lufere casted a divination spell to see what we should do with leland/Tempest, because we really don't know that we can get either of them out of the axe.   lufere has to sacrifice a tuning fork and sees Gaia walk towards him. She says she will send a raven. A raven flies up and lands on Lufere's shoulder. It's Michael, the raven that Leland and Tempest were chatting with.   Lufere asks who we can resurrect and when in regards to Tempest and Leland. Michael lets Lufere know that they both made it out of the axe and are ready for resurrection.   He also has something tied around his leg which Lufere takes. Michael makes Lufere promise not to tell anyone that he provided this message. It's some kind of arcane writing. Lufere examins it and it's a scroll of Raise Dead.   Lyra casts Revivify and brings back Tempest. Tempest comes back to life. It's joyous.   Faemore casts Raise Dead. We all have to say something nice to convince Leland to come back. The blanket covering Lelands head reshapes itself. He glows from his fingers and toes. He is able to come back. thank goodness we gathered his brains, because it wouldn't have worked other wise.   WE lie to Tempest about Hazel and tell him she is waiting for us in town. He believes us.   Lufere casts dispel magic on the silver chest. This cuases that single chest to disappear out of existence.   Callun opens the copper chest. We all see blue smoke fill the room. Then forming on the bed we see some kind of blue person made of smoke and wind appear.   Callun says he can talk to anyone in the group and do whatever you want, and the guy says "granted" and then the guy disappears . He then reapperates on the bed. He says One wish down.   WE then learn that Demogorogon was the one who made the wish.   Lufere then wishes to know what the Demogoron wished for and he wished to go back to the Abyss.   WE get one third wish. Faenore says he wishes for Woes falactory in his possession. Faenore then disappears.   HOLY SHIT! Lufere needs something of Corellons. Lyra has a holy symbol she is willing to let him use to to cast a divination skill. Lyra carves, "Are you OK?" on the bracer she is wearing.   We also realize that since Demogoron left Callun, we no longer need the cold iron from the Deep Gnomes.   This is where we end.   f                                                

Session 25: Faenore's Dad banged a goddess and a fight with a Mother Matron

We are standing with Osaris, the drow, Saran Maras with him and his dead wife. They have agreed to go with us. The walls are covered in biolescent lichen. There are weird scratches on the wall. We talk to Saran Maras and he tells us that we can find cold iron at a mine where the deep gnomes are. We decide we can just bypass the duregar and will likely have better luck with deep gnomes.   As we start to travel, we are attacked by a purple worm. We defeate it before it just barely eats Callun.   Saramaras recognizes Faenore's sword as a Sword of Elistre, whom is a drow goddess of the moon, and she's kind of nice. Faenore explains this was his father's sword. When Faenore asks how he can know that, we see a temple in the hole in the ground we just made and he says he will show Faenore. Sure enought there is a statue there or Elistre and she is holding a sword that looks like Faenores.   We learn that Saramara doesn't have any friends, and Lyra makes friends with him so now he has at least one friend. She shows him how to shake hands.   We learn that Saramaras has read about Elistre from the library. We decide to go check out the temple. Faenore ends up putting his sword into a stone holder which causes everything to glow a bluish moon light color. The creates a reflection on the sword that shows the words "Moon Dancer's Grace"   The whole place is lit up now in a beautiful ghostly blue. We check out a closed door with a sigil of an ankh. We are able to get into another room where there is a bed that is completely made and clean. There is no dust here, but also no sign of anyone being here.   Lufere finds a book of poetry written in elvish in the nightstand. It's spicy poetry wirtten to Elistre by Pisou Arvala...Faenore's father...Lyra hands the book to Faenore. He learns this was written in the 770's. roughly 300 ish years ago.   Oh my gosh...I think Faenore's father was lovers with Elistre....that's crazy.   Elistre is Corellon's daughter....Pisou is a priest of Corellon. SCANDALOUS.....   Callun finds a book with a folded up piece of with a picture of the ankh. Sran reads out loud "Those who are without hope will hear my words" in undercommon, and this causes the locked door to open.   in this room, we see s portal filled with night stars. There are oils and a bath here. Lyra learns that Callun doesn't know how to read, and she offers to help him learn how to read.   There is no water source for the bath in here. Callun takes a lot of the oils that are here. Callun decides to start praying to Elistre to see if he can get her attention. This causes a moon to start to appear in the portal of stars.   Callun prays earnestly and moonlight shines on him, but in his head he only hears Demogorgon telling him there is no hope for him. Demogorgon says if Callun takes him down deeper, the drow can help separate himself from Callun. Then they follow up with there is no hope. However, Callun hears a faint feminine that says "There's always hope" Callun doesn't hear anything else, but feels that Elistre will guide him.   Faenore decides to pray to Elistre, and Elistre asks why his father buried her sword. Faenore gets a flashing memory of digging up the sword from the little girl's grave.   We figure out that the bath is for bathing in moonlight and getting clean. Callun strips and gets in the bath and is cleaned in moonlight. Faenore exits the room at this point to join Stefan and Leland on watch. He immediately sees that we are being approached by drow.   Lufere informs everybody. Most of us are in the bathroom. However, Quill is in the bedroom. Faenore grabs his sword from the pedestal, and the lights go out.   Stefan and Leland start to try and barricade up some of the place. Outside there are drow asking what we are doing and assuming we are surface dwellers. Saran tells us that it's his mother outside and he had been captured by a rival house. His mother is Matron Morras.   Callun starts to pray again, and Elistre tells him that we need to surrender.   Leland and Faenore talk to Matron Morras a bit trying to de escalate this situation. Stefan and Callun put on their cloaks of invisibility. Demogorgon tries to overtake Callun, but he is able to resist.   LIghtening all of a sudden flies through the door and hits the pedestal where Faenore is. Faenore is able to dodge it completely.   We fight for a while. The mother matron bashes Leland's head in until he is beyond dead. Faenore takes a huge amount of damage.   The mother matron ends up retreating through a portal. Quill ends up praying to the Raven Queen and she opens a portal where we can see Leland talking to her. She asks him if he'd like to come back and help his friends or go directly to the axe and try to help his brother.   He decides to go save his brother.   Then shit happened, and we realized that mother matron couldn't actually portal out. so Faenore actually died as well. We killed the mother matron, but not before she summoned a yochlol   The rest of the drow fucking get terrified and get the shit out of dodge. Lyra tries to heal Faenore and wake him up but he doesn't respond.   The demon Yochlol that the mother matron summoned is decapitated by stefan, who was a complete badass this whole fight killing 2 other baddies on top of this thing.   We end, with Lyra completely heartbroken over Faenore and determined to get him back. She whispers something into his dead ear that nobody else can hear.   Meanwhile, Tempest feels himself soaring through the sky on the back of wings. He sees an ice formation with a few orcs standing in front of a frozen dracolich. The raven flies down and lands on the axe, and this teleports Leland into the axe....                                                    

Session 24: The Great Library

We see Hazel lying on the ground. She is barely breathing. We figure out that she is poisoned. Lufere and Faenore look into the books they have to see if they can find anything about this tree and apple. Lufere, does know it's called Gulthias tree. It produces a red and white apple, but he doesn't know what the apples do.   I guess now we know the apple is poisonous. Leland puts the apple in a jar. Faenore is able to cure Hazels poison, but she is still unconscious.   Stefan tells us that there was a grove with this tree where Hazel go the apple. It's about 10 minutes from where we are resting.   We go examine this tree, and it is completely black and no leaves. However there are apples being produced. Lufere does find in one of his books that the red apples heal diseases and poison and the white apples cause poison. This tree is located in a little grotto with small bushes and this single tree.   Lufere is able to talk to this true. We learn that this tree has been through a lot of trauma. It was once a nice little tree in a grove that got cut down, it was shaved down into a single steak that was then used to kill a vampire. That stake then became another tree, and an evil wizard took a branch from it and grew another tree.   Now this tree is thirsty for blood. Lufere offers it a bag of dragons blood for a branch. some needle blights poured the blood on the roots, and the tree presented Lufere with one of it's evil staves.   We talk about getting to the REAL library that Lufere saw when he was in the ethereal plane. We study the tuning forks that we found with a couple of spell scrolls we have. We actually have a fork that goes to the ethereal plane, and we think that might be the easiest way to get to the REAL library. Travel through the ethereal plane bypassing the abolith, and then coming back to the material plane.   We then decide to retune the tuning fork that we have that goes to the fey wild to the material plane so we can get back home.   Lyra confronts hazel about reading a book about Stefan's family.   We take a long rest, and when we wake up the whole ground is really slimy.   The bard that we ran into before is here. He survived the cave ins apparently.   The bard drops a book and we find that it is blank. We then learn that he had to read a card from teh card catalogue to be able to read this book. Otherwise it shows up as blank.   Stefan casts a spell to summon a weasel familiar to try and steal the book Hazel was reading. He got the book, but Hazel squashed Gunner causing it to disappear....because it's a spell....   Lufere finishes reading his tome that increases his wisdom.   At this moment, the abolyth shows up next to us. Lufere propositions it to go back to the Far Plane. Faenore is able to convince it to go back home to brag about the empire it has built here.   The abolith wants us all to go to the Far Plane with him. We decide to try and trick him by agreeing, but then sending just him to the far plane. The abolith then disappears and says "find me in the water"   We decide to cast Speak with Dead on the dead elf with us to try and find some information.   What do you know about the library below us? Give us a 2 minute history of your life and death   she is queen Afaria Quelthalone. This used to be her city. She ruled with her husband. It was a great city of knowlege. It was a beautiful place until 4 different brothers came along. Her people defeated one of the brothers, and put his soul into The Greatspear.   They were in charge of seeing their people moving on/out/to the other side (translation), but she was struck down by the other races that were lead by these brothers. One being humans, the other being dwarvish, the other orcs.   We know that the name Quelthalone almost translates to "Prime Elf"   We ask about the library below us. If it is her library, it is the complete collective knowledge of their history and everything they learned up until the sundering. (approximately 1083 years ago.)   We ask what she knows about a dragon named Woe. She looks fearful.   She calls him by another name- E'moncitriem -- she knows he was a blue dragon. He controlled Orcs and he controlled blue dragons and the rode the dragons, and he fought in the war with the brothers. He defeated EVERYONE. After they thought they had one, Woe rose up. He made a deal with Babba Yaga.   We talk about possibly having her resurrected eventually, but we don't know if that is a good idea or not. or if it is even possible because of their reincarnation shit.   We ask what weakness Woe may have. We learn there were 2 different brothers. one of them rose up and lead the humans against Woe. the borther's name was So'urgrapit. This brother knew exactly how to kill Woe. So'urgrapit   She has a pendant around her neck. We ask her what it is and she does'nt know. We suspect it's casting Gentle Repose on her, But we cannot confirm this. We notice the symbol on the necklace is the same symbol that was on the crest that caused the cave in of this place.   It's a symbol of Shar, the goddess of loss.   Quill and Leland are like man the Raven Queen hate that bitch.   Lufere decides to ask the Abolith if he knows what spell is on the necklace and if it is gentle repose? The abolith tells us that there were a few elves that worshipped Shar a long time ago. The elves didn't appreciate Shar. We learn Opheria's soul is in the medallion. She has in fact not reincarnated. The elves that came here, after the Eladrin had fought back the Abyss, came to this plane to make a home. Opheria's group of elves wanted to go back to the fey wild, and that sentiment was not appreciated, so they trapped her soul into this locket, so that she would be punished forever.   Lufere asks if we can bring Opheria and get her raised after searching the library, then we could bring her back as a trophy. We discuss how we could raise her, because her soul is trapped, and we don't think this will work. He says we will discuss it later. He offers to let us sit in the library for as long as we wish, and then we can talk about it. The abolith tells Leland that his family might know something about freeing souls from items.   Lufere decides to try and go into the water with the abolith to go to the library. Lyra and Faenore convince him not to do it.   We decide to teleport to the library using plane shift. We leave Hazel, Lydia and Callun behind.   Hazel starts to look for the journal she was reading and can't find it. She asks for someone to cast Locate Object. Quill casts the spell and is immediately able to tell that Stefan has it.   Quill reveals that Sefan has the book. Stefan says its a book about his family and he has no intention of giving it back. Hazel says it's probably better if he reads it any way and concedes.   Lufere finally planeshifts us to The Library. He realizes we MUST leave this plane to get there. He teleports us to the Ethereal plane but where the library is.   WE are able to see a secret door in the basement of the library that seems to go out to what would have been a courtyard that can go up and out and then somewhere else? I"m not sure.   we decide to check it out and it looks like it has a long tunnel tat ends up going deeper under ground. WE travel for quite a while. After an hour or so, we see that the tunnel is still going down. We start to see bioluminescent lichen on the wall. There are some strange creatures here. It looks like the tunnel leads to the underdark.   There is also a prison down here built into the tunnel. There 3 people chained up. ONe is a human in a loin cloth. He looks like he is some kind of warrior or barbarian. Another dude, a human lady that is slumped over, and a drow.   There are a couple of drow guards and a candle lit with purple faerie fire. Quill determines that the female human has expired.   We hear another guard approach and speak to the other drow in undercommon so we don't know what they are saying.   we hear the human whisper to the drow chained up. The human says if he can help get them out of the chains, he can get them to the surface. The drow would rather be in prison, because on the surface the elves eat drow and children.   We decide to to back to the library and plane shift there, and when we get ready to retreat, use the tunnels to get away.   Lufere is able to plane shift us to the library.   We research Babba Yaga, So'urgrapit, Woe, spells scrolls, The Great Spear,   There are no books on So'urgrapit specifically, but there is some stuff on the 4 brothers. Babba Yaga is the hag of all hags. She has a hut that can come to life. Anyone that has made a deal with her has suffered terribly for it The book about Woe is talking about a war. It's the same book with the 4 brothers. All of this stuff in these books ended a few years after the sundering.   Quill finds some books on Shar, the lady of loss. She's at odds with the Raven Queen. She's a sister to Selune, children from the elvish pantheon with Corelon. Shar is a destroyer. Her followers value loss and pain.   Leland finds a book on cold iron. It is specifically on how difficult it is to make and how nobody has ever been able to make it. It is a lost craft. There are notes of dwarves working on it. some guy named Duran Stoneforge. There are instructions for how to craft and make a special steele. It's called Stormforged steele. Duran and his people made it. When you look at it, it has a watery affect to it. It's a strong as adamantine. It's made out of a few specific kinds of metals, but it's the technique that makes it as strong as Adamantine.   Lufere grabs a book on Demogorogon.   Faenore finds a book about mythials and we think the moon pools where Callun is from may have worked with mithals.   We learn The Great Spear was crafted a long time ago with the soul of one of the 4 brothers. There was a blue dragon called asuzaraine. His name was Mangosten as well as Bolttongue. There were 4 different dragons that wanted to take rulership overtop of the dragons in the desert. The 4 dragons challenged Mangosten, who was over 4000 years old. He agreed to let them bring a group to fight. The 4 dragons decided to take on humanoid forms and build armies. They made deals with Babba Yagga to do this.   One became a dwarf, another a elf, another a human, and the last an orc. They went to their respective groups. The dragon that went to the elves was almost immediately captured by the elves, put in a mithilar, and his soul was pulled into "The Great Spear" This spear was made by the runeforge dwarves   The Great Spear ended up in the first king of GreatSpear and named the city after it.   We presume Woe is one of the four brothers, and was the orc. He betrayed his brothers at the end. So, he wouldn't be looking to free his siblings.   The other two brothers, Kurith lead the dwarves, So'urgrapit lead the humans. Woe convinced dragons to fight against Asuzarine. The humans were taught by So'urgrapit how to kill blue dragons. The people on the mesa must be part of this lineage. The dwarves were the Runeforged dwarves. The orcs are the orcs serving Woe now.   The dwarves and the humans decided not to work with the orcs and first fought and defeated Woe.   Somehow Woe came back as a blue dragon, and with the help of the orcs and other blue dragons, he was able to defeat the Asuzarine as well as his brothers and peoples.   The human married an elf named Orpheria. I guess she is Woe's sister in law.   We are able to find a scroll of teleport and a scroll of planeshift.   We get some extra books for ourselves.   We decide to go through the secret Tunnel. We realize we actually have calun with us. Lyra sends a message using her sending scroll to hazel, lydia and the bard telling them.   "We are not coming back. Please get to the surface. We will find you again one day. Headed to Underdark. Good Luck"   We get to the prison we saw before in the tunnel. Looks like the prisoners escaped as the guards are dead. The dead lady prisoner is gone also.   Leland finds a piece of cold iron on the dead drow. We cast speak with dead on the drow to try and find out how he obtained it. We learn he killed elves for it. He says he killed them on the surface We find out he actually murdered a deep gnome for it. He was lying. We know this because Faenore cast zone of truth on the drow.   we ask where we can find more cold iron, and he says we'd have to ask a Duregar. He gives us directions to the duregar.   Just around the corner we hear fighting. It's the prisoners fighting some kind of brain creature. Quill kills it and we help them recover some health.   We find out that he was with a group of his friends came down from the mesa, and were captured. His wife is with him and didn't make it. He's taking her body back. His name is Osiris. WE cast Gentle Repose on his wife   He notices that Callun is wearing their regalia, but Osiris says he sees nothing. He is a warrior of his people. They had come down to give a hard time to some of the kids that had been sent into the wild. However, they got ambushed by drow. His friends were killed, and he's the only survivor.   We ask if he wants to accompany us. We are looking for the Duregar and once we get information from them, we are going to teleport out. We can take them with us. He agrees to accompany us.   We end here about to head towards the Duregar.              

Session 23: The end of a Neolithid and escaping an Abolith

We are in the library surrounded by giant tentacles and slightly disoriented. Lydia, whom was looking at a library shelf finds a scroll. She throws it to Quill and tells her that there are scrolls everywhere. Maybe we can use them.   We fight the creature and we beat it as it tries to escape to the second floor. Callun starts to loot the library and we then have to fight some mimics. WE end up destroying most of the mundane books in this place. All of this.....for nothing it seems......   We all research various things. Faenore researches something called Tragedy of Red Pine something about about orcs...and hazels backstory. We looked up books about trapping souls, people found books to help them with their on personal goals. Books on the Runeforge wars, a feywild book for Lufere....Just lots of cool stuff really.   Leland finds a magical bookmark in one of his books. We all find our own little magicall items. Quill gets magical sparkles, but we don't know what they did.   We notice that there are pieces of ancient ruins down here and spots with Ice stalagmites that are very cold. There is a pool of very deep and very cold water. Stephan scoops some of that water out and poors it on the ground. We all hear a voice in our heads that "What do you seek"   Quill does dive into the pool as an octopus, but she doesn't see anything really. It's just vast empty water.   We ask the voice who it is and it says "Nursk". We ask where he is and he tells us to seek him and we will find him. He says this is not the true library. The real library is within ourselves and we can go on a journey to connect to it.   Also, not all that seek will come back. There was one illithid that left the library. All the others died. Quill gets out of the water at this time.   We aren't sure really what to do. CAllun tries to open ANOTHER test and gets stabbed in the face with spikes, BUT Stefan ends up finding a skull with gems on it which is something Lyra was lookin for.   Callun also finds a jewelry box with a holy symbol with a purple ring on it. When Calllun picks it up, we hear a loud explosion in the distance, and then there are more distances until all the rooms above have caved in. Now a bunch of spikes are coming down towards us.   Lufere creates an air filled device so se can try to hide under water. Stefan leads Blind callun to a sarcophagus where they find a lady elf who looks like she is sleeping. Hazel starts trying to quickly doff her armor. Lyra runs over to try and help her. Leland has Fuzzball fetch the "sleeping" elf lady.   Hazel realizes that shes running out of time, so she tells Lyra to get in the water. She says she's going to wait for Stefan and CAllun and then jump in with them.   Part of the ceiling calls through creating a mound that will not be hit with Spikes. However, many of the group don't see this and end up in the water. Stefan and Hazel make it to the mound.   The spikes hit the ground and most of the group is now trapped under water. Quill, because she is an octopus is able to manuver her self out of the water and up to the mound.   The voice of Nursk calls out again and says they can take us to safety. We do see a large creatures swimming down below. We tell it we are going to try and reunite ourselves with our friends before doing anything.   Faenore knows what this creature is. It's an Abolith. These creatures once enslaved creatures until the gods stopped them and freed their slaves. They are creatures of who have perfect memory from the beginning of everything.   He keeps inviting us to the library. Meanwhile, after what has taken forever, Quill in her Octopus form cralls through the spikes and finds the button that started all of this. She presses it down, and it does nothing.   Meanwhile, we ask Nursk about htis place and how it came to be. A civilization known as UR sank in an ocean. Teh survivors moved here and their civilization sank again in the desert. Another civilization built on top, and THAT city sank. That was the city Truthage. This place is a geological anomaly, this place. He tells us that the reason only one ever returns is because it's dangerous, and it's lucky if ANYONE returns at all.   There are traps down below and he tells us about the ones he knows. He tells ua there are mechanisms that could undo the floor spikes, but we have to come to the library with him first.   Faenore tries to use the wand of wonder and it causes the portable hole with Tempest in it to disappear. Nursk tells us he can help us get there.   Lufere starts to pray to Nature. He is able to see Gaia the Tree of Life. This embodiment of this tree walks towards Lufere and it's a furbolg with rainbow hair. She tells Lufere she's been watching over him. He says she can help him. She says she can lead him and only him to the ethereal plane.   She says when he is ready to return she will let him come back. Lufere hands the corner of air bubble thing to Leland and then disappears. Gaia tells Lufere she will lead him to the etheral plane, but he will have to make the journey there to find his friend. She gives him an acorn to crack when he is ready to come back.   Meanwhile, Faenore is praying to Corellon. Corellon tells him that Nursk is a horrible abomination trying to trick us and enslave us. To very much beware of him.   Eventually Stefan and Hazel walk upon a small grove with a black tree with a single albino apple hanging from it. Hazel plucks the apple and puts it into her bag   They then find a small pond of frozen water. They are able to break the ice. Hazel decides to dive into it to check it out. It looks like this body of water might connect to the body of water that everyone else is in. It's really far away from us though.   Meanwhile, Lufere is floating down into a tree thing...He sees Hazel and Stefan kind of floating along. I guess he's in the ethereal plane now. Everything is muted and blurry a bit.   He heads back to where Tempest pops out of existence, and he actually sees a library that IS intact. What is going on?   Meanwhile Stefan finds a set of gears that could be used to raise the spiked floor back up. He's able to raise it up about an inch.   Meanwhile Lufere can see all of us in the ethereal plane. He is able to go to where Tempest popped out and finds the portable hole. He pops the acorn and Gaia leads him back to the tree.   Lufere pops back into existence with the portable hole with Tempest in it. He hears Gaia's voice tell him that they must hurry.   Stefan is able to slowly raise the floor, but it's a slow process. Meanwhile the Abolith starts losing patience and starts to try and force folks in the water to go with him.   The abolith, try as he may isn't able to charm any of us. The ceiling finally gets raised enough so that we can all get out.   However I guess we all start to throw up. It's gross. We figure out the sleeping dead elf lady is actually dead. She just isn't decaying   We climb up to the second level. Lufere finds us a really good camping spot. AS we are are starting our reset, WE see Hazel lieing strangely on her side with the white apple having rolled out of her hand a few inches away. There is no bite in it. Her finger tips where she touched it have turned black. She also was reading a book that seemed to have family information about Stefan.    

Session 22: Menstrels, Purple Worms and Illithids! Oh My!

WE begin on a raised platform under ground. We walk down a staircase that was hidden before. As we get to the bottom, Quill's eyes go white and Leland tells us that she is connecting to Tempest's mind.   From Tempest's POV, he wakes u and sees Xantoine. There is fields and fields of nothing where they are at. The sky looks dark, but there is a small sliver of bright silver light that lights everything up with a silver glow.   Xantoine and Tempest converse about where they might be, and how they got there. Xantoine takes Tempest to a rock and tells him to listen. In the rock Xantoine can hear the chants of orcs and he can see his son, and he gets the sensation that he IS the axe. He believes they are trapped in the axe, that their souls have been stolen. He tells Tempest go ahead and try it and see what he sees and hears.   When Tempest listens to the rock, he doesn't quite hear as much or see anything. Xantone thinks that if he and Tempest work together, they might be able to control the axe. In despite Tempest not liking Xantonie, they do agree to work together.   They detail a plan, and this is when Quill wakes back up.   Leland talks to Quill about what she saw, and she tells him that Tempest and Xantoine are making a plan together to try and escape the axe.   WE decide to try and investigate some the area around us, but we notice that the city does continue to go under the water.   Leland is able ot detect that a lot of the architecture isn't something he's seen before. He knows it's not dwarven, because it's falling a part. There is rumbling that shakes everything a bit. Stephan was able to detect that this was a moving thing that started from our left and then to our right. It is localized, but moving whatever it is.   We come across a huge building made entirely of ivory. Leland is intreged by this, because the whole building seems to be one solid piece. There are no seams in the building anywhere.   This structure is in pristine condition. There is an open doorway that is about 10ft wide. Inside it is huge and open. There are little buildings or rooms built throughout the inside of it. In the center is a carved circle in the stone. There is ancient sylvan and elvish writings here. We get the gist of it as "Door". There also runes placed about.   Lufere sees a round silver orb above our head that looks rigged to fall right where we are standing.   We determine that this circle likely opens up somehow to a room underneath. Leland is able to determine the order to interact with the runes to open the door. Because of the scary orb above this circle. Lufere summons 8 baboons to push the runes to keep everyone far enough way to be safe.   Before we move forward with that, Qull starts to use mold earth very slowly, BUT when she does this, there are creaks from above.   We move forward with the baboons. As they open up the floor the floor starts to form into a staircase.   Lufere sends the baboons down and they find someone. As soon as they hear us this person says they mean us no harm and they ask us for help.   It's a young human bard named Edward. He had come here with a group of minstrals. He tells us that they were attacked by a large purple creature that swallowed them whole. He's the only survivor. They were here to try and find old sheet music. We ask if he found the library and he says that he found it as he looks slightly troubled and he rubs the back of his head. Lyra looks at the back of his head, and there is a metal hole in the back of his head.   It goes through the base of his skull and to his brain. YOu can actually see the brain in side it.   He says there is a facility that requires this to get into the library.   He tells us his friend Claire went through the same thing, but she was killed by the worm.   They were only attacked when the party members were split up and alone.   There is also a telepod mechanism that in order to operate it, you would need a person in a different place.   He offers to take us to the library if we help him gather more books, because he couldn't carry anymore.   He says there are also creatures that he never saw, but what ever they were made a loud screeching sound.   Lufere sent his baboons all off in different directions, and after about 2 minutes, one was attacked and killed.   We decide to set up a trap to lure the worm to us and then we ambush it. Stephan volunteers to be bait. It works and the purple worm is lured to us. The plan is to trigger the sphere to drop down on the worm to kill it.   This plan works. As the worm is in pursuit of Stephan, the sphere drops decapitating the worm, and it dies. The acid around the worm causes it to start sinking. This does block our way back down.   We want to gather poison from the stinger, but it's trapped under the sphere.   Leland decides to build a bag out of the flesh of the worm to try and hold the acid. We use magehand to cut off a square of the hide. We clean it off and dry it out. Leland turns it into a bag and is able to get 8oz of Acid.   Lyra decides to scry Claire for Edward, and she actually finds her. Shes in a room full of other people just standing. Her eyes are glazed over and they look worn and mal nourished. The walls in the room are covered by a fleshy substance that moves and pulsates.   We use fuzball to fly us down where the staircase used to be. As we flew down, we saw signs of machinery and mechanical things.   Whoever lived down here, their job was to use the wheels and mechanical devices to power things. We continue travelling down to deeper levels. The deeper we get the less and less it looks like it's part of the city above that we have seen.   This place was hidden in a way so that anyone that lived here weren't aware that anyone that lived above them. They were working power things, but had no idea they were powering things for other people.   As we are travelling down, Edward tells us that this seems to be the way to the library. His journey was much different and less direct.   The walls down here are made of flesh. There is a pulsating brain on the wall. WE hear a voice in our head saying "Please proceed forward and take the left door" We hear rumbling coming from above.   We realize we are in an illithid laire. Edward seems to be leading us through. He wants to show us the chairs that were used to put the hole in his head. There were brains in the walls that lead Edward to these before and that's why they had holes drilled in their heads.   Lyra describes to Lufere what a mindflayer looks like, and Lufere with a crit fail and Lyra's description disguise selfs himself into a "mindflayer" (a giant squid with plate armor on his head). hahahaha   Faenore decide to cast zone of truth on the first wall brain that was giving us instructions. As we walk into that room. We feel rumbling beneath our feet. As if there are multiple purple worms beneath us.   We zone of truth the guy and ask it some questions. WE learn the chairs are to make humanoids compatible with the infrustructure. We find out that Edward aka 317 as the brain labels him, has not yet received "treatment" to be controlled by a mindflayer.   He is disconnected from Nerve Cluster 3, and cannot give us information about it.   WE are in a room that contains nerve cluster one.   We learn that 317 humanoids have used the chairs here. That would make Edward the last one most likely. The brain says most of these humanoids leave the facility.   We learn the function of assimilated humanoids here are to maintain the facility. It's a system that needs nourishment, maintenance and care. The assimilated would take care of this.   The assimilated who have reached the library are allowed to leave. Because they meet "The One"   We learned the group that came with Edward didn't make it to the library due a to a foreign entity. (we assume the purple worm) Nerve Section 6 has more information about this. To get to 6 we would need to go to the door to the right and use Nerve Cluster 5 to coordinate the telepod.   we get directions to et to the library by skipping areas. we find the room of glassy eyed people and none of them have holes in their skulls   Lufere goes to the next room ahead very confidently. We hear a loud rumbling noise in the room and then we don't hear Lufere anymore. We rush into investigate. We find that there is a hole that can open up in the ceiling and we think this is where he went. Lyra stabs it with her sword and as it opens back up a bit, Stefan misty steps and then disappears (i'd like to note that both Lufere and Stefan failed saving throws when this happened.)   Edward says he thinks he know where they went. He believes they may be being assimilated. He goes to the teleporter and finds that there are disconnected tentacles and he thinks if he connects one to one of the open slots, it will connect to the next nerve place. I"m not sure.   Quill and FAenore figure out that it's the first hole to put the tentacle in and Faenore volunteers to be teleported first. As we watch Faenore being "teleported", we just see him explode and blood fill up. A cone comes down and cleans everything up. Lyra loses her shit. The bracer she is wearing turns to confetti and then reassembles on her arm. She makes a note asking if Faenore is ok. He responds that he is. ok and that everything is clear where he is at.   He does see Stefan and Lufere inside pods, unconscious. The pods are unguilting. Each pod has a control panel with 3 buttons on them. Red, Green, Blue   He also sees 3 other minstrels in pods. We can't figure out what to do. Hazel tests the buttons on the 3 minstrels. The red one is death. The green assimilates, and blue releases them. We release one of the minstrels, Stefan and Lefure. The last thing any of them remember is being grappled by tentacles.     When we try to teleport to node 6 to get to the node 5 it fails, because it is not connected. WE have to go through nerve cluster 4 to reconnect? I don't know.   Anyway, when we get there we have to fight some intellect devours and a mind flayer. WE then get to an ELDER BRAIN who says it needs help from "The One"   IT says if we help it, it can either send us to Heaven or send us to the library.   In despite Lyra's requests to not help this thing, Lufere and Leland free it from the tentacle disconnecting it??? I'm not really sure. It says it's going to give us a reward if we defeat "The One"   We end up getting to nerve place 5.   This will take us to the library supposedly and then to "The One"   WE actually do find a library here....much to Lyra's surprise. . WE have to descend into a pit to get to it.   As we get down there, We see tentacles come through a book shelf at us, and a giant worm type creature comes out at us.   As we stand wondering WTF....we end....Until next week.              

Session 21: A christmas Story

We get sucked into the shard. We see Ashe and her group here too. We are all confused and disoriented and we don't know how we got here. We are now in a snowy cold landscape of a mountain. We try to keep warm as best we can and spot a town down in the valley below. We jump into Stefan's boat and sail down the mountain towards the town.   It's a bit chaotic, but we make it to the bottom of the mountain about a half mile away from the town. we get to the town where they are putting up a tree to burn for 12 days. As long as the tree is burning all the bad spirits will be kept away. During this time there is no light for 12 days, so they keep the tree burning for that time. Today is the first day of darkness.   They call this the Eluy log.   Apparently this town is called Drillsyear. It's in the Frozen Veil of Ariaaerndor. The Saturday Night group knows taht this is part of their continent. It's the northern most part.   Lyra tries to play her pan flute to celebrate, but critically fails and ruins the whole thing. We go to the Tavern and meet a fellow who is not from here, but here for their Winter festivities. He made a bet with someone about heros and somthing about men needing gods to accomplish their needs. On his side, he said men do not need the interjection of gods to accomplish what they want to do. His name is Ness. He tells us that "things" are going to start happening soon, and should we need him when they do, he will be sitting here.   We learn the burn the eluy log to bring back the sun, and to keep out evil spirits and bad luck. Faenore meets a guy named Derek. He's a scientist and doesn't believe all the nonsense. We get some rest and the next day we find children putting their shoes outside filled with hay and sugar. An 8 legged horse named Sleipnir. His rider will leave them goodies if they do this.   We hear creepy carolling by children in the distance. I guess this isn't normal. Lyra and a few go and check it out. There are shadows moving of their own volition.   Faenore casts sunlight and and this causes these shadows to start screaming.   We fight them and we realize that they were siphoning light from the tree. Elias tells one of the townspeople what happened, and the old lady he talked to says there are tales of the Krampus, the opposite of Father Winter. A demon that comes and takes the bad children. He whips them with birch tree switches. The worst ones get stuffed into his wicker basket and takes them to the abyss.   We hear a screen at the tavern. We see a dead body nailed into a shelf with his eyes nailed open. It's an elf....on the shelf....haha   He was a high elf that was wearing a magical cloak. and shit....apparently an elf on the shelf is Krampus's calling card. He must be in town.   The one eyed guy says he can help and pulls out some presents for each of us. His name is Father Christmas. He then confesses that he is Odin and he made a deal with Loki that we could save this town without the power of a god being here.   If the tree goes out, then he can get back to the town.   Lyra starts to build a snow golem. Lufere goes to get some rubies crushed so he can try to cast continual flame on the tree. Elias and others heard people into the cellar.   Lufere casts continual flame on it so it can't go out now.   Franz know that Krampus can summon a dark aura that can cause everyone to be afraid if they are close to him. He's armed with birch tree switches. He can meld with shadows. He carries a magical sack that is a bag of holding that stuffs children into. If he hits you with the switches you feel feelings of regret and guilt and it drains all joy from you.   He can summon freezing blizzard. Large antlers to run towards you and impale you. Possess the ability to discern the deeds and misdeeds of individuals. weather manipulation. Roar that has a magical affect that disoriences and weakens those that hear it.   We decide to go investigate the area for a lair. A towns person tries to stop us. She gives us a misteltoe amulet that repels evil things around us. We must be within 15 feet of it.   WE head out and eventually run into some crazy shit. A fight breaks out with Krampus and some Tensil. Elias does over 100 damage. Faenore does over 100 damage. the rest of us do little bits of damage. Lufir does the killing blow by causing Krampus to trip and fall and hit his head.   Hazel decapitates him. A claymation yeti and other claymation things run towards us, but fall into a puddle instead and can't make it to us.   WE head back to town and tell everyone the good news. Odin shows us Yisard and shows us all the places that we saved krampus from. It's Merry Christmas and bless us everyone.        

Session 20: Quill joins the team and we go to the Library

Faenore finds out that we can go to a place called "Sand Scales" to have the dragon scales possibly melded with our armor for lightening resistance.   In this city, there is a 10kft flat mesa. The city itself feel very "Arabian"   As we walk out of 3rd story penthouse, we hear a lot of murmuring and flapping of bird wings. Outside we see the city completely covered in Ravens. Thousands of them. They are staring at a single mysterious figure walk down the street.   Leland recognizes these ravens to be from the Raven Queen. The person that is approaching is the Raven Queen's champion. Leland goes down and greets this person.   This shadarkai elf is named Quillandria and was sent by the Raven Queen to help Tempest get his brother's soul out of the axe. The Raven Queen is pretty pissed about Tempest's soul not coming to her when he died.   Leland leads Quill to Tempest's body. She examines him and we explain what happened.   Lufere wants Leland and Lyra to see if they can some how get in touch with their family to try and find out what the dragon may be. Lyra nor Leland ever heard of a dragon being involved in the Runeforge Wars.   Lyra and Stefan suggest maybe trying to find the lost library to see if we can find information there.   Leland examines the amulet that he and Tempest got from Arude. There is one of two runes that are not lighting up, but he's not able to determine why.   At this moment, there is a knock at the door. It's a dancer there to offer her services. Leland gives her a tip and seh leaves. Stefan follows off after her.   We go down stairs. Lyra asks the innkeeper about the lost library and Woe. NObody has really seen Woe in like 100 years, but his influence is still very strong. Serek is the name of a fellow who claims to have found the library. She gets directions to where she can find him.   Lufere learns that there is a group of people called Diknightens that live on the mesa 10,000ft up . They are skilled dragon fighters and they are the reason blue dragons leave this city alone.   It can be hard to meet them, because nobody is allowed on top, and there is no way up nor down other than climbing it. There are no ladders or stairs up.   We learn that sometimes we can find their people on the surface, and they are recognized by what they wear and the black spears they carry. They are a religious group that follows Zeus. They are incredibly strict about their laws, and don't care if you know their laws or not. They will still inflict their punishment which is usually death. They have no tolerance for outsiders wearing or using their gear.   Stefan begs us to go outside and so we go. outside. Apparently Stefan stealthily got his money bag off of him.   WE decide to go try to find Serek and ask him about the library. We get there and a little girl opens the door and makes us pay $10gbp per person to get in to talk to Serek.   Is this a fucking Tourist scam? Oh my gosh...I think we're being scammed.   Serek starts offering fortunes and shit. We ask him where the library is and he seems surprised at us that this is why we were there.   He tells us that he did find the library once, but was the only survivor of his group. The library is miles and miles large. He barely made it out alive.   He says he spent 100 years in the library, but when he came out of it, only days had passed.   He had gotten separated from his group when they initially went into the library, and he never saw them again.   Serek knows of 2 other people who went to the library. They both lost their entire groups down there. It seems that only one person per group can come back?   He tells us where the library is and where to find it. We thank him for his time and we leave.   We walk through a marketplace and Callun talks to a shady individual to try and find out how he can get some of the armor of the Dinightens. Even though if he is caught by one of them wearing it, they will kill him.   Lufere is able to spot one of the Dinightens in the crowd and asks him some questions. He presents the dragon heart he has and asks questions about it. He seems to be very impressed by this and explains that they send their kids out when they are young to make their first kill and if one showed back up with a heart they would become of the highest rank immediately.   Lufere asks if they know how to kill a dracolich, and they say there is no need as dracoliches do not exist here. He tells him that Woe is a dracolich now. This man says his people killed Woe a long time ago. Also someone named Galadrian and Aurendille sealed Woe away in an ice and hid away a forge. HIs people helped Galadrian and Aurendille to this years ago. They believe this dragon to be dead though.   Lufere tells them that Woe is actually possessing an axe now and we need to deal with it. Lufere tells them that if they need proof of Woe's existence, they can go see Paul at the orc camp. They are not willing to go out on their own to see this themselves and we would have to bring it to them.   The man says our best bet to kill this dracolich is to kill it, Try to see where it spawns within the next 10 days, try and find its falactory there, and then kill it again.   Lurfere tells everyone about this.   Meanwhile, CAllun and Stefan are looking for the Blackmarket. They've been given the code word APPEROOT. They just have to ask if anyone sells this, and if they do, they are part of the black market.   Callun finds someone who has Denighton armor as well as some of their spear heads. We also learn that the spear heads are like prince ruperts drops that shatter when they stab into the dragon causing terrible damage.   These go for an outrageous amount of gold, and Callun asks if there is anything that can be done, and the merchant says he's kind of into Callun. Callun flirts back with him and gets them a 50% discount.   They are able to purchase a lightning redirection javelin. Stefan is warned to keep this hidden lest he be killed on the spot by the Dinightens.   We decide to head out. As we are leaving, we see that that everyone is looking up at the mesa where there are a bunch of blue butterflies. Right now it seems that they are getting ready to harvest silk which they can only do once every 3 years. The butterflies will be laying their eggs soon, and then they will hatch in a few days. It allows them to make LIght armor that gives 16AC. If you get stung by one of the caterpillars, you will be in terrible pain for the rest of your life.   Lufere makes friends with x10 of these blue butterflies and he is going to raise their young.   We officially head out to find the library.   We run into a shark and a couple of Sahagain. One of the Sahagain summon an elemental that absorbs Lydia and Hazel. It starts to severely damage them.   Hazel is able to get Lydia out by sacrificing herself.   Lyra is able to pull Hazel out of the water elemental.   We all fight bravely and are able to defeat the elemental and shark and scare off the sahagan. As we are gathering our senses, we hear chimes off in the distance. We see the top of a building sticking out of the sand off in the distance.   While we are resting, Hazel talks to Leland and I think she tries to comfort him and possibly herself, and speaks highly of Tempest to Leland. Hazel promises that she will not rest until we get Tempest back. Hazel promises to take care of Leland and Tempest.   Hazel also tells him that if he ever hopes to meet a girl, he needs to stop rubbing himself on Fuzzball, because he smells of death and decay. She thinks Leland will be alone all of his life because of this.   As we finish a long rest, We hear Vargoyles flying towards us from the distance. Quill knows that they are incredibly dangerous and can curse and poison you with a single hit.   We evade the Vargoyles and start descending down the library.   Down below we are standing on a platform with buildings that is raised. To the right and left are lots of buildings. To the front, Callun sees a shimmering substance down below. Possibly water.   It seems that the whole city of Truthage sank instead of just the library.   We find a scroll of fireball. and we need to figure out how to get down from this platform as everything is broken and crumbled. We end here.      

Session 19: The end of Tempest

Hazel looks at Tempest and simply says, "I just don't get you" and walks away. (This was after the blue dragon fight and after Tempest attacked to people with their backs to us.)   As we are harvesting this dragon, Rez remembers that blue dragons have mates, and it is likely the mate will find us at any moment. I don't know why REz couldn't tell us this BEFORE we harvested and mutilated the dragon. Thanks alot Rez.   We talk about someone going into the dragon tunnel, but may of us are pretty hurt. Not sure this is such a good idea. Faenore turns into a spiker to scope out the tunnel while the rest of us attempt a short rest.     There are caverns down here, and Faenore does eventually find a dragon sleeping on its horde. He turns right back around and tellls us what he has found.   We decide to try and finish our short rest here, because why the fuck not.   Leland remembers there is a village names Sook here somewhere. There is also a guy who is able to travel along the dessert using a boat. He brings people to and from Sook as long as they can pay. He is the only known person who can safely travel through this place. There are very dangerous things. There was supposedly a city called Truthage that used to be here. It has a great library. There was a story about it about a group of people who came in and burned everything down. this was one of the greatest libraries ever. Some believe this library never burned down and that it actually still exists under the sand somewhere and ruled by Woe the giant blue dragon.   there are also rivers of quicksand that can be used to traverse by boat, BUT we have no idea where these are at.   Faenore heals up our most hurt party members.   The ground beneath us starts to shake and we all start to hide as best we can. Hazel doesn't hide and gives Tempest a really hard time telling him he fights like an orc which is shameful. This convinces Temest to not hide and stay here.   The dragon comes flying up through the tunnel and is caught in a snare trap that Stefan built and it cause it to slam down to the ground. Hazel tells it that we killed her mate and she should prepare to die. The dragon laughs and says there is no way that's the truth and says if we are still here when she gets back, she will eat us and flies away.   Tempest hears a voice calling to him and he feels that if he goes towards this voice it will enpower him and give him any power that he wants. (--SECRET Tempest's alignment gets changed, but this is a secret to the party)   Lydia goes to the place where Paul and Xantoine were attacked and gather up some blood and is able to use a crystal ball to scrye with it. We are able to see Zantoine and Paul talking. Apparently Paul's name is also Xantoine. They are hurt pretty bad. Lytia is missing an arm now thanks to Tempest's shatter.   They argue about which way to go. Paul want to go a different way than his father. Xantoine wants to go to the orc camp to amass an army so that his words will have weight. Paul seems to have an issue about possibly attacking innocent people and wants to do different things than his dad. They walk north silently after this.   Rez says if we go north, there is most likely transports there that can take us where we need go using the quick sands.   We all decide to head to Sook.   On our way, we run into some sand sharks and some sand sahagan. We are able to defeat them. Tempest knows that supposedly, wherever there are water creatures the library may be close.   He lets us know this.   NOTE- Tempest knows about a Runeforge axe that he's been searching for   We travel for a bit. When we get ready to rest, we check in with the crystal ball. We hear Xantoine and Paul talking about finding this very axe. It's been calling Paul. It's right up the way from where they are at.   Tempest gets a sense in his gut and knows exactly where they are at. Tempest also knows that this axe could lead us to the lost library. This same axe is calling out to Paul as well.   This axe is saying that Tempest will have ultimate power and rule in any way, and enter the runeforge, be the new king of the runeforge dwarves if he gets this axe. He confides this information to Leland. It was forged by one of their ancestors- their great grandfather to be specific. Causten Doomstone. Lyra's father was friends with Causten. Tempest, in his mind sees a giant icewall that has a cut out of one of the vorpal swords. However, to get through the ice and door, there is also an axe that will be needed.   Meanwhile Lefure, Faenore and Lyra are investigating what is going on with Tempest. We decide to rest rather than try to beat Paul to the axe.   While resting, we hear Xantoine and Paul talking and how Xantoine doesn't see Paul as an adult capable of making good decisions. Paul calls Xantoine out for always being on the line and never actually doing anything.   Paul picks up the axe, and Xantoine says "Now what?" and then everything goes blank. Did Paul attack his father? Kill his father even? Once Paul gets the axe, Tempest no longer hears its call.   Lufere stays up all night studying his book of wisdom is incredibly exhausted.   We get a long rest and then travel to where the axe was. We see a decapitated Xantoine there. Callun is able to see that the tracks are headed north towards Sook.   We find some blood of Lytia on the ground and are able to track where Paul is headed. He's at the original Orc Camp. We see a bunch of orcs bowing down to Paul (aka Xantoine jr.) with 2 blue dragons next to him.   Tempest finds a large blue dragon horn in front of the rock that had the axe. We find a magical inscription. It's some kind of necromancy spell written on the rock that was holding the axe.   Callun just starts to read the words out loud and this causes a tingling numbness in his chest. We make an etching of the necromancy spell. Tempest then gives it a go and his chest and guts start to go numb, and they both start to have panic attacks.   Tempest is still able to detect the axe even though it is no longer calling out to us. It's just a couple of hours away from us.   We decide to head to Sook instead for now. As we travel, 2 blue dragons start to circle us. They land and Paul approaches us. He seems to not really be upset with us and just wants to know our intentions.   Faenore asks about Paul's father and then we hear Xantoine's voice asking for help from the axe. The axe is very evil and it is called "Woe"   Lefure tries to Thornwhip the axe out of his hand, but it fails instantly without any effort from Paul. There is something very powerful and evil about him. We also learn that he actually controls this tribe. He rules them completely. They get no choice in this.   He asks us to join him. Lefure tries to heat metal, but Paul is able to counterspell it. Lyra sends a magical message to the dragons trying to ask if they join our side, we will grant their freedom, and we learn that they cannot betray their leader Woe, who is the head dragon here. If we were to defeat Woe, then they would be free.   Tempest misty steps to the axe to try and take it from Paul, and he just falls down dead, because he had less than 100HP.   Faenore is able to cast Gentle Repose so that we can Revivify him. LeFure can cast Revivify after a long rest. We take his body to Sook.   A young roguish boy shows us where the inn is after trying to rob Lyra.   We get Tempest safely in a room.   Some of us go to the bathhouse and get clean   Stefan, Lyra and Callun play some 3 dragon ante. Lyra picks up on cheating at the table, but doesn't call it out and goes to have a drink at the bar instead. Lefure gets some studying in.   We get our last comfortable night's sleep for a while because this place is fucking expensive and Stefan lost most of his fortune gambling last night.   The next morning, Lefure tries to Revivify Tempest, but he's not able to get in touch with his spirit and it fails. Leland is just numb and non responsive to this.   Leland had a deal with the Ravenqueen to keep his brother a live. He confronts her, and she says, because his soul never came this way, she can't put it back in his body. We have to get the soul out of the axe.   Hazel is really upset as well and chokes up anytime she tries to talk. She's just keeping to herself.   Gentle REpose will keep Tempest's body safe for 10 days, so we have 10 days to find the axe, get the soul and get a really expensive diamond as well. No pressure or anything.   Lefure takes the dragon horn off of Tempest's body to track through the orb. We then see a gigantic bone dragon trapped in ice against the mountain where the forge is. The entrance has a giant bone dragon trapped in it, and the only way to get passed the ice is to use the axe Woe.   Lefure realizes that the dragon is actually projecting the last of if's essence into the axe. LeFure wants to try and negotiate with Woe for help freeing itself in exchange for Tempest's soul. The bone dragon IS Woe and he is a dracolich. We're fucked.   We think that trying to get the axe might be the best course of action so we can negotiate with it. This is where we end. In the Inn of Sook.     Faenore wants to find someone to incorporate the dragon scales into our armor to try and get lightning resistance.          

Session 18- Wasteland of Woe

We look around us at little Schmidt skeleton places crawling around. We gather them up. Apparently this things is undead, and it keeps coming back with 1 HP or something? and we can't kill it. It's not a demon and it IS undead, and can't undie die.   Lufere starts to meditate to change out his spell list.   Lyra then tries to commune with the spirits to see if the spirit of Shmidt is around, and she ends up being possessed by the spirit of schmidt. He takes her vorpal sword and puts it to her own throat and tells everyone to reassemble him or he will decapitate Lyra's head. FAenore commands Schmidt to drop the sword and he does, and this causes Schmidt to leave Lyra's body.   Callun and Stefan go exploring this place. They find some books and shit.   Faenore finds a stone shaped like the moon that has magical properties. He also finds a secret room with a wand of wonder. WE all end up finding some pretty cool magical items.   Lufere casts Dispel Magic over Schmidts bones which seems to subside the magic for now.   We get out of the cave and learn that there were supposed to be a lot more prisoners. It turns out they were all tied up in the back of the room that Tempest flooded, and are now drowned.   Zantoine says we need to hurry, and Lyra asks what the rush is. Zantonine then asks Stefan where he stands with Greatspear. Stefan says he is glad that they aren't fighting and things they should be independent cities, and Zantonine seems to agree with this sentiment.   I guess the people of Greatspear want to to start attacking those who aren't human, and Zantoine wants to do something about it. Lyra just wants to take time to bury the dead here since it was her group that caused their deaths. We make time to dig shallow graves for them all.   Zantoine wants STefan's help with a thing in the Wasteland of Woes. We agree to help, because that's on the way to Eskobar which we need to go to anyway, because that's where the Runeforge is supposed to be.   Hazel pulls Tempest aside, because she doesn't trust the orcs (Zantoine, Paul, and Latia). Tempest tries to convince her that everything is fine.   We end up burying all the 7 prisoners that drowned here.   Lyra sings a poem for them, the orcs wish them away to Grummsh. Latia and Lyra have an argument about their god's and fight almost breaks out, but everything is calmed. WE get a long rest and it's pretty nice.   In shadows deep where tales are spun, A bard weeps 'neath the setting sun. Seven souls, their fate untold, Lost to waters, bitter and cold.   Neglectful echoes haunt the air, Regret, a burden all must bear. Beneath the soil, in silence lay, Those we lost along the way.   A dirge of sorrow, soft and low, The bard, with heart, lets emotions flow. Seven lives, a mournful toll, In the graveyard of the heart, a solemn scroll.   As night descends, and stars align, Their memory, a flame that won't decline. Through verses sung and tears that start, A requiem for the drowned, a bard's lamenting heart.     WE wake up. Hazel makes Tempest a special breakfast.   Leland works with his skeletal bat trying to train it to do certain things.   We head towards the desert. Lyra talks some politics with Zantoine.   We get to a point where we take a long rest and we find a cave to sleep in, because a storm is rolling in. While we are resting. Lefure sees in the distant what looks like giant birds, but he can't quite tell what they are.   Hazel tells Tempest that she really likes him and he seems to share the same sentiment. She wants to share a secret with her that her mentor told her to keep a secret, but she says that Tempest has a lot of integrity and she asks Tempest what his goals are. HE tells her that he cares about the rest of us "idiots" and he wants to protect us all.   He says he's never really given his goals much thought since he got kicked out of his dwarven group. Hazel sees this as something she can work with and she will train "her man", and Tempest accepts this happily.   WE wake up and since the weather is still bad, we hang around waiting for things to clear up. Tempest eats a fermented egg that Hazel made. He enjoys it a lot.   We travel up another day, and when we stop for our second reset, Zantone and Paul sneak off for a conversation. Stefan sneaks up to listen in on them, and hears Paul asking if Zantonine thinks that we will actually be ok with what he is bringing us into.   Paul thinks the Great Speareans are going to reject the ideas of the orcs they are about to bring us into. He thinks that if we dno't agree, he just want take sides with us and will let us fend for ourselves. Callun and Stefan eavesdrop on them and hear all of this. What are they up to?   They get back to camp and recant all of this to faenor. Faenore takes this as if they might betray us and maybe we are walking into a trap.   We decide to keep things civil for now. Callun tries to seduce Latia in order to get more information.   He learns that we are going to a place of refugees that were chased out of the forests by Great Speareans. She says that the Great Speareans do not suspect that they are organizing there. All of the refugees are orcs.   Faenore give Callun some edible underwear to use on Latia which if he eats off of her will give him an inspiration.   We head out for day two of travel. We evade a dragon that thought it saw us, but then decided to leave us alone. We also run across 6 brass dragons flying in th sky. Zantoine wants us to avoid them and seems to be hiding something.   Faenore sees 2 armored humans walking through the desert. ONe of them collapses. and we run up. we see they are from Greatspear. We provide water to them. ONe of them looks up and recognizes Stefan. They served together a few years ago. Turns out they are trying to get out of the desert and they are terribly lost walking back into the desert. They notice we are traveling with orcs and give Stefan a strange look about it.   We learn they were captured by Orcs. Zantonine walks up to them and introduces imself. He says that he hopes we can rectify any atrocities that have happened, and they tell him to shut the fuck up. Their names are Derek and Rez. Stefan pulls them aside asking them where they were held prisoner and finds out the place. They are being held prisoner where Zantoine wants to take us.   Faenore casts Zone of Truth on Zantoine and we learn he really does want to foster peace and bring a voice to the underdogs of the world, but there is nothing anyone can do to stop him and he is willing to do whatever needs to be done to accomplish this.   WE learn that the orcs here have captured x2 blue dragons. They've taken eggs, and have enslaved these 2 blue dragons as hostage to rid ethem. Apparently these 2 dragons were eloping without the approval of Woe, the ultimate blue dragon, and he condemmed them to be the slaves of the orcs. So now the orcs are building an army of dragons.   We have a bit of a debate with Xantonine about peace and fostering it and what that means. WE decide to part ways and as Xantonie Paul and Lytia take off on horses that Lufere made for them, Tempest suttle spells a shatter knocking them off their horses about 60 ft awy. Then Leland Elrich blasts Xantoine to try and end him. Lyra tries to stop all of this, but Faenore grabs her trying to stop her causing her to feel completely betrayed.   About 30 ft away from us, the dessert starts to explode and bulge up with sand going in all directions. There is a fucking blue dragon. We fight it while Xantoine and Paul run away.   At one point, Stefan and Leland are up in the sky fighting this thing. Stefan gets knocked out and starts to fall to his death. Leland leaps off of Fuzzball and onto the dragon sending Fuzball to save Stefan.   Leland is able to defeat the dragon with a final blow. Tempest uses a powerful wind spell to try and soften leland's fall to the ground Leland falls with the dragon to the ground, but manages to survive the fall.   We all just stand there wondering what the fuck just happened. Rez and Derek tell us that casting spells will attract the lightning dragons down, so maybe we shouldn't do that. Stefan and Lyra help Lufere skin a large amount of the scales off the dragon. We all harvest parts of the dragon.   We decide we want to try and find its horde.   This is where we end.  

Session 17- Saving Paul and drowning the cultists

Randi missed session 16. Harley has the recap.   Lyra had followed after some demons who took Schmidt's body. She found a prisoner named Locktia Orc there. Zantoine's son, Paul is going to be sacrificed in an attempt to bring Schmidt back. They are being held captive in a cave.   She runs back to tell everyone this.   Meanwhile, the group are at camp talking to Zantoine. They hear something barrelling into camp. There is a gnoll heading towards them. They kill it, and not far behind is Lyra. Lyra introduces everyone to Locktia and they decide that tomorrow we will go an save the other prisoners. There are at least 10 gnolls locked away there that they release to cause havoc. There are 15 or more cultists there that practice magic.   They have a prisoner that is rumored ot be very important. They keep her separate from the rest. Her name is LieDia.   When we get to the cave, we see some dead humanoid's outside. When the gnoll escaped, it killed these guys.   We go in and use a boulder to block the door where we know the gnolls are kept.   We go through another door that is trapped and it ends up electrocuting Stephan.   Inside, we find a secret room where we find a 6 year old child named LieDia. She is a little bit skitish to talk to us. WE learn her whole family has been killed, and she is the last one left. She's the one they have been hiding and keeping separate from everyone. We convince her to go with Locktia to get to safety.     We find the cultists behind a locked door. We break down the door. Lyra casts silence on the cultists. Tempest runs in and opens a portal to the plane of water causing Chakra Smidt to get sucked in and start flooding this place.   Lufere summons a couple of large sea horses to save Paul. they get out just in time and the door is locked behind us so it can fill up with water. Lyra casts waterbreathing on everybody just in case we too must be forced to swim.   The Gnolls breakdown the door that was blocking them in and start to charge towards us. We basically kick their asses pretty easy. Tempest electrocutes the cultists inside the other room. They try to escape through the portal, but Tempest pulls back the deathnight through and then closes the portal.   The rest of the cultists drown. The deathknight starts to come back to life anyway? Even though we took the life sacrifice and stopped the chanting. It starts to attack Tempest.   We chop the skeleton into pieces, but it keeps moving. All we know is it's some kind of necromancy magic and we end here.      

Session Fifteen: Pursuit of Deathknight Schmidt

As we are are pursuing the Death Knight, Friedrich catches up with us on a horse and he is with 2 companions. Lufir and Stefaan. Stefan is looking for someone name King Syruck.   It seems Stefan has the Sword of Syruk. it turns out that Lyra's sword, Starfire is the sister sword of the sword of Syruk. Together, they will be able to open a portal to the lost RuneForge.   No matter how quickly we pursue him, we cannot catch up with him, but we know he is headed to Amrun Rad, Callun's home.   There is also a moon portal there that connects the North and South parts of the continent, although it's been out of commission for a while.   Since we know where they are going we travel the next few hours and make it to Amrun Rad. We are exhausted (literally, we all have on level of exhaustion).   Callun is confronted with his memories of murder and death here. He approaches his old home and touches it. WE see far off in the distance that the death knight is on a roof staring us down.   Faenor i is able to tell that we are surrounded by fiends, undead, demons, undead, and everything desecrated here.   Our new friend Lufir makes friends with a Raven who asks for shiney things to take back to his queen, The Raven Queen. I guess she's taken special interest in what is going on here and has some raven scouts in the area.   Faenor remembers that his father's lost sword is buried in this village, and he knows exactly where we need to go. We decide to flank the city and enter from the side closer to where the sword is buried.   Tempest makes a lot of noise and we get noticed. We have a conversation about morality and the value of people's lives who have no function.   Mr. Schmidt says he's just trying to bring peace everywhere, but killing everyone and controlling them. He tries to force hs son Fredrick to start turning into a deathknight. Lyra uses her spell of suggestion to make him stop listening and to resist what is happening to him, and it works. He is able to stop transforming into a deathknight for the moment.   A fight breaks out between some manes, death dogs, a winter eladrin, a dretch, and bunch of shit. .   Hazel gets one shotted by the eladrin. Faenor runs to where the sword is and starts digging for it.   Stafan, Lufir, and Tempest carry the fight. Tempest kills a whole BUNCH of demons by bringing a building on them. He shatters the shit out of some undead.   Unfortunately, Tempest is killed by the death knight. As he falls, Lufir's raven pecks at Leland and time stops. The Raven Queen shows up and only Leland can see him. Leland tells her that he will give his life to save his brother. The Raven Queen picks up Tempest's body and flies away with it.   Leland is now covered in feathered armor and is completely restored. Leland is now a warlock of the Raven Queen.   The death knight is quite confused about what is happening.   A giant raven sized shadow shrouds us, and the death knight starts to run away leaving the eladrin to fight us.   Before he gets away, Lyra swipes at him with the vorpal sword. She hits, but it's not enough to decapitate him.   This allows Stefan to make it to him and hit with the twin sword and he is able to deal the killing blow completely decapitating the death knight.   This frightens the eladrin and he surrenders to us. Friedricks starts to transform. Lyra determines that there is definitely nothing we can do for him. If we don't kill him, he will turn into a deathknight.   Lyra beheads him. Hazel becomes upset and runs off.   The eladrin makes an escape while we are doing this.   Faenor is able to get her father's sword from the little girl's grave and he also finds a map. The map portrays an X on Excobar and it is says "Runeforge" in dwarvish. It says, those who wish to enter, must possess the twin swords.   Faenor runs back to us. We see Tempest's body up on a wall. We run over to him. He's ok We learn that he spent some time in a burning place, and he got pulled out by someone saying "My mistress needs you" and a huge bird brought him here.   Leland hears "As long as you serve me, your brother will live"   Leland runs up and slaps him, and is just really happy that he's alive.   Hazel notices Leland's Runeforge necklace, and realizes that he is a descendant of the Runeforge dwarves. If we could find the Runeforge, Tempest and Leland will actually be able to use to create amazing weapons.   We find the demonomicon that the death knight had. It's volume 6. Leland tries to absorb it into his hand with the other one, but it doesn't work. It's just a book.   We grab his magical gear, a magic bottle, and the Demonomicon and go rest in Callun's house.   We lay down for the night and get some rest. Leland's armor disappears automatically when he lays down to sleep. When he wakes up, it comes back.                  

Session Fourteen- A crossover

We start traveling to Amrun Rad. A large shadow appears over us, and it seems to be a very large dragon. It's a silver dragon. We recognize him to be Aurendille. He lands and approaches us. He wants to restore Callun's head to his body.   He wants to fly us to Bismark, just a bit south to meet some important people.   It's another adventuring party. Aurendille is old friends with Ashe, the druid of this party.   Everyone introduces themselves to each other. 2 other people approach. An older guy named Freidrick. and a younger girl who is his apprentice named Hazel.   Aurendille then just leaves us all and goes to the Abyss to get Callun's body. He telsl us we'll figure out what to do.   The other adventuring party are from the other continent are confused about being here. They came here to swim with a fellow named Titivilis. Next thing they know Aurendille is approaching them with us.   We all get to talking. Ashe' and her group mention that there is a tavern up the way where people were turning into demons and slaughtering each other. Friedrick and Hazel are concerned that maybe they are too late.   Franz has some whiskey that he drank, and Faenore determines that he is contaminated with a demon that will pop out of him in about a week. Faenore is able to restore him so this doesn't happen.   Friedrich makes us some schnitzel and other foods of his homeland, Great Spear. Aurendille shows up through a portal carrying Demogorogon's body behind him. He's gravely injured.   Leland summons Callun's head. The tentacles of Demogorogon pull in the head of callun and it transforms back into the elf that callun once was.   Meanwhile, Aurendille walks into the forest and tries to fly away, as he does he seems to be tangled in something and crashes to the ground. He falls. His insides and blood are all over the place. We help get all of his insides back in, and Friedrick casts Lesser REstoration to restore him and we are able to save him. HE rests for the night.   We learn Friedrick's father is the one poisoning the alcohol here turning folks into demons and slaughtering eachother. His father is an undead creature. He was once a Paladin who broke his oath and then died.   Demogorgon, inside of Callun tells him that Grazzt, a powerful demon was the one who rose him up and appointed him as a death night.   We all go to bed. Tempest and Hazel take first watch. Tempest, of all folks calls her out for not being friendly.   Hazel is in love with her mentor Friedrick and believes that one day she will be able to take his name, However, he is not interested in her as she is MUCH younger than he is.   She's looking for a sword that can decapitate any foe. It's called the Sword of Syruk. She says that there are 2 sister swords that can open a portal to the Runeforge if together.   She's looking for the lost Runeforge and knows of a high elf up north that knows where the entrance is, so she is going to seek him out.   Anyway, they talk about "cuddling" and how neither of them have never done it before, probably because she is a bitch and Tempest is an asshole.   Ashe has a watch with Fredrick, and he asks if she could bond with Hazel and maybe try to set her up with Faenore, as a way to maybe get her affections away from Fredrick.   Hazel makes breakfast in the morning for everyone in an attempt to be nice to everyone.   Ashe pulls some shenanigans to try and hook up Hazel and Faenore. It goes chaotically and poorly. She writes letters from Hazel to Faenore and from faenore to Hazel. She brings pancakes "From Hazel to Faenore" and wine "from Faenore to Hazel"   Hazel actually convinces Faenore to pretend to like each other to get back at the person who wrote the notes they have, because she thinks it was an attempt to get them to fight.   They get to a village where demons start popping out of people. We decide to flee the city, because we will die if we stay.   We make our way to the next city Richenheim. We run into a guy with a fruit wagon. Tempest blows over his wagon. WE help him and convince him to leave.   We then figure out that the food is contaminated and is what is infecting everyone. the apples we ate earlier were contaminated. Luckily we have enough Paladins to lay on hands most of us and a lesser restoration to cure the horse, Buttercup.   Ashe runs back to catch the man who they sent away, because they sent him away with food and a contaminated mule. Ashe convinces him to flee to a place without people and to not eat anything that grows on the land.   We do an investigation and find that the water is contaminated. It doesn't affect animals, although the disease can be passed through animals.   WE discuss what we can do. We learn that Freidrick's father is building an army of demons so that he can go after the other 5 demonomicons as he has one already.   We decide to try and help the town as much as possible by warning everyone. Setting up a station where we can purify food and water for people, and working with local clerics and paladins to possibly help heal people of their diseases.   We set up a town hall meeting and make plans and let everyone know. We are able to convince the towns people of everything. We are able to separate some infected and have some non infected leave the city. Tempest has to collapse a church on a bunch of infected to keep them from escaping.   Faenore gets a message from Corelon that he needs to go to the center of town. He goes there and sees a Death Knight named Sackram Schmidt. He reveals that He's building up an army to find books. Faenore runs to Friedrick and lets him know that his father is here. Friedrick is grasping his chest, likely due to some response he's having because his father is here   Friedrick leaves Faenore in charge and starts to leave town in the middle of all this chaos.   I guess he's short for this world. He starts to die. Hazel gets sad and tells him that he's meant to be with her, and he's like No I'm not.   He is going to turn into a DeathKnight, so he's going to kill himself before that happens.   Hazel promises to kill his father in an attempt to save him.   Sackram offers to spare some uninfected if Faenore brings him the 2 demonomicons that are here. Faenore is like, I don't know where they are at.   Word breaks out that something is going on in the center of town. Everyone ends up meeting up in the center of town.   Callun talks to the deathknight and is like, Hey I'm gonna let out my power on you. But Demogorogon is like, "nah, I'm gonna let you die so I can be free"   Callun intimidates the deathknight causing him to leave. One half of the adventures chase after the DeathKnight. The Saturday night group goes after the deathnight and the Wednesday night group stays and fights the rest.   This is where we end.              

Session Thirteen: It's demogorgon living in Callun

We head over to Urie's tent to grab our health potions. While in the tent. a fellow and bearded lady start to wrestle and nearly knock down the tent we are in.   Urie is having trouble with some guy named Topsy.   A fellow counting money gives us 10 potions instead of 6. He invites us to have crawfish with him later. His tent is by the water. His name is Remish.   Callun gets cranky. He wants to leave us forever. Lyra kind of goes off on him and tells him he doesn't get to get off that easy,and that he needs to chill the fuck out and have a good time tonight.   The demons show up and tell us that a priestess of Lolth put them in there, and if we help them get out. Lycenia Zolreyinray, an mother matron trapped them there. She could possibly get them out easily without the whole cold iron debacle.   The demons then try to convince Lyra to have sex with them because she's not yet laid with anyone and they are just grouchy cuz they are horny.   They end up leaving and Callun fell and is gasping for air. He then tries to play in cool. Leland has an arrow pointed at him. HE nics him a bit and Callun calls a sleep.   We ask remish for a cage and end up explaining what is going on with Callun. When we describe the situation. Remish is like, "You guys need to just get as far away from Callun as possible. He seems to think it's an impossible situation. Cold iron is going to be useless. He says to get rid of the Demonomicon and get as far away from Callun.   Remish tells us it's not 2 demons in Callun, but one. a two in one. It's Demogorgon. The imprisoned one and the embodiment of madness and destruction. Known by many names. Ceosevach, and Leomogolgon, the deep father. The Koatoa call him that. He is the Prince of Demons.   He's from the 88th later, a vast jungle continent surrounded by ocean. He is the oldest and of highest ranking of the Demons of the Abyss. The jungle is called The Screaming Jungle and is inhabited by a lot of really scary shit.   Faenore has heard that other demon princes have been trying to take the place of Demogorgon since he's been imprisoned. Grazzit is one of the most prominent. The father of Malachoz, the demon we killed a while ago.   Leland know that Grazzit is the demon prince of pleasure and decadance. Unlimited self indulgance. He rules layers 45, 46, and 47 of the Abyss. He isn't a fan of the ruler of the 1st layer of the Abyss.   The demonomicon talks about Graazt from the perspective of Ilgueve. It seems like she bound Graazt and they were once lovers. Iguelve wrote these books in a way to bind demons. It seems she may think she could possibly overtake the Abyss and rule it herself if she wanted to.   FAenore starts to say a prayer to Corelon asking what the fuck he's gotten him involved with. He shows her visions of a war against Demogorgon in the Abyss. Eladrins fighting against him. Faenore stays stuck in his trance with Faenore.   Remish takes us all back to his tent. Leland carries Callun's unconscious body and Lyra carries Faenore to Remish's tent.   Faenoe finally wakes up and tells us that we are pretty much Fucked!! At that moment Callun's body starts to float and we roll for initiative. Callun now has tentacles coming from his hands and he now has 2 heads.   Leland puts him to sleep, and we get him in a cage. HOwever, the demon is able to take over and easily break out. We get into a fight, he kicks our ass pretty bad, and ends up running away.   Lyra chases after him to try and behead him with the sword. He teleports Lyra to his home and disappears.   He takes Lyra to his home town and kicks her ass there. However, she proves to be quite strong, and he is impressed. He starts to offer her a place by his side, and as she starts to play along just to save her self. In that moment, Faenore prays to Corelon and is able to swap places with Lyra. Lyra returns to the faire and Faenore goes into the Abyss. He somehow has the Vorpal sword and he crits with it taking off Calluln's head. Demogorgon looks down confused, and just says "Thank YOu"   Faenore then appears back with the group with Calluns head in his hands. Lyra is completely distraught. She's angry, but thankful and tells Faenoe to never do that again. We ask Victoria to please help, but she can't because she hasn't rested.   Faenore puts Callun's head in his bag for later?   Lyra begs REmish for a Cleric, and he knows one in the faire. She grabs callun's head and diamond and starts to run with Remish. But then Remish mentions the Cleric is a fellow named Zargon, and Lyra just falls to the ground defeated. We go see the fortune teller to see if she can help. As she asks, Callun's head starts to talk. It's Hethrodia. The second head of demogorgon. He's still in callun's head. He's talking to us through Callun's head.   I guess now they are separated, and he wants to go back. He's the one who kept Demogorgon in line, and now there is nobody to stop him from his calculating thoughts and actions.   Hethrodia imagines the demogorgon is now going to try to take over the whole plane.   Lyra tries to convince Hethradiah that he should help us defeat Demogorogon, and if he does, then we will help him get out of Callun's head. and we'll make it as fun as we can for him. Hethradiah gets highly inappropriate with Lyra and Faenore tells him to shut the fuck up.   At that moment, Lyra hears her father's voice from behind her. He has been looking for her and heard she was at this faire, so he came and found her.   We learn that there is a division in CAlembar between the people there. FAenore's dad and Lyra's dad each have followers and they are at odds with each other.   Lyra tries to give the sword back to her dad, but her dad wants Lyra to have it and confirms to her that she will not be a dissappointment and he wants her to have it.   We learn that Faenore's dad lost his weapon at Amrun rad years ago when fighting Callun 10 years ago. They were trying to defend the moon elves against Callun at that time. Galadriel didn't initially recognize Callun when he first met him with us.   Hethrodiah tells us about the mother matron who had a demonomicon at the time that was used to bind Demogorgon to Callun. Hethrodiah has been trying to escape ever since. The reason they killed a bunch of moon elves was because Callun already had a lot of hatred built up in his heart, and they made a deal with him. demogorgon gets what they want and Hethrodia gets whatever it is he was after.   Callun was without hope and faith when they were bound to him. Those that do not have belief are easy to control. We would need to speak to the mother matron Lecenia to get a full understanding of why things happened.   Faenore theorizes that it's the books that are leading folks to do this. If they study the books they can start to take over the Abyss. Maybe Igueve is having fun or who really knows. There are a minimum of 6 version of demonomicons.   We realize that each of the demonomicons each have a shard that was used to sunder the continents. Maybe we need to try and find all 6 versions of the book. We decide to put Herhrediah into the book. Lyra sets up camp while Leland prepares for the summoning circle to bind Hethrodia to the book.   Faenore and Tempest go cash in their tokens since this is the las tnight of the carnival and bring presents back for everyone.   Leland casts the containment spell to contain Hehrediah in the demonomicon book. He learns a lot about Demogorgon. Most importantly, if the two are not together, nothing will be able to stop Demogorgon from taking of the Abyss.   Demogorogn used to be mortal. He had a single head until a blow from Amoth split him in two. After the defeat of the Queen of Chaos at the hands of the Tanari, Grazzt and Orcus gained the title or Prince of Demon. At that time, Demogorgon launch an assault to crush them. After he defeated many demon lords, Grazzt and Orcus were forced to kneel, and Demogorgon asserted himself into the position of Prince of Demons.   We cast Lay on Hands which seems to cure Leland, but shortly after his face and finger tips start to rot again.   We get a long rest. We go see the fortune teller and she has healed Zargon. Lyra gets her fortune told. She is told she needs to seek help from the King of Swords and summon something from inside of herself, a new type of energy that she's never had before.   She learns her dad also had "some kind of night" with the Fortune Teller .   Faenore asks where her father's sword is. She learns about her dad getting really hurt once while going through a moon gate or something. He remembers that there was a child there attacking him. Feanor's father was trying to figure out what to do. The child was slashing his chest open. Feanor's father decapitated the little elvan girl in self defense. This really affected him terribly. He buried that little girl with the sword. It really messed up Feanor's father after this. Faenore doesn't tell us that the sword is buried with the girl, but does share what happened.   Tempest asked where to find the lost Runeforge. Two people know. ONe won't tell him, but SHE might. Whomever that is.   Victoria gets her fortune told to try and find her master. (Faenore still has not shared that she is undead nor a fiend yet). Ultimately, she has to travel a long way to find Lycos. Victoria asks us if we will help her get back to her master. He's in a city named Eldoria, wherever that is. Faenore learns we can get to wherever that is by going to Pontemoonday and through a dessert.   Remish speaks up and knows Eldoria. He says, if we never tell Urie that he helped us, he can get Victoria there. However, Faenore isn't sure about letting Victoria travel alone with Remish. HOwever, we need to go get Faenore's sword and we need ot do that first. Victoria decides to go with Remish, and FAenore secretly informs him of her condition.   Remish tries to tell Faenore that Lyra is in love with him, but FAenore is like, there is no way that is true. Their just best friends.   Remish, Victoria and the faire kind of dissapate. We are going to head to Amrun Rad and this is where we end.                    

Session Twelve: Adventures at the Sanguine Moon Faire

we approach the faire. It's outside the city of Pontemoonday in the forest. We find Zargon pretty easily by asking some guy eating a corndog. When we find Zargon, he is not yelling at a dragonborn behind his booth, BUT he IS the dragonborn getting yelled at by a a tall guy dressed in steampunk attire behind the booth. We recognize the crest Zargon wears as the crest of Shar, and he is wearing priestly clothes.   The guy yelling at him is upset about him not doing business right. Zargon was paid to do some job, he's apologizing as he didn't mean to deceive anyone, but he is doing the best he can. The tall guy needs Zargon to find someone for him, and Zargon is like, "but there are circumstances" or something.   We then learn that the tall guy yelling at Zargon is the owner of this faire. His name is Urie. Urie is very impressed with Leland's "makeup" talking about his tipless noes, ears, fingers, toes, and decaying skin. He offers to pay dearly for Leland's secrets.   Leland's gets Urie's business card, and it has a red crescent moon with a red teardrop coming off the end. That's all it shows.   We learn that "Zargon" is not actually "Zargon" but someone who has been standing in Zargon's place pretending to be him. Zargon had to leave for a bit, and left his fellow to stand in his place, because somebody is looking for him. The REAL Zargon is hiding in the faire somewhere. We then learn that Zargon is the corndog guy from before, and he's super paranoid and probably thought we were bad people looking for him.   Faenore, who is now super tall, spots Zargon, and they make eye contact, and he sees Lyra jumping up and down looking for him, and he starts to duck and run away.   Tempest then misty steps in front of him causing him to fall down. We run over and he just immediately tells us that he can't help us. Turns out he talked to a fortune teller who told him a group of 5 would come up to him, he would help them, then he would be cursed the next day, so he's avoiding helping us.   Tempest then tells him that there are 6 of us (because of Victoria) and we can't possibly be the group.   He then says we can go talk to the Fortune Teller and if they clear us, then he'll help us. Otherwise we get nothing.   We head over to the fortune teller's table, but there is a sign saying they are away for an hour.   Lyra sits down and puts the sign away in an attempt to tell fortunes herself while she waits for the "REAL" fortune teller.   She tells a fortune for Zargon. We actually learn there are a lot of of things here that are set up to make things more theatrical, and dramatic. Faenore uses these things to help Zargon believe the fortune that Lyra tells for him.   She convinces him to help them, and also gives him advise to pursue his goals and confront his leaders, but keep a balance of his emotions and logic to do this. Be diplomatic and cautious.   He's pretty happy about this, so will offer to help Leland and Tempest. He needs a lot of towels, a silver thread 2 very long needles and painful equipment to help Tempest with his tatoo problem. Leland, he can just cast a spell.   We leave the tent and go to another place.   Zargon then sits Tempest down in a chair to take a sample of his skin to get a good feel for what to expect. He can't touch the tatoo or something terrible could happen. Leland is able to create a numbing gel to assist with the pain. Zargon cuts into Tempest's skin, and when he does, Zargon's eyes go black, and he just falls backwards. He appears to be paralyzed   Faenore had initially suggested that we let Zargon help Leland first just in case something like this happens, but nobody listened.   Lyra goes to heal Tempest's wound, and when she does, she is able to learn exactly when he will turn. He will turn on his 77th birthday. At that moment, The real Fortune Teller walks in on us and says, "This is exactly what I told him would happen" We don't have any Lesser Restoration spells. We learn that the fortune teller can heal him tomorrow. It will cost us 250GP to have him restored. Faenore is able to talk her down to $200GP.   We bring up to the witch that she was wrong in her prediction as there are 6 of us instead of 5, and she says that one of us isn't alive, and that's why she didn't count them.   Lyra kneels down and apologizes to Zargon just in case he can hear us. She says we are going to help him, and he's still going to get everything he wants.   Leland also creates some vapor rug to help Zargon breathe better while he waits till the next day. The dragonborn offers to take care of him.   We decide to have a little fun while the night is still young.   Randi had go poop around this time.   She gets back. She learns that Tempest and Leland have been unsupervised. They were looking for rides. Saw the Ferris Wheel. It's super rinky dinky to the point where they have to make sure they really distribute weight correctly. They get on and get stuck at the top.   A fat guy can't get out of a seat at the bottom. Leland tries to help from the top. He casts Grease to help the fat guy get out. The fat guy was relighting a cigar. Faenore had warned the ride operators that Tempest and Leland could be trouble if left at the top for too long. There is a huge fire that starts. Anyway, Tempest tries to put out this big GREASE fire out with water, and that just made it worse.   Grease Fire is now encompassing the whole bottom. Faenore saves the fat guy and he was fine, because he bought a ring of fire resistance after he received a fortune saying he would be engulfed in flames. He gives this to Faenore.   Faenore saves a lot of people by creating a zipline. But now this unbalances the weight of the Ferris Wheel, and a mother and daughter were going to fall to their death. At this moment Tempest misty steps to another cart to try and rebalance the weight.   Randi gets back after a really good poop.   Lyra turns around from the cotton candy stand, and sees Faenore walking into a huge flame of fire to hit the break. She cannot bear to see Faenore go into the fire, so Lyra uses command to make Faenore exit the fire. She runs up and tells Faenore she can't let him go in there, but he tells her he's got a fire ring of resistance to protect him. He runs in to hit the break, and Tempest uses the immovable rod to stop the ferris wheel.   Urie runs over and has his people throw bales of hay on the fire to snuff it out. They are able to get everyone off the ferris wheel safely.   Urie offers a reward to everyone for help saving them, but Tempest declines. Leland then tries to convince Urie that the grease came from nowhere, and started the fire. Urie tells us to stop by the office to pick up some healing potions if we need them, and we continue on to the faire.   Faenore, very frustrated, storms off to play some strength games. Leland follows off after him. Meanwhile, Tempest and Lyra go back to the fortune teller to get their fortunes read.   Faenore wins a really cool huge Fire Giant plush by doing 3 really difficult strength based challenges back to back.   Lyra wins a huge lich plushie and Tempest wins a huge beholder plushie by winning a rope ladder climb challenge.   After a lot of struggle, Leland wins a small intellect devourer plushie and a medium monodrone plushie. Faenore wins a second Fire Giant plushie for Lyra by throwing daggers. The huge plushies have necklaces with prize tokens on them.   Lyra throws 10 daggers at once and 4 of them hit the bulls eye. She gets prizes for herself and the rest of her colleagues. As they walk through the rest of the games, they are decline our business as we keep winning way to many prizes.   We get our faces painted by an artist named Doria. Her paints are magical and make whatever she is painting come to life.   Now that we are disguised, we all do the tightrope challenge over fire and win a bunch of tokens.   We go play a sleight of hand game with cups and a rock. Faenore figures out that the vendor is cheating with some kind of invisible creature under the table. She kicks whatever it is, and he finally loses after MANY rounds. He struggles to give a prize, because nobody has ever won before. He offers Faenore 3 silver pieces as a prize, then closes down the game. Faenore calls him out for his scam as angry customers start to gather. Tempest says he wants whatever is under the table. Tempest feels something on his shoulder. The vendor says "A deal is a deal" and starts to pack up and leave.   The thing bites into Tempest trying to poison him. It's a strange demon looking thing. A quazzit. Tempest thinks this thing is just going to go back to his owner at some point, so he throws the quazzit in the air, and casts thunder wave on it while it's in the air. As it hits the ground it scurries away. Tempest's attempts to kill this thing fails gloriously.   A clown walks up to Faenore and hands him a pamphlet for the faire. It tells us of all the events. Probably so the DM could just tell us everything at once thus making his job easier.   The whole night Callun acts weird and has a weird voice.   We decide to end here in the middle of the faire. We need to remember to save Zargon tomorrow and get our fortunes read. We also need to pick up 6 healing potions for Urie's office                          

Session Eleven: Shenanigans in Pontamooonday

With Callun in front of us, smoke rising off his back in the form of a face. He is wielding the blue glowing sword that belongs to her father. As Lyra asks where the fuck he got the sword from, Callun goes to attack her. (Randi crit failed the roll) Tempest misty steps to push Lyra out of the way, and Faenore pushes the shit out of Callun causing him to fly back. .   Leland casts a grease spell under callun causing him to slip and fall, and he knocks himself out. Lyra picks up her dad's sword and is like, how the fuck did Callun get to the water plane, and why does he have her fathers sword.   Lyra investigates the blood on Callun. He has stab wounds that look like they could've come from her father's sword, but he's also splattered in blood that doesn't appear to be his.   The gang ties up callun. Lyra tries to wake him up, but he's out.   Lyra looks at the merid and asks what happened ot Callun. She says she did the best she could. The Merid starts to flirt with Tempest, but he's not really having it.   We leave Callun on the boat and go to the water plane with the Merid to help rid her world of the "intruders"   When we get there, we see the Magic Breakers from Calembar.   Lyra approaches the Magic Breakers, and they explain her father go sucked into portal. Faenore helps tend to their wounds.   The merid opens a portal for us all back to our boat. She also gives Tempest a diamond. We learn that it's the Diamond of Daylou. He was banished from the water plane for killing this Merid's father a long time ago. She says if we ever run into him, to kill him. Anyway, she wants Tempest to use it to come see her.   We get back to the boat, and Lyra tells the Magic Breakers that Callun was the one who showed up with her dad's sword. They help wake him up.   Lyra confronts Callun, but he doesn't really remember how he got the sword. He does remember being on a boat in Averness with Lyra's dad though, but then he woke up here. Lyra tries to lure the demon out of Callun to talk to him, but cannot.   Faenore and Leland examines the Demonomicon and tries to find a name, but we really need some kind of clue. Faenore and Lyra threaten the demon inside Callun with the sword of Galadrian and cold iron. Leland transforms himself to look like a moon elf. This is enough to bring the demon to the surface.   He is referred to as "The Imprisoned One" aka "The embodiment of Madness". Lyra and Faenore are able to refer to old history lessons to get more clues. Lyra is told to roll a d100. She rolls 53, and then we have to roll initiative.   We see all the shadows flow and rise up and surround Lyra. Because she was concentrating, and she realized who is inside of Callun. As soon as she realizes who it is, her eyes turn black and is surrounded by shadows. She is now frothing at the mouth and ready to attack anyone standing next to her with her father's sword.   Tempest uses his hammer to attack. It seems like when he hits her, he is actually hitting the shadow that is shrouded around Lyra.   Callun, for the first time, doesn't feel this shadow inside of him. It's still connected to him, but he feels almost peaceful. He tries to knock out the demon that is in L yra right now by sneaking up behind her, but it doesn't work.   Lyra tries to communicate inside her head with the demon and feels 2 minds in there. She talks to them, and they seem to be fools. In an attempt to annoy them for some information, she asks them a lot of annoying questions about who they are and how they know each other. ONe of them thinks the other is stupid, because they got themselves stuck inside of a moon elf for a while.   The group tries to deal with Lyra, and Faenore is able to scare the demons, and they leave Lyra and the shadows completely dissipate and disappear.   Lyra asks Callun about the 2 demons inside of him, and Callun seems to be clueless to them. Lyra tells Callun that he's hurt a lot of people because of these demons, and may have even killed her dead. She starts to kind of lose her shit and puts a sword up to Callun's neck contemplating his demise.   Leland casts a magic circle from the demonomicon. He casts this around Callun. He then uses Containment in an attempt to contain the demons that are in callun.   However, the spell starts to not work, because he needs the demon to physically be present. The shadows we see aren't actually even the demon. He thinks that if we kill Callun, that would cause the actual demon to come out.   Victoria is a cleric and raise him, but she's out of spell slots, so she suggests we do it tomorrow if we are going to do this.   Faenore starts to pray to Corelon for guidance. He goes into the memory of a past life as an eladrin who is in the deepest parts of the Abyss fighting against evil there.   He remembers that there are Tenari there at the time and they have become princes of the hells. He remembers having to fight against a powerful prince of hell. He dies against the Tenari, and the last thing he remembers is that a tentacle whipped around and took his head off. He knows that whatever is in Callun, it's a power prince of the Abyss. If Callun is containing these demons, then somebody must have put them there on purpose. Perhaps to get them out of the way. The demon in the Callun has tentacles and is called "The Imprisoned One" on the 88th layer called the Gaping Maw. They live in a palace called Abysm. There are twin towers shaped like coiled serpents. There is a bridge linked between these 2 towers. Most of the fortress is under water surrounded by reefs, strange creatures, and caverns below. There are voices calling Faenore in (Abolyths, Krakins, and lots of other scary shit).   Faenore antagonizes the demons with this new found information. They tell him to come to their realm. They want to call themselves "Nobody". The demon was trapped in Callun by priestesses of Lolth. They told Faenore they would make him a prince in the Abyss.   Also, when we were in the plane of water, it was like 2 months for Morpheus. We also missed Brew Fest. Morpheus tries to help us figue out which demon we are dealing with, but he isn't sure.   We are in the south now, kind of close to Pontemoonday. Morpheus drops us off. There is a portal near by in Amrun Rad (where Callun is originally from) that can teleport us to hostile territory of Saad Nonule. There is currently a war between the moon elves and high elves. There is only a council of 5 in calimbar now and Galadriel has been missing for 2 months. The high elves are using their clerics and paladins to subjugate the moon elves. They subjugated Sithilhithnal and Ithigulud. Saad Nanule is the last place to take.   Greatspear has taken over everything in the southern part of the peninsula. They want to take over more, but are having a hard time getting passed Saegraven (A melting pot of races and "misfits") Greatspear has started to move east into the wasteland, but nobody knows why.   Tempest thinks we should go to Stonefist where that Duran guy was from to try and get our cold iron forged into chains somehow, then go to Amrun Rad and deal with Callun's affliction.   As we are standing on the docks, Minstrels gather around playing dark macabre music. They hand out flyers to the Sanguine Moon Faire. Lyra wants to go when she sees there are fortune tellers there. Maybe they can help find out what happened to her dad.   In the meantime, we get something to eat at a really fancy restaurant. Tempest is able to steal a guys coin purse with tons of platinum in it.   We stay in the King's Suite of this hotel. We get the Magic Breakers some tacos, and everyone takes a shower.   Lyra sits down with her father's sword and meditates. As she does this, she can feel the presence of her father through the sword. He tells her that he has always known that Lyra would inherit this sword. He knows that when things are the hardest, she will know the way and understand what is right and what is true. He is proud of her for instilling the teachings of Corelon, and then he fades away without answering any of her questions. He did say he is ok though. She now understands completely this sword.   We talk to Victoria about the demon encounter, and she suggests maybe summoning a demon from the demonomicon book.   Leland is studying the demonomicon and gets +2 AC. His body also has been rotting for the last 4 days, but has now stopped. He's hairless, and lost the tips of his toes, fingers, nose and his ears. A regenerate spell can restore him though. The cook lets us know that there is a priest of Shar named Zalon in town who can cast the spell for a price.   Maybe we can find someone to help with Tempest's cursed tatoo issue.   We get a long rest and head out to find Zalon. We walk passed a crowd of people doing a crowd hanging. It's Sebastian, from the hotel, who has been accused of stealing from the patron that Tempest stole from. They were lovers and everyone tings he got with him to steal all of his money.   As they hang him, Tempest casts Levitate and Lyra casts minor illusion. This allows him to escape without anyone noticing. After 10 minutes, everyone notices and now he's a fugitive, BUT he's alive.   We go to Zalon's shopt and find it's closed. We learn he's gone to the Sanguine Faire. We get a description of him so we can try to find him there.   We end here, on our way to the Sanguine Faire.                                                    

Session 10: :WTF just happened?

We see that we are actually fighting a maiko shark, a great white, a plesiosaurus, and a hammerhead ahead of us. Tempest shatters the shit out of them with lightning, but then we get sucked into a vacuum or something. I don't really know. WE then argue about who attacked who first, and apparently we attacked the water creatures first, so maybe this could've been avoided? Who fucking knows.   Now the jellyfish are way above us or something...I really don't know what is going on. Anyway, we're fighting and Harley struggles wth the initiative counter list.   Anyway, we fight these shark and the Sahagun priestess. We kick ass. However, the great white ends up swallowing Leland and getting sucked into the void. At the same time Tempest goes to grab the Sahagun priestess and throw her off the edge into the void, but she doesn't let go, and they both end up getting pulled down. Faenore initially tries to to save Tempest, but as soon as Lyra leaps in to try and save Leland, Faenore leave Tempest and catches the rope that Lyra is attached to Disolocating his harm and slamming down to the bridge. He is now the only thing holding onto Lyra, Leland and the shark.   Tempest gets himself to safety and Thunderwaves Faenore at his request to launch him up quickly to try and give him a propulsion to pull up Lyra and Leland. This helps some.   Lyra, thinking that her plan is working and her rope is stuck in the sand with the dagger, starts to climb back up the rope, pulling the shark she is attached to up with her. FAenore, being the one actually holding the rope is able to hold on.   Tempest then creates a whirlwind that starts to suck everyone back up, and it works. The shark is knocked out. Lyra pulls Leland out of the sharks mouth, and we roll the shark back into the void for it to be sucked down.   After we torture Faenore trying to pop his arm back into place, Leland is finally successfully able to do this and fix the dislocation.   So, we didn't get the Sahagun priestess's head, but we did survive. WE swim over to the door that the priestess came out of originally. I guess we decide we've never seen this door? When we got pulled down into the void initially, we found it and nobody really knew it was here?   Anyway, Tempest opens the door and inside is a huge foyer with a huge staircase, and some other doors we can go through. Tempest recognizes this architecture to be of dwarven in origin. We go into a den type room where everything is overgrown with coral.   We unlock a cabinet with a pouch of a giant magical blue sapphire in it. We also find a full sized stuffed dolphin that is magical in nature. Tempest doesn't know what it does, but it has evocation magic. Tempest grabs it by the tail and carries it over his shoulder. hmmmmmm? I guess we'll find out what happens in a couple of hours.   We swim into another room that is a library. We find a magical book that has a blue binding without a label and transmutation magic. It has a thumb index with 26 tabs. Tempest, just for fun opens it to #18. Tempest gets turned into a Red Robin.   Randi had to go poop. When she got back FAenore was a True Polymorphed Marshmallow that was in multiple pieces? After a lot of nonsense. Leland uses the book again in an attempt to turn FAenore into something else, but turns himself into some kind of creature called a Xvart. Lyra gathers up the marshmallow pieces, the robin and Xvart and takes everyone back to the ship. She tells Morpheus to start heading to land so we can find someone with more powerful. In the meantime, she studies the blue stone and finds that it is a summoning stone of a Merid.   Leland, as Xvart opens the book again, and tries to use it on himself, but it doesn't work again. The DM let him keep his mental stats for some reason, so he knew that it's because this book can only do 3 things in a day, so he would have to wait another day. For some reason he fully understands this. Leland the Xvart tries to convey this message to Lyra, but she doens't quite get it. Victoria explains it, but Lyra knows if we wait until the next day true polymorph will be permanent. Also Faenore is dead, because he failed all 3 deathsaves.   Alix uses a super inspiration to reroll the last death save. She saved, so Faenore didn't actually die. Lyra crit on putting him back together as a marshmallow. So, somehow she manages it, and he isn't dead.   Lyra tries to summon the Marid, but isn't able to do it even though she's attuned and studied the item for 2 hours.   Xvart tries to summon a fiend using the shard that is still in his hand. Meanwhile, Lyra is begging Morpheus to take us back to land so she can try to find a high magic user to fix her friends. Morpheus is upset Lyra is being demanding even though she's just trying to prevent her whole life turning into an edge lord story.   The fiend that Xvart summons looks like a celestial. It's Emjilee. Xvart says, "dad" and Emjilee says, I'm not your father, even though he just referred to Xvart as "son".   Xvart asks Emjilee for help, and he agrees to help, but for a favor. Emjilee is looking for someone named Lycos. Xvart tells Emjilee, he can tell him some information, BUT he's must PROMISE to help our friends.   Emjilee summons an imp with a book to write out a contract? Xvart tells the imp that he's in the middle of a deal with Asmodeus, but this new deal shouldn't interfere.   However, Emjilee makes it known he doesn't actually have the power to help, so Xvart says the deal is off. Emjilee starts a communion with Asmodeus. He is able to bring in Asmodeus. They are both on the boat now.   Leland in his Xvart form begs for Asmodeus's help. He will owe Asmodeus 3 more favors in return for his help since he has 3 friends that need to be brought back. Asmodeus forms Tempest back into his water genasi forms and asks HIM for the deal instead. Tempest declines to make a deal with Asmodeus. Asmodeus silences Xvart in an attempt to disrupt communication between   Asmodeus then decides to leave, but does leave Tempest in his regular form.   Lyra prays to Corellon who just tells her that he was once a marshmallow for a melenium.   Lyra gives Tempest the blue stone, and he is able to summon the marid. Her name is Glizelda. She's pretty unpleasant in every fathomable way. Tempest asks for a wish. She says to make the wish, and then when he does, she gives him shit for it.   We then have to endure an annoying conversation. She wants ot get back to her city, because a ship has recently crashed their and she needs to get back to them. She finally agrees that if we all become servants and deal with these intruders, then she will grant the wish.   Lyra uses minor illusion to show her a picture of what they look like, and she does her best to make the wish. On the condition that Lyra asks Faenore out on a date first.   When Tempest makes the wish, he throws callun restoring to his original self as well.   Leland is restored. Faenore is restored, but 6 inches taller and he's stronger now.   CAllun appears in front of us and he is screaming out in pain. Smoke starts coming off of his back and starts to take form and take a face, and this is where we end.                      

Session 9: A whale of a good time

We are floating right outside of the entrance to the dwarvish strong hold under the water. This is the strong hold where Duran Stormforge forged weapons of cold iron.   We see a cave hole. Leland is able to tell that the stone work is dwarven in nature, but this design is very old and unfamiliar to Leland. Tempest believes this strong hold was built above the water, but possibly during the sundering, it sank into the ocean.   There is an inscription on the wall inside in Dwarvish that says "Savior to us All". There is a 10 ft deep dark hole that Tempest leads everyone into. It seems to be some kind of tunnel. We swim about 15 ft down and come into an air pocket of land. Lyra climbs up and see that this pocket of land is attached by one piece of rock to the ceiling and it looks like it could fall or cave in at any moment. She also sees 3 to 4 Sahagun just chilling up there. One of them makes eye contact with Lyra.   Tempest and Faenore send everyone back through the tunnel cuz they are about to destroy this place and collapse the ceiling.   Tempest casts shatter on the weakest point of this cav. Everything starts to crumble and fall. Tempest didn't wait for Leland nor Faenore to escape, so the place starts to collapse while all 3 of them are there.   Everyone escapes unscathed, accept the sahagan. There is a small hole where the dry landmass collapsed into the water. We all swim up to it to a 80ft by 80ft room. There is one small area with a pocket of air. and another tunnel we can go in. It does appear if we go this way though, we will be leaving the stronghold.   We swim back to the room with the cave in, and find an 80 ft door that is closed. However, Faenore finds a crack that lets us swim through. Tempests gets annoyed with our silent puns that we telepathically communicate and swims away from us and back to the 80ft by 80ft room and goes to check out the air pocket.   There he sees an elf sitting in front of a jail cell. Leland swam up to retrieve Tempest and sees this as well. This elf seems to be a sea elf, and she seems surprised to see them. She immediately asks for help saving her master, who is in the cell. There is a man dressed in all black. He has a large black hat covered in shadows sitting in the corner of the cell. He has a sly smile forming on his face.   Leland asks the elf what her master's name is and she then asks the master to finally tell her his name. But he just sits there quietly. She says he was put there by some devils. The elf is dressed in white and looks like a priestess of some kind.   Leland approaches the cell to try and get a closer look of this "master" but cannot recognize them.   Meanwhile, Faenore and Lyra see a huge pile of treasure in the room behind the door. FAenore is able to find a diamond worth 500gp.   Meanwhile, Leland is able to tell that the cell bars are cold iron. Leland and Tempest discuss letting him go, because Lyra and Faenore released a guy. Shouldn't they get to as well.   The mysterious fellow walks towards them and confirms it is cold iron. He touches it and smoke sizzles from his finger. The priestess elf begs them to help her master. She is so sweet about it. Leland points out that it buns him when he touches it. She says, it doesn't make him evil.   The man behind the bars says "elf girl. let them be. if they don't want to help, then they don't have to"   Meanwhile, in the treasure room, there is a magical treasure box that Faenore is able to open by solving a simple puzzle that puzzled Lyra. Inside is a golden key on a pillow. When Faenore picks it up, it has a magnetic pull that pulls him towards where Leland and Tempest went.   Lyra finds a cube with intricate lines on it. she gathers if as a gift for Leland. She then finds a cool looking rod with dragon heads on it and gathers it as a gift for Tempest.   We then follow the key and it leads us to Tempest and Leland. We see the elvaan priestess and the strange man/creature in the cell. The elvaan's priestess's name is Victoria. She serves the fellow in the cell. She has a crest of Lathander on her armor.   Lyra asks Victoria how she came to know her master. She doesn't seem to be under any kind of mind control. She tells us her master saved her from some undead once. He was locked away because he is a demon. However he is a thrall of the council of Lathander. He serves them, and they need him. He has been under the protection of The Golden Dawn for many years. However, the Emjilee organization captured and trapped him here, because they do not believe in working with demons for a holy cause.   Meanwhile, the key in Faenore's hand is pulling itself towards the lock on this cell, but Faenore hides this. Faenore prays to Corellon for guidance on this situation. Corellon says that this creature is a thrall for chaotic good. The people who have in charge of this demon are of an order of eladrin. They gained control over him and he now must do their bidding. His master can give any command he must obey.   Faenore then approaches the cell and unlocks it saying he must do the right thing.   When he comes out he opens up a portal where we see a giant castle (Charon's Castle) with the River Stix flowing to it. There are ferry men driving boats on the river. Lyra asks Lycos, the demon if he can help with Callun's possession. He does say he can take him to the Golden Dawn who may be able to help, but our method would be easier and less painful for him. He says we also need the Demonnomicon to assist with this.   In the portal, Lycos points out that he must go now. He needs to go talk to someone. He sees a group of adventurers in one of the ferrys with a pit fiend flying over it. He needs to go talk to them. He invites us to join him, but we decline, because Lyra wants to go save her dad. Althought, Callun steps through the portal to go with Lycos. However, he doesn't take Elf girl Victoria with him, and she becomes distraught about this. Lyra comforts her.   Lyra gives Tempest and Leland their gifts. Leland plays with the cube and it ends up stabbing him. multiple times with spikes. Eventually it begins to unlock and lights starts flowing in all directions. Shards start to form into a circle. In the center is a tiny sliver of a black shard. As Leland tries to hold his hand out to touch it, it starts eating away at his flesh. we think this may actually be a piece of black shard.   The puzzle starts to close itself and Leland grabs the stone before it can. Leland's eyes turn black and light is shining from all parts of his hand. The shards that were circling it fall to the ground and turn to old ancient pottery, mundane and without magic.   We detect that the stone has been absorbed into Leland's hand. He says he feels fine. As Faenore approaches to examine him, the shards on the ground explode and start emitting magical darkness. Leland learns he can see just fine in the magical darkness. The rest of us can't see shit. Leland realizes it's the pottery shards and is able to destroy them so we can see again.   Faenore casts Lay on Hands on Leland's hand, and it heals it, but in the center, where the shard was absorbed is a dark hole and patch.   Tempest finds a skeleton chained to a wall, and around it's neck is a holy symbol of Moridin, the head of the dwarvish pantheon. As Tempest holds it in his hand his hand has a tingling sensation. Without any other investigation, he puts it on his neck.   Leland tries to touch the cold iron bars of the cell to see if the shard in him causes any issues, and he learns that he cannot touch the bars as it causes radiant damage. We take a short rest. Lyra tries to figure out how to take some of these cold iron bars for materials. But she is struggling. Tempest makes a bag of holding. Tempest examines the holy symbol and it allows him to conjure a hammer that he can throw and bring back to his hand. It's a plus 1 magical weapon.   Faenore goes back to the treasure room and finds some glasses for Leland and finds some pimp glasses made out of rubies. He can wear these to hide his eyes.   As Leland makes the bag of holding, it comes out pitch black, and the black spot on his hand is now larger.   Faenore is able to find a way to extract the cold iron bars. He successfully gets 2 bars.   We then all go back to the treasure room and we hear muffled talking from there, but because we are under water, However, Tempest is able to understand them. Victoria can hear them, and tells Tempest that whomever is in there is talking about someone who has stolen treasure.   Specifically the cube. The queen in there is Sharazar. Victoria tells us she's a bitter queen who is upset because she's been separated from the fey wild. Victoria says we don't really want to mess with her. She's surrounded by 4 elite warriors at all time with possibly 20 others surrounding her.   We go back to the air pocket, and Victoria can tells we can swim out through the cave above. Victoria comes with us. As we swim out, 2 orcas approach. There are 3 druids with them. They immediately attack us.   We take a lot of damage, but we defeat them by killing one of the orcas and scaring the other away. We killed 2 druids. The last druid drops its weapon and begs for mercy. Tempest asks why they attacked us. They advised it's because we were intruders and surprised them.   We learn that their people are the ones who control the Leviathan. Lyra demands to know what happens to the people who are taken by Leviathan. We learn that if they are all lucky, they are on the plane of water. Lyra demands to have the Leviathan summoned so she can be taken to the plane to retrieve her father.   Victoria tells us Sharazar will surely kill us if we face her. Tempest tells her about the water elemental Daylou, and she knows who it is and says the stone of Daylou is in the Sahagan's hands.   She says if we could take the Sahagun down, the sea elves would be in our debt. We would need to bring them the head of the Sahagan priestess who controls all of the other sahagun. Victoria agrees to help us to see if that will get her back in good with the sea elves.   Victoria tells us about a secret entrance to the sahagun, but it's covered in poisonous kelp. This excites Tempest. We swim back to our boat and take a long rest. Leland is able to make a potion that will alter his appearance for 10 minutes. We think that maybe he can turn into a sahagun for infiltration at some point.   Leland studies the black diamond embedded in his hand. He has a memory of some stories he heard about demons, which reminds him of a command word. He says it, and it comes out of his hand and turns into a gigantic tome. It's the Demonomicon of Igueve Volume 3. This gives the abilities of the book innately to Leland as long as the shard is embedded in his hand and he doesn't lose his hand.   We all wake up, and Lyra goes to find Victoria, whom she finds sleeping. This is very unusual for an elf. Lyra wakes her up and asks her about it. She doesn't really disclose anything about it other than what it's like to sleep. Faenore at this time detects that Victoria is some kind of fiend...a demon. Lyra feels a slight sadness, because she thinks Faenore is staring at Victoria because he likes her.   WE sit to make a plan to infiltrate the Sahagan. Victoria tells us of an ancient elvish city that was in the fae wild. When the Sundering happened 1000 years ago, it pulled that city into this land. At that time, the palace was taken over by the Sahagan. Vicrotia's people fell back into the dwarvish strong hold and have been fighting the Sahagun ever since. There were remnants of how to forge cold iron there, because it is detrimental to their souls if they are killed with it. But it was all destroyed a long time ago.   Victoria found an area that hasn't been touched for a long time. She had to hide there from Sharazar for a while. It was a strange. There was a very large forge down there. It's in an air pocket down there where the forge is. It's still very hot still, because there is a vein of lava that runs through it.   There is also a small library there. WE decide that after we deal with the Sahagan. She tells us that the poison kelp poisons the water around the area causing you to be come paralyzed so you can't breather. Leland learns that the jellyfish we encountered actually eat the Kelp. He has 2 jellyfish in a jar that he studies. He is able to learn that the jellyfish are a much lighter version than the kelp. If he could get more of the jelly fish, he could maybe condense them down into something that you could take, and it would hurt, but after about 24 hours of continually taking this solution, it could maybe make you immune to the kelp.   When Lyra was in her trance, she was able to see her father sitting in a very large air bubble, the size of a city. He's with some of his crew. completely surrounded by water. So, he is still alive.   Tempest and the rest go down into the water to try and retrieve more jellyfish.   As we get down there, we see 2 sharks. Tempest immediately casts an electric version of shatter at the sharks, and this is where we end.          

Session Eight: Sho me the Maelstrom and save the elves.

So, we're 2 days into our boat trip. We've just defeated a mummy spirit. Well, Leland did, but Tempest thinks it was him instead, and they are arguing about it.   I guess our boat was taken out of a place called Longhorne. Morpheus thinks this is his boat and he invited all these people. Lyra reminds him that this our boat and she asks what is going on. They stop at a place called Sho and everybody gets off. Morpheus is like, "Hey, I'll help you sail this boat, BUT you gotta give me the boat. You'll never survive this trip without me." We tell him there is a second boat in Mithral Hold and he can have it when we get back, but he has to take us on free boat rides." He gives us a red stone so we can summon an imp named Dexter who can help us find Morpheus if he is ever in the rift.   He tells us that further south, there is a giant Maelstrom that will destroy us, so we will have to go into the rift to bypass it and go around it.   We stop by Sho and do some shopping. There are really colorful tents and merchants everywhere. Lyra talks to a grape merchant and buys some grapes for Faenore. She also learns about a festival called the Zircon festival here where everyone wears white and throws colorful powders on each other. The merchant also gives hers some Ignus Edulous A fleshy seed from a pod that tastes like vanilla.   Leland finds an herb shop and looks for stuff to make sleeping powder/liquid and also napalm. He also gets some herbs for the apocathary back home to trade for information on herbs and shit. The merchant there is a real creep to Lyra. Leland gives him the evil eye but makes his purchase.   We learn that the mummy was brought on the ship by the tiefling who was killed by the mummy. Lyra tries to channel the tiefling spirit that died. While she meditates, the tiefling appears and pulls Lyra's spirit from her body. He tries to pull her towards the rift, but she convinces him to stay on the boat with her.   She learns that the tiefling was looking for the Great Rune Forge. The mummy had the location of a city now under water called "NObody KNows" where the elves that dwelled there used to work with the Rune Forged Dwarves. If we resurrect the the tiefling we may be able to find out more.   Lyra mentions that he tried to pull her into the Abyss, and Morpheus mentions that some spirits are called to it. The tiefling is trying to resist the pull.   Everyone settles down for the night. A storm starts to set in. The boat starts to approach a huge wall of darkness where spirits and demons seems to be shooting up into the sky. Leland looks behind us and sees an elvaan fleet approaching us. It's Lyra's dad's fleet. Lighting is striking down behind that fleet. Morpheus says it's too late to turn around to go save the elves. Lyra pushes Morpheus away from the helm, and he falls and hits his head knocking himself out.   Tempest helps Lyra turn the boat using the maelstrom to try and turn us around so we could try and save Lyra's father. Tempest crits while steering the ship. Tempest is leading the crew to raise the sails while Faenore and Leland fix a rope that is wrapped around a log of wood. They untangle it, but the rope flies away. Leland grabs it just in time and goes flying through the wind. Faenore climbs up the mast, slides down the sail and grabs the rope trying to swing it around. He uses a grappling hook to try and get them in the direction they need to be.   Tempest is able to use the rudders to turn them around. Faenore and Leland make it to safety. However, as things are going so well, Tempest runs to the helm. He tries to tie the wheel, but fails. Leland and Faenore go flying off the crows nest. Tempest casts Gust of Wind creating a hole through a 200 ft wave. Lyra is able to steer through. Leland lands on the boat, but Faenore flies into the ocean.   Lyra jumps into ocean to go after Faenore.   After a really hard fight, Tempest was able to use the Maelstrom to turn around and and now facing the fleet of ships that contain Lyra's dad.   Meanwhile, Lyra swims to FAenore. She sees fish people chanting and casting a spell underneath the maelstrom.   However, as she grabs onto Faenore, she starts to sink along with him quickly. A shark starts to encircle them. A group of dolphins swims over to us so we can grab onto its fin and they scare off the shark. The dolphin takes Faenore and Lyra to Lyra's father's ship.   Meanwhile, Morpheus wakes up and is impressed that Tempest was able to navigate the ship so well through the maelstrom. They notice that Lyra and Faenore are missing. In the distance they see a huge Leviathan pulling down the ships into the ocean. Leland sends people to man the cannons to prepare for battle.   Meanwhile, Lyra and Faenore see this happening from under water and the dolphins refuse to take them all the way. They end up going back to their own ship. Leland throws a javelin with a rope on it and Faenore and Lyra climb up. Morpheus is able to sail everyone closer to the sunken fleet quickly with Tempests help of Gust of wind.   We get to the sunken ships and it it is really shallow so we get out on a rock? Tempest and Leland note that this stone is fresh from the bottom of the ocean and this water wasn't nearly as shallow as before.   They see no bodies nor people floating in the water. Lyra leaps into the water to see if she can find anyone. While she's looking for survivors, she is attacked by several Sahagun.   Faenore, while searching one of the broken boats, he sees something shiny underneath the water and a little blood float to the surface. He jumps in and sees Lyra severely injured. He immediately starts attacking the Sahagun.   Callun joins the fight and kills a sahagan. Tempest notices that the Leviathan is nowhere to be found and jumps up on the ship. he finds webbed foot prints on the boat. He also sees a piece of a broken trident in the water. It appears to be cold iron.   We defeat the group of sahagan and Lyra swims up to the boat to tend her wounds.   Lyra and Faenore tell everyone about the sea creatures chanting under the maelstrom. Faenore recognized that those creatures were NOT Sahagun like we just fought. Lyra also recognized that the ritual they were casting was very druidesque. She wonders if the giant serpant Leviathan may have been summoned by them and wants to see if her father and his crew were taken there.   on this broken elvaan ship, we see 2 broken bridges that connect to other ships that are not of elvaan design. As Callun starts to cross one, he immediately falls into a whirl pool. Leland ties a rope to Lyra and she leaps in afterwards Callun. She grabs onto him, but ends up pulling Leland in with them. Faenore tries to catch the rope and gets pulled in. Tempest catches the rope holding onto everyone. Faenore climbs back up to the ship. Tempest is able to hold the rope tight, BUT due to the turbulance, Leland and Callun let go of the rope and are sucked into the whirl pool. Lyra unties herself to go after them leaving Tempest holding an empty rope.   A current pulls Lyra, Leland, and Callun. It pulls us to a precepace where on one side is an old elvish city and one side is an old dwarvish stronghold.   We all start to swim toward the stronghold, and see one very large eye looking at us. It's a huge shark coming right for us. In front of us is a 10ft wide 100ft tall wall of jellyfish.   Faenore opens up a small hole for us to get through the jellyfish. We fight the shark and defeat it. We swim up to the entrance and above the door is written: Khazad'Ankor   Tempest tells us that the dwarves here were renounced blacksmiths. Nobody has made weapons as good since. There was a famous dwarf here who make cold iron from here. His name is Duran Stoneforge. This is not the Runeforged Forge. His method to making cold forged iron has been lost to time.

Session Seven: Mummy on the Orient Express

We see a long pathway leading up to a mountain pass. We head up the pass and when we get to the top, there are 30 foot high doors that have statues of dwarves on the front of them. A small door opens to the left and a dwarf appears and asks who we are. Tempest and Leland talk him into letting us all into the hold.   We get escorted by a dwarf who helps us avoid traps on the way. We ask him about cold iron forge masters, and he says that hasn't been done in a long time. We may be able to find forgers in The Center that may have experimented. But the pioneer of cold iron forging, Duran has been long dead.   We head to The Center and see a huge forge in the middle. While Tempest and Leland argue, Faenore grabs Lyra and sneaks away with her to a nearby tavern.   Leland and Tempest want to try and hunt down the leader of this hold to talk to about the fold iron forge. They walk away and see a very short dwarf taking piss into the lava below. He's the forge master for this forge. He's the only one who knows how to use this forge.   Leland asks him what the easiest way to Forgestone is. He tells them to avoid the Al-Zephyre Dunes because it's a dessert and they would surely die. They learn that this forge master has studied Duran's work about cold iron forging, but cold iron is really hard to find as it's deep in the ground where drow live.   He says if we bring him cold iron, he can try to forge it for us.   Meanwhile, in the tavern, Faenore and Lyra charm the patrons there. They make friends with the chair master of this place as well as the shoulder pad guy.   A guy runs into the tavern that the caves are caving in. Leland and Tempest and Callun get the same message and we all run towards the mines. We learn the Tempest and Leland know of someone else that might be able to help us with the cold iron issue.   We run towards the cave and we learn that the cave fell into the water and there are dwarves drowning. Tempest uses shape water to create 5ft size ice cubes for the dwarves to hold onto so they can paddle themselves out.   Leland assists by throwing in a rope and helping pull people out as well. Faenore helps him when he starts to fail terribly, and he believes he did it on his own.   One dwarf sinks and starts to drown and Tempest dives down and forms an air bubble around his head and saves him. This dwarf was a young dwarf who brings us all to his father as a thank you for saving his life. His father's name is Maudrin. Maudrin tells Tempest that in his kingdom, Tempest is a dwarf and offers him one of his 3 pieces of armor/weapons. since Tempest doesn't wear armor, Maudrin offers him the cape off of his back. It holds the symbol of his house, and anyone who sees this will know Maurdrin owes him a favor for saving his son. (It's a cloak of protection)   Tempest asks Maudrin about cold iron, and he says the best he can do is grant him an audience with Pyotr. Tempest asks if he knows of a safe way to get to Forgestone from here. Faenore suggests that we could travel down the coast in a boat south and then cut through the mountains.   Maudrin doesn't have a boat, but he puts us in touch with a man named Morpheus. We learn that Morpheus is the only known person who can go through the rift and back. Once he is aback Maudrin will set up a meeting with us. We hang out for a couple of weeks waiting for Morpheus to arrive back.   When Morpheus gets back, we learn that his boat was destroyed when he was coming back through the rift. We learn the rift is a pathway to the Abyss.   We learn that a long time ago he was pursuing someone named Avalora when he was turned to dust by the rift. However, he gained his consciousness and somehow survived. We also learn that Arud is his mother. He tells us he used to be part of the guard with his best friend Franz in New Ver Deaux. While pursuing Avalora, they got to the rift and when he touched it, he turned to ash, but he has no idea how he lived.   He actually saw Franz again when he chartered a boat across the way with him, but he held his identity from him, as he is not the man he used to be.   While travelling with him, their boat crashed, and he thinks Franz may have died.   Morpheus says if we can get him a ship, he will take us. We learn we could possibly trade with a high elf own a few days away for some wood.   They introduced us to a high elf that works in the vaults. His name is Kainon. He looks quite troubled. He's just upset about the smell.   He says he could garner a trade for wood for 50 garnet and 25 diamonds. Kainon sends his contingency to pick them up. We go back to Maudrin and we tell him the cost of the wood, and Maudrin is shocked because he meant 50 thousand and 25 thousand diamonds. He's quite upset, but agrees to cover the cost for us.   This will cover for 2 boats. After a couple of weeks the boat is built. However, Morpheus detects that the mast has an issue and won't be able to support the sails. Tempest is able to figure out the issue and ix it by redistributing the ropes around the ship.   Seven dwarves volunteer to go with us to sail away. A human lady approaches us and asks if she can take a ride on our ship with us. Lyra tries to ask some questions, and the lady ignores them. Tempest allows her to travel with us for 25GP.   We head out and after about a day of travel, we run into a fellow named Jeremy . He was a really depressed guy who had some kind of death wish. He joined us on the boat, but kind of disappeared after a day or so. After some time, we learn that people are starting to disappear. People think people are just getting sick and committing suicide.   Darren the dragonborn after Jeremy has disappeared. Faenore investigates and finds a weird tiefling fellow that has a tin foil hat and sage smudging people with it. He thinks that the suicides are actually sacrifices to demons. The tiefling noticed that both people that disappeared were both sick. There was a small girl on board who had the sniffles. The tiefling thinks she could be next.   That night the little girl is heard screaming. We go check it out and she is standing against a wall screaming. She says she sees someone covered in bandages with red eyes coming for her. He's apparently only a few feet away, but we don't see anything.   Tempest goes to check out Morpheus's room and see Morpheus lieing there. He sits up. His eyes are blue. Not red, and he's upset that he's being woken up. Tempest kind of insinuates that Morpheus is possessed by a demon. Morpheus declines this accusation.   Meanwhile. The little girl says she sees the guy in bandages very close to her. Lyra picks her up and tries to take her away from the area. Tempest casts Sanctuary on the little girl to make her feel safe.   When he does this. This invisible monster disappears for the little girl and starts heading towards Leland.   Leland notices that this guy has military garb underneath his bandages. It is getting closer and closer to him. Leland casts faerie fire on it so we can all see an outline. The tiefling that was smudging with sage runs towards it to try and help. The mummy reaches out and touches him and he falls over dead.   Meanwhile, Faenore discovers a coffin with a mummy in it. He stabs it with a crit to see if this does anything. It does appear to cause it to stumble a bit.   At this time, Callun runs over to grab the mummy's body to throw it into the ocean. Tempest runs into him and as Callun throws him over board, Tempest shatters the mummy's body. The body starts to sink and the invisible mummy is now only 6 feet away from Leland. As it gets 4ft away Lyra tries to convince it that it is attacking the wrong person. This works, but now it is targeting Lyra. Lyra sees that it is wearing military clothing. She tries to pretend that she is a commander and commands it to stop, but this does not work.   Faenore casts Protection on Lyra and this brings the mummy's attention to Faenore. Faenore runs to the sarcophagus. There are some engravings on it that seem to indicate it has something to do with New Ver Deaux.   Tempest leaps into the water to try and destroy the body. Leland tells the spirit that it can stop attacking as it's duty has been fulfilled. This works successfully. The mummy salutes and disappears. It's body also disappears, and this makes Tempest believe he was the one who killed it. They argue about it, and it's funny.   This is where we end. 2 days into the trip. Who the heck brought this thing on board, and why? Next time maybe we'll find out.

Session Six: Evading what's in the shadows.

In the library, we decide to look up information on the diamond that might be able to open up a portal to the water plane. Faenore finds a book that talks about portals to different elemental planes. He didn't see anything about diamonds, but he did read about stones that could summon different elementals from their elemental plane.   He also finds a book about Tharizdun who is a chained elemental god in the Abyss. He's a long forgotten god originating from Orith (Greyhawk setting). He was a key figure in the Dawn war. He was the creator of the Abyss, which he is now created in. He was once in possession of an item called the Shard of Pure Evil. There were a bunch of entities from another realm that were called Oberiths that created this stone and wanted him to take this shard and place it into the astral plane so that they could all invade it.   But Tharizdun though, "you know what, Fuck these guys. I'm going to take the power for my own" Instead of placing it into the astral plane, he took it to the elemental plane of chaos where it ended up becoming the abyss. It plunged deeper in deeper into the chaotic plane creating an infinite amount of layers there.   We know that there are many pieces of this stone. Faenore knows of an item that has a piece of one of these shards. It's in the Ruby Rod, which is in the possession of Asmodeus. This tiny sliver of a shard has a tremendous amount of power.   It turned out that when evil people would die, they would end up in the Abyss. They could rise up through the ranks of the Abyss. They rose up becoming very powerful and became known as the Tanari and became the Princes' of the Abyss. The Tanaris defeated the Oberiths and now rule the Abyss.   The Tanari's rose up against Tharizdun and trapped him in the Abyss in a secret location.   Tempest thinks it would be a really good idea to try and find Tharizdun and release him. What a terrible idea.   As we are discussing what to do next, we here a loud booming voice saying "Lay Down your weapons and exit the library!" Lyra recognizes the voice to be "Liare- the voice of the moon elf that we saw when we accidentally freed Malachoz. "We have you completely surround"   They say we are fugitives of Saad Nanuil. WE are being accused by Jenna and Lorule. Moon elves start to climb in through the windows and surround us.   We hear marching in the distance. It's the Magic Breakers of the city on their way and circling the moon elves of the library. Lyra hears the humming of her father's rune forged sword and approaches holding it above his head.   The moon elves tell Lyra's father Galadrian that they are taking us for murder and we are to be put to trial. Galadrian immediately puts a stop to it as this is his domain and gives them the opportunity to leave.   The moon elves want to take Tempest and Callun, but Galadrian does not allow this. The moon elves tell Galadrian that this is going to mean great political divide between the Moon elves and his people. They insult Lyra's blood because her mother is a high elf and Galadrian approaches Liere and puts the sword to her neck so fast nobody sees it and a drop of blood runs down her neck.   The moon elves are signaled to disperse and they leave, but not before telling Galadrian that this isn't the end of this and giving a very vulgar fuck you sign to Lyra.   Lyra approaches her father and he just gives her a thousand foot stare and tells Lyra we will talk about it later and walks away. This is going to hurt his political seat and the future election coming up.   We go to Faenore's house to lay low for a bit, on the way, we run into Faenor's mom. Callun flirts with her. We learn that Faenor's father just got his foot into the political door and is doing really well for himself. There was a lot of conflict with the moon elves, and he chartered and agreement between them and the sunelves. For the first time in centuries the Moon Elves and Sun Elves are at peace.   We have to deliver the bad news that the Moon elves are pretty pissed with us now. This brings down the mood and she escorts us to Faenor's dad. Lyra has enough of Tempest's shit because she blames him for a lot of this. Callun she can understand, but Tempest she cannot.   She punches him in the face and storms off. Faenore chases off after her. Leland tries to talk to Faenor's mom as she's kind of gone in shock because she needs to speak with her son.   We get to Faenor's father and he tries to explain what is going on, but he doesn't want to believe him. However, we do finally get him to listen. HE take Faenore to the side and tells him that he must get the rest of us to turn ourselves in.   Faenore explains that Councilman Mistbringer has created discord, so it may be too late. He also wants Faenore to propose to Lyra as this could help his family politically. Faenore advises that he could use this decision that Councilman Mistbringer has done against him, because it was Father Avalore who brought peace and Mr. Mistbringer has moved us to war. Father Avalore will not hear of this, and he says he can have his men come in to take us to the moon elves.   Father Avaore tells Faenore to sit an pray for a while as he walk away and Faenore takes this to heart and starts to pray. As he is praying to Corelon, he understands what is going on. Whatever holy presence is around him and provides complete clarity which means he knows that his dad is about to send his men to have us arrested. Faenore understands that Corelon, his god is not a lawful one, and if he wants our friends to be protected, he must intervene now.   Faenore quickly writes a note to his father saying "I'm sorry. I have prayed. Corelon agrees with me."   He then walks out and says "We have to go now that it's not safe!" We all start to leave. Faenore's mother grabs him by the shirt and asks that he grab cheesecloth for her. Callun says he'll be back for her "LATER" and winks causing her to blush.   WE rush out through some backroads and decide to head to Mythril Hold, which is the closest dwarven city to this area. It's about 5 days away. It's a newish settlement where dwarves from the neighboring dwarven cities come to mine mithral. We decide to head to Mythril Hold, because we don't have better ideas and wonder if we can find a master forger there.   On our way, we run into a group of warewolves who try to bully us into a bunch of gold. Lyra forces the leader to fall to the ground and grovel. This causes the other 2 to try and eat her. Faenor saves her and decapitates their leader using the light of Corelon to smite them.   After a really hard fight and a lot of thundermaking abilities, we defeat the warewolves. As we try to heal up and move along, Leland notices we are being followed by really high level assassins. With help from Leland using prestidigitation to hide our footsteps. We find a safe place to rest up . It's a cold night so we have to cuddle up to keep warm as we can't have a fire.   While on watch we know that the moon elves are close to discovering us. Tempest takes the 2 horses to try and lead them away. Tempest leads the horses across the river and about 10 minutes passed, he sees a dead bear carcass with 3 giant worm monsters eating it. Luckily, after using almost all the inspirations/super inspirations at the table, he succeeds in sneaking past them and swimming across the river to get back to us.   The next day, we wait to see if Tempest comes back. Faenore sees a moon elf in the distance run off. We decide to stand our ground and wait until Tempest gets back.   Tempest, on the way back runs into a moon elf on his way back. They make eye contact. The moon elf seems like he wants to say something, and Tempest throws acid on his face and runs away before he can say anything. Tempest scurries back to camp and tells everyone what happened, and that we have to go.   We start to follow the river, but we come upon some Sahagin. We have to go out of the way to avoid them, and go around. We are able to travel and rest quite a while. ONe night while resting our coin purses are stolen. We see humanoid footprints the next morning. We decide to track them down. They lead us to a small farm by a mountainside. There are 2 half orc children playing outside. We knock on the door and a lovely lady answers. We learn her husband is in the barn and her brother in law is inside with her.   Tempest, Callun and Lyra head to the barn to talk to the husband. Faenore and Leland go inside to speak with the wife and the brother.   The husband says he doesn't know anything about lost money. We convince the husband to take a look at the foot prints to see if they can help identify them.   Meanwhile the others talk to the wife and the brother. The brother says he doesn't know shit and asks Leland and Faenore to leave. He gets a bit aggressive with them. Faenore uses the spell "command" to try and get him to "hault" so they can search his bags.   Meanwhile, the husband confirms the foot prints are likely orc prints. We tell him we know that he didn't take the money. Would he check his brothers belongings and he agrees.   Just as things are getting heated in the house, Lyra calms everything down. We do not find the money nor pouches on the brother, BUT we find one of our pouches by the kids bed. It is empty.   We find all of the gold and money under the drawer. The dad starts to claim that he did it i an attempt to protect his kids. We tell him we want no trouble. We take our money and leave some for them to say they've never seen us and to pay for the wasted food from the almost fight.   They give us some directions to Mythril Hold. We make it there safely and end right outside of the base.            

Session Five: How to save Callun from his demons

We wake up and all of us have a sinking feeling in the pit of our stomachs about Callun. We decide to head to the Shadow's Embrace Tavern to see if they have seen him. Lyra wants to talk to Drizzt anyway. The guards at the door avoid eye contact with us and allow us to walk in.   We learn that Callun was here, but he rushed out 12 hours ago after he hurt someone. He was being persued by a drow. The person Callun hurt is named Lorulae, a moon elf.   We go inside and find her upstairs. Guinevar is with her and gravely injured. She had come here to investigate our friend Callun. A few years ago, someone killed a bunch of moon elves, and she is hunting for him. When Callun saw her, he attacked and ran. We learn that Callun believes moon elves killed his mother and father. He is headed to Sahd Nanuiel. He looked exhausted when he left.   We learn Callun killed Lorulae's companion Nanya. Faenore performs a funeral right for Nanya as Lyra communicates with the spirits and has a conversation with Nanya. Nanya is ok now and is not upset about the incident with Callun.   Lorulae provides us 2 horses so we can try to track Callun who is being pursued by Drizzt. 8 hours into our travel we see an abandoned campsite.   Not far from there, we spot Callun. He has just killed a moon elf. We notice he is wrapped in shadows. He is missing his own shadow. A fight breaks out. Lyra tries to maintain peace so nobody gets hurt. Tempest kills one of them while the rest try to take them out non lethally.   We notice that when Callun tries to use his bow, shadows start to form around him and he loses all sense of himself. Lyra and Tempest are knocked out by poisonous arrows. Callun kills more moon elves. There is one last moon elf left. She asks for mercy, and Faenore attacks Callun instead. Callun yells out a taunt saying that since the moon elves killed his family, he will make sure that they all moon elves rot in hell.   Faenore knocks Callun out an lets the 2 living moon elves go. Faenore sees 2 purple glowing eyes staring out of the forest. It's Drizzt, and he is here to handle Callun. We are able to persuade Drizzt to stop and explain that he isn't himself. Drizzt explains the madness has taken over him before. He suspects Callun has drow heritage.   He has Callun explain when the gaps in his memory started. It started the day he found his family brutally murdered and about to be set on fire. The gaps disappeared for a while, but came back a couple of months ago.   Drizzt tells us that the moon elves aren't normal moon elves. They fight like Drow. Drizzt doesn't understand how Callun could single handedly take out so many of these elves. He catches a glimpse of the darkness in Callun. He has dealt with maddnesses like these before. He tells us of a ritual that can be performed. Callun will need to be bound with chains of cold iron and go back to where he was when this first started. We would have to seek out a library to get more information about this.   As we rest Drizzt talks to Lyra about Drow society. He gives her a brief description of why the Drow are the way they are. Lolth and Corleon used to be married. She ended up being banished by Lolth. Lolth sent many to try and defeat Corleaon, but she was not successful. Loth has lost her godhood and is now nothing more than a demon that are worshipped by the Drow.   The Drow wants nothing more than to destroy everything that Corelon has built. It is very difficult for Drow to break free of this society. Many want to, but none know how. The Drow also do not get to be reincarnated when they die. Lyra will pray to Corelon to accept Drizzt when he dies. He follows Mielikki now. She has lead him to this land as something is wrong here. She has asked Drizzt to come here. He had to travel through the 9 hells to get here.   Drizzt teaches Lyra some under common and gives her a journal of common words and phrases for her to study.   Leland learns about refining milk from poppies to make poisons similar to what the moon elves were using on us. (sleeping arrows). He is able to make 7 sleep bolts from some of the arrows that didn't hit anybody.   Drizzt escorts us all to Calembar. Lyra name drops her dad and helps get everyone in the city as they didn't want to allow the non elves in.   we go see Lyra's dad. Lyra tries to fill him in on their adventures but he doesn't believe her. Lyra tells Leland to show him the necklace from Arud, and we find it came from their grandfather Kazstan Doomstone, who used to be really good friends with Lyra's dad. He was the diplomat here for a while.   He was a rune forged dwarf. He died in the war. Tempest and Leland learn that they are part Runeforged dwarf. As Lyra explains this piece of history, it upset her father greatly and just to get rid of her, he allows her to take her friends to the library here.   While there, Leland looks up books on poison making.   We find a book about a person whose shadow disappears and envelopes them with shadows. It's a journal by an elvish cleric that tried to exercise a demon from someone. The only way to restrain the demon is with cold iron chains. There is a ritual and a complicated herbal drink that needs to be made. The cold iron needs to be infused with some kind of water magic. This cleric was not successful in this, and his patient's demon popped out of his chest obliterating them. It was bad.   Tempest knows that the water it is speaking of is somebody who has a magical affinity with water needs to pull water from the actual plane of water and infuse it with the chain. The ritual needs to be done in the place where the demon possession first happened.   the possession happened in Amrunrad, which is really far, and it's near where the two continents nearly touch, but the rift runs right through there, and it's very dangerous. Maybe we could find Captain Nightwood and hitch a ride when the time comes.   We also try to look for how to forge cold iron into chains. It's a type of ore we have to find under ground and it has to never know heat. So it needs to be forged without heat. We need to find a Master Forger who knows what they are doing. Tempest remembers reading about a fellow named Duran Stormforge who could do this. We find a journal that seems a little helpful.   Callun looks up information on trap making. He steals this book so he can study it.   We think about what else we want to study and end in the library.      

Session Four: Standoff against Malachoz

We wake up to find that Callun left around 3am with a bunch of drow. We didn't notice until about 10am. We decide he must have wanted to do something on his own, so we let him be.   We learn about the adventurers guild and learn we can take quests to earn money. We decide to join. We decide to name ourselves the Grimoire Hearts. the Guild leader has a letter for Faenore. It says:   "My deepest gratitude goes to you. Forever I had been alone and someone as kind as you has helped somebody like me, in such a desperate situation. I thank you and I owe you. I grant you a boon, if you ever seek me out. ~ Malachoz"   We leave the board. Leland and Tempest want to go to the Shadows Edge Apocathary to see about making Leland a mentor there. Faenore and Lyra say they are gonna go help reunite some lovers but instead to stay behind and follow Leland and Tempest to see if they get lost.   Leland and Tempest stop by Black Castle and get some mini burgers for lunch. They get directions to the shadows edge apocathary from the dwarves that work there. After walking by several shops with folks trying to lure them in, and street performers, and being tempted by lovely ladies of the pleasure palace, they made it to the apocathary.   There is a large red jar n the window as they walk in. Leland recognizes that the red jar means that there is a sickness going around. This is to keep this information from the tourists in the city, but let the locals know what's up.   They walk in and see a few children sitting inside drinking milkshakes. There is a man in the corner talking to a woman working behind the counter. She is the pharmacist here and is dressed in all white. It seems like he's trying to hit on her. She seems quite uninterested.   Tempest walks up to her and tells her they are here from the adv guild posting and that Leland is interested in their offer to be mentored about herbs and alchemy.   The gentleman starts talking to Tempest and calls him out as a tourist. Tempest tries to get the name of the gentleman, but he just says he's no one of consequence.   Leland talks to the lady behind the desk asking about the job about that is open. She says she'll go see what kind of mood the doctor is in. While she walks away, Leland and Tempest both interact with the man that was hitting on the pharmacist. He inquires about Leland's scar and they talk about it for a moment before the mystery man leaves the building.   Before the man can leave, Tempest asks if he knows anything about Arud's Dagger. The man tells them he'll be at "Melodies' Respite" and they can meet him there later if they want to talk about it....after they buy him a drink, and then he leaves.   The pharmacist comes back with the doctor. Leland talks to him about learning about alchemy. Leland finds a book in the doctor's library about explosives. He skims through the book and finds information on salt peter an organic earth based alkaline substance. He talks about elements that are highly explosive when exposed to air or water. Moisture in the air will set it off. Salt Peter is one of these things. It's highly volatile. The docotr tells Tempest about a special fire called "Alchemist's Doom" It's an alkaline metal that once it touches the air, it explodes in all directions. It is a gel derived from bone meal. (Napalm) and sticks to your skin if it hits you.   The doctor loans Leland a book about this Alchemist's Doom. Meanwhile, the pharmacists sees Faenore and Lyra outside spying on their friends laughing. They learn the red jar is to signify a syphilis outbreak going on, so just keep your pants on and you'll be fine.   Meanwhile, Leland inquires what job the apocathary has for the Adv. Guild and gives him a list of ingredients he is looking for. Cocoa leaves, poppies, Psilocybin, Agave, mint, etc.   We then head over to Melodies' Respite to talk to the mystery man. and this is where we end.   CONTINUED.....   We get to Melodie's Respite. There is a very talented bard playing there. It's a good time. We find that battle of the bands it full, BUT we are down as as side act, just in case another act doesn't show.   Leland and Tempest play with poop at the table trying to set it on fire. A fellow named Eems sits down next to us. He's the first mate to captain Nightwood. The man of no consequence that we met at the apocathary.   He invites us on a boat trip in about a week, where we may get some information about Arud's dagger. They believe it is at the bottom of the ocean. This area is protected by a dragon where the dagger is.   For now, we decide to go to Madam Leblanc at the Cursed Curiosities. On the way we stop by the Harvest Bazaar and get some Roasted Corn from the Farmer's Market there.   We get to the Cursed Curiosities shop there. It is filled with peculiar eerie objects with small shrunken skulls, ancient talismans, cursed relics, forbidden artifacts, and other such enigmatic objects.   We get a tarakka reading from Madam Leblanc. It looks like Tempest and Leland are going to be betrayed by the one they care about the most. Is it each other?   She tells Leland that he shouldn't drink, and he's going to get tired of somebody's shit and leave them.   Leland buys some bay salt for his explosive recipe. Lyra buys some Tarakka cards with faeries on them.   We head to the docks, because Tempest doesn't trust pirates and wants to find a boat of our own to go out and try to find Arud's dagger. He finds someone willing to rent us a small boat for 10 GP. It actually belongs to Captain Nightwood, but we convince him to take us out now for 5 GP instead of a week from now. We are approached by a beggar that Tempest gave gold to and he pays to go on the ship with us. His name is Abilen.   We get to our destination, and Tempest decides to dive in. Abilen tries to stop him, but he doesn't listen. Then Abilen transforms into a bronze dragon. He takes out the masts of the and as he flies away, Lyra uses command and says "Freeze" causing him to fall into the water.   Abilen starts to swim towards Tempest. Lyra dives in to try and help. A larger ship approaches and we learn that Captain Nightwood is actually on that ship. It turns out that Eems stole this boat, and now he's in big trouble.   Lyra tries to get Abilen to stop, but he jsut swims past her as she grabs on to his scales. Tempest makes it down to the sunken ship and finds Arud's dagger.   Meanwhile, on the surface, Captain Nightwood's men are trying to commandeer the smaller boat our comrades are on. With archers pointing arrows at them, they decide to stand down. They see that a woman walks out and down a wooden plank. She looks like an older orc. Eems pisses himself as she asks how they got this ship. Is this Captain Arud?   She asks which one brought the dragon, and Faenore kicks Eems forward. Captain Nightwood tells them that this bronze dragon thinks that we all are breaking the law, and once it has determined this, there is not debating with it.   Beneath the surface Lyra tries to stop the dragon, and he swipes at her knocking her unconscious. He then looks at Tempest and asks for the dagger back. Tempest tries to explain that we need it to stop Malachoz, a demon. Abilen considers this and lets Tempest keep the dagger. Tempest grabs Lyra's unconscious body and swims it to the boat. We learn that this is Captain Arud. She asks Tempest for the dagger. He tries to lie and say he gave it to the dragon, but she sees through his lies.   He gives it to her and opens it and pulls out a piece of paper. Inside there is an incantation to open the way to the Veiled Catacombs. We notice that Arud's necklace is glowing. It glows brighter as she holds it towards Leland. She asks who he is, and he says "I'm a dwarf" and she responds, "You are more than that."   Leland knows that the necklace she is wearing is of dwarvish creation. She gives it to Leland and tells him to take it to his father. They give us a ride back to land. They don't talk much to us, but we get back to town. As they depart, Eems gets left on the boat that doesn't sale to fend for himself. Lyra offers him her necklace of water-breathing, but Faenore gives him the stink eye and he refuses.   We get back to Beaumar and go rest at Lyra's house. Lyra tries to tell her mom of their adventures, but isn't believed, and her friends do not back up any of her claims.   We remember a song that leads us to the Whispering Willow Grove. We believe we can find what we are looking for there. We head out to there the next day. When the wind blows, we hear whispering in the air from all around. Here Faenor says the incantation.   Bubbles start rising out of the swamp water. The bubbles are so frequent they become loud, and the ground begins to rumble. A stone starts to rise out of the center of this pool. It becomes wider and wider until it opens up into a cave where we can hear whispering. The whisperings we hear promise us our greatest desires. Lyra's greatest desire is to be with Faenor, and she is worried everyone else can hear her desires (they can't), but she thinks the only way to stand a chance with Faenor is to go inside of the cave.   We head down the staircase. There are a lot of bones here. Tempest gusts them away making out presence known. Lyra shouts out since the Jig is up and hears a child's voice. Tempest tells her that it's a trick. There is writing all over the wall. Lyra tries to ritually cast comprehend languages when the cave starts to sink. They see 2 glowing eyes and Lyra recognizes them as Malachoz's eyes. She immediately runs in and Faenore goes after her. Leland pushes Tempest in and they both follow as well. We get through a hall of magical darkness. There is a trap of hands that start to pull Lyra through the floor but she is able to escape.   The group tries to rescue a guy chained to the wall by hands, his innards are hanging out and his arms and legs are broken and bleeding. He cannot be killed and is being tortured.   We talk to Malachoz, and he says that he feels his mother coming here. The storm we saw earlier is her presence here. HE has never met her and knows not what her intention is, but she is here because of Malachoz and she wants vengeance   She was locked away on a forgotten island by the name of Valarandor. A mythical lost city. It was founded by the king of Great Spear. It seems she was found by some adventurers, and the enchantments that kept her locked away and weakened were broken. She had been there 1000 years and now she is free.   Malachoz reveals he had been in his prison a couple of hundred years. He's not sure.   We learn he is preparing for when his family try to reclaim a shard of the sundering. Faenore asks if his boon from Malachoz can be for him to tell her what he knows about the Sundering, and he agrees. Here is what he tells her:     :::::Shards of the Sundering::::   He tells us about the Abyss and how it is where it is a place of infinite layers where demons live. It was formed when the Oberith , entities of unfathomable evil from another universe consumed and destroyed everything within their own universe. The Oberiths that remained fashioned all of their anger and hunger into a single Shard of Pure Evil. They took that shard and used it to pierce the veil between universes. It was in many hands, but eventually it fell into our universe, and those that tried to obtain it found it ever elusive as it continually sunk deeper and deeper and deeper into the Abyss. Theresnon, an elemental, in order for the Oberiths to move into this universe, they needed the the shard to be placed in the astral plane. Therenson was supposed to do this, but instead used it's power for himself. Therenson was a fool, because the Oberiths came anyway.   Basically a couple of shards split off from the shard of pure evil. Asmodeus has one in his staff and another one into a black diamond. That black diamond was thrown and split open our world. This is what is causing the rift in our world. As it crashed down, it separated into 6 pieces. Anyone who can obtain one of these pieces will have immense power. Malachoz is raising an army so that when they find a shard piece they will be ready to take over this land.   His mther used to have all 6 of these shards. They were in her black diamond. She was the one who threw it here. He doesn't know why, but when she did, it split open the earth. In the middle of the ocean, there is a large black rift that separates this continent from another continent. Anyone who goes into the rift disappears and does not return.   When the shard of pure evil fell into the abyss, a small piece ended in the fey wild in a mountain where it remained. The fey wild itself as if were trying to shield itself from the evil began to coalesce a diamond around it, creating this. He think this could be why his mother is back. Faenore points out that helping his mother would not be in his benefit, and he just smiles slyly.   He had a lead that a shard was on crescent isle once, but they could not find it there.     Faenor asks Malachoz about Aurendille. He does not like Aurendille as he is the one who imprisoned him. We ask him about the key he wanted us to deliver to the veiled market and he just tells us not to worry about it.   When we go to leave, we find that we are trapped. He says that we know too much and can't let us leave. More of the little demons we killed earlier start showing up. We can't actually kill them here. Two dog like creatures join him. He wants to fight us and kill us.   We try to persuade him to let us help him find the shards. He think us incapable at first but we explain we were able to find him in a single day, that maybe his underestimating us. He needs some kind of collateral.   Lyra offers to make a blood pact. She wants to write up a contact for herself even though that will mean nothing to him. Vor writes up the contract and it more or less says we have to find the shards or Lyra has to marry Malachoz. She Malachoz goes to slice open Lyra's arm, and Faenore sets the contract on fire in that moment.   As Malachoz prepares to kill us all, Lyra cuts open her own arm and puts it against Malachoz's saying she knows written contracts mean nothing to him, and the pact remains.   Malachoz then tries to kill Lyra's friends anyway. We fight and Malachoz charms Lyra and tells her to protect him. She then tries to stop her friends from harming him, but also him harming them. Tempest accidentally throws acid on Lyra in an attempt to attack Malachoz. This allows her to shake off the charm spell.   She insults Malachoz, and Faenore kicks his ass. He becomes very angered and tries to kill Lyra. He would have succeeded, but Faenore was able to save her stopping most of the damage.   We end up defeating him due to Faenores ferocious attacks. The cave starts to crumble and the demons start to run into the walls. We find a way out and escape.   On our way back we see Aurendille and tell him we've sent Malchoz back to the Abyss, but he'll be back in about a year. The storm subsides and we report what we know. We now have 2 years of down time to prepare for level 3.                                            

Session 3 Riddles, Puzzles, and nonsense Oh my!

As we get to the bridge, we see Aurendille. He walks towards us casually with his fingers crossed at his waste. He says that he may have been hasty with how he treated us. We explain that all we did was try to warm Malachoz, and he was able to escape, but we had no idea that we were even being tested.   He says that he believes that we will undo the things we did and that he's sorry that he didn't realize our good will would be the cause of his release. He tells us that Malachoz was luring people into the veiled catacombs 200 or 300 years ago. After the war? He was trying to find a portal to release demons, and nobody knows to what end. They believe he was sacrificing souls in the catacombs, but nobody knows to what end. There was a survivor a long time ago, that went into the catacombs. She found a way to enter the catacombs. Usually the etnrance only shows up randomly for a single person not looking for the entrance.   That's when they learned he was trying to unleash demons. That lady's name was Arud, a famous pirate who helped the peoples at the beginning of the war about 300 years ago. She had celestial blood, so she has a long life span. she never told anyone where that entrance was. She died about 100 years ago.   Lyra remembers a song about Arud....something to do with her estate, but she just can't remember the song. It's on the tip of her toungue. "In the city's embrace a secret door resides" Something about Cambar. A riddle it is, that Lyra was able to solve when she was young. It's a folk song.   HOwever, Leland, remembered Lyla singing this song like crazy a few years ago at summer camp. The song goes.   "In the city's embrace, a secret does reside,   A piece of Calimbar's essence, elusive, it hides.   Not just in plain sight, for all to easily see,   But in the realm unseen, where secrets decree.       Cast your gaze, adventurer, not just straight ahead,   For the key lies obscured, behind veils widespread.   Within the subtle depths, a reflective allure,   Unveiling the truth, when curiosity you procure."   Lyra remembers thinking about this when she was little. There was only one place in Beaumar that has anything to do with Calimbar. It's Calimbar estate where her mom and Lyra grew up.   She was able remember the answers are in her house. Callun points out that there is a reflective device, what could htis be? Lyra remembers an old ornate mirror below the estate. They decide to go check it out.   They see Lyra's mom. She makes cookies for everyone. Everyone goes down stairs to try and find the mirror. Tempest takes the mirror off the wall. There is an abysal rune carved into the wall underneath and a hidden poem.   [7:32 PM] Schaeffer, Harley         In the Square's name lies the clue,   A weapon of might, chosen and true.   Know its wielder, a hero's call,   For there lies the key, standing tall.       The mightiest weapon, known to few,   Reveals the path, clear and true.   Seek the Square's secrets, unlocked by name,   And find the first key, in the hero's fame.       The town square is Darcy's Square. Leland uses charcoal and paper to take an etching of the rune. We decide to go to the town square to the statue. Faenor knows that Lucien Darcy was a diplomat who was highly charismatic, and was responsible for uniting Nou Verdeau and Enegarnad. Nou Vedeau was established when the people of Verdeau revolted against their government and wanted to go off on their own. The people were tired of being oppressed and taxed and over policed. Arud and her crew, the Sea Serpents raided a verdeu trade ship, taking all the supplies. tieing up the captain Lanheart and his crew, setting the boat on fire, and leaving them. They distributed the supplies to the people of New Verdeau. This began the revolt. The reckoning of Captain Arud.   The Sena Salune offered to help out by fighiging off goblinoids and barbarians to keep the colonies from being attacked by the tribal forces around.   However, the Erengarnads (the 6 cities that include Calmibar) didn't want to get involved. Lucinen convinced Lyra's father, Galadrin Elenre to gather the council together so he could talk to them. Galadrian was able to do this and then Lucien was able to convince the council to have their peoples join in the war which made the forces of New Verdeau much stronger.   We decide to go downtown to Darcy's square to find the statue. The statue beholds Lucien holding a long scroll in one hand and a quill raised in the other. Faenor tells us that "the pen is mightier than the sword" which is a quote from some famous philosopher.   Tempest climbs up and reads the scroll which is a declaration of sovereignty of sorts. the quill also is pointing in a certain direction, and we decide to investigate this. We find a rune similar to the one we found behind the mirror. There is a hidden poem there as well.   In a haven once serene, now an enemy's hold,   Under the watchful cat's gaze, a key lies untold.   Once respite and solace, now a shelter for foes,   Seek within, beneath the cat, where the secret flows.       Amidst the transformed haven, where foes now reside,   Hidden beneath the cat's watchful eyes, it hides.   Unlock the truth's path, reveal what lies in store,   Discover the key, and mysteries will explore.   We decide to go to the library and do some more research. We learn of a fellow named Seraphine during the Runeforge wars that rode a panther. a long time a ago, some spies of Nord Miar heard about the Verdeau forces finding about the cached weapons in Veau Le Riage. and the were going to try an steal them. the people of Nord Miar went after Verdeau and defeated them with gorilla warfare. Seraphine was the one who was able to warn everyone that the Verdeau were coming, and it is why they were prepared.   The librarian tells us there may be a wooden carved statue of Seraphine and his statue in one of the taverns around, but she doesn't remember which one. Maybe "The Shadow's Embrace Tavern" This tavern is a popular place for dangerous folks.   WE go in and have to force our way in a bit. Lyra uses her magic of COMMAND to freeze the 2 outside so everyone can go in. The group goes up to the bar looking for information. and order some drinks. Due to Callun knowin Thieves cant he is able to speak with them. He talks to them about the Cat's watchful eye and what that might mean. Meanwhile, Lyra goes over and talks to a drow sitting at a table with a panther lieing next to him. Lyra talks to him. She learns a little bit about drow and how they are cursed by Corleon. and many drow are brain washed at a young age to fear surface dwellers and be blood thirsty for them. This is a tactic created by Lolth to control the cursed drow. She asks this Drow if he could teach her undercommon and the ways of the drow so she may one day be able to garner peace. He says he'll think about it. HIs name is Drizzt Do'orden. He excuses himself and goes upstairs to his room.   LEland walks up to an orc that he thinks may be an alchemist. The orc takes his inquiry as an insult and as Leland tries to walk away, the orc pushes him. A fight breaks out, and the group is able to defeat the assailants. Tempest uses a spell that cause many windows and chairs to shatter.   After the fight, Lyra apologizes to the bar tender and tempest gives him 2 gold for the damages. After this, the bartender answers our questions about the statue. We see where it use to sit and find a box under the floor with an abyssal rune on it. There is another part of the riddle there as well.   In a city's embrace, secrets intertwined,   A people bound by whispers, their truths confined.   Their cryptic knowledge taken to the grave,   Amongst their ranks, one key the secret engraves.       Within the hallowed grounds, a solemn resting place,   Lies the grave of the chosen, an enigmatic space.   A voice once echoed, a secret's fleeting breath,   Within this sacred soil, the key hides in death.       Beneath the silent stone, where memories reside,   Whisper the forgotten words, the secret they confide.   Lyra gets to thinking about the riddle and remembers her father telling a story about the runeforge dwarves and his best friend Khazstun during the war almost 300 years ago.   These dwarves were incredibly secretive. including their fortress. Nobody outside of their people knew where the were and nobody knows where their forge was that was used to create legendary weapons.   Their home and forge have been lost with time. However, there is rumor that Lyra's father might know where the location was as he worked very closely with those dwarves.   There is a grave of an un named scount in Beaumar. Not Khazstun. that's likely where we need to go. Faenor's grandfather had one of these leendary swords that would separate fey and elves from their after lives if used. It would mow down undead, and it's very dangerous. It's called "The Radiant Dawn". Faenor's grandfather went out one day and disappeared with that weapon. Lyra's dad has a sword called "Starfire".   We go to the tomb of the un named scout. Leland and Tempest discover a cornerstone that has sank into the grown. There is an inscription on it. They are able to see the full inscription by removing some of the dirt.   It says   A guardian of the meek, a hero strong and bold,   Protector of the small, with a spirit untold.   On a hill he stood, valiant and steadfast,   His name a beacon of courage that forever will last.       To claim the key, pay tribute to his glory,   Speak his name with reverence, recounting his story.   With each day he stood, a tribute you must pay,   Whisper his name, honoring his noble display.   Faenor, talks about his grandfather, Thalendere Arvala, and thinks this inscription is about him. He was a famous war veteran from the war over 300 years ago. He disappeared with his legendary weapon. He had taught a bunch of farmers about how to be expert archers and defend themselves. They held their ground for 3 days on Willowshire hill during that time, and because of the ferocity he had imbued in those people he drew back the verdeu invaders.   We go over to the statue of Thalendere. we recount his story and Faenor whispers his name 3 times. representing the 3 days that he held the ground for the hill.   We find another rune with an inscription:   In shadows it hides, a weapon of craft,   Known for its deceit, yet mercy it has.       A blade of intrigue, both cunning and sly,   Its secrets concealed, as whispers pass by.       Within its embrace, the next key awaits,   Unveiling the path to unlock hidden gates.   Tempest suggests this weapon could be a tongue. Leland suggests it could be Starfire. The painter suggests it could be a dagger, and that's the answer. turns out it's the dagger that Arud thew at the captain's feet before she burned his ship. The painter tells us that captain made his way to Veau Le Riage along with his crew. I guess he left the dagger on the ship which means it's at the bottom of the ocean.   We decide that we can use a necklace of water breathing to try and find it later. This is where we end. Drizzt agrees to help Lyra learn undercommon and they spend a couple of hours doing that.    

POEM: A broken heart and a promise made

lyra wrote this poem the night her friends killed a drow she wanted to save. She was feeling lost and betrayed in this moment, but was able to find light again.   In the realm of dreams, where shadows roam, Lyra and her comrades sought solace alone. Slumbering peacefully 'neath the moon's gentle light, Unaware of the danger that crept in the night.   From the depths emerged the wicked drow, With malice in their hearts, an ominous vow. Swiftly they struck, a surprise assault, While sleeping forms fought to break free from the fault.   Tempest, the windswept, summoned gusts untamed, A tempestuous force, the drow's grip was maimed. Off the cliff's edge, they were forcefully blown, Defying the darkness, their bravery shone.   But a lone drow clung to a rope ladder's hold, Ascending with stealth, a story untold. An arrow, true and swift, pierced the midnight air, Silencing the invader with deadly flair.   Lyra, wise and compassionate, took a stand, Seeking to understand the drow's foreign land. In shared tongue, she sought knowledge and truth, Discovering a twisted view, bitter and uncouth.   To the drow, her elven kin were monsters to slay, A twisted belief held in shadows' sway. But this drow, in misery, trembled and feared, A life of anguish, tormented and seared.   Lyra's plea resounded, a plea for mercy's grace, Begging her friends to spare this trembling face. Yet, they held her back, deaf to her cries, In the chaos, a life extinguished, a soul that dies.   In sadness and betrayal, Lyra stood alone, Her trust shattered, her heart turned to stone. But a flicker of hope ignited her core, To bridge the divide, she yearned for more.   A vow she made, to learn the drow's lore, To bring understanding, peace to the fore. Through knowledge and empathy, she'd pave the way, Uniting their peoples, come what may.   In this tale of strife and camaraderie's test, Lyra's spirit endured, fueled by a quest. A poem weaved, her emotions entwined, A call for harmony, an echo of her kind

Session 2 Visitors....Finally!

We hear "Visitors....Finally"   WE walk down into an area fit for a guard station. There is a wall of stone with a rough iron door mostly made of bars that we can see through. Into the darkness we see nothing. We stand there "alone"   We learn someone is locked away for bringing too much joy? his name is Malachoz. Faenor has heard of somebody who lived in Beaumar, that was a tiefling or devilish in someway, that maybe had disappeared at some point. They were wanted from the law . Supposedly this guy was caught by moon elves, who don't usually pursuit people like this. The moon elves of the Sahd Nanuil. That is where we are at. so the elves of this land cuaght this guy a couple of hundred years ago.   Malachoz doesn't know his mom. His father was Graz'zt. Only Faenore has heard of this. Malcoz of a beautiful and seductive prince of the abyss. His father has conquered 3 layers of it's infinit3e realm.   We learn when Malachoz was in Calembar, he was excited, because he was in a new city. He's part devil. He has red eyes.   Lyra tries to comfort him by sending warmth to his cold skin. He gives her a stone that his sister Isodle gave him. It's a small yellow stone that can be used only by a very holy person. It's a stone of heat metal. the only thing he has wanted, which is warmth, and he can't use it.   WE learn the stone is very holy. Faenore uses the gem to cast heat metal on the bars to warm him. Malachoz loves the warmth and gives Faenore a sly smile as if he has deceived us. He gives Faenore a key and says to take it to the veiled market where he has an associate. Malachoz has a sinister look in his eyes as the bars heat red hot.   Faenore gives Lyra the key that Malachoz gives us to shut her the fuck up. I works   Lyra gives CAllun all of her money as she learns he's just here to make a buck.   we leave Malachoz and have a key ot sometihing. Lyra asks what the treasure is to Malachoz, and he says it's the friends we made along the way and to tell Arindille, "Thank you"   Marachoz says, hat he can see why ARindile chose us? Lyra has no idea who he is, but others have heard of him as a famous explorer. Malachoz tells Lyra that she is nothing more or less than she should be as he sees she's just trying to please people and make people proud of her.   As we leave, we see Marchoz has a sinister look on his face, but Lyra believes he will find beauty, even though that is not the case.   We leave the temple and find hat there are no arrows pointing at us. We find a cave to stay in for the night. it is safe. We study the key we were given. It's a golden key with a black gem and 3 flowers on it. Leland studies how to save a moltov bomb like flowers. Tempest practices with a short sword.   Leland takes first watch. Callun, Faenore, and Lyra meditate. Temepst sleeping deeply. Leland sees a bright light coming towards everyone.   A voice comes from the light. It's Aurendille.. He's disappointed in all of us. apparently we failed his test. We have one more opportunity to make things right. He disappears and says we only see him again if we make things right.   Faenore, in his meditation prays for insight. He sees that we are being tested and have failed. He feels the solution could probably be easily fixed, by the moon elves, and maybe even Aurendille, but we've been left to figure it out for our selves. This is a continuation of the test and we have failed the first part.   Callun takes second watch and during his watch, he fell asleep somehow. He relaxed too much and fell into a meditative state. He gets attacked suddenly by an unknown force. This force slowly starts to take each of us out. Taking out Callun, Leland, and then attacks Tempest who wakes up screaming alerting Faenor and Leland. Faenor wakes up with a monster that looks like Rat of unusual size biting his face. Leland wakes up and sees 4 rats of unusual size eating his friends. He takes action and shoots a firebolt at one of them. He injures it but does not kill it.   Suddenly a magical energy emanates from it. Further injuring those that are unconscious which is Callun and Lyra. Tempest attempts to stab one of the large rats. decapitating it. He mortally wounds a second one.   Faenor runs over to Lyra an uses Lay on Hands on her restoring enough health to wake her and moves over to Callun.   Lyra comes back to life thanks to Faenor and and she stabilizes Callun, however he is attacked immediately and falls unconscious again. Lyra then is attacked and is unconscious again. by Callun's unconscious body. Callun barely hangs onto life.   Leland attacks the one on Calluln's face and destroys it. Callun now has a scare across his face.   Tempest attacks another one, but misses it. However, he has a critical hit with his offhand and severely damaged one of the large rats.   IN a moment of utmost urgency, Faenore brings Callun back to life with Lay on hands and then uses his body to protect Lyra in her unconscious state.   Thanks to Faenore, Callun wakes up and attacks the one that Tempest attacked, and completely annihilates the large rat. Out of an instance of luck, he is able to kill a second rat saving the rest of the group.   However, Faenor takes the next watch and makes sure we are safe as we sleep. and last watch is successfuly with the help of everyone. However, Lyra, meaning well, is suspicious of Callun because of his white hair, but does try to see the best in him.   We learn from Leland, that there once was a novice spell caster who accidentally brought to life an evil monster who has a taste for magical spells and items. It holds vicious grudges against them, and that is why we were attacked. They are known to imitate the sound of whimpering children to lure people into their traps. spells cast on them, might reflect off of them and land on anyone around them causing an explosion.   If you see one, it means there are more. we wake up and go to the moon elves. Lyra knows that the moon elves are not friendly with high elves as the think they are uppity and snooty. Moon elves are a little fanatical and feel they were meant to change the coarse of history by destroying the evil that comes along. They are important and don't take kindly to people walking into their area, and if we go to them, they may not take kindly to us.   We travel for about a day toward the moon elves. we are watched on the journey there. Lyra shouts out that they seek guidance from the moon elves, however and arrow is shot towards Lyra's feet indicating it wants them to leave. Faenore, then shouts out we are trying to correct our mistakes, and moon elf walks out. She has pale blueish skin with black hair with mithril armor and is very stern looking.   She stands before us, and sits her bow before her leaning forward. She tells us we are not welcome here and to turn around and leave.   Faenore blesses her with Correllon' and receives a Sleune blessing in stead.   Selune is the goddess of the moon.   Faenore tries to charm this moon elf by explaining we are trying to repair our actions, but we don't know how.   We laern that Aurendille is respected amongst the moon elves, and against their better judgement, was told to let us inter into that prison.   As they struggled to maintain their fait in Aurendille, Lyra released Malachoz. Aurendille has assured that things will be made right.   We are told to go and make things right. Lyra asked why Malachoz was bad. We learn Malachoz preyed apon folks. HIs name is Malazhoz the debacherer. He preys upon the people of Baumar. He is a demon. Lyra inquires more as she hasn't heard of him. IN the darkets corners of Baumar, there are stories of secret passageways and forgotten passageways underneath the cities surface....Legends tell of untold treasures guarded by ancient spirits. Some have claimed to have glimmers of shiny artifacts and ethereal whispers. Although few have found these treasures. Most who have tried are never seen again. Those that wander off in solitude will find the entrance to the labyrinth. It was built it Malachoz's name.   WE are told if we want to solve this, to go to Beaumar and find the labyrinth, and lead to our death. That is where we will find Malachoz.   Malachoz means the "evil power". Lyra tells the moon elves that we promise to make right what we have wronged, and this promise of our death is satisfactory to the moon elves.   Tempest asks the moon elves where they get the mithril for their armor, and we learn that they get their mithril form Mithril Hold.   they hope Aurendille, the silver dragon is right about us.   With arrows on us, we walk out of this place alive. However, we are without a water source and are very thirsty. Our water genasi, Tempest does not have the ability to make us water.   Leland finds a cave that has a pool of water in it. The desperately drink the water and the learn there is bat guano everywhere in the water. Lyra uses prestidigitation to clean it as best she can, and Leland gathers some of the guano that is in the water.   we go deeper into the cave   we find water falling into a hole that seems indefinite. Faenor finds a rope ladder. Tempest allows Faenore to take the ladder down first.   He climbs the ladder down, and everyone follows. As Tempest decsends, he covers the hole we are going down with the rock initially hiding it.   We climb down the rope that leads to a ramp that leads down with a cave into the wall where we could rest. a group of drow appraches up the ramp while we sleep. Lyla uses mold earth to cover them, but they are discovered when Callun looks out through a slit. Lyra uses mold earth to remove the middle part of the hidden door and everyone decides to fight the drow from behind while they are on the ramp.   We all know that drow use deadly arrows and Lyra tries to tell everyone we should not engage. Faenor builds a manikin out of his armor and luggage. Lyla lowers part of the wall. Tempest is able to use the spell "Gust" to blow 3 of the drow off the edge.   Leland and Callun shoot a drow climbing down the rope ladder. They destroy him before he even knows what happened.   Lyra casts a heal on him and ties him up. AS she tries to make peace with everyone, Leland attacks him by punching him and as Callun tries to shoot him with a bow, Lyra pushes him, damage would have hit Lyra but Faenore takes the damage for her. Lyra tries to make peace amongst everyone. The drow confesses his life is miserable. As they speak Allun attacks when the drow makes a comment about his family. As Lyra is held back from protecting the drow by Faenor, Callun attacks the drow and stabs him with his dagger.   The drow was able to release himself from his bonds, and throws a poisonous dagger at callun, damaging him greatly. The drow dies saying he knew he was right about everything he's ever heard about elves being evil and dies.   Faenor stops the poison damage and Leland cures Callun. Tempest drags the drow out and Lyra sits feeling defeated and let down by her friends.   Faenor finds a new resting spot. and the rest of the night goes without any interruption.   We decide to climb out of the cave and go back to Beaumar. It's the next day which is Tempesember 10th.   While hunting, Callun shoots a stag, but hears a branch breaking in the forest. he discovers we are being tracked by 4 drow about 200 ft away.   they are using sign language to talk to each other. Callun is able to warn us. Lyra asks that we just try to move on and avoid a fight, but the group has other plans.   Lyra shouts out in elvish that she just wishes to go home and there be no more fighting in hopes that everyone just goes their own separate ways.   However, Temepest casts a fog cloud and hides behind a tree. Lyra uses minor illlusion to make is seem as if we are running in another direction.   They seem to fall for Lyra's illusion and run passed everyone.   We find a place to rest. Lyra sets an alarm of string and bells. Faenor and Leland makes an elementary swing trap to capture anyone that runs through. Callun creates his own alarm system. Tempest wants to help, but isn't really able to do anything.   We have a quiet night and get some rest.   We gather our trap materials. and continue on our way.   It's now Tempestember 11.   Faenore detects that we are being followed by Drow again. They don't seem to be on our trail and our looking for us.   We are able to avoid them thanks to Faenor paying attention. We get to the the edge of the forest.   We are able to sleep without issue, but feel quite paranoid of being pursued by the drow.   We reach the planes and feel like we finally aren't being followed anymore. WE get another rest and easy trip. It's now Tempestsember 13th.   WE get another rest, and go unbothered. It's now Tempestsember the 14th. we rest yet again. It's now the 15th. Travel has been pretty quiet, but weather has been very stormy.   We do find a good shelter to hide from the storm, so it puts us a bit behind. On a few days in, Tempest encounters a water elemental coming towards our camp. Luckily Tempest know Aquan, the language it speaks and tells it we mean no harm. this elemental is looking for a diamond that was took from its lake. Tempest tells it we will keep an eye out for it and return it if we find it. It's diamond with a swirling water inside and will lead to the water plane if broken. It keeps us safe while we rest.   We finally make it back the bridge of Beaumar and this is where we end.                                          

SONG- Semuanya- God of the scale

Semuanya- God of the Scales:   Verse 1: Oh Semuanya, god of the scale, With power to make the earth shake and quail. In the sweltering heat of the desert land, We bow to you with reverence so grand.   Chorus: Semuanya, Semuanya, Reptile god of the earth and sky. Semuanya, Semuanya, With your strength we'll never die.   Verse 2: With your piercing eyes and sharpened claws, You strike fear in the bravest of all. But to your loyal followers, you bring us hope, Guiding us through the dangers we must cope.   Chorus: Semuanya, Semuanya, Reptile god of the earth and sky. Semuanya, Semuanya, With your strength we'll never die.   Verse 3: We offer up our prayers and our praise, To the one who rules over all our days. May your blessings be forever true, Oh Semuanya, we worship you.   Chorus: Semuanya, Semuanya, Reptile god of the earth and sky. Semuanya, Semuanya, With your strength we'll never die.            

POEM- Asmodeus's Golden Arse

In the Nine Hells, where darkness dwells, Lies Asmodeus, a devil of tales. With schemes so grand, his mind so sly, He plots and plans with an evil eye.   But let me share a little jest, About his arse, quite unimpressed. For you see, it gleams so bright, Like golden treasure in the night.   Asmodeus, the lord so feared, With a rear end that's quite revered. His foes may quake and minions cower, But his golden behind steals the hour.   He struts around with pride so bold, His posterior, worth more than gold. His subjects bow, their eyes aglow, Asmodeus' arse, a sight to behold.

Session One- The Last Day Festival

We start in Beaumar. It's the "Last Day Festival" and it's a really fun time. Leland and Lyra and Tempest have a music dual with some bards. All of us accept Tempest and Feynore partake in a hallucinogen given to us by a guy named James.   Leland and Lyra meet 2 snakes named Jazeril and Auromon. Jazeriel is a beautiful white snake with wings. Auromon is a black snake that seems more sinister.   Callun drunkenly meets a succubs and has a great time   Auromon transforms into Asmodeus. Leland asks for infinite knowledge on alchemy. Asmodeus offers adv on alchemy rolls so long as Leland promises to never serve any god and be an athiest. Leland signs a contract even though Lyla tries to stop him. Lyla was speaking Infernal, but didn't realize it.   We wake up the next morning with little memory of what happened.   We meet a fella named Ourendille. He's a treasure hunter whos been in many adventrues. He's very nice and offers for us to travel with him to a temple about a week a way and help him through it. If we do, he'll give Leland some red dragon scales and let us pick a treasure from the other side of it.   Ourendille goes ahead of us to clear the way, and we never see him again. However, we easily find food and go unbotherd for the whole trip.   We get to the temple and have to go through some traps and puzzles. One was an acid barrel thing and the other was a crypt full of tombs. Leland discovers one of them is carved different then the others and we find a staircase down.   We end in a room where we here a voice that says, "Finally....Visitors."

Session Zero Summer Camp

Session Zero:   Characters: Brad: Dwarf/Water Genasi Sorceror- Tempest Cam: Dwarf Artificer- Leland Collin: Wood Elf Rogue- Callon Randi: High Elf Bard- Lyra Spectralsong Alix: High Elf Paladin- Feynor   Summer Camp year one- 11 years old: Lyra saved Tempest, Leland and Leland's dad from a deserted island after they crashed there. Tempest had nearly drowned and was saved by Leland. Yole gave a waterbreathing necklace to Lyra for saving them.   Feynor got a tatoo from a Satyr. It gives her advantage on certain rolls. We though it might be bad, so we tried to get rid of it for her. Tempest accidentally used acid splash and ended up scarring and blinding Leland's eye/face and blinding one of Lyra's eyes.   Tempest is very short in stature.   Summer Camp year two- 12 years old Feynor finds a ring that her parents are going to give to her when comes of age. Leland and all of us find a cave where we are chased by a drow. Lyra accidentally learns Prestidigitation while running. She hides the footprints of everyone while Feynore blinds the drow with constant shots of firebolt.   Summer Camp year 3 13 years old Tempest becomes an outcast of their village Lyra finds an artifact which her parents take from her. it cause them great fortune, but at the cost of half her mothers lifeline. Lyra does not know about this Leland is being watched by a cult because he lied to them about serving their god. They now keep tabs on him Feynor gets stuck dancing forever in the fey wild. Leland and Tempest offer a favor to the archfey there to save her. This fey can cash it in at any time   Summer Camp Year 4 14 years old   Leland's dad is being searched for by an evil entity because it wants his first born. Yole made a deal with another entity to protect Leland, but it's at a great cost. Leland does not know about this.   Lyra falls into an ancient tomb with reptilian carvings. She meets a god named Semeuya. She sings a song for her and Semoya is so moved she cries giving Lyra 2 tears with healing powers. These tears heal the blindness of Leland and Lyra.   Tempest has a cursed tatoo from a fey that is going to start turning into a bat at a certain birthday and once complete will have to join the menagerie of that fey.   Tempest gets a pet lizard   Summer Camp Year 5 15 years old Lyra burns down her parents vacation home by accident. Feynore gets an ability from a fey while at the ocean one day. Her name is Surula. She's an arch fey of the water. She is now a patron to all of us. She has asked that we travel to the land of Larumar and try to find out what happened to Larue, her friend and lover. They were separated when these lands were torn apart and they have not seen each other since.   She will award us with a boon or benefit if we help her.   Summer Camp Year 6 16 years old Lyra and Feynore are attacked by Lizardfolk in the woods. Feynore is captured and Lyra runs away in fear. Riddled by guilt, Lyra decides to go back for Feynore. The lizardfolk end up releasing them as Semeuya shows up and demands it.   Tempest does something to get disadvantage on hitting elves   Leland gets a ring that gives him +1 intelligence


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